-#ifdef 0
- // TODO: This disabled code is not working well and got replaced by custom weapon priorities.
- // However, this logic should be refactored and moved to weapons code so each new weapon can be
- // evaluated dynamically by bots without updating the "ai" or config files. --mand1nga
- float s, distancefromfloor, currentscore;
- // Formula:
- // (Damage/Sec * Weapon spefic change to get that damage)
- // *(Time to get to target * weapon specfic hitchange bonus) / (in a time of maxdelaytime)
- // *(Spread change of hit) // if it applies
- // *(Penality for target beeing in air)
- // %weaponaddpoint
- traceline(self.enemy.origin,self.enemy.origin-'0 0 1000',TRUE,world);
- distancefromfloor = self.enemy.origin_z - trace_endpos_z;
- if (client_hasweapon(self, WEP_MINSTANEX, TRUE, FALSE))
- minstanex = (1000/cvar("g_balance_minstanex_refire")*1.0)
- * (0.5);
- if (client_hasweapon(self, WEP_ROCKET_LAUNCHER, TRUE, FALSE) &&
- !( cvar("bot_ai_weapon_combo") && self.weapon == WEP_ROCKET_LAUNCHER &&
- af > combo_time
- )
- )
- rocket = (cvar("g_balance_rocketlauncher_damage")/cvar("g_balance_rocketlauncher_refire")*0.75)
- * bound(0,(cvar("g_balance_rocketlauncher_speed")/distance*maxdelaytime),1)*1.5;
- if (client_hasweapon(self, WEP_NEX, TRUE, FALSE) &&
- !( cvar("bot_ai_weapon_combo") && self.weapon == WEP_NEX &&
- af > combo_time
- )
- )
- nex = (cvar("g_balance_nex_damage")/cvar("g_balance_nex_refire")*1.0)
- * (0.5);
- if (client_hasweapon(self, WEP_HAGAR, TRUE, FALSE) ) // &&
- // !( cvar("bot_ai_weapon_combo") && self.weapon == WEP_HAGAR && time < self.bot_lastshot + cvar("g_balance_hagar_primary_refire") ))
- hagar = (cvar("g_balance_hagar_primary_damage")/cvar("g_balance_hagar_primary_refire")*1.0)
- * bound(0,(cvar("g_balance_hagar_primary_speed")/distance*maxdelaytime),1)*0.2;
- if (client_hasweapon(self, WEP_GRENADE_LAUNCHER, TRUE, FALSE) &&
- !(
- cvar("bot_ai_weapon_combo") && self.weapon == WEP_GRENADE_LAUNCHER &&
- af > combo_time
- )
- )
- grenade = (cvar("g_balance_grenadelauncher_primary_damage")/cvar("g_balance_grenadelauncher_primary_refire")*1.0)
- * bound(0,(cvar("g_balance_grenadelauncher_primary_speed")/distance*maxdelaytime),1)*1.1;
- if (client_hasweapon(self, WEP_MINE_LAYER, TRUE, FALSE) &&
- !(
- cvar("bot_ai_weapon_combo") && self.weapon == WEP_MINE_LAYER &&
- af > combo_time
- )
- )
- mine = (cvar("g_balance_minelayer_damage")/cvar("g_balance_minelayer_refire")*1.0)
- * bound(0,(cvar("g_balance_minelayer_speed")/distance*maxdelaytime),1)*1.1;
- if (client_hasweapon(self, WEP_ELECTRO, TRUE, FALSE) &&
- !( cvar("bot_ai_weapon_combo") && self.weapon == WEP_ELECTRO &&
- af > combo_time
- )
- )
- electro = (cvar("g_balance_electro_primary_damage")/cvar("g_balance_electro_primary_refire")*0.75)
- * bound(0,(cvar("g_balance_electro_primary_speed")/distance*maxdelaytime),1)*1.0;
- if (client_hasweapon(self, WEP_CRYLINK, TRUE, FALSE) ) // &&
- // !( self.weapon == WEP_CRYLINK && time < self.bot_lastshot + cvar("g_balance_crylink_primary_refire") ))
- crylink = (cvar("g_balance_crylink_primary_damage")/cvar("g_balance_crylink_primary_refire")*1.0)
- * bound(0,(cvar("g_balance_crylink_primary_speed")/distance*maxdelaytime),1)*(64/(32+cvar("g_balance_crylink_primary_spread")*distance))*1.0;
- if (client_hasweapon(self, WEP_UZI, TRUE, FALSE) ) // &&
- // !( self.weapon == WEP_UZI && time < self.bot_lastshot + cvar("g_balance_uzi_sustained_refire") ))
- uzi = (cvar("g_balance_uzi_sustained_damage")/cvar("g_balance_uzi_sustained_refire")*1.0)
- * bound(0,32/(32+cvar("g_balance_uzi_sustained_spread")*distance),1);
- if (client_hasweapon(self, WEP_SHOTGUN, TRUE, FALSE) &&
- !( cvar("bot_ai_weapon_combo") && self.weapon == WEP_SHOTGUN &&
- af > combo_time
- )
- )
- shotgun = (cvar("g_balance_shotgun_primary_damage")*cvar("g_balance_shotgun_primary_bullets")/cvar("g_balance_shotgun_primary_refire")*1.0)
- * bound(0,32/(32+cvar("g_balance_shotgun_primary_spread")*distance),1);
- if (client_hasweapon(self, WEP_LASER, FALSE, FALSE) &&
- !( cvar("bot_ai_weapon_combo") && self.weapon == WEP_LASER &&
- af > combo_time
- )
- )
- laser = (cvar("g_balance_laser_primary_damage")/cvar("g_balance_laser_primary_refire")*1.0)
- * bound(0,cvar("g_balance_laser_primary_speed")/distance*maxdelaytime,1);
- if((self.enemy.flags & FL_ONGROUND)==FALSE){
- rocket = rocket * (1.5-bound(0, distancefromfloor/cvar("g_balance_rocketlauncher_radius" ),0.9)); //slight bigger change
- grenade = grenade * (1.5-bound(0,distancefromfloor/cvar("g_balance_grenadelauncher_primary_radius"),0.95));
- electro = electro * (1.5-bound(0,distancefromfloor/cvar("g_balance_electro_primary_radius" ),0.95));
- laser = laser * (1.5-bound(0,distancefromfloor/cvar("g_balance_laser_primary_radius" ),0.95));
- }
- /*
- dprint("Floor distance: ",ftos(distancefromfloor),"\n");
- dprint("Rocket: " , ftos(rocket ), "\n");
- dprint("Nex: " , ftos(nex ), "\n");
- dprint("Hagar: " , ftos(hagar ), "\n");
- dprint("Grenade: ", ftos(grenade ), "\n");
- dprint("Mine: " , ftos(mine ), "\n");
- dprint("Electro: ", ftos(electro ), "\n");
- dprint("Crylink: ", ftos(crylink ), "\n");
- dprint("Uzi: " , ftos(uzi ), "\n");
- dprint("Shotgun :", ftos(shotgun ), "\n");
- dprint("Laser :", ftos(laser ), "\n\n");
- */
- currentscore = -1;
- w = WEP_MINSTANEX ;s = minstanex;if (s > bestscore){bestscore = s;bestweapon = w;} if (self.switchweapon == w) currentscore = s;
- w = WEP_ROCKET_LAUNCHER ;s = rocket ;if (s > bestscore){bestscore = s;bestweapon = w;} if (self.switchweapon == w) currentscore = s;
- w = WEP_NEX ;s = nex ;if (s > bestscore){bestscore = s;bestweapon = w;} if (self.switchweapon == w) currentscore = s;
- w = WEP_HAGAR ;s = hagar ;if (s > bestscore){bestscore = s;bestweapon = w;} if (self.switchweapon == w) currentscore = s;
- w = WEP_GRENADE_LAUNCHER ;s = grenade ;if (s > bestscore){bestscore = s;bestweapon = w;} if (self.switchweapon == w) currentscore = s;
- w = WEP_MINE_LAYER ;s = mine ;if (s > bestscore){bestscore = s;bestweapon = w;} if (self.switchweapon == w) currentscore = s;
- w = WEP_ELECTRO ;s = electro ;if (s > bestscore){bestscore = s;bestweapon = w;} if (self.switchweapon == w) currentscore = s;
- w = WEP_CRYLINK ;s = crylink ;if (s > bestscore){bestscore = s;bestweapon = w;} if (self.switchweapon == w) currentscore = s;
- w = WEP_UZI ;s = uzi ;if (s > bestscore){bestscore = s;bestweapon = w;} if (self.switchweapon == w) currentscore = s;
- w = WEP_SHOTGUN ;s = shotgun ;if (s > bestscore){bestscore = s;bestweapon = w;} if (self.switchweapon == w) currentscore = s;
- w = WEP_LASER ;s = laser ;if (s > bestscore){bestscore = s;bestweapon = w;} if (self.switchweapon == w) currentscore = s;
- // switch if the best weapon would provide a significant damage increase
- if (bestscore > currentscore*1.5){
- self.switchweapon = bestweapon;
- // buys time for detonating the rocket. not tested yet
- if ( cvar("bot_ai_weapon_combo") && bestweapon == WEP_ROCKET_LAUNCHER )
- self.bot_chooseweapontime += (distance / cvar("g_balance_rocketlauncher_speed"));
- }
void havocbot_aim()
+++ /dev/null
-string(float c) colorname =
- // yikes, the quake color set is HARD to describe
- // many are easy, but, uh, 2 browns???
- // 2 purples???
- // that 'pink' is hard to classify
- // I think 'biege' is a fairly good name for color 10
- // oh well, gotta do all the color names...
- if (c == 0) return "white";
- else if (c == 1) return "brown";
- else if (c == 2) return "lightblue";
- else if (c == 3) return "green";
- else if (c == 4) return "red";
- else if (c == 5) return "lighterbrown";
- else if (c == 6) return "orange";
- else if (c == 7) return "pink";
- else if (c == 8) return "purple";
- else if (c == 9) return "redishpurple";
- else if (c == 10) return "biege";
- else if (c == 11) return "aqua";
- else if (c == 12) return "yellow";
- else if (c == 13) return "blue";
- else if (c == 14) return "flamingorange";
- else if (c == 15) return "psychadelic";
- else return "INVALID COLOR";
-float mode_shirtmustmatchpants;
-float mode_numteams;
-float mode_allowedteams[17];
-float mode_teamcount[17];
-float mode_teamscore[17];
-void() mode_initallowedteams =
- local float c;
- c = 0;
- while(c < 17)
- {
- mode_allowedteams[c] = FALSE;
- c = c + 1;
- }
- mode_allowedteams[5] = TRUE; // red
- mode_allowedteams[14] = TRUE; // blue
- if (deathmatch == DM_ELIM
- || deathmatch == DM_ONEVSALL
- || deathmatch == DM_CTF_2TEAM
- || deathmatch == DM_DOMINATION
- || deathmatch == DM_SUPERDOMINATION)
- mode_numteams = 2;
- else if (deathmatch == DM_CTF_3TEAM)
- {
- mode_numteams = 3;
- mode_allowedteams[13] = TRUE; // yellow
- }
- else
- {
- mode_numteams = 16;
- c = 1;
- while(c < 17)
- {
- mode_allowedteams[c] = TRUE;
- c = c + 1;
- }
- }
-float(float t) validteam =
- return mode_allowedteams[t];
-float() weakestteam =
- local float bestteam;
- local float bestteamcount;
- local float headcount;
- local float c;
- bestteam = -1;
- bestteamcount = 0;
- c = 1;
- while (c < 17)
- {
- if (mode_allowedteams[c])
- {
- headcount = mode_teamcount[c];
- if (bestteamcount > headcount || bestteam == -1)
- {
- bestteamcount = headcount;
- bestteam = c;
- }
- }
- c = c + 1;
- }
- return bestteam;
-void() updateteams =
- local entity head;
- local float c;
- c = 1;
- while (c < 17)
- {
- mode_teamcount[c] = 0;
- mode_teamscore[c] = 0;
- c = c + 1;
- }
- c = 0;
- head = nextent(world);
- while (c < maxclients)
- {
- mode_teamcount[head.team] = mode_teamcount[head.team] + 1;
- mode_teamscore[head.team] = mode_teamscore[head.team] + head.frags;
- c = c + 1;
- head = nextent(head);
- }
-float(float p) checkteamcolor =
- if (!validteam(p + 1))
- p = weakestteam() - 1;
- return p;
-void(float c) SV_ChangeTeam =
- local float pants, shirt, old;
- old = self.clientcolors & 15;
- if (c >= 0)
- {
- pants = c & 15;
- shirt = (c / 16) & 15;
- }
- else
- {
- pants = -1;
- shirt = -1;
- }
- pants = checkteamcolor(pants);
- if (mode_shirtmustmatchpants || shirt < 0)
- shirt = pants;
- setcolor(self, pants + shirt * 16);
- if (pants != old && old >= 0 && teams_matter && deathmatch)
- {
- T_Damage(self, self, self, 0, 0, " changed teams", DT_TELEFRAG, self.origin, '0 0 0', Obituary_Generic);
- self.frags = 0;
- PutClientInServer ();
- }
-void() checkinvalidteam =
- // call SV_ChangeTeam to trigger the weakestteam change
- if (!validteam(self.team))
- SV_ChangeTeam(self.team - 1);
-string dmmessage;
-void(string m) setdm =
-void(string m) setteamplay =
-void() mode_updatecvars =
-float nextcvarupdate;
-void() deathmatch7update;
-void() modeupdate =
- if (time > nextcvarupdate)
- {
- nextcvarupdate = time + 1;
- mode_updatecvars();
- }
- deathmatch7update();
-// true if items should respawn
-float itemrespawn;
-// when the next monster spawning check will occur in deathmatch 7 mode
-float spawnchecktime;
-void() precachemonsters;
-void() superdomination_precache;
-void() modesetup =
- mode_shirtmustmatchpants = deathmatch >= DM_TEAM_MODS_START && deathmatch < DM_TEAM_MODS_END;
- mode_initallowedteams();
- itemrespawn = cvar("deathmatch") + cvar("coop");
- // don't spawn any monsters until 15 seconds
- spawnchecktime = 15;
- if (deathmatch == 7 || cvar("spawnmonsters") >= 1)
- precachemonsters();
- superdomination_precache();
-float monsterspawn;
-void() spawnmonster_think =
- //local float c;
- local void() sfunc;
- self.nextthink = time;
- if (time > self.cnt)
- {
- remove(self);
- return;
- }
- if (vlen(self.velocity) > 5)
- return; // try again later
- //if (!(self.flags & FL_FLY))
- // droptofloor();
- // don't spawn if something is in the way
- /*
- // walk around a lot
- if (walkmove(0,0))
- {
- if (self.lefty > 0)
- {
- c = 100;
- self.lefty = self.lefty - 1;
- self.angles = '0 0 0';
- while(c > 0)
- {
- c = c - 1;
- if (!walkmove(self.angles_y, 16))
- self.angles_y = random() * 360;
- }
- self.angles = '0 0 0';
- return;
- }
- }
- */
- // don't spawn if something is in the way
- if (!walkmove(0,0))
- {
- self.lefty = 10;
- setorigin(self, self.dest);
- self.flags = self.flags - (self.flags & FL_ONGROUND);
- self.velocity = randomvec() * 700 + '0 0 1000';
- return;
- }
- newmis = findchain(classname, "player");
- while (newmis)
- {
- if (vlen(newmis.origin - self.origin) < 300)
- return;
- newmis = newmis.chain;
- }
- if (self.netname == "monster_fish")
- {
- if (pointcontents(self.origin) != CONTENT_WATER)
- {
- remove(self);
- return;
- }
- }
- // spawn in
- self.movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE;
- self.solid = SOLID_NOT;
- self.velocity = '0 0 0';
- self.flags = 0;
- self.model = "";
- self.modelindex = 0;
- setorigin(self, self.origin);
- self.angles = '0 360 0' * random();
- self.classname = self.netname;
- self.netname = "";
- self.cnt = 0;
- self.think = SUB_Remove;
- sfunc = self.th_run;
- self.th_run = SUB_Null;
- te_teleport(self.origin);
- monsterspawn = TRUE;
- sfunc();
- monsterspawn = FALSE;
-void(vector org, float c1, float c2, string cname, void() spawnfunc, vector m1, vector m2) spawnmonster =
- local float c;
- c = (c2 - c1) * random() + c1;
- c = rint(c);
- while (c > 0)
- {
- c = c - 1;
- newmis = spawn();
- newmis.cnt = time + 10;
- if (cname == "monster_wizard")
- newmis.cnt = time + 2;
- newmis.lefty = 10;
- newmis.dest = org;
- newmis.classname = "spawningmonster";
- newmis.netname = cname;
- newmis.solid = SOLID_TRIGGER;
- newmis.movetype = MOVETYPE_TOSS;
- newmis.flags = FL_MONSTER; // make this count as a monster even though it hasn't spawned in yet
- newmis.velocity = randomvec() * 700 + '0 0 1000';
- newmis.th_run = spawnfunc;
- newmis.think = spawnmonster_think;
- newmis.nextthink = time + random() * 0.5 + 0.3;
- setorigin(newmis, org);
- setmodel(newmis, "progs/s_explod.spr");
- setsize(newmis, m1, m2);
- }
-void() monster_army;
-void() monster_demon1;
-void() monster_dog;
-void() monster_enforcer;
-void() monster_hell_knight;
-void() monster_knight;
-void() monster_ogre;
-void() monster_shalrath;
-void() monster_shambler;
-void() monster_tarbaby;
-void() monster_wizard;
-void() monster_zombie;
-void() monster_fish;
-void() monster_hellfish;
-void() spawnmonsters =
- local float r;
- local vector org;
- local entity head, e;
- head = findchain(classname, "info_player_deathmatch");
- if (head == world)
- {
- head = findchain(classname, "info_player_coop");
- if (head == world)
- {
- head = findchain(classname, "info_player_start");
- if (head == world)
- return;
- }
- }
- // count the spawn points
- r = 0;
- e = head;
- while (e)
- {
- r = r + 1;
- e = e.chain;
- }
- // pick a random one
- r = random() * r;
- e = head;
- while (r > 0)
- {
- r = r - 1;
- org = e.origin;
- e = e.chain;
- }
- // pick a type of monster
- if (cvar("registered"))
- {
- r = floor(random() * 13);
- if (r > 12)
- r = 12;
- }
- else
- {
- r = floor(random() * 8);
- if (r > 7)
- r = 7;
- }
- if (r == 0) spawnmonster(org, 5, 10, "monster_army" , monster_army , '-16 -16 -24', '16 16 32');
- else if (r == 1) spawnmonster(org, 3, 6, "monster_demon1" , monster_demon1 , '-32 -32 -24', '32 32 64');
- else if (r == 2) spawnmonster(org, 6, 12, "monster_dog" , monster_dog , '-16 -16 -24', '16 16 32');
- else if (r == 3) spawnmonster(org, 6, 12, "monster_knight" , monster_knight , '-16 -16 -24', '16 16 32');
- else if (r == 4) spawnmonster(org, 3, 6, "monster_ogre" , monster_ogre , '-32 -32 -24', '32 32 64');
- else if (r == 5) spawnmonster(org, 1, 1, "monster_shambler" , monster_shambler , '-32 -32 -24', '32 32 64');
- else if (r == 6) spawnmonster(org, 6, 10, "monster_wizard" , monster_wizard , '-16 -16 -24', '16 16 32');
- else if (r == 7) spawnmonster(org, 8, 16, "monster_zombie" , monster_zombie , '-16 -16 -24', '16 16 32');
- else if (r == 8) spawnmonster(org, 4, 8, "monster_enforcer" , monster_enforcer , '-16 -16 -24', '16 16 32');
- else if (r == 9) spawnmonster(org, 4, 8, "monster_hell_knight", monster_hell_knight, '-16 -16 -24', '16 16 32');
- else if (r == 10) spawnmonster(org, 1, 3, "monster_shalrath" , monster_shalrath , '-32 -32 -24', '32 32 64');
- else if (r == 11) spawnmonster(org, 10, 15, "monster_tarbaby" , monster_tarbaby , '-16 -16 -24', '16 16 32');
- else if (r == 12) spawnmonster(org, 4, 8, "monster_fish" , monster_fish , '-16 -16 -24', '16 16 32');
-float monstersprecached;
-void() precachemonster_army;
-void() precachemonster_demon1;
-void() precachemonster_dog;
-void() precachemonster_enforcer;
-void() precachemonster_hell_knight;
-void() precachemonster_knight;
-void() precachemonster_ogre;
-void() precachemonster_shalrath;
-void() precachemonster_shambler;
-void() precachemonster_tarbaby;
-void() precachemonster_wizard;
-void() precachemonster_zombie;
-void() precachemonster_fish;
-void() precachemonsters =
- precachemonster_army();
- precachemonster_demon1();
- precachemonster_dog();
- precachemonster_knight();
- precachemonster_ogre();
- precachemonster_shambler();
- precachemonster_wizard();
- precachemonster_zombie();
- if (cvar("registered"))
- {
- precachemonster_enforcer();
- precachemonster_hell_knight();
- precachemonster_shalrath();
- precachemonster_tarbaby();
- precachemonster_fish();
- }
- monstersprecached = TRUE;
-float spawnedexitmonsters;
-void() deathmatch7update =
- local entity e;
- local float f, monster_count, monsters;
- if (skill >= 5)
- if (!deathmatch)
- {
- if (!spawnedexitmonsters)
- if (time >= 2)
- {
- spawnedexitmonsters = TRUE;
- e = find(world, classname, "target_changelevel");
- while (e)
- {
- spawnmonster(e.origin + (e.mins + e.maxs) * 0.5, 8, 8, "monster_hellfish", monster_hellfish, '-16 -16 -24', '16 16 32');
- e = find(e, classname, "target_changelevel");
- }
- }
- return;
- }
- if (time < spawnchecktime)
- return;
- if (!monstersprecached)
- return;
- spawnchecktime = time + 0.2;
- monsters = 0;
- if (deathmatch == 7)
- monsters = 50;
- f = cvar("spawnmonsters");
- if (f >= 1)
- monsters = f;
- if (monsters < 1)
- return;
- monster_count = 0;
- e = findchainflags(flags, FL_MONSTER);
- while (e)
- {
- monster_count = monster_count + 1;
- e = e.chain;
- }
- if (monster_count >= monsters)
- return;
- spawnmonsters();