case opid1('/'):
- if (NotSameType(TYPE_FLOAT)) {
- compile_error(ctx, "invalid types used in expression: cannot divide types %s and %s",
- type_name[exprs[0]->expression.vtype],
- type_name[exprs[1]->expression.vtype]);
+ if (exprs[1]->expression.vtype != TYPE_FLOAT) {
+ ast_type_to_string(exprs[0], ty1, sizeof(ty1));
+ ast_type_to_string(exprs[1], ty2, sizeof(ty2));
+ compile_error(ctx, "invalid types used in expression: cannot divide tyeps %s and %s", ty1, ty2);
return false;
- if (CanConstFold(exprs[0], exprs[1]))
- out = (ast_expression*)parser_const_float(parser, ConstF(0) / ConstF(1));
+ if (exprs[0]->expression.vtype == TYPE_FLOAT) {
+ if (CanConstFold(exprs[0], exprs[1]))
+ out = (ast_expression*)parser_const_float(parser, ConstF(0) / ConstF(1));
+ else
+ out = (ast_expression*)ast_binary_new(ctx, INSTR_DIV_F, exprs[0], exprs[1]);
+ }
+ else if (exprs[0]->expression.vtype == TYPE_VECTOR) {
+ if (CanConstFold(exprs[0], exprs[1]))
+ out = (ast_expression*)parser_const_vector(parser, vec3_mulvf(ConstV(0), 1.0/ConstF(1)));
+ else {
+ out = (ast_expression*)ast_binary_new(ctx, INSTR_DIV_F,
+ (ast_expression*)parser_const_float_1(parser),
+ exprs[1]);
+ if (!out) {
+ compile_error(ctx, "internal error: failed to generate division");
+ return false;
+ }
+ out = (ast_expression*)ast_binary_new(ctx, INSTR_MUL_VF, exprs[0], out);
+ }
+ }
- out = (ast_expression*)ast_binary_new(ctx, INSTR_DIV_F, exprs[0], exprs[1]);
+ {
+ ast_type_to_string(exprs[0], ty1, sizeof(ty1));
+ ast_type_to_string(exprs[1], ty2, sizeof(ty2));
+ compile_error(ctx, "invalid types used in expression: cannot divide tyeps %s and %s", ty1, ty2);
+ return false;
+ }
case opid1('%'):
case opid2('%','='):