cvar_t sv_gameplayfix_slidemoveprojectiles = {0, "sv_gameplayfix_slidemoveprojectiles", "1", "allows MOVETYPE_FLY/FLYMISSILE/TOSS/BOUNCE/BOUNCEMISSILE entities to finish their move in a frame even if they hit something, fixes 'gravity accumulation' bug for grenades on steep slopes"};
cvar_t sv_gameplayfix_stepdown = {0, "sv_gameplayfix_stepdown", "0", "attempts to step down stairs, not just up them (prevents the familiar thud..thud..thud.. when running down stairs and slopes)"};
cvar_t sv_gameplayfix_stepwhilejumping = {0, "sv_gameplayfix_stepwhilejumping", "1", "applies step-up onto a ledge even while airborn, useful if you would otherwise just-miss the floor when running across small areas with gaps (for instance running across the moving platforms in dm2, or jumping to the megahealth and red armor in dm2 rather than using the bridge)"};
+cvar_t sv_gameplayfix_stepmultipletimes = {0, "sv_gameplayfix_stepmultipletimes", "1", "applies step-up onto a ledge more than once in a single frame, when running quickly up stairs"};
cvar_t sv_gameplayfix_swiminbmodels = {0, "sv_gameplayfix_swiminbmodels", "1", "causes pointcontents (used to determine if you are in a liquid) to check bmodel entities as well as the world model, so you can swim around in (possibly moving) water bmodel entities"};
cvar_t sv_gameplayfix_upwardvelocityclearsongroundflag = {0, "sv_gameplayfix_upwardvelocityclearsongroundflag", "1", "prevents monsters, items, and most other objects from being stuck to the floor when pushed around by damage, and other situations in mods"};
cvar_t sv_gameplayfix_downtracesupportsongroundflag = {0, "sv_gameplayfix_downtracesupportsongroundflag", "1", "prevents very short moves from clearing onground (which may make the player stick to the floor at high netfps)"};
cvar_t sv_maxrate = {CVAR_SAVE | CVAR_NOTIFY, "sv_maxrate", "1000000", "upper limit on client rate cvar, should reflect your network connection quality"};
cvar_t sv_maxspeed = {CVAR_NOTIFY, "sv_maxspeed", "320", "maximum speed a player can accelerate to when on ground (can be exceeded by tricks)"};
cvar_t sv_maxvelocity = {CVAR_NOTIFY, "sv_maxvelocity","2000", "universal speed limit on all entities"};
-cvar_t sv_newflymove = {CVAR_NOTIFY, "sv_newflymove", "0", "enables simpler/buggier player physics (not recommended)"};
cvar_t sv_nostep = {CVAR_NOTIFY, "sv_nostep","0", "prevents MOVETYPE_STEP entities (monsters) from moving"};
cvar_t sv_playerphysicsqc = {CVAR_NOTIFY, "sv_playerphysicsqc", "1", "enables QuakeC function to override player physics"};
cvar_t sv_progs = {0, "sv_progs", "progs.dat", "selects which quakec progs.dat file to run" };
Cvar_RegisterVariable (&sv_gameplayfix_slidemoveprojectiles);
Cvar_RegisterVariable (&sv_gameplayfix_stepdown);
Cvar_RegisterVariable (&sv_gameplayfix_stepwhilejumping);
+ Cvar_RegisterVariable (&sv_gameplayfix_stepmultipletimes);
Cvar_RegisterVariable (&sv_gameplayfix_swiminbmodels);
Cvar_RegisterVariable (&sv_gameplayfix_upwardvelocityclearsongroundflag);
Cvar_RegisterVariable (&sv_gameplayfix_downtracesupportsongroundflag);
Cvar_RegisterVariable (&sv_maxrate);
Cvar_RegisterVariable (&sv_maxspeed);
Cvar_RegisterVariable (&sv_maxvelocity);
- Cvar_RegisterVariable (&sv_newflymove);
Cvar_RegisterVariable (&sv_nostep);
Cvar_RegisterVariable (&sv_playerphysicsqc);
Cvar_RegisterVariable (&sv_progs);
Cvar_SetValueQuick (&sv_gameplayfix_blowupfallenzombies, 0);
// hipnotic mission pack has issues with bobbing water entities 'jittering' between different heights on alternate frames at the default 0.0138889 ticrate, 0.02 avoids this issue
Cvar_SetValueQuick (&sys_ticrate, 0.02);
- // hipnotic mission pack has issues in their proximity mine sticking code, which causes them to bounce off.
- Cvar_SetValueQuick (&sv_gameplayfix_slidemoveprojectiles, 0);
+ // hipnotic mission pack has issues in their proximity mine sticking code, which causes them to bounce off.
+ Cvar_SetValueQuick (&sv_gameplayfix_slidemoveprojectiles, 0);
if (gamemode == GAME_ROGUE)
static float SV_Gravity (prvm_edict_t *ent);
static qboolean SV_PushEntity (trace_t *trace, prvm_edict_t *ent, vec3_t push, qboolean failonbmodelstartsolid, qboolean dolink);
-static int SV_FlyMove (prvm_edict_t *ent, float time, qboolean applygravity, float *stepnormal, int hitsupercontentsmask)
+static int SV_FlyMove (prvm_edict_t *ent, float time, qboolean applygravity, float *stepnormal, int hitsupercontentsmask, float stepheight)
int blocked, bumpcount;
int i, j, numplanes;
VectorScale(ent->fields.server->velocity, time_left, push);
-#if 0
- VectorAdd(ent->fields.server->origin, push, end);
if(!SV_PushEntity(&trace, ent, push, false, false))
// we got teleported by a touch function
-#if 0
- //if (trace.fraction < 0.002)
- {
-#if 1
- vec3_t start;
- trace_t testtrace;
- VectorCopy(ent->fields.server->origin, start);
- start[2] += 3;//0.03125;
- VectorMA(ent->fields.server->origin, time_left, ent->fields.server->velocity, end);
- end[2] += 3;//0.03125;
- testtrace = SV_TraceBox(start, ent->fields.server->mins, ent->fields.server->maxs, end, MOVE_NORMAL, ent, hitsupercontentsmask);
- if (trace.fraction < testtrace.fraction && !testtrace.startsolid && (testtrace.fraction == 1 || DotProduct(trace.plane.normal, ent->fields.server->velocity) < DotProduct(testtrace.plane.normal, ent->fields.server->velocity)))
- {
- Con_Printf("got further (new %f > old %f)\n", testtrace.fraction, trace.fraction);
- trace = testtrace;
- }
-#if 0
- //j = -1;
- for (i = 0;i < numplanes;i++)
- {
- VectorCopy(ent->fields.server->origin, start);
- VectorMA(ent->fields.server->origin, time_left, ent->fields.server->velocity, end);
- VectorMA(start, 3, planes[i], start);
- VectorMA(end, 3, planes[i], end);
- testtrace = SV_TraceBox(start, ent->fields.server->mins, ent->fields.server->maxs, end, MOVE_NORMAL, ent, hitsupercontentsmask);
- if (trace.fraction < testtrace.fraction)
- {
- trace = testtrace;
- VectorCopy(start, ent->fields.server->origin);
- //j = i;
- }
- }
- //if (j >= 0)
- // VectorAdd(ent->fields.server->origin, planes[j], start);
- }
-#if 0
- Con_Printf("entity %i bump %i: velocity %f %f %f trace %f", ent - prog->edicts, bumpcount, ent->fields.server->velocity[0], ent->fields.server->velocity[1], ent->fields.server->velocity[2], trace.fraction);
- if (trace.fraction < 1)
- Con_Printf(" : %f %f %f", trace.plane.normal[0], trace.plane.normal[1], trace.plane.normal[2]);
- Con_Print("\n");
-#if 0
- if (trace.bmodelstartsolid)
- {
- // LordHavoc: note: this code is what makes entities stick in place
- // if embedded in world only (you can walk through other objects if
- // stuck)
- // entity is trapped in another solid
- VectorClear(ent->fields.server->velocity);
- return 3;
- }
if (trace.fraction == 1)
if (trace.plane.normal[2])
ent->fields.server->groundentity = PRVM_EDICT_TO_PROG(trace.ent);
+ else if (stepheight)
+ {
+ // step - handle it immediately
+ vec3_t org;
+ vec3_t steppush;
+ trace_t steptrace;
+ trace_t steptrace2;
+ trace_t steptrace3;
+ //Con_Printf("step %f %f %f : ", ent->fields.server->origin[0], ent->fields.server->origin[1], ent->fields.server->origin[2]);
+ VectorSet(steppush, 0, 0, stepheight);
+ VectorCopy(ent->fields.server->origin, org);
+ SV_PushEntity(&steptrace, ent, steppush, false, false);
+ //Con_Printf("%f %f %f : ", ent->fields.server->origin[0], ent->fields.server->origin[1], ent->fields.server->origin[2]);
+ SV_PushEntity(&steptrace2, ent, push, false, false);
+ //Con_Printf("%f %f %f : ", ent->fields.server->origin[0], ent->fields.server->origin[1], ent->fields.server->origin[2]);
+ VectorSet(steppush, 0, 0, org[2] - ent->fields.server->origin[2]);
+ SV_PushEntity(&steptrace3, ent, steppush, false, false);
+ //Con_Printf("%f %f %f : ", ent->fields.server->origin[0], ent->fields.server->origin[1], ent->fields.server->origin[2]);
+ // accept the new position if it made some progress...
+ if (fabs(ent->fields.server->origin[0] - org[0]) >= 0.03125 || fabs(ent->fields.server->origin[1] - org[1]) >= 0.03125)
+ {
+ //Con_Printf("accepted (delta %f %f %f)\n", ent->fields.server->origin[0] - org[0], ent->fields.server->origin[1] - org[1], ent->fields.server->origin[2] - org[2]);
+ trace = steptrace2;
+ VectorCopy(ent->fields.server->origin, trace.endpos);
+ time_left *= 1 - trace.fraction;
+ numplanes = 0;
+ continue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //Con_Printf("REJECTED (delta %f %f %f)\n", ent->fields.server->origin[0] - org[0], ent->fields.server->origin[1] - org[1], ent->fields.server->origin[2] - org[2]);
+ VectorCopy(org, ent->fields.server->origin);
+ }
+ }
- // step
+ // step - return it to caller
blocked |= 2;
// save the trace for player extrafriction
if (stepnormal)
VectorCopy(trace.plane.normal, planes[numplanes]);
- if (sv_newflymove.integer)
- ClipVelocity(ent->fields.server->velocity, trace.plane.normal, ent->fields.server->velocity, 1);
- else
+ // modify original_velocity so it parallels all of the clip planes
+ for (i = 0;i < numplanes;i++)
- // modify original_velocity so it parallels all of the clip planes
- for (i = 0;i < numplanes;i++)
+ ClipVelocity(original_velocity, planes[i], new_velocity, 1);
+ for (j = 0;j < numplanes;j++)
- ClipVelocity(original_velocity, planes[i], new_velocity, 1);
- for (j = 0;j < numplanes;j++)
+ if (j != i)
- if (j != i)
- {
- // not ok
- if (DotProduct(new_velocity, planes[j]) < 0)
- break;
- }
+ // not ok
+ if (DotProduct(new_velocity, planes[j]) < 0)
+ break;
- if (j == numplanes)
- break;
+ if (j == numplanes)
+ break;
+ }
- if (i != numplanes)
- {
- // go along this plane
- VectorCopy(new_velocity, ent->fields.server->velocity);
- }
- else
+ if (i != numplanes)
+ {
+ // go along this plane
+ VectorCopy(new_velocity, ent->fields.server->velocity);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // go along the crease
+ if (numplanes != 2)
- // go along the crease
- if (numplanes != 2)
- {
- VectorClear(ent->fields.server->velocity);
- blocked = 7;
- break;
- }
- CrossProduct(planes[0], planes[1], dir);
- // LordHavoc: thanks to taniwha of QuakeForge for pointing out this fix for slowed falling in corners
- VectorNormalize(dir);
- d = DotProduct(dir, ent->fields.server->velocity);
- VectorScale(dir, d, ent->fields.server->velocity);
+ VectorClear(ent->fields.server->velocity);
+ blocked = 7;
+ break;
+ CrossProduct(planes[0], planes[1], dir);
+ // LordHavoc: thanks to taniwha of QuakeForge for pointing out this fix for slowed falling in corners
+ VectorNormalize(dir);
+ d = DotProduct(dir, ent->fields.server->velocity);
+ VectorScale(dir, d, ent->fields.server->velocity);
// if current velocity is against the original velocity,
VectorCopy (ent->fields.server->origin, start_origin);
VectorCopy (ent->fields.server->velocity, start_velocity);
- clip = SV_FlyMove (ent, sv.frametime, applygravity, NULL, hitsupercontentsmask);
+ clip = SV_FlyMove (ent, sv.frametime, applygravity, NULL, hitsupercontentsmask, sv_gameplayfix_stepmultipletimes.integer ? sv_stepheight.value : 0);
if(!(clip & 1))
// move forward
ent->fields.server->velocity[2] = 0;
- clip = SV_FlyMove (ent, sv.frametime, applygravity, stepnormal, hitsupercontentsmask);
+ clip = SV_FlyMove (ent, sv.frametime, applygravity, stepnormal, hitsupercontentsmask, 0);
ent->fields.server->velocity[2] += start_velocity[2];
if(clip & 8)
ent->fields.server->flags -= FL_ONGROUND;
- SV_FlyMove(ent, sv.frametime, true, NULL, SV_GenericHitSuperContentsMask(ent));
+ SV_FlyMove(ent, sv.frametime, true, NULL, SV_GenericHitSuperContentsMask(ent), 0);
ent->priv.server->waterposition_forceupdate = true;
int hitsound = ent->fields.server->velocity[2] < sv_gravity.value * -0.1;
- SV_FlyMove(ent, sv.frametime, true, NULL, SV_GenericHitSuperContentsMask(ent));
+ SV_FlyMove(ent, sv.frametime, true, NULL, SV_GenericHitSuperContentsMask(ent), 0);