// make sure you call makevectors first (FIXME?)
void W_SetupShot_Dir_ProjectileSize_Range(entity ent, .entity weaponentity, vector s_forward, vector mi, vector ma, float antilag, float recoil, Sound snd, float chan, float maxdamage, float range)
- TC(Sound, snd);
+ TC(Sound, snd);
float nudge = 1; // added to traceline target and subtracted from result TOOD(divVerent): do we still need this? Doesn't the engine do this now for us?
float oldsolid;
vector vecs, dv;
float dist_taken = max(autocvar_g_ballistics_mindistance, vlen(trace_endpos - start));
- solid_penetration_left *= (dist_taken / maxdist);
+ solid_penetration_left -= (dist_taken / maxdist);
+ solid_penetration_left = max(solid_penetration_left, 0);
// Only show effect when going through a player (invisible otherwise)
if (hit && (hit.solid != SOLID_BSP))