#define FRAG_PING ((f2 != BOT_PING) ? sprintf(CCR(_("\n(Ping ^2%d^BG)")), f2) : "")
#define FRAG_STATS sprintf(CCR(_("\n(Health ^1%d^BG / Armor ^2%d^BG)%s")), f1, f2, ((f3 != BOT_PING) ? sprintf(CCR(_(" (Ping ^2%d^BG)")), f3) : ""))
//#define FRAG_POS ((Should_Print_Score_Pos(f1)) ? sprintf("\n^BG%s", Read_Score_Pos(f1)) : "")
-#define DEATH_TEAM Team_ColoredFullName(f1)
+#define DEATH_TEAM Team_ColoredFullName(TEAM_SV_TO_CL(f1))
// NO_CPID normally has a variable value, so we need to check and see
// whether a notification uses it. If so, cancel out the centerprint ID.
// allow sending of notifications to also pass through to spectators (specifically for centerprints)
#ifdef SVQC
+#define DEATH_TEAM Team_ColoredFullName(f1)
#define WRITESPECTATABLE_MSG_ONE_VARNAME(varname,statement) entity varname; varname = msg_entity; FOR_EACH_REALCLIENT(msg_entity) if(msg_entity == varname || (msg_entity.classname == STR_SPECTATOR && msg_entity.enemy == varname)) statement msg_entity = varname
#define WRITESPECTATABLE_MSG_ONE(statement) WRITESPECTATABLE_MSG_ONE_VARNAME(oldmsg_entity, statement)
#define WRITESPECTATABLE(msg,statement) if(msg == MSG_ONE) { WRITESPECTATABLE_MSG_ONE(statement); } else statement float WRITESPECTATABLE_workaround = 0
MSG_DEATH_NOTIF(DEATH_SELF_BETRAYAL, 0, 0, NO_STR_ARG, NO_CPID, _("^K1Don't shoot your team mates!"), _("^K1Don't go against your team mates!"), \
NO_STR_ARG, XPND2("", ""), "", _("^FG%s^K1\n"), "") \
- s1, XPND2("", ""), "", _("^FG%s^K1 moved to another team\n"), "") \
+ XPND2(s1, DEATH_TEAM), XPND2("", ""), "", _("^FG%s^K1 switched to the %s\n"), "") \
MSG_DEATH_NOTIF(DEATH_SELF_AUTOTEAMCHANGE, 1, 1, DEATH_TEAM, NO_CPID, _("^BGYou have been moved into a different team\nYou are now on: %s"), "", \
- s1, XPND2("", ""), "", _("^FG%s^K1 automatically moved to another team\n"), "") \
+ XPND2(s1, DEATH_TEAM), XPND2("", ""), "", _("^FG%s^K1 was moved into the %s\n"), "") \
MSG_DEATH_NOTIF(DEATH_SELF_FALL, 0, 0, NO_STR_ARG, NO_CPID, _("^K1You hit the ground with a crunch!"), "", \
NO_STR_ARG, XPND2("", ""), "notify_fall", _("^FG%s^K1 hit the ground with a crunch\n"), _("^FG%s^K1 hit the ground with a bit too much force\n")) \
MSG_DEATH_NOTIF(DEATH_SELF_DROWN, 1, 0, NO_STR_ARG, NO_CPID, _("^K1You couldn't catch your breath in time!"), "", \
{ NOTIF_MATCH(name, net_name) CHECK_AUTOCVAR(name) \
{ \
centerprint_generic(HANDLE_CPID(cpid), sprintf(CCR(normal_or_gentle(cennor, cengen)), args), 0, 0); \
+ print(sprintf(CCR(normal_or_gentle(infnor, infgen)), infargs)); \
+ if(strtolower(icon) != "") { HUD_Notify_Push(icon, hudargs); } \
} }