]> git.rm.cloudns.org Git - xonotic/darkplaces.git/commitdiff
model: Split up headers. Introduce headers for each BSP format.
authorcloudwalk <cloudwalk@d7cf8633-e32d-0410-b094-e92efae38249>
Fri, 2 Oct 2020 01:56:47 +0000 (01:56 +0000)
committercloudwalk <cloudwalk@d7cf8633-e32d-0410-b094-e92efae38249>
Fri, 2 Oct 2020 01:56:47 +0000 (01:56 +0000)
git-svn-id: svn://svn.icculus.org/twilight/trunk/darkplaces@12980 d7cf8633-e32d-0410-b094-e92efae38249

model_q1bsp.h [new file with mode: 0644]
model_q2bsp.h [new file with mode: 0644]
model_q3bsp.h [new file with mode: 0644]
r_qshader.h [new file with mode: 0644]

index 56b3af79475709826dbcb62e56ace1772c820f39..d4966429baa09294f56493fa17520738678a6e9d 100644 (file)
     <ClInclude Include="model_dpmodel.h" />\r
     <ClInclude Include="model_iqm.h" />\r
     <ClInclude Include="model_psk.h" />\r
+    <ClInclude Include="model_q1bsp.h" />\r
+    <ClInclude Include="model_q2bsp.h" />\r
+    <ClInclude Include="model_q3bsp.h" />\r
     <ClInclude Include="model_shared.h" />\r
     <ClInclude Include="model_sprite.h" />\r
     <ClInclude Include="model_zymotic.h" />\r
     <ClInclude Include="quakedef.h" />\r
     <ClInclude Include="r_lerpanim.h" />\r
     <ClInclude Include="r_modules.h" />\r
+    <ClInclude Include="r_qshader.h" />\r
     <ClInclude Include="r_shadow.h" />\r
     <ClInclude Include="r_stats.h" />\r
     <ClInclude Include="r_textures.h" />\r
index af78be8293b332a4ee546532a9d2c717a7ab06e4..65a2015e5a246eff73642bbfc9883ad728fe2f3b 100644 (file)
     <ClInclude Include="model_dpmodel.h" />\r
     <ClInclude Include="model_iqm.h" />\r
     <ClInclude Include="model_psk.h" />\r
+    <ClInclude Include="model_q1bsp.h" />\r
+    <ClInclude Include="model_q2bsp.h" />\r
+    <ClInclude Include="model_q3bsp.h" />\r
     <ClInclude Include="model_shared.h" />\r
     <ClInclude Include="model_sprite.h" />\r
     <ClInclude Include="model_zymotic.h" />\r
     <ClInclude Include="quakedef.h" />\r
     <ClInclude Include="r_lerpanim.h" />\r
     <ClInclude Include="r_modules.h" />\r
+    <ClInclude Include="r_qshader.h" />\r
     <ClInclude Include="r_shadow.h" />\r
     <ClInclude Include="r_stats.h" />\r
     <ClInclude Include="r_textures.h" />\r
index 33e033c1919d485f9ae0109479e5abc001d53d49..bec06c30e43e73e6bac9aba7dca49ee00aa0746c 100644 (file)
@@ -21,6 +21,10 @@ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
 #ifndef MODEL_BRUSH_H
 #define MODEL_BRUSH_H
+#include "qtypes.h"
+#include "qdefs.h"
+#include "bspfile.h"
@@ -235,494 +239,123 @@ typedef struct svbspmesh_s
-// Q2 bsp stuff
-#define Q2BSPMAGIC ('I' + 'B' * 256 + 'S' * 65536 + 'P' * 16777216)
-#define Q2BSPVERSION   38
-// leaffaces, leafbrushes, planes, and verts are still bounded by
-// 16 bit short limits
-#define        Q2LUMP_ENTITIES         0
-#define        Q2LUMP_PLANES                   1
-#define        Q2LUMP_VERTEXES         2
-#define        Q2LUMP_VISIBILITY               3
-#define        Q2LUMP_NODES                    4
-#define        Q2LUMP_TEXINFO          5
-#define        Q2LUMP_FACES                    6
-#define        Q2LUMP_LIGHTING         7
-#define        Q2LUMP_LEAFS                    8
-#define        Q2LUMP_LEAFFACES                9
-#define        Q2LUMP_LEAFBRUSHES      10
-#define        Q2LUMP_EDGES                    11
-#define        Q2LUMP_SURFEDGES                12
-#define        Q2LUMP_MODELS                   13
-#define        Q2LUMP_BRUSHES          14
-#define        Q2LUMP_BRUSHSIDES               15
-#define        Q2LUMP_POP                      16
-#define        Q2LUMP_AREAS                    17
-#define        Q2LUMP_AREAPORTALS      18
-#define        Q2HEADER_LUMPS          19
-typedef struct q2dheader_s
-       int                     ident;
-       int                     version;
-       lump_t          lumps[Q2HEADER_LUMPS];
-} q2dheader_t;
-typedef struct q2dmodel_s
-       float           mins[3], maxs[3];
-       float           origin[3];              // for sounds or lights
-       int                     headnode;
-       int                     firstface, numfaces;    // submodels just draw faces
-                                                                               // without walking the bsp tree
-} q2dmodel_t;
-// planes (x&~1) and (x&~1)+1 are always opposites
-// contents flags are seperate bits
-// a given brush can contribute multiple content bits
-// multiple brushes can be in a single leaf
-// these definitions also need to be in q_shared.h!
-// lower bits are stronger, and will eat weaker brushes completely
-#define        Q2CONTENTS_SOLID                        1               // an eye is never valid in a solid
-#define        Q2CONTENTS_WINDOW                       2               // translucent, but not watery
-#define        Q2CONTENTS_AUX                  4
-#define        Q2CONTENTS_LAVA                 8
-#define        Q2CONTENTS_SLIME                        16
-#define        Q2CONTENTS_WATER                        32
-#define        Q2CONTENTS_MIST                 64
-#define        Q2LAST_VISIBLE_CONTENTS 64
-// remaining contents are non-visible, and don't eat brushes
-#define        Q2CONTENTS_AREAPORTAL           0x8000
-#define        Q2CONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP           0x10000
-#define        Q2CONTENTS_MONSTERCLIP  0x20000
-// currents can be added to any other contents, and may be mixed
-#define        Q2CONTENTS_CURRENT_0            0x40000
-#define        Q2CONTENTS_CURRENT_90           0x80000
-#define        Q2CONTENTS_CURRENT_180  0x100000
-#define        Q2CONTENTS_CURRENT_270  0x200000
-#define        Q2CONTENTS_CURRENT_UP           0x400000
-#define        Q2CONTENTS_CURRENT_DOWN 0x800000
-#define        Q2CONTENTS_ORIGIN                       0x1000000       // removed before bsping an entity
-#define        Q2CONTENTS_MONSTER              0x2000000       // should never be on a brush, only in game
-#define        Q2CONTENTS_DEADMONSTER  0x4000000
-#define        Q2CONTENTS_DETAIL                       0x8000000       // brushes to be added after vis leafs
-#define        Q2CONTENTS_TRANSLUCENT  0x10000000      // auto set if any surface has trans
-#define        Q2CONTENTS_LADDER                       0x20000000
-#define        Q2SURF_LIGHT            0x1             // value will hold the light strength
-#define        Q2SURF_SLICK            0x2             // effects game physics
-#define        Q2SURF_SKY              0x4             // don't draw, but add to skybox
-#define        Q2SURF_WARP             0x8             // turbulent water warp
-#define        Q2SURF_TRANS33  0x10
-#define        Q2SURF_TRANS66  0x20
-#define        Q2SURF_FLOWING  0x40    // scroll towards angle
-#define        Q2SURF_NODRAW           0x80    // don't bother referencing the texture
-#define Q2SURF_HINT            0x100   // make a primary bsp splitter
-#define Q2SURF_SKIP            0x200   // completely ignore, allowing non-closed brushes
-#define Q2SURF_ALPHATEST 0x02000000    // alpha test masking of color 255 in wal textures (supported by modded engines)
-typedef struct q2dnode_s
-       int                     planenum;
-       int                     children[2];    // negative numbers are -(leafs+1), not nodes
-       short           mins[3];                // for frustom culling
-       short           maxs[3];
-       unsigned short  firstface;
-       unsigned short  numfaces;       // counting both sides
-} q2dnode_t;
-typedef struct q2texinfo_s
-       float           vecs[2][4];             // [s/t][xyz offset]
-       int                     flags;                  // miptex flags + overrides
-       int                     value;                  // light emission, etc
-       char            texture[32];    // texture name (textures/something.wal)
-       int                     nexttexinfo;    // for animations, -1 = end of chain
-} q2texinfo_t;
-typedef struct q2dleaf_s
+typedef struct model_brush_lightstyleinfo_s
-       int                             contents;                       // OR of all brushes (not needed?)
-       short                   cluster;
-       short                   area;
-       short                   mins[3];                        // for frustum culling
-       short                   maxs[3];
-       unsigned short  firstleafface;
-       unsigned short  numleaffaces;
-       unsigned short  firstleafbrush;
-       unsigned short  numleafbrushes;
-} q2dleaf_t;
-typedef struct q2dbrushside_s
-       unsigned short  planenum;               // facing out of the leaf
-       short   texinfo;
-} q2dbrushside_t;
-typedef struct q2dbrush_s
-       int                     firstside;
-       int                     numsides;
-       int                     contents;
-} q2dbrush_t;
-// the visibility lump consists of a header with a count, then
-// byte offsets for the PVS and PHS of each cluster, then the raw
-// compressed bit vectors
-#define        Q2DVIS_PVS      0
-#define        Q2DVIS_PHS      1
-typedef struct q2dvis_s
-       int                     numclusters;
-       int                     bitofs[8][2];   // bitofs[numclusters][2]
-} q2dvis_t;
-// each area has a list of portals that lead into other areas
-// when portals are closed, other areas may not be visible or
-// hearable even if the vis info says that it should be
-typedef struct q2dareaportal_s
-       int             portalnum;
-       int             otherarea;
-} q2dareaportal_t;
-typedef struct q2darea_s
-       int             numareaportals;
-       int             firstareaportal;
-} q2darea_t;
-//Q3 bsp stuff
-#define Q3BSPVERSION   46
-#define Q3BSPVERSION_IG        48
-#define        Q3LUMP_ENTITIES         0 // entities to spawn (used by server and client)
-#define        Q3LUMP_TEXTURES         1 // textures used (used by faces)
-#define        Q3LUMP_PLANES           2 // planes used (used by bsp nodes)
-#define        Q3LUMP_NODES            3 // bsp nodes (used by bsp nodes, bsp leafs, rendering, collisions)
-#define        Q3LUMP_LEAFS            4 // bsp leafs (used by bsp nodes)
-#define        Q3LUMP_LEAFFACES        5 // array of ints indexing faces (used by leafs)
-#define        Q3LUMP_LEAFBRUSHES      6 // array of ints indexing brushes (used by leafs)
-#define        Q3LUMP_MODELS           7 // models (used by rendering, collisions)
-#define        Q3LUMP_BRUSHES          8 // brushes (used by effects, collisions)
-#define        Q3LUMP_BRUSHSIDES       9 // brush faces (used by brushes)
-#define        Q3LUMP_VERTICES         10 // mesh vertices (used by faces)
-#define        Q3LUMP_TRIANGLES        11 // mesh triangles (used by faces)
-#define        Q3LUMP_EFFECTS          12 // fog (used by faces)
-#define        Q3LUMP_FACES            13 // surfaces (used by leafs)
-#define        Q3LUMP_LIGHTMAPS        14 // lightmap textures (used by faces)
-#define        Q3LUMP_LIGHTGRID        15 // lighting as a voxel grid (used by rendering)
-#define        Q3LUMP_PVS                      16 // potentially visible set; bit[clusters][clusters] (used by rendering)
-#define        Q3HEADER_LUMPS          17
-#define        Q3LUMP_ADVERTISEMENTS 17 // quake live stuff written by zeroradiant's q3map2 (ignored by DP)
-#define        Q3HEADER_LUMPS_LIVE     18
-#define        Q3HEADER_LUMPS_MAX      18
-typedef struct q3dheader_s
-       int                     ident;
-       int                     version;
-       lump_t          lumps[Q3HEADER_LUMPS_MAX];
-} q3dheader_t;
-typedef struct q3dtexture_s
-       char name[Q3PATHLENGTH];
-       int surfaceflags;
-       int contents;
+       int style;
+       int value;
+       int numsurfaces;
+       int *surfacelist;
-// note: planes are paired, the pair of planes with i and i ^ 1 are opposites.
-typedef struct q3dplane_s
-       float normal[3];
-       float dist;
-typedef struct q3dnode_s
-       int planeindex;
-       int childrenindex[2];
-       int mins[3];
-       int maxs[3];
-typedef struct q3dleaf_s
-       int clusterindex; // pvs index
-       int areaindex; // area index
-       int mins[3];
-       int maxs[3];
-       int firstleafface;
-       int numleaffaces;
-       int firstleafbrush;
-       int numleafbrushes;
+typedef struct model_brush_s
+       // true if this model is a HalfLife .bsp file
+       qbool ishlbsp;
+       // true if this model is a BSP2rmqe .bsp file (expanded 32bit bsp format for rmqe)
+       qbool isbsp2rmqe;
+       // true if this model is a BSP2 .bsp file (expanded 32bit bsp format for DarkPlaces, others?)
+       qbool isbsp2;
+       // true if this model is a Quake2 .bsp file (IBSP38)
+       qbool isq2bsp;
+       // true if this model is a Quake3 .bsp file (IBSP46)
+       qbool isq3bsp;
+       // true if this model is a Quake1/Quake2 .bsp file where skymasking capability exists
+       qbool skymasking;
+       // string of entity definitions (.map format)
+       char *entities;
+       // if not NULL this is a submodel
+       struct model_s *parentmodel;
+       // (this is the number of the submodel, an index into submodels)
+       int submodel;
+       // number of submodels in this map (just used by server to know how many
+       // submodels to load)
+       int numsubmodels;
+       // pointers to each of the submodels
+       struct model_s **submodels;
+       int num_planes;
+       mplane_t *data_planes;
+       int num_nodes;
+       mnode_t *data_nodes;
+       // visible leafs, not counting 0 (solid)
+       int num_visleafs;
+       // number of actual leafs (including 0 which is solid)
+       int num_leafs;
+       mleaf_t *data_leafs;
+       int num_leafbrushes;
+       int *data_leafbrushes;
+       int num_leafsurfaces;
+       int *data_leafsurfaces;
+       int num_portals;
+       mportal_t *data_portals;
+       int num_portalpoints;
+       mvertex_t *data_portalpoints;
+       int num_brushes;
+       struct q3mbrush_s *data_brushes;
+       int num_brushsides;
+       struct q3mbrushside_s *data_brushsides;
+       // pvs
+       int num_pvsclusters;
+       int num_pvsclusterbytes;
+       unsigned char *data_pvsclusters;
+       // example
+       //pvschain = model->brush.data_pvsclusters + mycluster * model->brush.num_pvsclusterbytes;
+       //if (pvschain[thatcluster >> 3] & (1 << (thatcluster & 7)))
+       // collision geometry for q3 curves
+       int num_collisionvertices;
+       int num_collisiontriangles;
+       float *data_collisionvertex3f;
+       int *data_collisionelement3i;
+       // a mesh containing all shadow casting geometry for the whole model (including submodels), portions of this are referenced by each surface's num_firstshadowmeshtriangle
+       struct shadowmesh_s *shadowmesh;
+       // a mesh containing all SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID surfaces for this model or submodel, for physics engines to use
+       struct shadowmesh_s *collisionmesh;
+       // common functions
+       int (*SuperContentsFromNativeContents)(int nativecontents);
+       int (*NativeContentsFromSuperContents)(int supercontents);
+       unsigned char *(*GetPVS)(struct model_s *model, const vec3_t p);
+       int (*FatPVS)(struct model_s *model, const vec3_t org, vec_t radius, unsigned char *pvsbuffer, int pvsbufferlength, qbool merge);
+       int (*BoxTouchingPVS)(struct model_s *model, const unsigned char *pvs, const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs);
+       int (*BoxTouchingLeafPVS)(struct model_s *model, const unsigned char *pvs, const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs);
+       int (*BoxTouchingVisibleLeafs)(struct model_s *model, const unsigned char *visibleleafs, const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs);
+       int (*FindBoxClusters)(struct model_s *model, const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs, int maxclusters, int *clusterlist);
+       void (*LightPoint)(struct model_s *model, const vec3_t p, vec3_t ambientcolor, vec3_t diffusecolor, vec3_t diffusenormal);
+       void (*FindNonSolidLocation)(struct model_s *model, const vec3_t in, vec3_t out, vec_t radius);
+       mleaf_t *(*PointInLeaf)(struct model_s *model, const vec3_t p);
+       // these are actually only found on brushq1, but NULL is handled gracefully
+       void (*AmbientSoundLevelsForPoint)(struct model_s *model, const vec3_t p, unsigned char *out, int outsize);
+       void (*RoundUpToHullSize)(struct model_s *cmodel, const vec3_t inmins, const vec3_t inmaxs, vec3_t outmins, vec3_t outmaxs);
+       // trace a line of sight through this model (returns false if the line if sight is definitely blocked)
+       qbool (*TraceLineOfSight)(struct model_s *model, const vec3_t start, const vec3_t end, const vec3_t acceptmins, const vec3_t acceptmaxs);
+       char skybox[MAX_QPATH];
+       struct skinframe_s *solidskyskinframe;
+       struct skinframe_s *alphaskyskinframe;
+       qbool supportwateralpha;
+       // QuakeWorld
+       int qw_md4sum;
+       int qw_md4sum2;
-typedef struct q3dmodel_s
-       float mins[3];
-       float maxs[3];
-       int firstface;
-       int numfaces;
-       int firstbrush;
-       int numbrushes;
-typedef struct q3dbrush_s
-       int firstbrushside;
-       int numbrushsides;
-       int textureindex;
-typedef struct q3dbrushside_s
-       int planeindex;
-       int textureindex;
-typedef struct q3dbrushside_ig_s
-       int planeindex;
-       int textureindex;
-       int surfaceflags;
-typedef struct q3dvertex_s
-       float origin3f[3];
-       float texcoord2f[2];
-       float lightmap2f[2];
-       float normal3f[3];
-       unsigned char color4ub[4];
-typedef struct q3dmeshvertex_s
-       int offset; // first vertex index of mesh
-typedef struct q3deffect_s
-       char shadername[Q3PATHLENGTH];
-       int brushindex;
-       int unknown; // I read this is always 5 except in q3dm8 which has one effect with -1
-#define Q3FACETYPE_FLAT 1 // common
-#define Q3FACETYPE_PATCH 2 // common
-#define Q3FACETYPE_MESH 3 // common
-#define Q3FACETYPE_FLARE 4 // rare (is this ever used?)
-typedef struct q3dface_s
-       int textureindex;
-       int effectindex; // -1 if none
-       int type; // Q3FACETYPE
-       int firstvertex;
-       int numvertices;
-       int firstelement;
-       int numelements;
-       int lightmapindex; // -1 if none
-       int lightmap_base[2];
-       int lightmap_size[2];
-       union
-       {
-               struct
-               {
-                       // corrupt or don't care
-                       int blah[14];
-               }
-               unknown;
-               struct
-               {
-                       // Q3FACETYPE_FLAT
-                       // mesh is a collection of triangles on a plane, renderable as a mesh (NOT a polygon)
-                       float lightmap_origin[3];
-                       float lightmap_vectors[2][3];
-                       float normal[3];
-                       int unused1[2];
-               }
-               flat;
-               struct
-               {
-                       // Q3FACETYPE_PATCH
-                       // patch renders as a bezier mesh, with adjustable tesselation
-                       // level (optionally based on LOD using the bbox and polygon
-                       // count to choose a tesselation level)
-                       // note: multiple patches may have the same bbox to cause them to
-                       // be LOD adjusted together as a group
-                       int unused1[3];
-                       float mins[3]; // LOD bbox
-                       float maxs[3]; // LOD bbox
-                       int unused2[3];
-                       int patchsize[2]; // dimensions of vertex grid
-               }
-               patch;
-               struct
-               {
-                       // Q3FACETYPE_MESH
-                       // mesh renders as simply a triangle mesh
-                       int unused1[3];
-                       float mins[3];
-                       float maxs[3];
-                       int unused2[5];
-               }
-               mesh;
-               struct
-               {
-                       // Q3FACETYPE_FLARE
-                       // flare renders as a simple sprite at origin, no geometry
-                       // exists, nor does it have a radius, a cvar controls the radius
-                       // and another cvar controls distance fade
-                       // (they were not used in Q3 I'm told)
-                       float origin[3];
-                       int unused1[11];
-               }
-               flare;
-       }
-       specific;
-typedef struct q3dlightmap_s
-       unsigned char rgb[128*128*3];
-typedef struct q3dlightgrid_s
-       unsigned char ambientrgb[3];
-       unsigned char diffusergb[3];
-       unsigned char diffusepitch;
-       unsigned char diffuseyaw;
-typedef struct q3dpvs_s
-       int numclusters;
-       int chainlength;
-       // unsigned char chains[];
-       // containing bits in 0-7 order (not 7-0 order),
-       // pvschains[mycluster * chainlength + (thatcluster >> 3)] & (1 << (thatcluster & 7))
-// surfaceflags from bsp
-#define Q3SURFACEFLAG_LADDER 8 // has no surfaceparm
-#define Q3SURFACEFLAG_FLESH 64 // has no surfaceparm
-#define Q3SURFACEFLAG_SKIP 512 // has no surfaceparm
-#define Q3SURFACEFLAG_NOSTEPS 8192 // has no surfaceparm
-#define Q3SURFACEFLAG_DUST 262144
-// surfaceparms from shaders
-#define Q3SURFACEPARM_ORIGIN 262144
-#define Q3SURFACEPARM_SKY 1048576
-#define Q3SURFACEPARM_SLICK 2097152
-#define Q3SURFACEPARM_SLIME 4194304
-#define Q3SURFACEPARM_TRANS 16777216
-#define Q3SURFACEPARM_WATER 33554432
-#define Q3SURFACEPARM_HINT 134217728
-#define Q3SURFACEPARM_DUST 268435456
-#define Q3SURFACEPARM_BOTCLIP 536870912
-#define Q3SURFACEPARM_LIGHTGRID 1073741824
-#define Q3SURFACEPARM_ANTIPORTAL 2147483648u
-typedef struct q3mbrush_s
-       struct colbrushf_s *colbrushf;
-       int numbrushsides;
-       struct q3mbrushside_s *firstbrushside;
-       struct texture_s *texture;
-typedef struct q3mbrushside_s
-       struct mplane_s *plane;
-       struct texture_s *texture;
 // the first cast is to shut up a stupid warning by clang, the second cast is to make both sides have the same type
 #define CHECKPVSBIT(pvs,b) ((b) >= 0 ? (unsigned char) ((pvs)[(b) >> 3] & (1 << ((b) & 7))) : (unsigned char) false)
@@ -730,4 +363,3 @@ q3mbrushside_t;
 #define CLEARPVSBIT(pvs,b) (void) ((b) >= 0 ? (unsigned char) ((pvs)[(b) >> 3] &= ~(1 << ((b) & 7))) : (unsigned char) false)
diff --git a/model_q1bsp.h b/model_q1bsp.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..e5a0cdc
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+#ifndef MODEL_Q1BSP_H
+#define MODEL_Q1BSP_H
+#include "qtypes.h"
+#include "model_brush.h"
+typedef struct model_brushq1_s
+       mmodel_t                *submodels;
+       int                             numvertexes;
+       mvertex_t               *vertexes;
+       int                             numedges;
+       medge_t                 *edges;
+       int                             numtexinfo;
+       struct mtexinfo_s               *texinfo;
+       int                             numsurfedges;
+       int                             *surfedges;
+       int                             numclipnodes;
+       mclipnode_t             *clipnodes;
+       hull_t                  hulls[MAX_MAP_HULLS];
+       int                             num_compressedpvs;
+       unsigned char                   *data_compressedpvs;
+       int                             num_lightdata;
+       unsigned char                   *lightdata;
+       unsigned char                   *nmaplightdata; // deluxemap file
+       // lightmap update chains for light styles
+       int                             num_lightstyles;
+       model_brush_lightstyleinfo_t *data_lightstyleinfo;
+       // this contains bytes that are 1 if a surface needs its lightmap rebuilt
+       unsigned char *lightmapupdateflags;
+       qbool firstrender; // causes all surface lightmaps to be loaded in first frame
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/model_q2bsp.h b/model_q2bsp.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..7c81ab3
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+#ifndef MODEL_Q2BSP_H
+#define MODEL_Q2BSP_H
+#include "bspfile.h"
+#define Q2BSPMAGIC ('I' + 'B' * 256 + 'S' * 65536 + 'P' * 16777216)
+#define Q2BSPVERSION   38
+// leaffaces, leafbrushes, planes, and verts are still bounded by
+// 16 bit short limits
+#define        Q2LUMP_ENTITIES         0
+#define        Q2LUMP_PLANES                   1
+#define        Q2LUMP_VERTEXES         2
+#define        Q2LUMP_VISIBILITY               3
+#define        Q2LUMP_NODES                    4
+#define        Q2LUMP_TEXINFO          5
+#define        Q2LUMP_FACES                    6
+#define        Q2LUMP_LIGHTING         7
+#define        Q2LUMP_LEAFS                    8
+#define        Q2LUMP_LEAFFACES                9
+#define        Q2LUMP_LEAFBRUSHES      10
+#define        Q2LUMP_EDGES                    11
+#define        Q2LUMP_SURFEDGES                12
+#define        Q2LUMP_MODELS                   13
+#define        Q2LUMP_BRUSHES          14
+#define        Q2LUMP_BRUSHSIDES               15
+#define        Q2LUMP_POP                      16
+#define        Q2LUMP_AREAS                    17
+#define        Q2LUMP_AREAPORTALS      18
+#define        Q2HEADER_LUMPS          19
+typedef struct q2dheader_s
+       int                     ident;
+       int                     version;
+       lump_t          lumps[Q2HEADER_LUMPS];
+} q2dheader_t;
+typedef struct q2dmodel_s
+       float           mins[3], maxs[3];
+       float           origin[3];              // for sounds or lights
+       int                     headnode;
+       int                     firstface, numfaces;    // submodels just draw faces
+                                                                               // without walking the bsp tree
+} q2dmodel_t;
+// planes (x&~1) and (x&~1)+1 are always opposites
+// contents flags are seperate bits
+// a given brush can contribute multiple content bits
+// multiple brushes can be in a single leaf
+// these definitions also need to be in q_shared.h!
+// lower bits are stronger, and will eat weaker brushes completely
+#define        Q2CONTENTS_SOLID                        1               // an eye is never valid in a solid
+#define        Q2CONTENTS_WINDOW                       2               // translucent, but not watery
+#define        Q2CONTENTS_AUX                  4
+#define        Q2CONTENTS_LAVA                 8
+#define        Q2CONTENTS_SLIME                        16
+#define        Q2CONTENTS_WATER                        32
+#define        Q2CONTENTS_MIST                 64
+#define        Q2LAST_VISIBLE_CONTENTS 64
+// remaining contents are non-visible, and don't eat brushes
+#define        Q2CONTENTS_AREAPORTAL           0x8000
+#define        Q2CONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP           0x10000
+#define        Q2CONTENTS_MONSTERCLIP  0x20000
+// currents can be added to any other contents, and may be mixed
+#define        Q2CONTENTS_CURRENT_0            0x40000
+#define        Q2CONTENTS_CURRENT_90           0x80000
+#define        Q2CONTENTS_CURRENT_180  0x100000
+#define        Q2CONTENTS_CURRENT_270  0x200000
+#define        Q2CONTENTS_CURRENT_UP           0x400000
+#define        Q2CONTENTS_CURRENT_DOWN 0x800000
+#define        Q2CONTENTS_ORIGIN                       0x1000000       // removed before bsping an entity
+#define        Q2CONTENTS_MONSTER              0x2000000       // should never be on a brush, only in game
+#define        Q2CONTENTS_DEADMONSTER  0x4000000
+#define        Q2CONTENTS_DETAIL                       0x8000000       // brushes to be added after vis leafs
+#define        Q2CONTENTS_TRANSLUCENT  0x10000000      // auto set if any surface has trans
+#define        Q2CONTENTS_LADDER                       0x20000000
+#define        Q2SURF_LIGHT            0x1             // value will hold the light strength
+#define        Q2SURF_SLICK            0x2             // effects game physics
+#define        Q2SURF_SKY              0x4             // don't draw, but add to skybox
+#define        Q2SURF_WARP             0x8             // turbulent water warp
+#define        Q2SURF_TRANS33  0x10
+#define        Q2SURF_TRANS66  0x20
+#define        Q2SURF_FLOWING  0x40    // scroll towards angle
+#define        Q2SURF_NODRAW           0x80    // don't bother referencing the texture
+#define Q2SURF_HINT            0x100   // make a primary bsp splitter
+#define Q2SURF_SKIP            0x200   // completely ignore, allowing non-closed brushes
+#define Q2SURF_ALPHATEST 0x02000000    // alpha test masking of color 255 in wal textures (supported by modded engines)
+typedef struct q2dnode_s
+       int                     planenum;
+       int                     children[2];    // negative numbers are -(leafs+1), not nodes
+       short           mins[3];                // for frustom culling
+       short           maxs[3];
+       unsigned short  firstface;
+       unsigned short  numfaces;       // counting both sides
+} q2dnode_t;
+typedef struct q2texinfo_s
+       float           vecs[2][4];             // [s/t][xyz offset]
+       int                     flags;                  // miptex flags + overrides
+       int                     value;                  // light emission, etc
+       char            texture[32];    // texture name (textures/something.wal)
+       int                     nexttexinfo;    // for animations, -1 = end of chain
+} q2texinfo_t;
+typedef struct q2dleaf_s
+       int                             contents;                       // OR of all brushes (not needed?)
+       short                   cluster;
+       short                   area;
+       short                   mins[3];                        // for frustum culling
+       short                   maxs[3];
+       unsigned short  firstleafface;
+       unsigned short  numleaffaces;
+       unsigned short  firstleafbrush;
+       unsigned short  numleafbrushes;
+} q2dleaf_t;
+typedef struct q2dbrushside_s
+       unsigned short  planenum;               // facing out of the leaf
+       short   texinfo;
+} q2dbrushside_t;
+typedef struct q2dbrush_s
+       int                     firstside;
+       int                     numsides;
+       int                     contents;
+} q2dbrush_t;
+// the visibility lump consists of a header with a count, then
+// byte offsets for the PVS and PHS of each cluster, then the raw
+// compressed bit vectors
+#define        Q2DVIS_PVS      0
+#define        Q2DVIS_PHS      1
+typedef struct q2dvis_s
+       int                     numclusters;
+       int                     bitofs[8][2];   // bitofs[numclusters][2]
+} q2dvis_t;
+// each area has a list of portals that lead into other areas
+// when portals are closed, other areas may not be visible or
+// hearable even if the vis info says that it should be
+typedef struct q2dareaportal_s
+       int             portalnum;
+       int             otherarea;
+} q2dareaportal_t;
+typedef struct q2darea_s
+       int             numareaportals;
+       int             firstareaportal;
+} q2darea_t;
diff --git a/model_q3bsp.h b/model_q3bsp.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..dc368be
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,373 @@
+#ifndef MODEL_Q3BSP_H
+#define MODEL_Q3BSP_H
+#include "bspfile.h"
+#include "r_qshader.h"
+#include "r_textures.h"
+#include "matrixlib.h"
+//Q3 bsp stuff
+#define Q3BSPVERSION   46
+#define Q3BSPVERSION_IG        48
+#define        Q3LUMP_ENTITIES         0 // entities to spawn (used by server and client)
+#define        Q3LUMP_TEXTURES         1 // textures used (used by faces)
+#define        Q3LUMP_PLANES           2 // planes used (used by bsp nodes)
+#define        Q3LUMP_NODES            3 // bsp nodes (used by bsp nodes, bsp leafs, rendering, collisions)
+#define        Q3LUMP_LEAFS            4 // bsp leafs (used by bsp nodes)
+#define        Q3LUMP_LEAFFACES        5 // array of ints indexing faces (used by leafs)
+#define        Q3LUMP_LEAFBRUSHES      6 // array of ints indexing brushes (used by leafs)
+#define        Q3LUMP_MODELS           7 // models (used by rendering, collisions)
+#define        Q3LUMP_BRUSHES          8 // brushes (used by effects, collisions)
+#define        Q3LUMP_BRUSHSIDES       9 // brush faces (used by brushes)
+#define        Q3LUMP_VERTICES         10 // mesh vertices (used by faces)
+#define        Q3LUMP_TRIANGLES        11 // mesh triangles (used by faces)
+#define        Q3LUMP_EFFECTS          12 // fog (used by faces)
+#define        Q3LUMP_FACES            13 // surfaces (used by leafs)
+#define        Q3LUMP_LIGHTMAPS        14 // lightmap textures (used by faces)
+#define        Q3LUMP_LIGHTGRID        15 // lighting as a voxel grid (used by rendering)
+#define        Q3LUMP_PVS                      16 // potentially visible set; bit[clusters][clusters] (used by rendering)
+#define        Q3HEADER_LUMPS          17
+#define        Q3LUMP_ADVERTISEMENTS 17 // quake live stuff written by zeroradiant's q3map2 (ignored by DP)
+#define        Q3HEADER_LUMPS_LIVE     18
+#define        Q3HEADER_LUMPS_MAX      18
+typedef struct q3dheader_s
+       int                     ident;
+       int                     version;
+       lump_t          lumps[Q3HEADER_LUMPS_MAX];
+} q3dheader_t;
+typedef struct q3dtexture_s
+       char name[Q3PATHLENGTH];
+       int surfaceflags;
+       int contents;
+// note: planes are paired, the pair of planes with i and i ^ 1 are opposites.
+typedef struct q3dplane_s
+       float normal[3];
+       float dist;
+typedef struct q3dnode_s
+       int planeindex;
+       int childrenindex[2];
+       int mins[3];
+       int maxs[3];
+typedef struct q3dleaf_s
+       int clusterindex; // pvs index
+       int areaindex; // area index
+       int mins[3];
+       int maxs[3];
+       int firstleafface;
+       int numleaffaces;
+       int firstleafbrush;
+       int numleafbrushes;
+typedef struct q3dmodel_s
+       float mins[3];
+       float maxs[3];
+       int firstface;
+       int numfaces;
+       int firstbrush;
+       int numbrushes;
+typedef struct q3dbrush_s
+       int firstbrushside;
+       int numbrushsides;
+       int textureindex;
+typedef struct q3dbrushside_s
+       int planeindex;
+       int textureindex;
+typedef struct q3dbrushside_ig_s
+       int planeindex;
+       int textureindex;
+       int surfaceflags;
+typedef struct q3dvertex_s
+       float origin3f[3];
+       float texcoord2f[2];
+       float lightmap2f[2];
+       float normal3f[3];
+       unsigned char color4ub[4];
+typedef struct q3dmeshvertex_s
+       int offset; // first vertex index of mesh
+typedef struct q3deffect_s
+       char shadername[Q3PATHLENGTH];
+       int brushindex;
+       int unknown; // I read this is always 5 except in q3dm8 which has one effect with -1
+#define Q3FACETYPE_FLAT 1 // common
+#define Q3FACETYPE_PATCH 2 // common
+#define Q3FACETYPE_MESH 3 // common
+#define Q3FACETYPE_FLARE 4 // rare (is this ever used?)
+typedef struct q3dface_s
+       int textureindex;
+       int effectindex; // -1 if none
+       int type; // Q3FACETYPE
+       int firstvertex;
+       int numvertices;
+       int firstelement;
+       int numelements;
+       int lightmapindex; // -1 if none
+       int lightmap_base[2];
+       int lightmap_size[2];
+       union
+       {
+               struct
+               {
+                       // corrupt or don't care
+                       int blah[14];
+               }
+               unknown;
+               struct
+               {
+                       // Q3FACETYPE_FLAT
+                       // mesh is a collection of triangles on a plane, renderable as a mesh (NOT a polygon)
+                       float lightmap_origin[3];
+                       float lightmap_vectors[2][3];
+                       float normal[3];
+                       int unused1[2];
+               }
+               flat;
+               struct
+               {
+                       // Q3FACETYPE_PATCH
+                       // patch renders as a bezier mesh, with adjustable tesselation
+                       // level (optionally based on LOD using the bbox and polygon
+                       // count to choose a tesselation level)
+                       // note: multiple patches may have the same bbox to cause them to
+                       // be LOD adjusted together as a group
+                       int unused1[3];
+                       float mins[3]; // LOD bbox
+                       float maxs[3]; // LOD bbox
+                       int unused2[3];
+                       int patchsize[2]; // dimensions of vertex grid
+               }
+               patch;
+               struct
+               {
+                       // Q3FACETYPE_MESH
+                       // mesh renders as simply a triangle mesh
+                       int unused1[3];
+                       float mins[3];
+                       float maxs[3];
+                       int unused2[5];
+               }
+               mesh;
+               struct
+               {
+                       // Q3FACETYPE_FLARE
+                       // flare renders as a simple sprite at origin, no geometry
+                       // exists, nor does it have a radius, a cvar controls the radius
+                       // and another cvar controls distance fade
+                       // (they were not used in Q3 I'm told)
+                       float origin[3];
+                       int unused1[11];
+               }
+               flare;
+       }
+       specific;
+typedef struct q3dlightmap_s
+       unsigned char rgb[128*128*3];
+typedef struct q3dlightgrid_s
+       unsigned char ambientrgb[3];
+       unsigned char diffusergb[3];
+       unsigned char diffusepitch;
+       unsigned char diffuseyaw;
+typedef struct q3dpvs_s
+       int numclusters;
+       int chainlength;
+       // unsigned char chains[];
+       // containing bits in 0-7 order (not 7-0 order),
+       // pvschains[mycluster * chainlength + (thatcluster >> 3)] & (1 << (thatcluster & 7))
+// surfaceflags from bsp
+#define Q3SURFACEFLAG_LADDER 8 // has no surfaceparm
+#define Q3SURFACEFLAG_FLESH 64 // has no surfaceparm
+#define Q3SURFACEFLAG_SKIP 512 // has no surfaceparm
+#define Q3SURFACEFLAG_NOSTEPS 8192 // has no surfaceparm
+#define Q3SURFACEFLAG_DUST 262144
+// surfaceparms from shaders
+#define Q3SURFACEPARM_ORIGIN 262144
+#define Q3SURFACEPARM_SKY 1048576
+#define Q3SURFACEPARM_SLICK 2097152
+#define Q3SURFACEPARM_SLIME 4194304
+#define Q3SURFACEPARM_TRANS 16777216
+#define Q3SURFACEPARM_WATER 33554432
+#define Q3SURFACEPARM_HINT 134217728
+#define Q3SURFACEPARM_DUST 268435456
+#define Q3SURFACEPARM_BOTCLIP 536870912
+#define Q3SURFACEPARM_LIGHTGRID 1073741824
+#define Q3SURFACEPARM_ANTIPORTAL 2147483648u
+typedef struct q3mbrush_s
+       struct colbrushf_s *colbrushf;
+       int numbrushsides;
+       struct q3mbrushside_s *firstbrushside;
+       struct texture_s *texture;
+typedef struct q3mbrushside_s
+       struct mplane_s *plane;
+       struct texture_s *texture;
+typedef struct model_brushq3_s
+       int num_models;
+       q3dmodel_t *data_models;
+       // used only during loading - freed after loading!
+       int num_vertices;
+       float *data_vertex3f;
+       float *data_normal3f;
+       float *data_texcoordtexture2f;
+       float *data_texcoordlightmap2f;
+       float *data_color4f;
+       // freed after loading!
+       int num_triangles;
+       int *data_element3i;
+       int num_effects;
+       q3deffect_t *data_effects;
+       // lightmap textures
+       int num_originallightmaps;
+       int num_mergedlightmaps;
+       int num_lightmapmergedwidthpower;
+       int num_lightmapmergedheightpower;
+       int num_lightmapmergedwidthheightdeluxepower;
+       int num_lightmapmerge;
+       rtexture_t **data_lightmaps;
+       rtexture_t **data_deluxemaps;
+       // voxel light data with directional shading - data for cpu sampling of it...
+       int num_lightgrid;
+       q3dlightgrid_t *data_lightgrid;
+       // size of each cell (may vary by map, typically 64 64 128)
+       float num_lightgrid_cellsize[3];
+       // 1.0 / num_lightgrid_cellsize
+       float num_lightgrid_scale[3];
+       // dimensions of the world model in lightgrid cells
+       int num_lightgrid_imins[3];
+       int num_lightgrid_imaxs[3];
+       int num_lightgrid_isize[3];
+       // transform modelspace coordinates to lightgrid index
+       matrix4x4_t num_lightgrid_indexfromworld;
+       // parameters for fragment shader to sample the texture version of it:
+       int lightgridtexturesize[3]; // 3 layers tall (ambient, lightcolor, lightdir)
+       matrix4x4_t lightgridworldtotexturematrix;
+       rtexture_t *lightgridtexture;
+       // true if this q3bsp file has been detected as using deluxemapping
+       // (lightmap texture pairs, every odd one is never directly refernced,
+       //  and contains lighting normals, not colors)
+       qbool deluxemapping;
+       // true if the detected deluxemaps are the modelspace kind, rather than
+       // the faster tangentspace kind
+       qbool deluxemapping_modelspace;
+       // size of lightmaps (128 by default, but may be another poweroftwo if
+       // external lightmaps are used (q3map2 -lightmapsize)
+       int lightmapsize;
index ec5720ea4f069d3efcf16b193d7b9e99067fb70a..04529c56c666927d9e8e4c617b4a51d0eef1ae7d 100644 (file)
@@ -22,6 +22,10 @@ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
 #include "bspfile.h"
+#include "r_qshader.h"
+#include "protocol.h"
+#include "r_textures.h"
+#include "matrixlib.h"
 typedef enum synctype_e {ST_SYNC=0, ST_RAND } synctype_t;
@@ -219,274 +223,6 @@ typedef struct shadowmesh_s
-// various flags from shaders, used for special effects not otherwise classified
-// TODO: support these features more directly
-#define Q3PATHLENGTH 64
-#define Q3WAVEPARMS 4
-#define Q3MAXTCMODS 8
-#define Q3MAXDEFORMS 4
-typedef enum q3wavefunc_e
-typedef int q3wavefunc_t;
-#define Q3WAVEFUNC_USER_SHIFT 8 // use 8 bits for wave func type
-typedef enum q3deform_e
-       Q3DEFORM_NONE,
-       Q3DEFORM_TEXT0,
-       Q3DEFORM_TEXT1,
-       Q3DEFORM_TEXT2,
-       Q3DEFORM_TEXT3,
-       Q3DEFORM_TEXT4,
-       Q3DEFORM_TEXT5,
-       Q3DEFORM_TEXT6,
-       Q3DEFORM_TEXT7,
-       Q3DEFORM_WAVE,
-       Q3DEFORM_MOVE,
-typedef enum q3rgbgen_e
-       Q3RGBGEN_WAVE,
-typedef enum q3alphagen_e
-typedef enum q3tcgen_e
-       Q3TCGEN_NONE,
-       Q3TCGEN_TEXTURE, // very common
-       Q3TCGEN_ENVIRONMENT, // common
-typedef enum q3tcmod_e
-       Q3TCMOD_NONE,
-       Q3TCMOD_SCALE,
-       Q3TCMOD_PAGE,
-typedef struct q3shaderinfo_layer_rgbgen_s
-       q3rgbgen_t rgbgen;
-       float parms[Q3RGBGEN_MAXPARMS];
-       q3wavefunc_t wavefunc;
-       float waveparms[Q3WAVEPARMS];
-typedef struct q3shaderinfo_layer_alphagen_s
-       q3alphagen_t alphagen;
-       float parms[Q3ALPHAGEN_MAXPARMS];
-       q3wavefunc_t wavefunc;
-       float waveparms[Q3WAVEPARMS];
-typedef struct q3shaderinfo_layer_tcgen_s
-       q3tcgen_t tcgen;
-       float parms[Q3TCGEN_MAXPARMS];
-typedef struct q3shaderinfo_layer_tcmod_s
-       q3tcmod_t tcmod;
-       float parms[Q3TCMOD_MAXPARMS];
-       q3wavefunc_t wavefunc;
-       float waveparms[Q3WAVEPARMS];
-typedef struct q3shaderinfo_layer_s
-       int alphatest;
-       int clampmap;
-       float framerate;
-       int numframes;
-       int dptexflags;
-       char** texturename;
-       int blendfunc[2];
-       q3shaderinfo_layer_rgbgen_t rgbgen;
-       q3shaderinfo_layer_alphagen_t alphagen;
-       q3shaderinfo_layer_tcgen_t tcgen;
-       q3shaderinfo_layer_tcmod_t tcmods[Q3MAXTCMODS];
-typedef struct q3shaderinfo_deform_s
-       q3deform_t deform;
-       float parms[Q3DEFORM_MAXPARMS];
-       q3wavefunc_t wavefunc;
-       float waveparms[Q3WAVEPARMS];
-typedef enum dpoffsetmapping_technique_s
-       OFFSETMAPPING_OFF,                      // none
-       OFFSETMAPPING_DEFAULT,          // cvar-set
-       OFFSETMAPPING_LINEAR,           // linear
-       OFFSETMAPPING_RELIEF            // relief
-typedef enum dptransparentsort_category_e
-typedef struct shader_s
-       char name[Q3PATHLENGTH];
-#define Q3SHADERINFO_COMPARE_START surfaceparms
-       int surfaceparms;
-       int surfaceflags;
-       int textureflags;
-       int numlayers;
-       qbool lighting;
-       qbool vertexalpha;
-       qbool textureblendalpha;
-       q3shaderinfo_layer_t layers[Q3SHADER_MAXLAYERS];
-       char skyboxname[Q3PATHLENGTH];
-       q3shaderinfo_deform_t deforms[Q3MAXDEFORMS];
-       // dp-specific additions:
-       // shadow control
-       qbool dpnortlight;
-       qbool dpshadow;
-       qbool dpnoshadow;
-       // add collisions to all triangles of the surface
-       qbool dpmeshcollisions;
-       // kill shader based on cvar checks
-       qbool dpshaderkill;
-       // fake reflection
-       char dpreflectcube[Q3PATHLENGTH];
-       // reflection
-       float reflectmin; // when refraction is used, minimum amount of reflection (when looking straight down)
-       float reflectmax; // when refraction is used, maximum amount of reflection (when looking parallel to water)
-       float refractfactor; // amount of refraction distort (1.0 = like the cvar specifies)
-       vec4_t refractcolor4f; // color tint of refraction (including alpha factor)
-       float reflectfactor; // amount of reflection distort (1.0 = like the cvar specifies)
-       vec4_t reflectcolor4f; // color tint of reflection (including alpha factor)
-       float r_water_wateralpha; // additional wateralpha to apply when r_water is active
-       float r_water_waterscroll[2]; // water normalmapscrollblend - scale and speed
-       // offsetmapping
-       dpoffsetmapping_technique_t offsetmapping;
-       float offsetscale;
-       float offsetbias; // 0 is normal, 1 leads to alpha 0 being neutral and alpha 1 pushing "out"
-       // polygonoffset (only used if Q3TEXTUREFLAG_POLYGONOFFSET)
-       float biaspolygonoffset, biaspolygonfactor;
-       // transparent sort category
-       dptransparentsortcategory_t transparentsort;
-       // gloss
-       float specularscalemod;
-       float specularpowermod;
-       // rtlighting ambient addition
-       float rtlightambient;
-#define Q3SHADERINFO_COMPARE_END rtlightambient
-typedef struct texture_shaderpass_s
-       qbool alphatest; // FIXME: handle alphafunc properly
-       float framerate;
-       int numframes;
-       skinframe_t *skinframes[TEXTURE_MAXFRAMES];
-       int blendfunc[2];
-       q3shaderinfo_layer_rgbgen_t rgbgen;
-       q3shaderinfo_layer_alphagen_t alphagen;
-       q3shaderinfo_layer_tcgen_t tcgen;
-       q3shaderinfo_layer_tcmod_t tcmods[Q3MAXTCMODS];
 typedef struct texture_s
        // name
@@ -706,239 +442,17 @@ typedef struct msurface_s
-#include "matrixlib.h"
 #include "bih.h"
 #include "model_brush.h"
+#include "model_q1bsp.h"
+#include "model_q2bsp.h"
+#include "model_q3bsp.h"
 #include "model_sprite.h"
 #include "model_alias.h"
-typedef struct model_sprite_s
-       int                             sprnum_type;
-       mspriteframe_t  *sprdata_frames;
 struct trace_s;
-typedef struct model_brush_lightstyleinfo_s
-       int style;
-       int value;
-       int numsurfaces;
-       int *surfacelist;
-typedef struct model_brush_s
-       // true if this model is a HalfLife .bsp file
-       qbool ishlbsp;
-       // true if this model is a BSP2rmqe .bsp file (expanded 32bit bsp format for rmqe)
-       qbool isbsp2rmqe;
-       // true if this model is a BSP2 .bsp file (expanded 32bit bsp format for DarkPlaces, others?)
-       qbool isbsp2;
-       // true if this model is a Quake2 .bsp file (IBSP38)
-       qbool isq2bsp;
-       // true if this model is a Quake3 .bsp file (IBSP46)
-       qbool isq3bsp;
-       // true if this model is a Quake1/Quake2 .bsp file where skymasking capability exists
-       qbool skymasking;
-       // string of entity definitions (.map format)
-       char *entities;
-       // if not NULL this is a submodel
-       struct model_s *parentmodel;
-       // (this is the number of the submodel, an index into submodels)
-       int submodel;
-       // number of submodels in this map (just used by server to know how many
-       // submodels to load)
-       int numsubmodels;
-       // pointers to each of the submodels
-       struct model_s **submodels;
-       int num_planes;
-       mplane_t *data_planes;
-       int num_nodes;
-       mnode_t *data_nodes;
-       // visible leafs, not counting 0 (solid)
-       int num_visleafs;
-       // number of actual leafs (including 0 which is solid)
-       int num_leafs;
-       mleaf_t *data_leafs;
-       int num_leafbrushes;
-       int *data_leafbrushes;
-       int num_leafsurfaces;
-       int *data_leafsurfaces;
-       int num_portals;
-       mportal_t *data_portals;
-       int num_portalpoints;
-       mvertex_t *data_portalpoints;
-       int num_brushes;
-       q3mbrush_t *data_brushes;
-       int num_brushsides;
-       q3mbrushside_t *data_brushsides;
-       // pvs
-       int num_pvsclusters;
-       int num_pvsclusterbytes;
-       unsigned char *data_pvsclusters;
-       // example
-       //pvschain = model->brush.data_pvsclusters + mycluster * model->brush.num_pvsclusterbytes;
-       //if (pvschain[thatcluster >> 3] & (1 << (thatcluster & 7)))
-       // collision geometry for q3 curves
-       int num_collisionvertices;
-       int num_collisiontriangles;
-       float *data_collisionvertex3f;
-       int *data_collisionelement3i;
-       // a mesh containing all shadow casting geometry for the whole model (including submodels), portions of this are referenced by each surface's num_firstshadowmeshtriangle
-       shadowmesh_t *shadowmesh;
-       // a mesh containing all SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID surfaces for this model or submodel, for physics engines to use
-       shadowmesh_t *collisionmesh;
-       // common functions
-       int (*SuperContentsFromNativeContents)(int nativecontents);
-       int (*NativeContentsFromSuperContents)(int supercontents);
-       unsigned char *(*GetPVS)(struct model_s *model, const vec3_t p);
-       int (*FatPVS)(struct model_s *model, const vec3_t org, vec_t radius, unsigned char *pvsbuffer, int pvsbufferlength, qbool merge);
-       int (*BoxTouchingPVS)(struct model_s *model, const unsigned char *pvs, const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs);
-       int (*BoxTouchingLeafPVS)(struct model_s *model, const unsigned char *pvs, const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs);
-       int (*BoxTouchingVisibleLeafs)(struct model_s *model, const unsigned char *visibleleafs, const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs);
-       int (*FindBoxClusters)(struct model_s *model, const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs, int maxclusters, int *clusterlist);
-       void (*LightPoint)(struct model_s *model, const vec3_t p, vec3_t ambientcolor, vec3_t diffusecolor, vec3_t diffusenormal);
-       void (*FindNonSolidLocation)(struct model_s *model, const vec3_t in, vec3_t out, vec_t radius);
-       mleaf_t *(*PointInLeaf)(struct model_s *model, const vec3_t p);
-       // these are actually only found on brushq1, but NULL is handled gracefully
-       void (*AmbientSoundLevelsForPoint)(struct model_s *model, const vec3_t p, unsigned char *out, int outsize);
-       void (*RoundUpToHullSize)(struct model_s *cmodel, const vec3_t inmins, const vec3_t inmaxs, vec3_t outmins, vec3_t outmaxs);
-       // trace a line of sight through this model (returns false if the line if sight is definitely blocked)
-       qbool (*TraceLineOfSight)(struct model_s *model, const vec3_t start, const vec3_t end, const vec3_t acceptmins, const vec3_t acceptmaxs);
-       char skybox[MAX_QPATH];
-       skinframe_t *solidskyskinframe;
-       skinframe_t *alphaskyskinframe;
-       qbool supportwateralpha;
-       // QuakeWorld
-       int qw_md4sum;
-       int qw_md4sum2;
-typedef struct model_brushq1_s
-       mmodel_t                *submodels;
-       int                             numvertexes;
-       mvertex_t               *vertexes;
-       int                             numedges;
-       medge_t                 *edges;
-       int                             numtexinfo;
-       mtexinfo_t              *texinfo;
-       int                             numsurfedges;
-       int                             *surfedges;
-       int                             numclipnodes;
-       mclipnode_t             *clipnodes;
-       hull_t                  hulls[MAX_MAP_HULLS];
-       int                             num_compressedpvs;
-       unsigned char                   *data_compressedpvs;
-       int                             num_lightdata;
-       unsigned char                   *lightdata;
-       unsigned char                   *nmaplightdata; // deluxemap file
-       // lightmap update chains for light styles
-       int                             num_lightstyles;
-       model_brush_lightstyleinfo_t *data_lightstyleinfo;
-       // this contains bytes that are 1 if a surface needs its lightmap rebuilt
-       unsigned char *lightmapupdateflags;
-       qbool firstrender; // causes all surface lightmaps to be loaded in first frame
-typedef struct model_brushq3_s
-       int num_models;
-       q3dmodel_t *data_models;
-       // used only during loading - freed after loading!
-       int num_vertices;
-       float *data_vertex3f;
-       float *data_normal3f;
-       float *data_texcoordtexture2f;
-       float *data_texcoordlightmap2f;
-       float *data_color4f;
-       // freed after loading!
-       int num_triangles;
-       int *data_element3i;
-       int num_effects;
-       q3deffect_t *data_effects;
-       // lightmap textures
-       int num_originallightmaps;
-       int num_mergedlightmaps;
-       int num_lightmapmergedwidthpower;
-       int num_lightmapmergedheightpower;
-       int num_lightmapmergedwidthheightdeluxepower;
-       int num_lightmapmerge;
-       rtexture_t **data_lightmaps;
-       rtexture_t **data_deluxemaps;
-       // voxel light data with directional shading - data for cpu sampling of it...
-       int num_lightgrid;
-       q3dlightgrid_t *data_lightgrid;
-       // size of each cell (may vary by map, typically 64 64 128)
-       float num_lightgrid_cellsize[3];
-       // 1.0 / num_lightgrid_cellsize
-       float num_lightgrid_scale[3];
-       // dimensions of the world model in lightgrid cells
-       int num_lightgrid_imins[3];
-       int num_lightgrid_imaxs[3];
-       int num_lightgrid_isize[3];
-       // transform modelspace coordinates to lightgrid index
-       matrix4x4_t num_lightgrid_indexfromworld;
-       // parameters for fragment shader to sample the texture version of it:
-       int lightgridtexturesize[3]; // 3 layers tall (ambient, lightcolor, lightdir)
-       matrix4x4_t lightgridworldtotexturematrix;
-       rtexture_t *lightgridtexture;
-       // true if this q3bsp file has been detected as using deluxemapping
-       // (lightmap texture pairs, every odd one is never directly refernced,
-       //  and contains lighting normals, not colors)
-       qbool deluxemapping;
-       // true if the detected deluxemaps are the modelspace kind, rather than
-       // the faster tangentspace kind
-       qbool deluxemapping_modelspace;
-       // size of lightmaps (128 by default, but may be another poweroftwo if
-       // external lightmaps are used (q3map2 -lightmapsize)
-       int lightmapsize;
 struct frameblend_s;
 struct skeleton_s;
index f6408dad64df55a37a53e8c018521312ac8f55e2..d28174dfd957e2a672ba02bec638ec23ad8f9ac4 100644 (file)
@@ -37,5 +37,12 @@ typedef struct mspriteframe_s
        float   up, down, left, right;
 } mspriteframe_t;
+typedef struct model_sprite_s
+       int                             sprnum_type;
+       mspriteframe_t  *sprdata_frames;
diff --git a/r_qshader.h b/r_qshader.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..ce38ff7
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
+#ifndef QSHADER_H
+#define QSHADER_H
+#include "qtypes.h"
+// various flags from shaders, used for special effects not otherwise classified
+// TODO: support these features more directly
+#define Q3PATHLENGTH 64
+#define Q3WAVEPARMS 4
+#define Q3MAXTCMODS 8
+#define Q3MAXDEFORMS 4
+typedef enum q3wavefunc_e
+typedef int q3wavefunc_t;
+#define Q3WAVEFUNC_USER_SHIFT 8 // use 8 bits for wave func type
+typedef enum q3deform_e
+       Q3DEFORM_NONE,
+       Q3DEFORM_TEXT0,
+       Q3DEFORM_TEXT1,
+       Q3DEFORM_TEXT2,
+       Q3DEFORM_TEXT3,
+       Q3DEFORM_TEXT4,
+       Q3DEFORM_TEXT5,
+       Q3DEFORM_TEXT6,
+       Q3DEFORM_TEXT7,
+       Q3DEFORM_WAVE,
+       Q3DEFORM_MOVE,
+typedef enum q3rgbgen_e
+       Q3RGBGEN_WAVE,
+typedef enum q3alphagen_e
+typedef enum q3tcgen_e
+       Q3TCGEN_NONE,
+       Q3TCGEN_TEXTURE, // very common
+       Q3TCGEN_ENVIRONMENT, // common
+typedef enum q3tcmod_e
+       Q3TCMOD_NONE,
+       Q3TCMOD_SCALE,
+       Q3TCMOD_PAGE,
+typedef struct q3shaderinfo_layer_rgbgen_s
+       q3rgbgen_t rgbgen;
+       float parms[Q3RGBGEN_MAXPARMS];
+       q3wavefunc_t wavefunc;
+       float waveparms[Q3WAVEPARMS];
+typedef struct q3shaderinfo_layer_alphagen_s
+       q3alphagen_t alphagen;
+       float parms[Q3ALPHAGEN_MAXPARMS];
+       q3wavefunc_t wavefunc;
+       float waveparms[Q3WAVEPARMS];
+typedef struct q3shaderinfo_layer_tcgen_s
+       q3tcgen_t tcgen;
+       float parms[Q3TCGEN_MAXPARMS];
+typedef struct q3shaderinfo_layer_tcmod_s
+       q3tcmod_t tcmod;
+       float parms[Q3TCMOD_MAXPARMS];
+       q3wavefunc_t wavefunc;
+       float waveparms[Q3WAVEPARMS];
+typedef struct q3shaderinfo_layer_s
+       int alphatest;
+       int clampmap;
+       float framerate;
+       int numframes;
+       int dptexflags;
+       char** texturename;
+       int blendfunc[2];
+       q3shaderinfo_layer_rgbgen_t rgbgen;
+       q3shaderinfo_layer_alphagen_t alphagen;
+       q3shaderinfo_layer_tcgen_t tcgen;
+       q3shaderinfo_layer_tcmod_t tcmods[Q3MAXTCMODS];
+typedef struct q3shaderinfo_deform_s
+       q3deform_t deform;
+       float parms[Q3DEFORM_MAXPARMS];
+       q3wavefunc_t wavefunc;
+       float waveparms[Q3WAVEPARMS];
+typedef enum dpoffsetmapping_technique_s
+       OFFSETMAPPING_OFF,                      // none
+       OFFSETMAPPING_DEFAULT,          // cvar-set
+       OFFSETMAPPING_LINEAR,           // linear
+       OFFSETMAPPING_RELIEF            // relief
+typedef enum dptransparentsort_category_e
+typedef struct shader_s
+       char name[Q3PATHLENGTH];
+#define Q3SHADERINFO_COMPARE_START surfaceparms
+       int surfaceparms;
+       int surfaceflags;
+       int textureflags;
+       int numlayers;
+       qbool lighting;
+       qbool vertexalpha;
+       qbool textureblendalpha;
+       q3shaderinfo_layer_t layers[Q3SHADER_MAXLAYERS];
+       char skyboxname[Q3PATHLENGTH];
+       q3shaderinfo_deform_t deforms[Q3MAXDEFORMS];
+       // dp-specific additions:
+       // shadow control
+       qbool dpnortlight;
+       qbool dpshadow;
+       qbool dpnoshadow;
+       // add collisions to all triangles of the surface
+       qbool dpmeshcollisions;
+       // kill shader based on cvar checks
+       qbool dpshaderkill;
+       // fake reflection
+       char dpreflectcube[Q3PATHLENGTH];
+       // reflection
+       float reflectmin; // when refraction is used, minimum amount of reflection (when looking straight down)
+       float reflectmax; // when refraction is used, maximum amount of reflection (when looking parallel to water)
+       float refractfactor; // amount of refraction distort (1.0 = like the cvar specifies)
+       vec4_t refractcolor4f; // color tint of refraction (including alpha factor)
+       float reflectfactor; // amount of reflection distort (1.0 = like the cvar specifies)
+       vec4_t reflectcolor4f; // color tint of reflection (including alpha factor)
+       float r_water_wateralpha; // additional wateralpha to apply when r_water is active
+       float r_water_waterscroll[2]; // water normalmapscrollblend - scale and speed
+       // offsetmapping
+       dpoffsetmapping_technique_t offsetmapping;
+       float offsetscale;
+       float offsetbias; // 0 is normal, 1 leads to alpha 0 being neutral and alpha 1 pushing "out"
+       // polygonoffset (only used if Q3TEXTUREFLAG_POLYGONOFFSET)
+       float biaspolygonoffset, biaspolygonfactor;
+       // transparent sort category
+       dptransparentsortcategory_t transparentsort;
+       // gloss
+       float specularscalemod;
+       float specularpowermod;
+       // rtlighting ambient addition
+       float rtlightambient;
+#define Q3SHADERINFO_COMPARE_END rtlightambient
+typedef struct texture_shaderpass_s
+       qbool alphatest; // FIXME: handle alphafunc properly
+       float framerate;
+       int numframes;
+       struct skinframe_s *skinframes[TEXTURE_MAXFRAMES];
+       int blendfunc[2];
+       q3shaderinfo_layer_rgbgen_t rgbgen;
+       q3shaderinfo_layer_alphagen_t alphagen;
+       q3shaderinfo_layer_tcgen_t tcgen;
+       q3shaderinfo_layer_tcmod_t tcmods[Q3MAXTCMODS];