const float WR_CONFIG = 15; // (ALL)
const float WR_ZOOMRETICLE = 16; // (CLIENT) weapon specific zoom reticle
-#define WANT_CONST /* we WANT these to be constant, but it conflicts with the declaration in dpdefs/progsdefs.qc */
-const float IT_UNLIMITED_WEAPON_AMMO = 1; // when this bit is set, using a weapon does not reduce ammo. Checkpoints can give this powerup.
-const float IT_UNLIMITED_SUPERWEAPONS = 2; // when this bit is set, superweapons don't expire. Checkpoints can give this powerup.
-const float IT_CTF_SHIELDED = 4; // set for the flag shield
-const float IT_USING_JETPACK = 8; // confirmation that button is pressed
-const float IT_JETPACK = 16; // actual item
-const float IT_FUEL_REGEN = 32; // fuel regeneration trigger
-// where is 64... ?
-const float IT_FUEL = 128;
-WANT_CONST float IT_SHELLS = 256;
-WANT_CONST float IT_NAILS = 512;
-WANT_CONST float IT_ROCKETS = 1024;
-WANT_CONST float IT_CELLS = 2048;
-const float IT_SUPERWEAPON = 4096;
-const float IT_STRENGTH = 8192;
-const float IT_INVINCIBLE = 16384;
-const float IT_HEALTH = 32768;
-// shared value space (union):
- // for items:
- WANT_CONST float IT_KEY1 = 131072;
- WANT_CONST float IT_KEY2 = 262144;
- // for players:
- const float IT_RED_FLAG_TAKEN = 32768;
- const float IT_RED_FLAG_LOST = 65536;
- const float IT_RED_FLAG_CARRYING = 98304;
- const float IT_BLUE_FLAG_TAKEN = 131072;
- const float IT_BLUE_FLAG_LOST = 262144;
- const float IT_BLUE_FLAG_CARRYIN = 393216;
-// end
-const float IT_5HP = 524288;
-const float IT_25HP = 1048576;
-const float IT_ARMOR_SHARD = 2097152;
-const float IT_ARMOR = 4194304;
-// item masks
-const float IT_AMMO = 3968; // IT_FUEL | IT_SHELLS | IT_NAILS | IT_ROCKETS | IT_CELLS;
-const float IT_PICKUPMASK = 51; // IT_FUEL_REGEN | IT_JETPACK | IT_UNLIMITED_AMMO; // strength and invincible are handled separately
-const float AMMO_COUNT = 4; // amount of ammo types to show in the inventory panel
// variables:
string weaponorder_byid;
+// constants
+#define WANT_CONST /* we WANT these to be constant, but it conflicts with the declaration in dpdefs/progsdefs.qc */
+const float IT_UNLIMITED_WEAPON_AMMO = 1; // when this bit is set, using a weapon does not reduce ammo. Checkpoints can give this powerup.
+const float IT_UNLIMITED_SUPERWEAPONS = 2; // when this bit is set, superweapons don't expire. Checkpoints can give this powerup.
+const float IT_CTF_SHIELDED = 4; // set for the flag shield
+const float IT_USING_JETPACK = 8; // confirmation that button is pressed
+const float IT_JETPACK = 16; // actual item
+const float IT_FUEL_REGEN = 32; // fuel regeneration trigger
+// where is 64... ?
+const float IT_FUEL = 128;
+WANT_CONST float IT_SHELLS = 256;
+WANT_CONST float IT_NAILS = 512;
+WANT_CONST float IT_ROCKETS = 1024;
+WANT_CONST float IT_CELLS = 2048;
+const float IT_SUPERWEAPON = 4096;
+const float IT_STRENGTH = 8192;
+const float IT_INVINCIBLE = 16384;
+const float IT_HEALTH = 32768;
+// shared value space (union):
+ // for items:
+ WANT_CONST float IT_KEY1 = 131072;
+ WANT_CONST float IT_KEY2 = 262144;
+ // for players:
+ const float IT_RED_FLAG_TAKEN = 32768;
+ const float IT_RED_FLAG_LOST = 65536;
+ const float IT_RED_FLAG_CARRYING = 98304;
+ const float IT_BLUE_FLAG_TAKEN = 131072;
+ const float IT_BLUE_FLAG_LOST = 262144;
+ const float IT_BLUE_FLAG_CARRYING = 393216;
+// end
+const float IT_5HP = 524288;
+const float IT_25HP = 1048576;
+const float IT_ARMOR_SHARD = 2097152;
+const float IT_ARMOR = 4194304;
+// item masks
+const float IT_AMMO = 3968; // IT_FUEL | IT_SHELLS | IT_NAILS | IT_ROCKETS | IT_CELLS;
+const float IT_PICKUPMASK = 51; // IT_FUEL_REGEN | IT_JETPACK | IT_UNLIMITED_AMMO; // strength and invincible are handled separately
+const float AMMO_COUNT = 4; // amount of ammo types to show in the inventory panel
+// item networking
#define ISF_LOCATION 2
#define ISF_MODEL 4
#define ISF_STATUS 8
void ItemRead(float _IsNew);
#ifdef SVQC
float autocvar_sv_simple_items;
float ItemSend(entity to, float sf);