seta hud_weaponicons_bg_color "" "optional R G B string of the background color, otherwise use hud default"
seta hud_weaponicons_bg_alpha 0 "if set to something else than 0 = override default alpha"
seta hud_weaponicons_bg_border 0 "if set to something else than 0 = override size of border around the background"
+seta hud_weaponicons_bg_padding 0 "padding of contents from border"
seta hud_inventory 1 "enable/disable this panel"
seta hud_inventory_pos "0.179783 -0.092189" "position of this panel"
seta hud_inventory_bg_color "" "optional R G B string of the background color, otherwise use hud default"
seta hud_inventory_bg_alpha 0 "if set to something else than 0 = override default alpha"
seta hud_inventory_bg_border 0 "if set to something else than 0 = override size of border around the background"
+seta hud_inventory_bg_padding 0 "padding of contents from border"
seta hud_powerups 1 "enable/disable this panel"
seta hud_powerups_pos "-0.311922 -0.084896" "position of this panel"
seta hud_powerups_bg_color "" "optional R G B string of the background color, otherwise use hud default"
seta hud_powerups_bg_alpha 0 "if set to something else than 0 = override default alpha"
seta hud_powerups_bg_border 0 "if set to something else than 0 = override size of border around the background"
+seta hud_powerups_bg_padding 0 "padding of contents from border"
seta hud_progressbar_strength_color "0 0 0.6" "R G B vector of the progress bar background color"
seta hud_progressbar_shield_color "0.6 0 0.6" "R G B vector of the progress bar background color"
seta hud_healtharmor_bg_color "" "optional R G B string of the background color, otherwise use hud default"
seta hud_healtharmor_bg_alpha 0 "if set to something else than 0 = override default alpha"
seta hud_healtharmor_bg_border 0 "if set to something else than 0 = override size of border around the background"
+seta hud_healtharmor_bg_padding 0 "padding of contents from border"
seta hud_progressbar_health_color "0.6 0 0" "R G B vector of the progress bar background color"
seta hud_progressbar_armor_color "0 0.6 0" "R G B vector of the progress bar background color"
seta hud_progressbar_fuel_color "0.6 0.6 0" "R G B vector of the progress bar background color"
seta hud_notify_bg_color "" "optional R G B string of the background color, otherwise use hud default"
seta hud_notify_bg_alpha 0 "if set to something else than 0 = override default alpha"
seta hud_notify_bg_border 0 "if set to something else than 0 = override size of border around the background"
+seta hud_notify_bg_padding 0 "padding of contents from border"
seta hud_timer 1 "enable/disable this panel"
seta hud_timer_pos "-0.213725 0" "position of this base of the panel"
seta hud_timer_bg_color "" "optional R G B string of the background color, otherwise use hud default"
seta hud_timer_bg_alpha 0 "if set to something else than 0 = override default alpha"
seta hud_timer_bg_border 0 "if set to something else than 0 = override size of border around the background"
+seta hud_timer_bg_padding 0 "padding of contents from border"
seta hud_radar 1 "enable/disable this panel"
seta hud_radar_pos "0 0" "position of this base of the panel"
seta hud_radar_bg_color "" "optional R G B string of the background color, otherwise use hud default"
seta hud_radar_bg_alpha 0 "if set to something else than 0 = override default alpha"
seta hud_radar_bg_border 0 "if set to something else than 0 = override size of border around the background"
+seta hud_radar_bg_padding 0 "padding of contents from border"
seta hud_score 1 "enable/disable this panel"
seta hud_score_pos "-0.225469 -0.084404" "position of this base of the panel"
seta hud_score_bg_color "" "optional R G B string of the background color, otherwise use hud default"
seta hud_score_bg_alpha 0 "if set to something else than 0 = override default alpha"
seta hud_score_bg_border 0 "if set to something else than 0 = override size of border around the background"
+seta hud_score_bg_padding 0 "padding of contents from border"
seta hud_racetimer 1 "enable/disable this panel"
seta hud_racetimer_pos "-0.614706 0" "position of this base of the panel"
seta hud_racetimer_bg_color "" "optional R G B string of the background color, otherwise use hud default"
seta hud_racetimer_bg_alpha 0 "if set to something else than 0 = override default alpha"
seta hud_racetimer_bg_border 0 "if set to something else than 0 = override size of border around the background"
+seta hud_racetimer_bg_padding 0 "padding of contents from border"
seta hud_vote 1 "enable/disable this panel"
seta hud_vote_pos "-0.321140 -0.268230" "position of this base of the panel"
seta hud_vote_bg_color "" "optional R G B string of the background color, otherwise use hud default"
seta hud_vote_bg_alpha 0 "if set to something else than 0 = override default alpha"
seta hud_vote_bg_border 0 "if set to something else than 0 = override size of border around the background"
+seta hud_vote_bg_padding 0 "padding of contents from border"
seta hud_pressedkeys 1 "enable/disable this panel"
seta hud_pressedkeys_pos "-0.571569 -0.265625" "position of this base of the panel"
seta hud_pressedkeys_bg_color "" "optional R G B string of the background color, otherwise use hud default"
seta hud_pressedkeys_bg_alpha 0 "if set to something else than 0 = override default alpha"
seta hud_pressedkeys_bg_border 0 "if set to something else than 0 = override size of border around the background"
+seta hud_pressedkeys_bg_padding 0 "padding of contents from border"
// scoreboard
seta scoreboard_border_thickness 1 "scoreboard border thickness"
heapsort(weapon_cnt, weaponorder_swap, weaponorder_cmp, world);
HUD_Panel_DrawBg(id, pos, mySize);
+ float padding;
+ padding = cvar(strcat("hud_", HUD_Panel_GetName(id), "_bg_padding"));
+ if(padding)
+ {
+ pos += '1 1 0' * padding;
+ mySize -= '2 2 0' * padding;
+ }
// hits
weapon_stats = getstati(STAT_DAMAGE_HITS);
mySize = HUD_Panel_GetSize(id);
HUD_Panel_DrawBg(id, pos, mySize);
+ float padding;
+ padding = cvar(strcat("hud_", HUD_Panel_GetName(id), "_bg_padding"));
+ if(padding)
+ {
+ pos += '1 1 0' * padding;
+ mySize -= '2 2 0' * padding;
+ }
// ammo
stat_items = getstati(STAT_ITEMS);
mySize = HUD_Panel_GetSize(id);
HUD_Panel_DrawBg(id, pos, mySize);
+ float padding;
+ padding = cvar(strcat("hud_", HUD_Panel_GetName(id), "_bg_padding"));
+ if(padding)
+ {
+ pos += '1 1 0' * padding;
+ mySize -= '2 2 0' * padding;
+ }
float strength_time, shield_time;
mySize = HUD_Panel_GetSize(id);
HUD_Panel_DrawBg(id, pos, mySize);
+ float padding;
+ padding = cvar(strcat("hud_", HUD_Panel_GetName(id), "_bg_padding"));
+ if(padding)
+ {
+ pos += '1 1 0' * padding;
+ mySize -= '2 2 0' * padding;
+ }
float armor, health, x;
armor = getstati(STAT_ARMOR);
mySize = HUD_Panel_GetSize(id);
HUD_Panel_DrawBg(id, pos, mySize);
+ float padding;
+ padding = cvar(strcat("hud_", HUD_Panel_GetName(id), "_bg_padding"));
+ if(padding)
+ {
+ pos += '1 1 0' * padding;
+ mySize -= '2 2 0' * padding;
+ }
string s;
entity tm;
mySize = HUD_Panel_GetSize(id);
HUD_Panel_DrawBg(id, pos, mySize);
+ float padding;
+ padding = cvar(strcat("hud_", HUD_Panel_GetName(id), "_bg_padding"));
+ if(padding)
+ {
+ pos += '1 1 0' * padding;
+ mySize -= '2 2 0' * padding;
+ }
float timelimit, elapsedTime, minutes, seconds, timeleft, minutesLeft, secondsLeft;
mySize = HUD_Panel_GetSize(id);
HUD_Panel_DrawBg(id, pos, mySize);
+ float padding;
+ padding = cvar(strcat("hud_", HUD_Panel_GetName(id), "_bg_padding"));
+ if(padding)
+ {
+ pos += '1 1 0' * padding;
+ mySize -= '2 2 0' * padding;
+ }
local float color1, color2; // color already declared as a global in hud.qc
local vector rgb;
mySize = HUD_Panel_GetSize(id);
HUD_Panel_DrawBg(id, pos, mySize);
+ float padding;
+ padding = cvar(strcat("hud_", HUD_Panel_GetName(id), "_bg_padding"));
+ if(padding)
+ {
+ pos += '1 1 0' * padding;
+ mySize -= '2 2 0' * padding;
+ }
float score, distribution, leader;
float score_len, distr_len;
mySize = HUD_Panel_GetSize(id);
HUD_Panel_DrawBg(id, pos, mySize);
+ float padding;
+ padding = cvar(strcat("hud_", HUD_Panel_GetName(id), "_bg_padding"));
+ if(padding)
+ {
+ pos += '1 1 0' * padding;
+ mySize -= '2 2 0' * padding;
+ }
drawfont = hud_bigfont;
float a, t;
HUD_Panel_DrawBg(id, pos, mySize);
+ float padding;
+ padding = cvar(strcat("hud_", HUD_Panel_GetName(id), "_bg_padding"));
+ if(padding)
+ {
+ pos += '1 1 0' * padding;
+ mySize -= '2 2 0' * padding;
+ }
if(vote_alpha) {
a = vote_alpha * bound(cvar_or("hud_vote_alreadyvoted_alpha", 0.75), 1 - vote_highlighted, 1);
mySize = HUD_Panel_GetSize(id);
HUD_Panel_DrawBg(id, pos, mySize);
+ float padding;
+ padding = cvar(strcat("hud_", HUD_Panel_GetName(id), "_bg_padding"));
+ if(padding)
+ {
+ pos += '1 1 0' * padding;
+ mySize -= '2 2 0' * padding;
+ }
float pressedkeys;