// Info messages panel (#14)
+float autocvar_hud_panel_infomessages_group_fadetime = 0.4;
+float autocvar_hud_panel_infomessages_group_time = 6;
+const int IMG_COUNT = 1; // number of InfoMessage Groups
+float img_fade[IMG_COUNT];
+int img_id[IMG_COUNT];
+float img_time[IMG_COUNT];
+int img_select(int group_id, int msg_cnt)
+ float fadetime = max(0.001, autocvar_hud_panel_infomessages_group_fadetime);
+ if(time > img_time[group_id])
+ {
+ img_fade[group_id] = max(0, img_fade[group_id] - frametime / fadetime);
+ if(!img_fade[group_id])
+ {
+ ++img_id[group_id];
+ img_time[group_id] = floor(time) + autocvar_hud_panel_infomessages_group_time;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ img_fade[group_id] = min(1, img_fade[group_id] + frametime / fadetime);
+ return img_id[group_id] % msg_cnt;
float stringwidth_colors(string s, vector theSize);
vector InfoMessages_drawstring(string s, vector pos, vector sz, float a, vector fontsize)
string s;
+ float img_group;
if(spectatee_status == -1)
s = sprintf(_("^1Spectating: ^7%s"), entcs_GetName(current_player));
InfoMessage(s, panel_fg_alpha);
- if(spectatee_status == -1)
- s = sprintf(_("^1Press ^3%s^1 to spectate"), getcommandkey("primary fire", "+fire"));
- else
- s = sprintf(_("^1Press ^3%s^1 or ^3%s^1 for next or previous player"), getcommandkey("next weapon", "weapnext"), getcommandkey("previous weapon", "weapprev"));
- InfoMessage(s, panel_fg_alpha);
- if(spectatee_status == -1)
- s = sprintf(_("^1Use ^3%s^1 or ^3%s^1 to change the speed"), getcommandkey("next weapon", "weapnext"), getcommandkey("previous weapon", "weapprev"));
- else
- s = sprintf(_("^1Press ^3%s^1 to observe"), getcommandkey("secondary fire", "+fire2"));
- InfoMessage(s, panel_fg_alpha);
- s = sprintf(_("^1Press ^3%s^1 for gamemode info"), getcommandkey("server info", "+show_info"));
- InfoMessage(s, panel_fg_alpha);
+ img_group = 0;
+ switch(img_select(img_group, 3))
+ {
+ default:
+ case 0:
+ if(spectatee_status == -1)
+ s = sprintf(_("^1Press ^3%s^1 to spectate"), getcommandkey("primary fire", "+fire"));
+ else
+ s = sprintf(_("^1Press ^3%s^1 or ^3%s^1 for next or previous player"), getcommandkey("next weapon", "weapnext"), getcommandkey("previous weapon", "weapprev"));
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ if(spectatee_status == -1)
+ s = sprintf(_("^1Use ^3%s^1 or ^3%s^1 to change the speed"), getcommandkey("next weapon", "weapnext"), getcommandkey("previous weapon", "weapprev"));
+ else
+ s = sprintf(_("^1Press ^3%s^1 to observe"), getcommandkey("secondary fire", "+fire2"));
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ s = sprintf(_("^1Press ^3%s^1 for gamemode info"), getcommandkey("server info", "+show_info"));
+ break;
+ }
+ InfoMessage(s, img_fade[img_group] * panel_fg_alpha);
if(gametype == MAPINFO_TYPE_LMS)