float mirror_offset;
float mirror_width;
projectWidth = true; // must be fully projected for gradients
- if(alpha <= 0 && type != STRAFEHUD_STYLE_GRADIENT || width <= 0)
+ if(alpha <= 0 && type != STRAFEHUD_STYLE_GRADIENT && type != STRAFEHUD_STYLE_FAST_GRADIENT || width <= 0)
// how much is hidden by the current hud angle
case STRAFEHUD_STYLE_GRADIENT: // gradient style (types: 1 = left, 2 = right, 3 = both)
// determine whether the gradient starts in the mirrored or the non-mirrored area
int gradient_start;
float gradient_offset, gradient_mirror_offset;
gradient_mirror_offset = 0;
- StrafeHUD_DrawGradient(
- color, autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_bar_neutral_color,
- mirror_size, original_width, mirror_offset, original_mirror_offset,
- alpha, gradient_mirror_offset, gradientType, range);
+ if(type == STRAFEHUD_STYLE_FAST_GRADIENT && autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_projection == STRAFEHUD_PROJECTION_LINEAR)
+ {
+ StrafeHUD_DrawGradientFast(
+ color, autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_bar_neutral_color,
+ mirror_size, original_width, mirror_offset, alpha,
+ gradient_mirror_offset, gradientType);
+ StrafeHUD_DrawGradientFast(
+ color, autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_bar_neutral_color,
+ size, original_width, offset, alpha,
+ gradient_offset, gradientType);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ StrafeHUD_DrawGradient(
+ color, autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_bar_neutral_color,
+ mirror_size, original_width, mirror_offset, original_mirror_offset,
+ alpha, gradient_mirror_offset, gradientType, range);
- StrafeHUD_DrawGradient(
- color, autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_bar_neutral_color,
- size, original_width, offset, original_offset,
- alpha, gradient_offset, gradientType, range);
+ StrafeHUD_DrawGradient(
+ color, autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_bar_neutral_color,
+ size, original_width, offset, original_offset,
+ alpha, gradient_offset, gradientType, range);
+ }
-// FIXME: this is very bad for performance, there should be a better way to draw gradients
+// slow gradient, required for projection modes other than linear
void StrafeHUD_DrawGradient(vector color1, vector color2, vector size, float original_width, float offset, float original_offset, float alpha, float gradientOffset, int gradientType, float range)
+ if(size.x <= 0) return;
float color_ratio, alpha1, alpha2;
vector segment_size = size;
alpha1 = bound(0, alpha, 1);
+// optimized gradient, does not work with projection modes other than linear, decreased visual fidelity
+void StrafeHUD_DrawGradientFast(vector color1, vector color2, vector size, float original_width, float offset, float alpha, float gradientOffset, int gradientType)
+ if(size.x <= 0) return;
+ if(gradientType == STRAFEHUD_GRADIENT_BOTH)
+ {
+ original_width /= 2;
+ vector size1 = size;
+ size1.x = bound(0, original_width - gradientOffset, size.x);
+ vector size2 = size;
+ size2.x = size.x - size1.x;
+ if(size1.x > 0)
+ StrafeHUD_DrawGradientFast(color1, color2, size1, original_width, offset, alpha, gradientOffset, STRAFEHUD_GRADIENT_LEFT);
+ if(size2.x > 0)
+ StrafeHUD_DrawGradientFast(color1, color2, size2, original_width, offset + size1.x, alpha, max(0, gradientOffset - original_width), STRAFEHUD_GRADIENT_RIGHT);
+ return;
+ }
+ float alpha1 = bound(0, alpha, 1);
+ float alpha2 = bound(0, autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_bar_neutral_alpha * panel_fg_alpha, 1);
+ if((alpha1 + alpha2) == 0) return;
+ float ratio1 = gradientOffset / original_width;
+ if(gradientType == STRAFEHUD_GRADIENT_LEFT)
+ ratio1 = 1 - ratio1;
+ float ratio2 = (gradientOffset + size.x) / original_width;
+ if(gradientType == STRAFEHUD_GRADIENT_LEFT)
+ ratio2 = 1 - ratio2;
+ vector origin = HUD_Shift(panel_pos);
+ offset = HUD_ScaleX(offset);
+ size = HUD_Scale(size);
+ R_BeginPolygon("", DRAWFLAG_NORMAL, true);
+ R_PolygonVertex(origin + eX * offset, '0 0 0', color1, alpha1 * (1 - ratio1));
+ R_PolygonVertex(origin + eX * offset + eY * size.y, '0 0 0', color1, alpha1 * (1 - ratio1));
+ R_PolygonVertex(origin + eX * (offset + size.x) + eY * size.y, '0 0 0', color1, alpha1 * (1 - ratio2));
+ R_PolygonVertex(origin + eX * (offset + size.x), '0 0 0', color1, alpha1 * (1 - ratio2));
+ R_EndPolygon();
+ R_BeginPolygon("", DRAWFLAG_NORMAL, true);
+ R_PolygonVertex(origin + eX * offset, '0 0 0', color2, alpha2 * ratio1);
+ R_PolygonVertex(origin + eX * offset + eY * size.y, '0 0 0', color2, alpha2 * ratio1);
+ R_PolygonVertex(origin + eX * (offset + size.x) + eY * size.y, '0 0 0', color2, alpha2 * ratio2);
+ R_PolygonVertex(origin + eX * (offset + size.x), '0 0 0', color2, alpha2 * ratio2);
+ R_EndPolygon();
// draw the strafe arrows (inspired by drawspritearrow() in common/mutators/mutator/waypoints/waypointsprites.qc)
void StrafeHUD_DrawStrafeArrow(vector origin, float size, vector color, float alpha, bool flipped, float connection_width)