challenge_append_length = p - challenge_append;
+static qboolean Crypto_SavePubKeyTextFile(int i)
+ qfile_t *f;
+ char vabuf[1024];
+ if(!pubkeys_havepriv[i])
+ return false;
+ f = FS_SysOpen(va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "%skey_%d-public-fp%s.txt", *fs_userdir ? fs_userdir : fs_basedir, i, sessionid.string), "w", false);
+ if(!f)
+ return false;
+ // we ignore errors for this file, as it's not necessary to have
+ FS_Printf(f, "ID-Fingerprint: %s\n", pubkeys_priv_fp64[i]);
+ FS_Printf(f, "ID-Is-Signed: %s\n", pubkeys_havesig[i] ? "yes" : "no");
+ FS_Printf(f, "ID-Is-For-Key: %s\n", pubkeys_fp64[i]);
+ FS_Printf(f, "\n");
+ FS_Printf(f, "This is a PUBLIC ID file for DarkPlaces.\n");
+ FS_Printf(f, "You are free to share this file or its contents.\n");
+ FS_Printf(f, "\n");
+ FS_Printf(f, "This file will be automatically generated again if deleted.\n");
+ FS_Printf(f, "\n");
+ FS_Printf(f, "However, NEVER share the accompanying SECRET ID file called\n");
+ FS_Printf(f, "key_%d.d0si%s, as doing so would compromise security!\n", i, sessionid.string);
+ FS_Close(f);
+ return true;
void Crypto_LoadKeys(void)
char buf[8192];
if(qd0_blind_id_fingerprint64_public_id(pubkeys[i], pubkeys_priv_fp64[i], &len2)) // keeps final NUL
D0_BOOL status = 0;
- qfile_t *f;
Con_Printf("Loaded private ID key_%d.d0si%s for key_%d.d0pk (public key fingerprint: %s)\n", i, sessionid.string, i, pubkeys_priv_fp64[i]);
- f = FS_SysOpen(va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "%skey_%d-public-fp%s.txt", *fs_userdir ? fs_userdir : fs_basedir, i, sessionid.string), "w", false);
- if(f)
- {
- // we ignore errors for this file, as it's not necessary to have
- FS_Write(f, pubkeys_priv_fp64[i], FP64_SIZE);
- FS_Write(f, "\n", 1);
- FS_Close(f);
- }
// verify the key we just loaded (just in case)
if(qd0_blind_id_verify_private_id(pubkeys[i]) && qd0_blind_id_verify_public_id(pubkeys[i], &status))
pubkeys_havesig[i] = true;
Con_Printf("NOTE: this ID has not yet been signed!\n");
+ Crypto_SavePubKeyTextFile(i);
FS_Write(f, buf2, buf2size);
+ Crypto_SavePubKeyTextFile(keygen_i);
Con_Printf("Saved to key_%d.d0si%s\n", keygen_i, sessionid.string);
keygen_i = -1;
FS_Write(f, buf2, buf2size);
- f = FS_SysOpen(va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "%skey_%d-public-fp%s.txt", *fs_userdir ? fs_userdir : fs_basedir, keygen_i, sessionid.string), "w", false);
- if(f)
- {
- // we ignore errors for this file, as it's not necessary to have
- FS_Write(f, pubkeys_priv_fp64[keygen_i], FP64_SIZE);
- FS_Write(f, "\n", 1);
- FS_Close(f);
- }
+ Crypto_SavePubKeyTextFile(keygen_i);
Con_Printf("Saved unsigned key to key_%d.d0si%s\n", keygen_i, sessionid.string);