WaypointSprite_UpdateTeamRadar(flag.wps_flagbase, RADARICON_FLAG, colormapPaletteColor(((teamnumber) ? COLOR_TEAM1 : COLOR_TEAM2) - 1, FALSE));
-void ctf_SetStatus_ForType(entity flag, float type)
- if(flag.cnt == FLAG_CARRY)
- {
- if(flag.owner == self)
- self.items |= type * 3; // carrying: self is currently carrying the flag
- else
- self.items |= type * 1; // taken: someone on self's team is carrying the flag
- }
- else if(flag.cnt == FLAG_DROPPED)
- self.items |= type * 2; // lost: the flag is dropped somewhere on the map
-void ctf_SetStatus() // re-write this in some less shitty way
- // declarations
- float redflags, blueflags;
- local entity flag;
- // initially clear items so they can be set as necessary later.
- // item for stopping players from capturing the flag too often
- if(self.ctf_captureshielded)
- self.items |= IT_CTF_SHIELDED;
- // figure out what flags we already own
- for (flag = ctf_worldflaglist; flag; flag = flag.ctf_worldflagnext) if(flag.cnt != FLAG_BASE)
- {
- if(flag.items & IT_KEY2) // blue
- ++redflags;
- else if(flag.items & IT_KEY1) // red
- ++blueflags;
- }
- // blinking magic: if there is more than one flag, show one of these in a clever way // wtf?
- if(redflags)
- redflags = mod(floor(time * redflags * 0.75), redflags);
- if(blueflags)
- blueflags = mod(floor(time * blueflags * 0.75), blueflags);
- for (flag = ctf_worldflaglist; flag; flag = flag.ctf_worldflagnext) if(flag.cnt != FLAG_BASE)
- {
- if(flag.items & IT_KEY2) // blue
- {
- if(--redflags == -1) // happens exactly once (redflags is in 0..count-1, and will --'ed count times) // WHAT THE FUCK DOES THIS MEAN? whoever wrote this is shitty at explaining things.
- ctf_SetStatus_ForType(flag, IT_RED_FLAG_TAKEN);
- }
- else if(flag.items & IT_KEY1) // red
- {
- if(--blueflags == -1) // happens exactly once
- ctf_SetStatus_ForType(flag, IT_BLUE_FLAG_TAKEN);
- }
- }
void ctf_Reset()
// messages and sounds
Send_KillNotification(player.netname, flag.netname, "", INFO_LOSTFLAG, MSG_INFO);
sound(flag, CHAN_TRIGGER, flag.noise4, VOL_BASE, ATTN_NONE);
- ctf_EventLog("dropped", player.team, player);
// scoring
+ PlayerTeamScore_AddScore(player, -ctf_ReadScore("penalty_drop"));
PlayerScore_Add(player, SP_CTF_DROPS, 1);
- UpdateFrags(player, -ctf_ReadScore("penalty_drop"));
+ ctf_EventLog("dropped", player.team, player);
// waypoints
WaypointSprite_Spawn("flagdropped", 0, 0, flag, '0 0 64', world, player.team, flag, wps_flagdropped, FALSE); // (COLOR_TEAM1 + COLOR_TEAM2 - flag.team)
sound(player, CHAN_AUTO, flag.noise2, VOL_BASE, ATTN_NONE);
// scoring
+ PlayerTeamScore_AddScore(player, ctf_ReadScore("score_capture"));
PlayerTeamScore_Add(player, SP_CTF_CAPS, ST_CTF_CAPS, 1);
ctf_EventLog("capture", player.flagcarried.team, player);
- UpdateFrags(player, ctf_ReadScore("score_capture"));
// effects
if (autocvar_g_ctf_flag_capture_effects)
if(!flag.model) { flag.model = ((teamnumber) ? autocvar_g_ctf_flag_red_model : autocvar_g_ctf_flag_blue_model); }
setmodel (flag, flag.model); // precision set below
setsize(flag, FLAG_MIN, FLAG_MAX);
- setorigin(flag, flag.origin);// + '0 0 37');
- //flag.origin_z = flag.origin_z + 6; // why 6?
+ setorigin(flag, flag.origin);
if(!flag.scale) { flag.scale = 0.6; }
flag.skin = ((teamnumber) ? autocvar_g_ctf_flag_red_skin : autocvar_g_ctf_flag_blue_skin);
- if(autocvar_g_ctf_allow_drop)
- if(e.BUTTON_USE)
- ctf_Handle_Drop(self);
void ctf_FlagTouch()
return TRUE;
+ // declarations
+ float redflags, blueflags;
+ local entity flag;
+ // initially clear items so they can be set as necessary later.
+ // item for stopping players from capturing the flag too often
+ if(self.ctf_captureshielded)
+ self.items |= IT_CTF_SHIELDED;
+ // scan through all the flags and notify the client about them
+ for (flag = ctf_worldflaglist; flag; flag = flag.ctf_worldflagnext)
+ {
+ if(flag.ctf_status == FLAG_CARRY)
+ if(flag.owner == self)
+ self.items |= ((flag.items & IT_KEY2) ? IT_RED_FLAG_CARRYING : IT_BLUE_FLAG_CARRYING); // carrying: self is currently carrying the flag
+ else
+ self.items |= ((flag.items & IT_KEY2) ? IT_RED_FLAG_TAKEN : IT_BLUE_FLAG_TAKEN); // taken: someone on self's team is carrying the flag
+ else if(flag.ctf_status == FLAG_DROPPED)
+ self.items |= ((flag.items & IT_KEY2) ? IT_RED_FLAG_LOST : IT_BLUE_FLAG_LOST); // lost: the flag is dropped somewhere on the map
+ }
+ if((autocvar_g_ctf_allow_drop) && (self.BUTTON_USE))
+ ctf_Handle_Drop(self);
+ return 0;
+ /* this shit fucking sucks
+ // figure out what flags we already own
+ for (flag = ctf_worldflaglist; flag; flag = flag.ctf_worldflagnext) if(flag.cnt != FLAG_BASE)
+ {
+ if(flag.items & IT_KEY2) // blue
+ ++redflags;
+ else if(flag.items & IT_KEY1) // red
+ ++blueflags;
+ }
+ // blinking magic: if there is more than one flag, show one of these in a clever way // wtf?
+ if(redflags)
+ redflags = mod(floor(time * redflags * 0.75), redflags);
+ if(blueflags)
+ blueflags = mod(floor(time * blueflags * 0.75), blueflags);
+ for (flag = ctf_worldflaglist; flag; flag = flag.ctf_worldflagnext) if(flag.cnt != FLAG_BASE)
+ {
+ if(flag.items & IT_KEY2) // blue
+ {
+ if(--redflags == -1) // happens exactly once (redflags is in 0..count-1, and will --'ed count times) // WHAT THE FUCK DOES THIS MEAN? whoever wrote this is shitty at explaining things.
+ ctf_SetStatus_ForType(flag, IT_RED_FLAG_TAKEN);
+ }
+ else if(flag.items & IT_KEY1) // red
+ {
+ if(--blueflags == -1) // happens exactly once
+ ctf_SetStatus_ForType(flag, IT_BLUE_FLAG_TAKEN);
+ }
+ }
+ */
// ==========
// Spawnfuncs
// if no teams are found, spawn defaults
if(find(world, classname, "ctf_team") == world)
+ print("NO TEAMS FOUND FOR CTF! creating them anyway.\n");
ctf_SpawnTeam("Red", COLOR_TEAM1 - 1);
ctf_SpawnTeam("Blue", COLOR_TEAM2 - 1);
- InitializeEntity(world, ctf_DelayedInit, INITPRIO_GAMETYPE);
+ ctf_DelayedInit();
+ //InitializeEntity(world, ctf_DelayedInit, INITPRIO_GAMETYPE);
MUTATOR_HOOK(ClientDisconnect, ctf_RemovePlayer, CBC_ORDER_ANY);
MUTATOR_HOOK(PlayerDies, ctf_RemovePlayer, CBC_ORDER_ANY);
//MUTATOR_HOOK(GiveFragsForKill, ctf_GiveFragsForKill, CBC_ORDER_ANY);
- //MUTATOR_HOOK(PlayerPreThink, ctf_PlayerPreThink, CBC_ORDER_ANY);
+ MUTATOR_HOOK(PlayerPreThink, ctf_PlayerPreThink, CBC_ORDER_ANY);
//MUTATOR_HOOK(PlayerDamage_Calculate, ctf_PlayerDamage, CBC_ORDER_ANY);
//MUTATOR_HOOK(PlayerPowerups, ctf_PlayerPowerups, CBC_ORDER_ANY);