void Vore_AI_Teamheal(entity prey)
- // allows bots to take advantage of the teamheal feature in team games, and use this feature to heal damaged team mates
+ // allows bots to take advantage of the teamheal feature, and use it to heal damaged team mates
+ entity head;
if not(teamplay)
- self.status_teamhealing = 1; // start from the premise we can teamheal until proven otherwise
- if(self.deadflag != DEAD_NO || self.eater.classname == "player" || self.flagcarried)
+ if(self.deadflag != DEAD_NO || self.eater.classname == "player" || self.flagcarried || self.digesting) // a flag carrier can't waste time on team healing
self.status_teamhealing = 0;
- // if we are holding a team mate that's been healed to the max, we can release them
- // also use this check to not go any further if someone from the enemy team is in our stomach
- entity head;
+ // decide if we can teamheal or not
+ self.status_teamhealing = 2; // consider a team mate is in our stomach and therefore we are teamhealing, until proven otherwise below
- if(head.eater.classname == "player")
+ if(head.eater == self)
+ if(head.team != self.team)
- if(head.team == self.team)
- {
- self.status_teamhealing = 2;
- if(head.health >= cvar("g_balance_vore_teamheal_stable"))
- self.BUTTON_REGURGITATE = TRUE; // release the team mate
- }
- else
- {
- self.status_teamhealing = 0; // someone from the enemy team is in our belly, which means we can't be teamhealing any more
- return;
- }
+ self.status_teamhealing = 0; // there's a foe in our stomach, we can't teamheal now
+ return;
+ else
+ self.status_teamhealing = 1; // if our stomach is empty, it means we can decide to teamheal
+ // now that we're decided if we can teamheal or not, lets go ahead and do so:
+ // if we are holding a team mate that's been healed to the maximum amount, we can release them
+ // not sure if this should be merged with the FOR_EACH_PLAYER check above. That would save an extra loop, but would be less correct
+ {
+ if(head.eater == self) // head is automatically a team mate, or we wouldn't be reaching this part of the code
+ if(head.health >= cvar("g_balance_vore_teamheal_stable"))
+ self.BUTTON_REGURGITATE = TRUE; // release the team mate
+ }
// check if we can heal a damaged team mate we came across, and if so swallow them
- if(self.status_teamhealing)
if(prey.classname == "player" && prey.team == self.team)
+ if(prey.health < cvar("g_balance_vore_teamheal_stable"))
if not(prey.flagcarried) // don't eat the flag carrier and ruin his job
- if(prey.health < cvar("g_balance_vore_teamheal_stable"))
self.BUTTON_ATCK = TRUE; // swallow
float decide_prey, decide_pred;
prey = Swallow_distance_check_bot(self);
+ // check if we should run the Teamhealing AI rather than continuing with the normal vore
+ Vore_AI_Teamheal(prey);
+ if(self.status_teamhealing > 1) // if we are teamhealing, there's nothing to do from here on
+ return;
random_try = random() * 10; // there are 10 bot skill steps
if(prey.items & IT_STRENGTH) // avoid eating bots that have the Strenght powerup
random_try /= cvar("bot_ai_vore_decide_fear");
self.swallow_retry = time + 0.5; // bots retry swallowing every 0.5 seconds, otherwise each frame would be random chance
- Vore_AI_Teamheal(prey);
- if(self.status_teamhealing > 1) // if we are teamhealing, there's nothing to do from here on
- return;
// deciding what to do with a victim:
if(self.stomach_load > 0 && time > self.decide_delay1)