setorigin(bomb_1, gettaginfo(self, gettagindex(self, "bombmount_left")));
setorigin(bomb_2, gettaginfo(self, gettagindex(self, "bombmount_right")));
- bomb_1.movetype = bomb_2.movetype = MOVETYPE_TOSS;
- bomb_1.velocity = bomb_2.velocity = self.velocity;
- bomb_1.touch = bomb_2.touch = raptor_bomb_touch;
- bomb_1.think = bomb_2.think = raptor_bomb_burst;
- bomb_1.nextthink = bomb_2.nextthink = time;
- bomb_1.cnt = bomb_2.cnt = time + raptor_bomblet_wavefirst;
- bomb_1.wait = bomb_2.wait = raptor_bomblet_waves;
- bomb_1.avelocity = bomb_2.avelocity = '0 0 180';
- bomb_1.owner = bomb_2.owner = self;
- bomb_1.enemy = bomb_2.enemy = self.owner;
- bomb_1.angles = bomb_2.angles = self.angles;
+ bomb_1.movetype = bomb_2.movetype = MOVETYPE_BOUNCE;
+ bomb_1.velocity = bomb_2.velocity = self.velocity;
+ bomb_1.touch = bomb_2.touch = raptor_bomb_touch;
+ bomb_1.think = bomb_2.think = raptor_bomb_burst;
+ bomb_1.cnt = bomb_2.cnt = time + 10;
+ if(autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_bomblet_alt)
+ bomb_1.nextthink = bomb_2.nextthink = time;
+ else
+ bomb_1.nextthink = bomb_2.nextthink = time + autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_bomblet_time;
+ bomb_1.owner = bomb_2.owner = self;
+ bomb_1.realowner = bomb_2.realowner = self.owner;
bomb_1.solid = bomb_2.solid = SOLID_BBOX;
+ bomb_1.gravity = bomb_2.gravity = 1;
- bomb_1 = spawn();
- bomb_1.owner = self;
- bomb_1.think = raptor_bombs_return;
- bomb_1.nextthink = time + raptor_bombs_refire;
-void raptor_animator_think()
+void raptor_fire_cannon(entity gun, string tagname)
- self.owner.frame += 1;
- if(self.owner.frame == self.cnt)
- remove(self);
- else
- self.nextthink = time + self.wait;
+ entity bolt;
+ vector b_org;
+ b_org = gettaginfo(gun, gettagindex(gun, tagname));
+ bolt = vehicles_projectile("raptor_cannon_muzzleflash", "weapons/lasergun_fire.wav",
+ b_org, normalize(v_forward + randomvec() * autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_cannon_spread) * autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_cannon_speed,
+ autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_cannon_damage, autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_cannon_radius, autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_cannon_force, 0,
-void raptor_setanim(float start, float end, float length)
+void raptor_think()
- entity ani;
- if(self.tur_head.enemy)
- ani = self.tur_head.enemy;
- else
- ani = spawn();
- self.tur_head.enemy = ani;
- ani.owner = self;
- self.frame = start;
- ani.cnt = end;
- ani.wait = sys_frametime / length;
- ani.think = raptor_animator_think;
- ani.nextthink = time + ani.wait;
-void raptor_beam (vector start, vector end, vector smin, vector smax, float bforce, float f_dmg, float deathtype)
+void raptor_enter()
- vector hitloc, force, endpoint, dir;
- entity ent;
+ self.owner.PlayerPhysplug = raptor_takeoff;
+ self.solid = SOLID_SLIDEBOX;
+ self.owner.vehicle_health = (self.vehicle_health / autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_health);
+ self.owner.vehicle_shield = (self.vehicle_shield / autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_shield);
+ self.velocity_z = 1; // Nudge upwards to takeoff sequense can work.
+ self.tur_head.exteriormodeltoclient = self.owner;
- dir = normalize(end - start);
- force = dir * bforce;
+ self.delay = time + autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_bombs_refire;
+ self.lip = time;
- // go a little bit into the wall because we need to hit this wall later
- end = end + dir;
- // trace multiple times until we hit a wall, each obstacle will be made unsolid.
- // note down which entities were hit so we can damage them later
- while (1)
- {
- tracebox(start, smin, smax, end, FALSE, world);
- // if it is world we can't hurt it so stop now
- if (trace_ent == world || trace_fraction == 1)
- break;
- if (trace_ent.solid == SOLID_BSP)
- break;
- // make the entity non-solid so we can hit the next one
- trace_ent.railgunhit = TRUE;
- trace_ent.railgunhitloc = end;
- trace_ent.railgunhitsolidbackup = trace_ent.solid;
- // make the entity non-solid
- trace_ent.solid = SOLID_NOT;
- }
- endpoint = trace_endpos;
- // find all the entities the railgun hit and hurt them
- ent = findchainfloat(railgunhit, TRUE);
- while (ent)
- {
- // get the details we need to call the damage function
- ent.solid = ent.railgunhitsolidbackup;
- hitloc = ent.railgunhitloc;
- ent.railgunhitloc = '0 0 0';
- ent.railgunhitsolidbackup = SOLID_NOT;
- ent.railgunhit = FALSE;
- // apply the damage
- if (ent.takedamage)
- Damage (ent, self, self, f_dmg, deathtype, hitloc, force);
- ent = ent.chain;
- }
- trace_endpos = endpoint;
-void raptor_enter()
+void raptor_land()
- float hgt;
- // Remove this when bots know how to use vehicles
- if (clienttype(other) != CLIENTTYPE_REAL)
- return;
- if(teamplay)
- if(
- if( !=
- return;
- self.owner = other;
- self.switchweapon = other.switchweapon;
- self.event_damage = vehicle_stdproc_damage;
- self.colormap = self.owner.colormap;
- self.vehicle_hudmodel.viewmodelforclient = self.owner;
- self.nextthink = 0;
- self.owner.angles = self.angles;
- self.owner.takedamage = DAMAGE_NO;
- self.owner.solid = SOLID_NOT;
- self.owner.movetype = MOVETYPE_NOCLIP;
- self.owner.alpha = -1;
- self.owner.PlayerPhysplug = raptor_takeoff;
- self.owner.vehicle = self;
- self.owner.event_damage = SUB_Null;
- self.owner.hud = HUD_RAPTOR;
- self.owner.vehicle_health = self.vehicle_health / raptor_health_max;
- self.owner.vehicle_shield = self.vehicle_shield / raptor_shield_max;
- self.owner.view_ofs = '0 0 1';
- self.owner.vehicle_ammo1 = self.vehicle_ammo1;
- self.owner.vehicle_ammo2 = self.vehicle_ammo2;
- self.owner.vehicle_reload1 = self.vehicle_reload1;
- self.owner.vehicle_reload2 = self.vehicle_reload2;
- other.flags &~= FL_ONGROUND;
- self.flags &~= FL_ONGROUND;
- self.frame = 0;
- raptor_setanim(0, 25, 1);
- =;
- self.flags -= FL_NOTARGET;
++ float hgt;
+ hgt = raptor_altitude(512);
+ self.velocity = (self.velocity * 0.9) + ('0 0 -1800' * (hgt / 256) * sys_frametime);
+ self.angles_x *= 0.95;
+ self.angles_z *= 0.95;
- self.velocity = '0 0 1';
+ if(hgt < 128)
+ if(self.frame != 0)
+ self.frame = max(self.frame - 0.25, 0);
- setorigin(other,self.origin + '0 0 32');
- other.velocity = self.velocity;
+ self.bomb1.gun1.avelocity_y = 90 + ((self.frame / 25) * 2000);
+ self.bomb1.gun2.avelocity_y = -self.bomb1.gun1.avelocity_y;
- other.flags &~= FL_ONGROUND;
- msg_entity = other;
- WriteEntity( MSG_ONE, self.vehicle_viewport);
+ if(hgt < 16)
+ {
+ self.movetype = MOVETYPE_TOSS;
+ self.think = raptor_think;
+ }
- WriteAngle(MSG_ONE, self.angles_x * -1); // tilt
- WriteAngle(MSG_ONE, self.angles_y); // yaw
- WriteAngle(MSG_ONE, 0); // roll
+ self.nextthink = time;
void raptor_exit(float eject)
void spiderbot_enter()
- // Remove this when bots know how to use the spiderbot
- if (clienttype(other) != CLIENTTYPE_REAL)
- return;
- self.colormod = self.tur_head.colormod = '0 0 0';
- if(teamplay)
- if(
- if( !=
- return;
+ self.movetype = MOVETYPE_WALK;
- self.owner = other;
- self.switchweapon = other.switchweapon;
- self.event_damage = vehicle_stdproc_damage ;
- self.colormap = self.owner.colormap;
- self.tur_head.colormap = self.owner.colormap;
- self.vehicle_hudmodel.viewmodelforclient = self.owner;
- self.nextthink = 0;
- self.owner.angles = self.angles;
- self.owner.takedamage = DAMAGE_NO;
- self.owner.solid = SOLID_NOT;
- self.owner.movetype = MOVETYPE_NOCLIP;
- self.owner.alpha = -1;
- self.owner.PlayerPhysplug = spiderbot_pplug;
- self.owner.vehicle = self;
- self.owner.event_damage = SUB_Null;
- self.owner.hud = HUD_SPIDERBOT;
self.owner.vehicle_health = (self.vehicle_health / autocvar_g_vehicle_spiderbot_health);
self.owner.vehicle_shield = (self.vehicle_shield / autocvar_g_vehicle_spiderbot_shield);
- self.owner.view_ofs = '0 0 0';
- self.owner.vehicle_ammo1 = self.vehicle_ammo1;
- self.owner.vehicle_ammo2 = self.vehicle_ammo2;
- self.owner.vehicle_reload1 = self.vehicle_reload1;
- self.owner.vehicle_reload2 = self.vehicle_reload2;
- //if(other.flags & FL_ONGROUND)
- other.flags &~= FL_ONGROUND;
- //if(self.flags & FL_ONGROUND)
- self.flags &~= FL_ONGROUND;
- =;
- self.flags -= FL_NOTARGET;
- if(clienttype(other) == CLIENTTYPE_REAL)
- {
- msg_entity = other;
- WriteEntity(MSG_ONE, self.vehicle_viewport);
- WriteAngle(MSG_ONE, self.tur_head.angles_x + self.angles_x); // tilt
- WriteAngle(MSG_ONE, self.tur_head.angles_y + self.angles_y); // yaw
- WriteAngle(MSG_ONE, 0); // roll
- }
void spiderbot_exit(float eject)
e = e.chain;
- self.owner.switchweapon = self.switchweapon;
- self.velocity = '0 0 0';
- if(clienttype(self.owner) == CLIENTTYPE_REAL)
- {
- msg_entity = self.owner;
- WriteEntity( MSG_ONE, self.owner);
- WriteAngle(MSG_ONE, 0); // tilt
- WriteAngle(MSG_ONE, self.angles_y); // yaw
- WriteAngle(MSG_ONE, 0); // roll
- }
- self.think = spiderbot_think;
- self.nextthink = time;
- self.owner.takedamage = DAMAGE_AIM;
- self.owner.solid = SOLID_SLIDEBOX;
- self.owner.movetype = MOVETYPE_WALK;
- setsize(self.owner,PL_MIN,PL_MAX);
- self.owner.alpha = 1;
- self.owner.PlayerPhysplug = SUB_Null;
- self.owner.vehicle = world;
- self.owner.view_ofs = PL_VIEW_OFS;
- self.owner.hud = HUD_NORMAL;
- self.owner.event_damage = PlayerDamage;
- self.colormap = 1024;
- self.tur_head.colormap = 1024;
- if not (teamplay)
- = 0;
- else
- {
- = ;
- if ( == COLOR_TEAM1) self.colormod = '1.4 0.8 0.8';
- if ( == COLOR_TEAM2) self.colormod = '0.8 0.8 1.4';
- self.tur_head.colormod = self.colormod;
- }
- self.vehicle_hudmodel.viewmodelforclient = self;
- self.tur_head.nodrawtoclient = self;
- setattachment(self.owner,world,"");
+ self.velocity = '0 0 0';
+ self.think = spiderbot_think;
+ self.nextthink = time;
+ self.frame = 5;
+ self.movetype = MOVETYPE_WALK;
+ if not (self.owner)
+ return;
void vewhicle_spiderbot_dinit()
+ if not (vehicle_initialize(
+ "Spiderbot",
+ "models/vehicles/spiderbot.dpm",
+ "models/vehicles/spiderbot_top.dpm",
+ "models/vehicles/spiderbot_cockpit.dpm",
+ "tag_head", "tag_hud", "",
+ spiderbot_spawn, autocvar_g_vehicle_spiderbot_respawntime,
+ spiderbot_frame,
+ spiderbot_enter, spiderbot_exit,
+ spiderbot_die, spiderbot_think,
+ {
+ remove(self);
+ return;
+ }
- self.spiderbot_spawnpnt = spawn();
- self.spiderbot_spawnpnt.angles = self.angles;
- setorigin(self,self.origin);
- tracebox(self.origin + '0 0 100', spiderbot_MIN, spiderbot_MAX, self.origin - '0 0 10000', MOVE_WORLDONLY, self);
- setorigin(self.spiderbot_spawnpnt,trace_endpos);
- if( && !teamplay)
- = 0;
- else
- =;
- addstat(STAT_HUD, AS_INT, hud);
- addstat(STAT_VEHICLESTAT_HEALTH, AS_FLOAT, vehicle_health);
- addstat(STAT_VEHICLESTAT_SHIELD, AS_FLOAT, vehicle_shield);
- addstat(STAT_VEHICLESTAT_ENERGY, AS_FLOAT, vehicle_energy);
- addstat(STAT_VEHICLESTAT_AMMO1, AS_INT, vehicle_ammo1);
- addstat(STAT_VEHICLESTAT_RELOAD1, AS_FLOAT, vehicle_reload1);
- addstat(STAT_VEHICLESTAT_AMMO2, AS_INT, vehicle_ammo2);
- addstat(STAT_VEHICLESTAT_RELOAD2, AS_FLOAT, vehicle_reload2);
- if (self.netname == "")
- self.netname = "spiderbot";
- self.tur_head = spawn();
self.gun1 = spawn();
self.gun2 = spawn();
- self.vehicle_viewport = spawn();
- self.vehicle_hudmodel = spawn();
- self.cvar_basename = "g_vehicle_spiderbot";
- self.gravity = 2;
- setmodel(self, "models/vehicles/spiderbot.dpm");
- setmodel(self.tur_head, "models/vehicles/spiderbot_top.dpm");
setmodel(self.gun1, "models/vehicles/spiderbot_barrels.dpm");
setmodel(self.gun2, "models/vehicles/spiderbot_barrels.dpm");
- setmodel(self.vehicle_hudmodel, "models/vehicles/spiderbot_cockpit.dpm");
- setmodel(self.vehicle_viewport, "null");
- setattachment(self.tur_head, self, "tag_head");
- setattachment(self.vehicle_hudmodel, self.tur_head, "tag_hud");
- setattachment(self.vehicle_viewport, self.vehicle_hudmodel, "");
setattachment(self.gun1, self.tur_head, "tag_hardpoint01");
setattachment(self.gun2, self.tur_head, "tag_hardpoint02");
-void vehicle_stdproc_enter()
+float autocvar_g_vehicles_crush_dmg;
+float autocvar_g_vehicles_crush_force;
+float autocvar_g_vehicles_delayspawn;
+float autocvar_g_vehicles_delayspawn_jitter;
+void vehicles_damage(entity inflictor, entity attacker, float damage, float deathtype, vector hitloc, vector force);
+void vehicles_return();
+void vehicles_enter();
+void vehicles_touch();
+void vehicles_reset_colors();
+void vehicles_clearrturn();
+void vehicles_setreturn();
+/** AuxiliaryXhair*
+ Send additional points of interest to be drawn, to vehicle owner
+float MAX_AXH = 4;
+.entity AuxiliaryXhair[MAX_AXH];
+float SendAuxiliaryXhair(entity to, float sf)
+ WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, self.cnt);
+ WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, self.origin_x);
+ WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, self.origin_y);
+ WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, self.origin_z);
+ WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, rint(self.colormod_x * 255));
+ WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, rint(self.colormod_y * 255));
+ WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, rint(self.colormod_z * 255));
+ return TRUE;
-void vehicle_stdproc_exit(float eject)
+void UpdateAuxiliaryXhair(entity own, vector loc, vector clr, float axh_id)
+ entity axh;
+ axh_id = bound(0, axh_id, MAX_AXH);
+ axh = own.AuxiliaryXhair[axh_id];
+ if(axh == world || wasfreed(axh)) // MADNESS? THIS IS QQQQCCCCCCCCC (wasfreed, why do you exsist?)
+ {
+ axh = spawn();
+ axh.cnt = axh_id;
+ axh.drawonlytoclient = own;
+ axh.owner = own;
+ Net_LinkEntity(axh, FALSE, 0, SendAuxiliaryXhair);
+ }
+ setorigin(axh, loc);
+ axh.colormod = clr;
+ axh.SendFlags = 0x01;
+ own.AuxiliaryXhair[axh_id] = axh;
-void vehicle_stdproc_shiledregen(float rmax, float dt)
+// SVC_TEMPENTITY based, horrible with even 50 ping. hm.
+// WriteByte(MSG_ONE, SVC_TEMPENTITY) uses reliable messagess, never use for thinsg that need continous updates.
+void SendAuxiliaryXhair2(entity own, vector loc, vector clr, float axh_id)
- if(self.vehicle_shield < rmax)
- if(self.dmg_time + CCVAR("_shield_regen_dmgpause") < time)
+ msg_entity = own;
+ WriteByte(MSG_ONE, axh_id);
+ WriteCoord(MSG_ONE, loc_x);
+ WriteCoord(MSG_ONE, loc_y);
+ WriteCoord(MSG_ONE, loc_z);
+ WriteByte(MSG_ONE, rint(clr_x * 255));
+ WriteByte(MSG_ONE, rint(clr_y * 255));
+ WriteByte(MSG_ONE, rint(clr_z * 255));
+// End AuxiliaryXhair
+ Notifies the client that he enterd a vehicle, and sends
+ realavent data.
+ only sends vehicle_id atm (wich is a HUD_* constant, ex. HUD_SPIDERBOT)
+void CSQCVehicleSetup(entity own, float vehicle_id)
+ msg_entity = own;
+ WriteByte(MSG_ONE, vehicle_id);
+/** vehicles_locktarget
+ Generic target locking.
+ Figure out if what target is "locked" (if any), for missile tracking as such.
+ after calling, "if(self.lock_target != world && self.lock_strength == 1)" mean
+ you have a locked in target.
+ Exspects a crosshair_trace() or equivalent to be
+ dont before calling.
+.entity lock_target;
+.float lock_strength;
+.float lock_time;
+.float lock_soundtime;
+void vehicles_locktarget(float incr, float decr, float _lock_time)
+ if(self.lock_target && self.lock_target.deadflag != DEAD_NO)
- self.vehicle_shield = min(self.vehicle_shield + CCVAR("_shield_regen") * dt, rmax);
+ self.lock_target = world;
+ self.lock_strength = 0;
+ self.lock_time = 0;
+ }
- if(self.owner)
- self.owner.vehicle_shield = self.vehicle_shield / rmax;
+ if(self.lock_time > time)
+ {
+ if(self.lock_target)
+ if(self.lock_soundtime < time)
+ {
+ self.lock_soundtime = time + 0.5;
+ play2(self.owner, "vehicles/locked.wav");
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if(trace_ent != world)
+ {
- if(teams_matter && ==
++ if(teamplay && ==
+ trace_ent = world;
+ if(trace_ent.deadflag != DEAD_NO)
+ trace_ent = world;
+ if not (trace_ent.vehicle_flags & VHF_ISVEHICLE || trace_ent.turrcaps_flags & TFL_TURRCAPS_ISTURRET)
+ trace_ent = world;
+ }
+ if(self.lock_target == world && trace_ent != world)
+ self.lock_target = trace_ent;
+ if(self.lock_target && trace_ent == self.lock_target)
+ {
+ if(self.lock_strength != 1 && self.lock_strength + incr >= 1)
+ {
+ play2(self.owner, "vehicles/lock.wav");
+ self.lock_soundtime = time + 0.8;
+ }
+ else if (self.lock_strength != 1 && self.lock_soundtime < time)
+ {
+ play2(self.owner, "vehicles/locking.wav");
+ self.lock_soundtime = time + 0.3;
+ }
+ }
+ // Have a locking target
+ // Trace hit current target
+ if(trace_ent == self.lock_target && trace_ent != world)
+ {
+ self.lock_strength = min(self.lock_strength + incr, 1);
+ if(self.lock_strength == 1)
+ self.lock_time = time + _lock_time;
+ else
+ {
+ if(trace_ent)
+ self.lock_strength = max(self.lock_strength - decr * 2, 0);
+ else
+ self.lock_strength = max(self.lock_strength - decr, 0);
+ if(self.lock_strength == 0)
+ self.lock_target = world;
+ }
+#define VEHICLE_UPDATE_PLAYER(fld,vhname) \
+self.owner.vehicle_##fld = (self.vehicle_##fld / autocvar_g_vehicle_##vhname##_##fld) * 100
+#define vehicles_sweap_collision(orig,vel,dt,acm,mult) \
+traceline(orig, orig + vel * dt, MOVE_NORMAL, self); \
+if(trace_fraction != 1) \
+ acm += normalize(self.origin - trace_endpos) * (vlen(vel) * mult)
+// Hover movement support
+float force_fromtag_power;
+float force_fromtag_normpower;
+vector force_fromtag_origin;
+vector vehicles_force_fromtag_hover(string tag_name, float spring_length, float max_power)
+ force_fromtag_origin = gettaginfo(self, gettagindex(self, tag_name));
+ v_forward = normalize(v_forward) * -1;
+ traceline(force_fromtag_origin, force_fromtag_origin - (v_forward * spring_length), MOVE_NORMAL, self);
+ force_fromtag_power = (1 - trace_fraction) * max_power;
+ force_fromtag_normpower = force_fromtag_power / max_power;
+ return v_forward * force_fromtag_power;
-void vehicle_stdproc_healthregen(float rmax, float dt)
+// Experimental hovermode wich uses attraction/repulstion from surface insted of gravity/repulsion
+// Can possibly be use to move abt any surface (inclusing walls/celings)
+vector vehicles_force_fromtag_maglev(string tag_name, float spring_length, float max_power)
- if(self.dmg_time + CCVAR("_health_regen_dmgpause") < time)
- if(self.vehicle_health < rmax)
+ force_fromtag_origin = gettaginfo(self, gettagindex(self, tag_name));
+ v_forward = normalize(v_forward) * -1;
+ traceline(force_fromtag_origin, force_fromtag_origin - (v_forward * spring_length), MOVE_NORMAL, self);
+ // TODO - this may NOT be compatible with wall/celing movement, unhardcode 0.25 (engine count multiplier)
+ if(trace_fraction == 1.0)
- self.vehicle_health = min(self.vehicle_health + CCVAR("_health_regen") * dt, rmax);
+ force_fromtag_normpower = -0.25;
+ return '0 0 -200';
+ }
- if(self.owner)
- self.owner.vehicle_health = self.vehicle_health / rmax;
+ force_fromtag_power = ((1 - trace_fraction) - trace_fraction) * max_power;
+ force_fromtag_normpower = force_fromtag_power / max_power;
+ return v_forward * force_fromtag_power;
+// Generic vehile projectile system
+void vehicles_projectile_damage(entity inflictor, entity attacker, float damage, float deathtype, vector hitloc, vector force)
+ // Ignore damage from oterh projectiles from my owner (dont mess up volly's)
+ if(inflictor.owner == self.owner)
+ return;
+ -= damage;
+ self.velocity += force;
+ if( < 1)
+ {
+ self.takedamage = DAMAGE_NO;
+ self.event_damage = SUB_Null;
+ self.think = self.use;
+ self.nextthink = time;
-void vehicle_stdproc_energyregen(float rmax, float dt)
+void vehicles_projectile_explode()
- if(self.vehicle_energy < rmax)
+ if(self.owner && other != world)
+ {
+ if(other == self.owner.vehicle)
+ return;
+ if(other == self.owner.vehicle.tur_head)
+ return;
+ }
+ self.event_damage = SUB_Null;
+ RadiusDamage (self, self.realowner, self.shot_dmg, 0, self.shot_radius, self, self.shot_force, self.totalfrags, other);
+ remove (self);
+entity vehicles_projectile(string _mzlfx, string _mzlsound,
+ vector _org, vector _vel,
+ float _dmg, float _radi, float _force, float _size,
+ float _deahtype, float _projtype, float _health,
+ float _cull, float _clianim)
+ entity proj;
+ proj = spawn();
+ setorigin(proj, _org);
+ proj.shot_dmg = _dmg;
+ proj.shot_radius = _radi;
+ proj.shot_force = _force;
+ proj.totalfrags = _deahtype;
+ proj.solid = SOLID_BBOX;
+ proj.movetype = MOVETYPE_FLYMISSILE;
+ proj.flags = FL_PROJECTILE;
+ proj.bot_dodge = TRUE;
+ proj.bot_dodgerating = _dmg;
+ proj.velocity = _vel;
+ proj.touch = vehicles_projectile_explode;
+ proj.use = vehicles_projectile_explode;
+ proj.owner = self;
+ proj.realowner = self.owner;
+ proj.think = SUB_Remove;
+ proj.nextthink = time + 30;
+ if(_health)
- self.vehicle_energy = min(self.vehicle_energy + CCVAR("_energy_regen") * dt, rmax);
+ proj.takedamage = DAMAGE_AIM;
+ proj.event_damage = vehicles_projectile_damage;
+ = _health;
+ }
+ else
+ if(_mzlsound)
+ sound (self, CHAN_WEAPON, _mzlsound, VOL_BASE, ATTN_NORM);
+ if(_mzlfx)
+ pointparticles(particleeffectnum(_mzlfx), proj.origin, proj.velocity, 1);
+ setsize (proj, '-1 -1 -1' * _size, '1 1 1' * _size);
+ CSQCProjectile(proj, _clianim, _projtype, _cull);
+ return proj;
+// End generic vehile projectile system
+/** vehicles_spawn
+ Exetuted for all vehicles on (re)spawn.
+ Sets defaults for newly spawned units.
+void vehicles_spawn()
+ dprint("Spawning vehicle: ", self.netname, "\n");
+ // De-own & reset
+ self.vehicle_hudmodel.viewmodelforclient = self;
+ self.owner = world;
+ self.touch = vehicles_touch;
+ self.event_damage = vehicles_damage;
+ self.iscreature = TRUE;
+ self.movetype = MOVETYPE_WALK;
+ self.solid = SOLID_SLIDEBOX;
+ self.takedamage = DAMAGE_AIM;
+ self.deadflag = DEAD_NO;
+ self.bot_attack = TRUE;
+ self.flags = FL_NOTARGET;
+ self.avelocity = '0 0 0';
+ self.velocity = '0 0 0';
+ // Reset locking
+ self.lock_strength = 0;
+ self.lock_target = world;
+ self.misc_bulletcounter = 0;
+ // Return to spawn
+ self.angles = self.pos2;
+ setorigin(self, self.pos1 + '0 0 128');
+ // Show it
+ pointparticles(particleeffectnum("teleport"), self.origin + '0 0 64', '0 0 0', 1);
+ vehicles_reset_colors();
+ self.vehicle_spawn();
+// Better way of determening whats crushable needed! (fl_crushable?)
+float vehicles_crushable(entity e)
+ if(e.classname == "player")
+ return TRUE;
+ if(e.classname == "monster_zombie")
+ return TRUE;
+ return FALSE;
+void vehicles_touch()
+ // Vehicle currently in use
+ if(self.owner)
+ {
+ // Colided with world?
+ if(other == world)
+ {
+ // Apply velocity based self damage here
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(other.vehicle_flags & VHF_ISVEHICLE)
+ {
+ //other.velocity += self.velocity * (self.mass / other.mass);
+ }
+ else if(vehicles_crushable(other))
+ {
+ if(vlen(self.velocity) != 0)
+ Damage(other, self, self.owner, autocvar_g_vehicles_crush_dmg, DEATH_VHCRUSH, '0 0 0', normalize(other.origin - self.origin) * autocvar_g_vehicles_crush_force);
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if(other.classname != "player")
+ return;
+ if(other.deadflag != DEAD_NO)
+ return;
+ if(other.vehicle != world)
+ return;
+ // Remove this when bots know how to use vehicles.
+ if (clienttype(other) != CLIENTTYPE_REAL)
+ return;
+ vehicles_enter();
+void vehicles_enter()
+ // Remove this when bots know how to use vehicles
+ if (clienttype(other) != CLIENTTYPE_REAL)
+ return;
+ if(self.phase > time)
+ return;
- if(teams_matter)
++ if(teamplay)
+ if(
+ if( !=
+ return;
+ self.vehicle_ammo1 = 0;
+ self.vehicle_ammo2 = 0;
+ self.vehicle_reload1 = 0;
+ self.vehicle_reload2 = 0;
+ self.vehicle_energy = 0;
+ self.owner = other;
+ self.switchweapon = other.switchweapon;
+ // .viewmodelforclient works better.
+ //self.vehicle_hudmodel.drawonlytoclient = self.owner;
+ self.vehicle_hudmodel.viewmodelforclient = self.owner;
+ self.event_damage = vehicles_damage;
+ self.nextthink = 0;
+ self.owner.angles = self.angles;
+ self.owner.takedamage = DAMAGE_NO;
+ self.owner.solid = SOLID_NOT;
+ self.owner.movetype = MOVETYPE_NOCLIP;
+ self.owner.alpha = -1;
+ self.owner.vehicle = self;
+ self.owner.event_damage = SUB_Null;
+ self.owner.view_ofs = '0 0 0';
+ self.colormap = self.owner.colormap;
+ if(self.tur_head)
+ self.tur_head.colormap = self.owner.colormap;
+ self.owner.hud = self.hud;
+ self.owner.PlayerPhysplug = self.PlayerPhysplug;
+ self.owner.vehicle_ammo1 = self.vehicle_ammo1;
+ self.owner.vehicle_ammo2 = self.vehicle_ammo2;
+ self.owner.vehicle_reload1 = self.vehicle_reload1;
+ self.owner.vehicle_reload2 = self.vehicle_reload2;
+ // Cant do this, hides attached objects too.
+ //self.exteriormodeltoclient = self.owner;
+ //self.tur_head.exteriormodeltoclient = self.owner;
+ other.flags &~= FL_ONGROUND;
+ self.flags &~= FL_ONGROUND;
+ =;
+ self.flags -= FL_NOTARGET;
+ msg_entity = other;
+ WriteEntity(MSG_ONE, self.vehicle_viewport);
+ if(self.tur_head)
+ {
+ WriteAngle(MSG_ONE, self.tur_head.angles_x + self.angles_x); // tilt
+ WriteAngle(MSG_ONE, self.tur_head.angles_y + self.angles_y); // yaw
+ WriteAngle(MSG_ONE, 0); // roll
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ WriteAngle(MSG_ONE, self.angles_x * -1); // tilt
+ WriteAngle(MSG_ONE, self.angles_y); // yaw
+ WriteAngle(MSG_ONE, 0); // roll
+ }
+ vehicles_clearrturn();
+ CSQCVehicleSetup(self.owner, self.hud);
+ self.vehicle_enter();
+/** vehicles_findgoodexit
+ Locates a valid location for the player to exit the vehicle.
+ Will first try prefer_spot, then up 100 random spots arround the vehicle
+ wich are in direct line of sight and empty enougth to hold a players bbox
+vector vehicles_findgoodexit(vector prefer_spot)
+ vector exitspot;
+ float mysize;
+ tracebox(self.origin + '0 0 32', PL_MIN, PL_MAX, prefer_spot, MOVE_NORMAL, self.owner);
+ if(trace_fraction == 1.0 && !trace_startsolid && !trace_allsolid)
+ return prefer_spot;
+ mysize = vlen(self.maxs - self.mins);
+ float i;
+ vector v, v2;
+ v2 = 0.5 * (self.absmin + self.absmax);
+ for(i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
+ {
+ v = randomvec();
+ v_z = 0;
+ v = v2 + normalize(v) * mysize;
+ tracebox(v2, PL_MIN, PL_MAX, v, MOVE_NORMAL, self.owner);
+ if(trace_fraction == 1.0 && !trace_startsolid && !trace_allsolid)
+ return v;
+ }
+ /*
+ exitspot = (self.origin + '0 0 48') + v_forward * mysize;
+ tracebox(self.origin + '0 0 32', PL_MIN, PL_MAX, exitspot, MOVE_NORMAL, self.owner);
+ if(trace_fraction == 1.0 && !trace_startsolid && !trace_allsolid)
+ return exitspot;
+ exitspot = (self.origin + '0 0 48') - v_forward * mysize;
+ tracebox(self.origin + '0 0 32', PL_MIN, PL_MAX, exitspot, MOVE_NORMAL, self.owner);
+ if(trace_fraction == 1.0 && !trace_startsolid && !trace_allsolid)
+ return exitspot;
+ exitspot = (self.origin + '0 0 48') + v_right * mysize;
+ tracebox(self.origin + '0 0 32', PL_MIN, PL_MAX, exitspot, MOVE_NORMAL, self.owner);
+ if(trace_fraction == 1.0 && !trace_startsolid && !trace_allsolid)
+ return exitspot;
+ exitspot = (self.origin + '0 0 48') - v_right * mysize;
+ tracebox(self.origin + '0 0 32', PL_MIN, PL_MAX, exitspot, MOVE_NORMAL, self.owner);
+ if(trace_fraction == 1.0 && !trace_startsolid && !trace_allsolid)
+ return exitspot;
+ */
+ return self.origin;
+/** vehicles_exit
+ Standarrd vehicle release fucntion.
+ custom code goes in self.vehicle_exit
+void vehicles_exit(float eject)
+ self.flags |= FL_NOTARGET;
+ if (self.owner)
+ {
+ msg_entity = self.owner;
+ WriteEntity( MSG_ONE, self.owner);
+ WriteAngle(MSG_ONE, 0); // pich
+ WriteAngle(MSG_ONE, self.angles_y); // yaw
+ WriteAngle(MSG_ONE, 0); // roll
+ setsize(self.owner, PL_MIN,PL_MAX);
+ self.owner.takedamage = DAMAGE_AIM;
+ self.owner.solid = SOLID_SLIDEBOX;
+ self.owner.movetype = MOVETYPE_WALK;
+ self.owner.effects &~= EF_NODRAW;
+ self.owner.alpha = 1;
+ self.owner.PlayerPhysplug = SUB_Null;
+ self.owner.vehicle = world;
+ self.owner.view_ofs = PL_VIEW_OFS;
+ self.owner.event_damage = PlayerDamage;
+ self.owner.hud = HUD_NORMAL;
+ self.owner.switchweapon = self.switchweapon;
+ self.owner.BUTTON_USE = 0;
+ }
+ if(self.deadflag == DEAD_NO)
+ self.avelocity = '0 0 0';
+ self.vehicle_hudmodel.viewmodelforclient = self;
+ self.tur_head.nodrawtoclient = world;
+ vehicles_setreturn();
+ self.phase = time + 1;
- if(!teams_matter)
++ if(!teamplay)
+ = 0;
+ self.vehicle_exit(eject);
+ self.owner = world;
+void vehicles_regen(.float timer, .float regen_field, float field_max, float rpause, float regen, float delta_time)
+ if(self.regen_field < field_max)
+ if(self.timer + rpause < time)
+ {
+ self.regen_field = min(self.regen_field + regen * delta_time, field_max);
- self.owner.vehicle_energy = self.vehicle_energy / rmax;
+ self.owner.regen_field = (self.regen_field / field_max) * 100;
if(self.vehicle_flags & VHF_DEATHEJECT)
- self.vehicle_exit(VHEF_EJECT);
+ vehicles_exit(VHEF_EJECT);
+ else
+ vehicles_exit(VHEF_RELESE);
- if(teams_matter &&
+ vehicles_setreturn();
+ }
+void vehicles_clearrturn()
+ entity ret;
+ // Remove "return helper", if any.
+ ret = findchain(classname, "vehicle_return");
+ while(ret)
+ {
+ if(ret.enemy == self)
+ {
+ ret.classname = "";
+ ret.think = SUB_Remove;
+ ret.nextthink = time + 0.1;
+ if(ret.waypointsprite_attached)
+ WaypointSprite_Kill(ret.waypointsprite_attached);
+ return;
+ }
+ ret = ret.chain;
+ }
+void vehicles_return()
+ pointparticles(particleeffectnum("teleport"), self.enemy.origin + '0 0 64', '0 0 0', 1);
+ self.enemy.think = vehicles_spawn;
+ self.enemy.nextthink = time;
+ if(self.waypointsprite_attached)
+ WaypointSprite_Kill(self.waypointsprite_attached);
+ remove(self);
+void vehicles_showwp_goaway()
+ if(self.waypointsprite_attached)
+ WaypointSprite_Kill(self.waypointsprite_attached);
+ remove(self);
+void vehicles_showwp()
+ entity oldself;
+ if(self.cnt)
+ {
+ self.think = vehicles_return;
+ self.nextthink = self.cnt;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ self.think = vehicles_return;
+ self.nextthink = time +1;
+ oldself = self;
+ self = spawn();
+ setmodel(self, "null");
+ =;
+ self.enemy = oldself.enemy;
+ setorigin(self, oldself.enemy.pos1);
+ self.nextthink = time + 5;
+ self.think = vehicles_showwp_goaway;
+ }
+ WaypointSprite_Spawn("vehicle", 0, 0, self, '0 0 64', world, 0, self, waypointsprite_attached, TRUE);
+ if(self.waypointsprite_attached)
+ {
- if( && !teams_matter)
++ if(teamplay &&
+ WaypointSprite_UpdateTeamRadar(self.waypointsprite_attached, RADARICON_POWERUP, TeamColor(;
+ else
+ WaypointSprite_UpdateTeamRadar(self.waypointsprite_attached, RADARICON_POWERUP, '1 1 1');
+ WaypointSprite_UpdateRule(self.waypointsprite_attached,, SPRITERULE_DEFAULT);
+ if(oldself == world)
+ {
+ WaypointSprite_UpdateBuildFinished(self.waypointsprite_attached, self.nextthink);
+ dprint("Oldies is goldies\n");
+ }
+ WaypointSprite_Ping(self.waypointsprite_attached);
+ }
+ if(oldself != world)
+ self = oldself;
+void vehicles_setreturn()
+ entity ret;
+ vehicles_clearrturn();
+ ret = spawn();
+ ret.classname = "vehicle_return";
+ ret.enemy = self;
+ =;
+ ret.think = vehicles_showwp;
+ if(self.deadflag != DEAD_NO)
+ {
+ ret.cnt = time + self.vehicle_respawntime;
+ ret.nextthink = min(time + self.vehicle_respawntime, time + self.vehicle_respawntime - 5);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ret.nextthink = min(time + self.vehicle_respawntime, time + self.vehicle_respawntime - 1);
+ }
+ setmodel(ret, "null");
+ setorigin(ret, self.pos1 + '0 0 96');
+void vehicles_configcheck(string configname, float check_cvar)
+ if(check_cvar == 0)
+ localcmd(strcat("exec ", configname, "\n"));
+void vehicles_reset_colors()
+ entity e;
+ float _effects, _colormap;
+ vector _glowmod, _colormod;
+ if(autocvar_g_nodepthtestplayers)
+ _effects = EF_NODEPTHTEST;
+ if(autocvar_g_fullbrightplayers)
+ _effects |= EF_FULLBRIGHT;
+ if(
+ _colormap = 1024 + ( - 1) * 17;
+ else
+ _colormap = 1024;
+ _glowmod = '0 0 0';
+ _colormod = '0 0 0';
+ // Find all ents attacked to main model and setup effects, colormod etc.
+ e = findchainentity(tag_entity, self);
+ while(e)
+ {
+ if(e != self.vehicle_shieldent)
+ {
+ e.effects = _effects | EF_LOWPRECISION;
+ e.colormod = _colormod;
+ e.colormap = _colormap;
+ e.alpha = 1;
+ }
+ e = e.chain;
+ }
+ self.vehicle_hudmodel.effects = self.effects = _effects | EF_LOWPRECISION;
+ self.vehicle_hudmodel.colormod = self.colormod = _colormod;
+ self.vehicle_hudmodel.colormap = self.colormap = _colormap;
+ self.alpha = 1;
+ self.avelocity = '0 0 0';
+ self.velocity = '0 0 0';
+ self.effects = _effects;
+float vehicle_initialize(string net_name,
+ string bodymodel,
+ string topmodel,
+ string hudmodel,
+ string toptag,
+ string hudtag,
+ string viewtag,
+ float vhud,
+ vector min_s,
+ vector max_s,
+ float nodrop,
+ void() spawnproc,
+ float _respawntime,
+ float() physproc,
+ void() enterproc,
+ void(float extflag) exitfunc,
+ void() dieproc,
+ void() thinkproc,
+ float use_csqc)
+ addstat(STAT_HUD, AS_INT, hud);
+ addstat(STAT_VEHICLESTAT_HEALTH, AS_INT, vehicle_health);
+ addstat(STAT_VEHICLESTAT_SHIELD, AS_INT, vehicle_shield);
+ addstat(STAT_VEHICLESTAT_ENERGY, AS_INT, vehicle_energy);
+ addstat(STAT_VEHICLESTAT_AMMO1, AS_INT, vehicle_ammo1);
+ addstat(STAT_VEHICLESTAT_RELOAD1, AS_INT, vehicle_reload1);
+ addstat(STAT_VEHICLESTAT_AMMO2, AS_INT, vehicle_ammo2);
+ addstat(STAT_VEHICLESTAT_RELOAD2, AS_INT, vehicle_reload2);
+ if(bodymodel == "")
+ error("vehicles: missing bodymodel!");
+ if(hudmodel == "")
+ error("vehicles: missing hudmodel!");
+ if(net_name == "")
+ self.netname = self.classname;
+ else
+ self.netname = net_name;
++ if( && !teamplay)
+ = 0;
+ self.vehicle_flags |= VHF_ISVEHICLE;
+ setmodel(self, bodymodel);
+ self.vehicle_viewport = spawn();
+ self.vehicle_hudmodel = spawn();
+ self.tur_head = spawn();
+ self.tur_head.owner = self;
+ self.takedamage = DAMAGE_AIM;
+ self.bot_attack = TRUE;
+ self.iscreature = TRUE;
+ self.hud = vhud;
+ self.vehicle_die = dieproc;
+ self.vehicle_exit = exitfunc;
+ self.vehicle_enter = enterproc;
+ self.PlayerPhysplug = physproc;
+ self.event_damage = vehicles_damage;
+ self.touch = vehicles_touch;
+ self.think = vehicles_spawn;
+ self.nextthink = time;
+ self.vehicle_respawntime = _respawntime;
+ self.vehicle_spawn = spawnproc;
+ if(autocvar_g_nodepthtestplayers)
+ self.effects = self.effects | EF_NODEPTHTEST;
+ if(autocvar_g_fullbrightplayers)
+ self.effects = self.effects | EF_FULLBRIGHT;
+ setmodel(self.vehicle_hudmodel, hudmodel);
+ setmodel(self.vehicle_viewport, "null");
+ if(topmodel != "")
+ {
+ setmodel(self.tur_head, topmodel);
+ setattachment(self.tur_head, self, toptag);
+ setattachment(self.vehicle_hudmodel, self.tur_head, hudtag);
+ setattachment(self.vehicle_viewport, self.vehicle_hudmodel, viewtag);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ setattachment(self.tur_head, self, "");
+ setattachment(self.vehicle_hudmodel, self, hudtag);
+ setattachment(self.vehicle_viewport, self.vehicle_hudmodel, viewtag);
+ }
+ setsize(self, min_s, max_s);
+ if not (nodrop)
+ {
+ setorigin(self, self.origin);
+ tracebox(self.origin + '0 0 100', min_s, max_s, self.origin - '0 0 10000', MOVE_WORLDONLY, self);
+ setorigin(self, trace_endpos);
+ self.pos1 = self.origin;
+ self.pos2 = self.angles;
+ return TRUE;
void bugmenot()