alias cl_hook_gamestart_ft
alias cl_hook_gamestart_inv
alias cl_hook_gamestart_duel
-alias cl_hook_gamestart_ttt //LegendGuard adds ttt client hook for TTT 20-02-2021
+alias cl_hook_gamestart_mmm //LegendGuard adds mmm client hook for MMM 20-02-2021
alias cl_hook_gameend "rpn /cl_matchcount dup load 1 + =" // increase match count every time a game ends
alias cl_hook_shutdown
alias cl_hook_activeweapon
alias sv_hook_gamestart_ft
alias sv_hook_gamestart_inv
alias sv_hook_gamestart_duel
-alias sv_hook_gamestart_ttt //LegendGuard adds ttt hook for TTT 20-02-2021
+alias sv_hook_gamestart_mmm //LegendGuard adds mmm hook for MMM 20-02-2021
// there is currently no hook for when the match is restarted
// see sv_hook_readyrestart for previous uses of this hook
//alias sv_hook_gamerestart
alias sv_vote_gametype_hook_rc
alias sv_vote_gametype_hook_tdm
alias sv_vote_gametype_hook_duel
-alias sv_vote_gametype_hook_ttt //LegendGuard adds ttt hook for TTT 20-02-2021
+alias sv_vote_gametype_hook_mmm //LegendGuard adds mmm hook for MMM 20-02-2021
// Example preset to allow 1v1ctf to be used for the gametype voting screen.
// Aliases can have max 31 chars so the gametype can have max 9 chars.
set g_duel_respawn_delay_max 0
set g_duel_respawn_waves 0
set g_duel_weapon_stay 0
-set g_ttt_respawn_delay_small 0 //LegendGuard adds ttt cvars for TTT 20-02-2021
-set g_ttt_respawn_delay_small_count 0
-set g_ttt_respawn_delay_large 0
-set g_ttt_respawn_delay_large_count 0
-set g_ttt_respawn_delay_max 0
-set g_ttt_respawn_waves 0
-set g_ttt_weapon_stay 0
+set g_mmm_respawn_delay_small 0 //LegendGuard adds mmm cvars for MMM 20-02-2021
+set g_mmm_respawn_delay_small_count 0
+set g_mmm_respawn_delay_large 0
+set g_mmm_respawn_delay_large_count 0
+set g_mmm_respawn_delay_max 0
+set g_mmm_respawn_waves 0
+set g_mmm_weapon_stay 0
// =========
set g_duel_with_powerups 0 "Enable powerups to spawn in the duel gamemode"
set g_duel_not_dm_maps 0 "when this is set, DM maps will NOT be listed in duel"
-//LegendGuard adds ttt cvars for TTT 20-02-2021
+//LegendGuard adds mmm cvars for MMM 20-02-2021
// ==========
-// trouble in terrorist town
+// murder in megaerebus manor
// ==========
-set g_ttt 0 "Trouble in Terrorist Town: A group of space terrorists have traitors among them. Traitors must kill terrorists, while the terrorists have to try to find and kill the traitors"
-set g_ttt_not_lms_maps 0 "when this is set, LMS maps will NOT be listed in ttt"
-//set g_ttt_traitor_count 0.25 "number of players who will become traitors, set between 0 and 0.9 to use a multiplier of the current players, or 1 and above to specify an exact number of players"
-set g_ttt_punish_teamkill 0 "kill the player when they kill an ally"
-set g_ttt_reward_innocent 1 "give a point to all innocent players if the round timelimit is reached, in addition to the points given for kills"
-set g_ttt_warmup 10 "how long the players will have time to run around the map before the round starts"
-set g_ttt_round_timelimit 180 "round time limit in seconds"
-set g_ttt_max_karma_points 1000 "limit of maximum number of karma points will have in the server"
-set g_ttt_min_karma_points 400 "limit where number of karma points can be reached when are being decreased"
\ No newline at end of file
+set g_mmm 0 "Murder in Megaerebus Manor: A group of space civilians have murderers among them. Murderers must kill civilians, while the civilians have to try to find and kill the murderers"
+set g_mmm_not_lms_maps 0 "when this is set, LMS maps will NOT be listed in mmm"
+set g_mmm_civilian_count 0.625 "number of players who will become civilians, set between 0 and 0.9 to use a multiplier of the current players, or 1 and above to specify an exact number of players"
+//set g_mmm_murderer_count 0.25 "number of players who will become murderers, set between 0 and 0.9 to use a multiplier of the current players, or 1 and above to specify an exact number of players"
+set g_mmm_punish_teamkill 0 "kill the player when they kill an ally"
+set g_mmm_reward_civilian 1 "give a point to all civilian players if the round timelimit is reached, in addition to the points given for kills"
+set g_mmm_warmup 10 "how long the players will have time to run around the map before the round starts"
+set g_mmm_round_timelimit 180 "round time limit in seconds"
+set g_mmm_max_karma_points 1000 "limit of maximum number of karma points will have in the server"
+set g_mmm_min_karma_points 400 "limit where number of karma points can be reached when are being decreased"
+set g_mmm_karma_bankick_tool 0 "tool for strict rules when karma is low: '0' forces player to spec, '1' kicks player, '2' bans player"
+set g_mmm_karma_bantime 1800 "number of seconds to ban someone with very low karma"
+set g_mmm_karma_damageactive 1 "enable karma damage rule. If a player's karma is low, they will not do as much damage as a player who has high or full karma"
+set g_mmm_reward_sleuth 1 "give a point to all sleuth players if investigated corpses"
\ No newline at end of file
seta notification_INFO_TEAMCHANGE_LARGERTEAM "1" "0 = off, 1 = print to console, 2 = print to console and chatbox (if notification_allow_chatboxprint is enabled)"
seta notification_INFO_TEAMCHANGE_NOTALLOWED "1" "0 = off, 1 = print to console, 2 = print to console and chatbox (if notification_allow_chatboxprint is enabled)"
-//LegendGuard adds ttt notifications for TTT 20-02-2021
-seta notification_INFO_TTT_TRAITOR_WIN "1" "0 = off, 1 = print to console, 2 = print to console and chatbox (if notification_allow_chatboxprint is enabled)"
-seta notification_INFO_TTT_INNOCENT_WIN "1" "0 = off, 1 = print to console, 2 = print to console and chatbox (if notification_allow_chatboxprint is enabled)"
+//LegendGuard adds mmm notifications for MMM 20-02-2021
+seta notification_INFO_MMM_MURDERER_WIN "1" "0 = off, 1 = print to console, 2 = print to console and chatbox (if notification_allow_chatboxprint is enabled)"
+seta notification_INFO_MMM_CIVILIAN_WIN "1" "0 = off, 1 = print to console, 2 = print to console and chatbox (if notification_allow_chatboxprint is enabled)"
seta notification_INFO_VERSION_BETA "1" "0 = off, 1 = print to console, 2 = print to console and chatbox (if notification_allow_chatboxprint is enabled)"
seta notification_INFO_VERSION_OLD "2" "0 = off, 1 = print to console, 2 = print to console and chatbox (if notification_allow_chatboxprint is enabled)"
seta notification_CENTER_TEAMCHANGE_SUICIDE "1" "0 = off, 1 = centerprint"
seta notification_CENTER_TIMEOUT_BEGINNING "1" "0 = off, 1 = centerprint"
seta notification_CENTER_TIMEOUT_ENDING "1" "0 = off, 1 = centerprint"
-//LegendGuard adds ttt notification for TTT 20-02-2021
-seta notification_CENTER_TTT_TRAITOR "1" "0 = off, 1 = centerprint"
-seta notification_CENTER_TTT_TRAITOR_WIN "1" "0 = off, 1 = centerprint"
-seta notification_CENTER_TTT_INNOCENT "1" "0 = off, 1 = centerprint"
-seta notification_CENTER_TTT_INNOCENT_WIN "1" "0 = off, 1 = centerprint"
-seta notification_CENTER_TTT_DETECTIVE "1" "0 = off, 1 = centerprint"
+//LegendGuard adds mmm notification for MMM 20-02-2021
+seta notification_CENTER_MMM_MURDERER "1" "0 = off, 1 = centerprint"
+seta notification_CENTER_MMM_MURDERER_WIN "1" "0 = off, 1 = centerprint"
+seta notification_CENTER_MMM_CIVILIAN "1" "0 = off, 1 = centerprint"
+seta notification_CENTER_MMM_CIVILIAN_WIN "1" "0 = off, 1 = centerprint"
+seta notification_CENTER_MMM_SLEUTH "1" "0 = off, 1 = centerprint"
seta notification_CENTER_VEHICLE_ENTER "1" "0 = off, 1 = centerprint"
seta notification_CENTER_VEHICLE_ENTER_GUNNER "1" "0 = off, 1 = centerprint"
{ WriteByte(chan, ent.sv_solid); },
{ ent.sv_solid = ReadByte(); })
-//LegendGuard adds ENTCS_PROP from TTT 20-02-2021
-// gamemode specific player ttt status (independent of score and frags)
-ENTCS_PROP(TTT_STATUS, true, ttt_status, ttt_status, ENTCS_SET_NORMAL,
- { WriteShort(chan, ent.ttt_status); },
- { ent.ttt_status = ReadShort(); })
+//LegendGuard adds ENTCS_PROP from MMM 20-02-2021
+// gamemode specific player mmm status (independent of score and frags)
+ENTCS_PROP(MMM_STATUS, true, mmm_status, mmm_status, ENTCS_SET_NORMAL,
+ { WriteShort(chan, ent.mmm_status); },
+ { ent.mmm_status = ReadShort(); })
#ifdef SVQC
#include <common/gamemodes/gamemode/keepaway/>
#include <common/gamemodes/gamemode/keyhunt/>
#include <common/gamemodes/gamemode/lms/>
+#include <common/gamemodes/gamemode/mmm/> //LegendGuard adds for Murder in Megaerebus Manor 20-02-2021
#include <common/gamemodes/gamemode/nexball/>
#include <common/gamemodes/gamemode/onslaught/>
#include <common/gamemodes/gamemode/race/>
-#include <common/gamemodes/gamemode/ttt/> //LegendGuard adds for Trouble In Terrorist Town 20-02-2021
#include <common/gamemodes/gamemode/tdm/>
\ No newline at end of file
#include <common/gamemodes/gamemode/keepaway/_mod.qh>
#include <common/gamemodes/gamemode/keyhunt/_mod.qh>
#include <common/gamemodes/gamemode/lms/_mod.qh>
+#include <common/gamemodes/gamemode/mmm/_mod.qh> //LegendGuard adds _mod.qh for Murder in Megaerebus Manor 20-02-2021
#include <common/gamemodes/gamemode/nexball/_mod.qh>
#include <common/gamemodes/gamemode/onslaught/_mod.qh>
#include <common/gamemodes/gamemode/race/_mod.qh>
-#include <common/gamemodes/gamemode/ttt/_mod.qh> //LegendGuard adds _mod.qh for Trouble In Terrorist Town 20-02-2021
#include <common/gamemodes/gamemode/tdm/_mod.qh>
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+// generated file; do not modify
+#include <common/gamemodes/gamemode/mmm/mmm.qc>
+#ifdef CSQC
+ #include <common/gamemodes/gamemode/mmm/cl_mmm.qc>
+#ifdef SVQC
+ #include <common/gamemodes/gamemode/mmm/sv_mmm.qc>
--- /dev/null
+// generated file; do not modify
+#include <common/gamemodes/gamemode/mmm/mmm.qh>
+#ifdef CSQC
+ #include <common/gamemodes/gamemode/mmm/cl_mmm.qh>
+#ifdef SVQC
+ #include <common/gamemodes/gamemode/mmm/sv_mmm.qh>
--- /dev/null
+#include "cl_mmm.qh"
+#include <client/draw.qh>
+#include <client/hud/panel/modicons.qh>
+void HUD_Mod_MMM(vector pos, vector mySize)
+ mod_active = 1; // mmm should always show the mod HUD
+ int mystatus = entcs_receiver(player_localnum).mmm_status;
+ string player_text = "";
+ vector player_color = '1 1 1';
+ //string player_icon = "";
+ if(mystatus == MMM_STATUS_MURDERER)
+ {
+ player_text = _("Murderer");
+ player_color = '1 0 0';
+ //player_icon = "player_red";
+ }
+ else if(mystatus == MMM_STATUS_CIVILIAN)
+ {
+ player_text = _("Civilian");
+ player_color = '0 1 0';
+ //player_icon = "player_neutral";
+ }
+ else if(mystatus == MMM_STATUS_SLEUTH)
+ {
+ player_text = _("Sleuth");
+ player_color = '0 0 1';
+ //player_icon = "player_blue";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // if the player has no valid status, don't draw anything
+ return;
+ }
+ string time_text = string_null;
+ vector timer_color = '1 1 1';
+ if(!STAT(GAME_STOPPED) && !warmup_stage && STAT(MMM_ROUNDTIMER) > 0)
+ {
+ float timeleft = max(0, STAT(MMM_ROUNDTIMER) - time);
+ timeleft = ceil(timeleft);
+ float minutesLeft = floor(timeleft / 60);
+ time_text = seconds_tostring(timeleft);
+ if(intermission_time || minutesLeft >= 5 || warmup_stage || STAT(MMM_ROUNDTIMER) == 0)
+ timer_color = '1 1 1'; //white
+ else if(minutesLeft >= 1)
+ timer_color = '1 1 0'; //yellow
+ else
+ timer_color = '1 0 0'; //red
+ }
+ //drawpic_aspect_skin(pos, player_icon, vec2(0.5 * mySize.x, mySize.y), '1 1 1', panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+ if(!time_text)
+ drawstring_aspect(pos, player_text, vec2(mySize.x, mySize.y), player_color, panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+ else
+ {
+ drawstring_aspect(pos, player_text, vec2(0.5 * mySize.x, mySize.y), player_color, panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+ drawstring_aspect(pos + eX * (0.5 * mySize.x), time_text, vec2(0.5 * mySize.x, mySize.y), timer_color, panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+ }
+REGISTER_MUTATOR(cl_mmm, true);
+MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(cl_mmm, ForcePlayercolors_Skip, CBC_ORDER_LAST)
+ return false;
+ entity player = M_ARGV(0, entity);
+ entity e = entcs_receiver(player.entnum - 1);
+ int otherplayer_status = ((e) ? e.mmm_status : 0);
+ int mystatus = entcs_receiver(player_localnum).mmm_status;
+ int plcolor = MMM_COLOR_CIVILIAN; // default to civilian
+ if((mystatus == MMM_STATUS_MURDERER || intermission || STAT(GAME_STOPPED)) && otherplayer_status == MMM_STATUS_MURDERER)
+ {
+ }
+ //LegendGuard adds CIVILIAN part 21-02-2021
+ if((mystatus == MMM_STATUS_CIVILIAN || intermission || STAT(GAME_STOPPED)) && otherplayer_status == MMM_STATUS_CIVILIAN)
+ {
+ }
+ //LegendGuard adds if sentence for Sleuth model color which will shown for everyone 21-02-2021
+ if (otherplayer_status == MMM_STATUS_SLEUTH)
+ {
+ plcolor = MMM_COLOR_SLEUTH;
+ }
+ player.colormap = 1024 + plcolor;
+ return true;
+MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(cl_mmm, DrawScoreboard_Force)
+ // show the scoreboard when the round ends, so players can see who the murderer was
--- /dev/null
+#pragma once
+void HUD_Mod_MMM(vector pos, vector mySize);
--- /dev/null
+#include "mmm.qh"
--- /dev/null
+#pragma once
+#include <common/gamemodes/gamemode/lms/lms.qh>
+#include <common/mapinfo.qh>
+#ifdef CSQC
+void HUD_Mod_MMM(vector pos, vector mySize);
+CLASS(MurderinMegaerebusManor, Gametype)
+ INIT(MurderinMegaerebusManor)
+ {
+ this.gametype_init(this, _("Murder in Megaerebus Manor"),"mmm","g_mmm",GAMETYPE_FLAG_USEPOINTS,"","timelimit=30 pointlimit=20",_("A group of space civilians have murderers among them. Murderers must kill civilians, while the civilians have to try to find and kill the murderers"));
+ }
+ METHOD(MurderinMegaerebusManor, m_isAlwaysSupported, bool(Gametype this, int spawnpoints, float diameter))
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ METHOD(MurderinMegaerebusManor, m_isForcedSupported, bool(Gametype this))
+ {
+ if(!cvar("g_mmm_not_lms_maps"))
+ {
+ // if this is unset, all LMS maps support MurderinMegaerebusManor too
+ if(!(MapInfo_Map_supportedGametypes & this.m_flags) && (MapInfo_Map_supportedGametypes & MAPINFO_TYPE_LMS.m_flags))
+ return true; // TODO: references another gametype (alternatively, we could check which gamemodes are always enabled and append this if any are supported)
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+#ifdef CSQC
+ ATTRIB(MurderinMegaerebusManor, m_modicons, void(vector pos, vector mySize), HUD_Mod_MMM);
+REGISTER_GAMETYPE(MMM, NEW(MurderinMegaerebusManor));
+#ifdef GAMEQC
+// shared state signalling the player's mmm status mmm_status;
+const int MMM_STATUS_CIVILIAN = 1;
+const int MMM_STATUS_MURDERER = 2;
+const int MMM_STATUS_SLEUTH = 3;
+// hardcoded player colors for mmm
+const int MMM_COLOR_SLEUTH = 221; // blue
+const int MMM_COLOR_CIVILIAN = 51; // green
+const int MMM_COLOR_MURDERER = 68; // red
--- /dev/null
+#include "sv_mmm.qh"
+//set g_mmm_sleuth_count 0.125 "number of players who will become sleuths, set between 0 and 0.9 to use a multiplier of the current players, or 1 and above to specify an exact number of players"
+//float autocvar_g_mmm_sleuth_count = 0.125; //I don't think that it won't be used...
+float autocvar_g_mmm_civilian_count = 0.625;
+//float autocvar_g_mmm_murderer_count = 0.25;
+float autocvar_g_mmm_round_timelimit = 180;
+float autocvar_g_mmm_warmup = 10;
+bool autocvar_g_mmm_punish_teamkill = false;
+bool autocvar_g_mmm_reward_civilian = true;
+bool autocvar_g_mmm_reward_sleuth = true; //sleuth reward if investigated corpses
+float autocvar_g_mmm_max_karma_points = 1000; //LegendGuard sets Karma points 21-02-2021
+float autocvar_g_mmm_min_karma_points = 400;
+int autocvar_g_mmm_karma_bankick_tool = 0; //LegendGuard sets a ban tool for server admins 11-03-2021
+float autocvar_g_mmm_karma_bantime = 1800; //karma ban seconds
+bool autocvar_g_mmm_karma_damageactive = true; //LegendGuard sets Karma damage setting if active 20-03-2021
+// Sleuth is a created team, this team is added inside Civilians team
+void mmm_FakeTimeLimit(entity e, float t)
+ if(!IS_REAL_CLIENT(e))
+ return;
+#if 0
+ msg_entity = e;
+ WriteByte(MSG_ONE, 3); // svc_updatestat
+ WriteByte(MSG_ONE, 236); // STAT_TIMELIMIT
+ if(t < 0)
+ WriteCoord(MSG_ONE, autocvar_timelimit);
+ else
+ WriteCoord(MSG_ONE, (t + 1) / 60);
+void nades_Clear(entity player);
+void karma_Control(entity it)
+ float masksize = autocvar_g_ban_default_masksize;
+ float bantime = autocvar_g_mmm_karma_bantime;
+ if(it.karmapoints >= autocvar_g_mmm_max_karma_points)
+ {
+ //Resets karmapoints to maintain the maximum
+ //PrintToChatAll("^3REWARD ^1MAXIMUM RESET");
+ GameRules_scoring_add(it, MMM_KARMA, autocvar_g_mmm_max_karma_points - it.karmapoints);
+ it.karmapoints = autocvar_g_mmm_max_karma_points;
+ }
+ else if(it.karmapoints <= autocvar_g_mmm_min_karma_points)
+ {
+ switch (autocvar_g_mmm_karma_bankick_tool)
+ {
+ //force to spec
+ case 0: PutObserverInServer(it); return;
+ //kick
+ case 1: dropclient(it); return;
+ //ban and kick
+ case 2: Ban_KickBanClient(it, bantime, masksize, "Too low karma"); return;
+ //force to spec
+ default: PutObserverInServer(it); return;
+ }
+ }
+void karmaLoseDifference(entity attacker, entity target)
+ //BASIC MATH THEORY: example: 1000 * 0.3 * (0.1 + 0.4) * 0.25 // karma points reduce when player attacked to other player
+ if (target.karmapoints < attacker.karmapoints)
+ {
+ float decreasekarma = - ( target.karmapoints * random() * ( 0.1 + random() ) * 0.25 );
+ GameRules_scoring_add(attacker, MMM_KARMA, decreasekarma);
+ attacker.karmapoints = attacker.karmapoints + decreasekarma;
+ }
+ else if (target.karmapoints > attacker.karmapoints)
+ {
+ float decreasekarma = - ( target.karmapoints * random() * ( 0.1 + random() ) * 0.25 );
+ GameRules_scoring_add(attacker, MMM_KARMA, decreasekarma);
+ attacker.karmapoints = attacker.karmapoints + decreasekarma;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ float decreasekarma = - ( target.karmapoints * random() * ( 0.1 + random() ) * 0.25 );
+ GameRules_scoring_add(attacker, MMM_KARMA, decreasekarma);
+ attacker.karmapoints = attacker.karmapoints + decreasekarma;
+ }
+void karmaWinDifference(entity it)
+ GameRules_scoring_add(it, SCORE, 1); // reward civilians who make it to the end of the round time limit
+ float increasekarma = ( autocvar_g_mmm_min_karma_points * random() * ( 0.1 + random() ) * 0.12 );
+ GameRules_scoring_add(it, MMM_KARMA, increasekarma);
+ it.karmapoints = it.karmapoints + increasekarma;
+void mmm_UpdateScores(bool timed_out)
+ // give players their hard-earned kills now that the round is over
+ {
+ it.totalfrags += it.mmm_validkills;
+ if(it.mmm_validkills)
+ {
+ GameRules_scoring_add(it, SCORE, it.mmm_validkills);
+ }
+ it.mmm_validkills = 0;
+ // player survived the round
+ if(IS_PLAYER(it) && !IS_DEAD(it)) // LegendGuard adds something for Karma 21-02-2021
+ {
+ if((autocvar_g_mmm_reward_civilian && timed_out && it.mmm_status == MMM_STATUS_CIVILIAN)
+ || (autocvar_g_mmm_reward_civilian && !timed_out && it.mmm_status == MMM_STATUS_CIVILIAN))
+ {
+ karmaWinDifference(it);
+ //PrintToChatAll(sprintf("^2REWARD ^7it.karmapoints: ^1%f", it.karmapoints));
+ karma_Control(it);
+ }
+ //Sleuth reward after investigated a corpse
+ if((autocvar_g_mmm_reward_sleuth && timed_out && it.mmm_status == MMM_STATUS_SLEUTH)
+ || (autocvar_g_mmm_reward_sleuth && !timed_out && it.mmm_status == MMM_STATUS_SLEUTH))
+ {
+ if (it.investigated == true)
+ {
+ karmaWinDifference(it);
+ it.investigated = false;
+ }
+ karma_Control(it);
+ }
+ if(it.mmm_status == MMM_STATUS_CIVILIAN)
+ {
+ karmaWinDifference(it);
+ //PrintToChatAll(sprintf("^2CIVILIAN ^7it.karmapoints: ^1%f", it.karmapoints));
+ karma_Control(it);
+ }
+ else if(it.mmm_status == MMM_STATUS_MURDERER)
+ {
+ karmaWinDifference(it);
+ //PrintToChatAll(sprintf("^1MURDERER ^7it.karmapoints: ^1%f", it.karmapoints));
+ karma_Control(it);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+float mmm_CheckWinner()
+ if(round_handler_GetEndTime() > 0 && round_handler_GetEndTime() - time <= 0)
+ {
+ // if the match times out, civilians win too!
+ {
+ if(IS_PLAYER(it))
+ nades_Clear(it);
+ mmm_FakeTimeLimit(it, -1);
+ });
+ mmm_UpdateScores(true);
+ allowed_to_spawn = false;
+ game_stopped = true;
+ round_handler_Init(5, autocvar_g_mmm_warmup, autocvar_g_mmm_round_timelimit);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ int civilian_count = 0, murderer_count = 0, sleuth_count = 0;
+ {
+ if(it.mmm_status == MMM_STATUS_CIVILIAN)
+ civilian_count++;
+ else if(it.mmm_status == MMM_STATUS_MURDERER)
+ murderer_count++;
+ else if(it.mmm_status == MMM_STATUS_SLEUTH) //LegendGuard adds sleuth_count 20-02-2021
+ sleuth_count++;
+ });
+ if(civilian_count > 0 && murderer_count > 0)
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if(murderer_count > 0) // murderers win
+ {
+ }
+ else if(civilian_count > 0) // civilians win
+ {
+ }
+ else if (sleuth_count > 0 && civilian_count > 0) // sleuths are same as civilians win
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ mmm_UpdateScores(false);
+ allowed_to_spawn = false;
+ game_stopped = true;
+ round_handler_Init(5, autocvar_g_mmm_warmup, autocvar_g_mmm_round_timelimit);
+ {
+ if(IS_PLAYER(it))
+ {
+ it.respawn_flags = RESPAWN_SILENT; //CSQC print output respawn lib.qh error fix
+ nades_Clear(it);
+ }
+ mmm_FakeTimeLimit(it, -1);
+ });
+ return 1;
+void mmm_RoundStart()
+ allowed_to_spawn = boolean(warmup_stage);
+ int playercount = 0;
+ {
+ if(IS_PLAYER(it) && !IS_DEAD(it))
+ {
+ ++playercount;
+ it.mmm_status = MMM_STATUS_CIVILIAN;
+ }
+ else
+ it.mmm_status = 0; // this is mostly a safety check; if a client manages to somehow maintain a mmm status, clear it before the round starts!
+ it.mmm_validkills = 0;
+ });
+ int civilian_count = bound(1, ((autocvar_g_mmm_civilian_count >= 1) ? autocvar_g_mmm_civilian_count : floor(playercount * autocvar_g_mmm_civilian_count)), playercount - 1); // 20%, but ensure at least 1 and less than total
+ int total_civilians = 0;
+ //int murderer_count = bound(1, ((autocvar_g_mmm_murderer_count >= 1) ? autocvar_g_mmm_murderer_count : floor(playercount * autocvar_g_mmm_murderer_count)), playercount - 1); // 20%, but ensure at least 1 and less than total
+ int total_murderers = 0;
+ //int sleuth_count = bound(1, ((autocvar_g_mmm_sleuth_count >= 1) ? autocvar_g_mmm_sleuth_count : floor(playercount * autocvar_g_mmm_sleuth_count)), playercount - 1); // 20%, but ensure at least 1 and less than total
+ int total_sleuths = 0;
+ //civilians TOTAL
+ {
+ if(total_civilians >= civilian_count)
+ break;
+ //LegendGuard fixes the round start again 22-03-2021
+ total_civilians++;
+ if (total_civilians <= 1)
+ {
+ if (total_murderers <= 1)
+ {
+ total_murderers++;
+ it.mmm_status = MMM_STATUS_MURDERER;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (total_civilians == 2)
+ {
+ if (total_sleuths >= 1)
+ break;
+ else
+ {
+ total_sleuths++;
+ it.mmm_status = MMM_STATUS_SLEUTH;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (total_civilians == 5)
+ {
+ if (total_sleuths >= 2)
+ break;
+ else
+ {
+ total_sleuths++;
+ it.mmm_status = MMM_STATUS_SLEUTH;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (total_civilians >= 7)
+ {
+ if (total_sleuths >= 3)
+ break;
+ else if (total_murderers == 3)
+ {
+ total_murderers++;
+ it.mmm_status = MMM_STATUS_MURDERER;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ total_sleuths++;
+ it.mmm_status = MMM_STATUS_SLEUTH;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ total_murderers++;
+ it.mmm_status = MMM_STATUS_MURDERER;
+ }
+ });
+ {
+ float totalmeankarma = ((autocvar_g_mmm_max_karma_points + autocvar_g_mmm_min_karma_points + it.karmapoints) / 3);
+ karma_Control(it);
+ it.activekillerrole = false;
+ if(it.mmm_status == MMM_STATUS_CIVILIAN)
+ {
+ SetResource(it, RES_SHELLS, 10);
+ SetResource(it, RES_BULLETS, 20);
+ SetResource(it, RES_ROCKETS, 10);
+ SetResource(it, RES_CELLS, 10);
+ if (it.karmapoints <= totalmeankarma)
+ {
+ centerprint(it, strcat(BOLD_OPERATOR, "^1KARMA WARNING!\n^3Here, have the Rifle!"));
+ GiveWeapon(it, WEP_RIFLE.m_id, OP_PLUS, 1);
+ }
+ //Gives Mine Layer weapon to the player
+ GiveWeapon(it, WEP_MINE_LAYER.m_id, OP_PLUS, 1);
+ //PrintToChatAll(sprintf("^1DEBUG^7: %s is ^2Civilian^7!", it.netname));
+ }
+ else if(it.mmm_status == MMM_STATUS_MURDERER)
+ {
+ SetResource(it, RES_SHELLS, 10);
+ SetResource(it, RES_BULLETS, 20);
+ SetResource(it, RES_ROCKETS, 10);
+ SetResource(it, RES_CELLS, 10);
+ if (it.karmapoints <= totalmeankarma)
+ {
+ centerprint(it, strcat(BOLD_OPERATOR, "^1KARMA WARNING!\n^3Here, have the Rifle!"));
+ GiveWeapon(it, WEP_RIFLE.m_id, OP_PLUS, 1);
+ }
+ //Gives Mine Layer weapon to the player
+ GiveWeapon(it, WEP_MINE_LAYER.m_id, OP_PLUS, 1);
+ //PrintToChatAll(sprintf("^1DEBUG^7: %s is ^1Murderer^7!", it.netname));
+ }
+ else if(it.mmm_status == MMM_STATUS_SLEUTH)
+ {
+ SetResource(it, RES_ROCKETS, 10);
+ if (it.karmapoints <= totalmeankarma)
+ {
+ centerprint(it, strcat(BOLD_OPERATOR, "^1KARMA WARNING!\n^3Here, have the Rifle!"));
+ GiveWeapon(it, WEP_RIFLE.m_id, OP_PLUS, 1);
+ }
+ //Gives Shockwave and Mine Layer weapon to the player
+ GiveWeapon(it, WEP_SHOCKWAVE.m_id, OP_PLUS, 1);
+ GiveWeapon(it, WEP_MINE_LAYER.m_id, OP_PLUS, 1);
+ PrintToChatAll(sprintf("%s is ^4Sleuth^7!", it.netname));
+ }
+ mmm_FakeTimeLimit(it, round_handler_GetEndTime());
+ });
+bool mmm_CheckPlayers()
+ static int prev_missing_players;
+ allowed_to_spawn = true;
+ int playercount = 0;
+ {
+ //PrintToChatAll(sprintf("it.karmapoints ^5begin: ^3%f",it.karmapoints));
+ //Karma points start
+ if (it.karmastarted != true)
+ {
+ GameRules_scoring_add(it, MMM_KARMA, autocvar_g_mmm_max_karma_points - it.karmapoints);
+ it.karmapoints = autocvar_g_mmm_max_karma_points;
+ it.karmastarted = true;
+ }
+ karma_Control(it);
+ ++playercount;
+ //PrintToChatAll(sprintf("it.karmapoints ^6end: ^3%f",it.karmapoints));
+ });
+ if (playercount >= 2)
+ {
+ if(prev_missing_players > 0)
+ prev_missing_players = -1;
+ return true;
+ }
+ if(playercount == 0)
+ {
+ if(prev_missing_players > 0)
+ prev_missing_players = -1;
+ return false;
+ }
+ // if we get here, only 1 player is missing
+ if(prev_missing_players != 1)
+ {
+ prev_missing_players = 1;
+ }
+ return false;
+bool mmm_isEliminated(entity e)
+ if(e.caplayer == 1 && (IS_DEAD(e) || e.frags == FRAGS_PLAYER_OUT_OF_GAME))
+ return true;
+ if(e.caplayer == 0.5)
+ return true;
+ return false;
+void mmm_Initialize() // run at the start of a match, initiates game mode
+ GameRules_scoring(0, SFL_SORT_PRIO_PRIMARY, 0, {
+ field(SP_MMM_KARMA, "karma", SFL_SORT_PRIO_SECONDARY); //LegendGuard adds Karma points in the scoreboard 22-02-2021
+ });
+ allowed_to_spawn = true;
+ round_handler_Spawn(mmm_CheckPlayers, mmm_CheckWinner, mmm_RoundStart);
+ round_handler_Init(5, autocvar_g_mmm_warmup, autocvar_g_mmm_round_timelimit);
+ EliminatedPlayers_Init(mmm_isEliminated);
+void checkWeaponDeathtype(entity target, float deathtype)
+ switch (deathtype)
+ {
+ case WEP_ARC.m_id: case 276: case 788: target.killedwithweapon = "Impacted by the Arc's electric shock"; return;
+ case WEP_BLASTER.m_id: case 513: target.killedwithweapon = "Blasted by the Blaster"; return;
+ case WEP_CRYLINK.m_id: case 263: case 519: target.killedwithweapon = "Shot by the Crylink"; return;
+ case WEP_DEVASTATOR.m_id: case 522: case 1546: target.killedwithweapon = "Bombarded by the Devastator"; return;
+ case WEP_ELECTRO.m_id: case 262: case 518: case 1542: target.killedwithweapon = "Electrocuted by the Electro"; return;
+ case WEP_FIREBALL.m_id: case 273: case 529: case 1297: target.killedwithweapon = "Burned by the Fireball"; return;
+ case WEP_HAGAR.m_id: case 265: target.killedwithweapon = "Gunned by the Hagar"; return;
+ case WEP_HLAC.m_id: case 270: case 526: target.killedwithweapon = "Cut down with the HLAC"; return;
+ case WEP_HOOK.m_id: case 1805: target.killedwithweapon = "Caught in Hook gravity bomb"; return;
+ case WEP_MACHINEGUN.m_id: target.activekillerrole = true; target.killedwithweapon = "Riddled full of holes by the Machine Gun"; return;
+ case WEP_MINE_LAYER.m_id: case 517: case 1541: target.killedwithweapon = "Exploited by the Mine Layer"; return;
+ case WEP_MORTAR.m_id: case 516: case 1284: target.killedwithweapon = "Blew up with the Mortar"; return;
+ case WEP_OVERKILL_NEX.m_id: target.killedwithweapon = "Sniped by the Overkill Nex"; return;
+ case WEP_RIFLE.m_id: case 272: target.activekillerrole = true; target.killedwithweapon = "Sniped by the Rifle"; return;
+ case WEP_SEEKER.m_id: case 274: case 786: target.killedwithweapon = "Blasted by the Seeker"; return;
+ case WEP_SHOCKWAVE.m_id: target.killedwithweapon = "Gunned down by the Shockwave"; return;
+ case 275: target.killedwithweapon = "Knocked by the Shockwave"; return;
+ case WEP_SHOTGUN.m_id: target.activekillerrole = true; target.killedwithweapon = "Shot by Shotgun"; return;
+ case 258: target.killedwithweapon = "Knocked by the Shotgun"; return;
+ case WEP_TUBA.m_id: target.killedwithweapon = "Ear pain by the @!#%'n Tuba"; return;
+ case WEP_VAPORIZER.m_id: case 257: case 769: target.killedwithweapon = "Sniped by the Vaporizer"; return;
+ case WEP_VORTEX.m_id: target.killedwithweapon = "Sniped by the Vortex"; return;
+ case DEATH_FALL.m_id: target.killedwithweapon = "Fall"; return;
+ case DEATH_FIRE.m_id: target.killedwithweapon = "Burned with the fire"; return;
+ case DEATH_LAVA.m_id: target.killedwithweapon = "Burned in lava"; return;
+ case DEATH_MIRRORDAMAGE.m_id: target.killedwithweapon = "Suicide"; return;
+ case DEATH_SLIME.m_id: target.killedwithweapon = "Melted in slime"; return;
+ case DEATH_TELEFRAG.m_id: target.killedwithweapon = "Telefragged"; return;
+ case DEATH_NADE.m_id: target.killedwithweapon = "Blown up by the nade"; return;
+ case DEATH_NADE_NAPALM.m_id: target.killedwithweapon = "Burned by the Napalm nade"; return;
+ case DEATH_NADE_ICE.m_id: target.killedwithweapon = "Frozen by the Ice nade"; return;
+ case DEATH_NADE_HEAL.m_id: target.killedwithweapon = "Sucked by the Heal nade"; return;
+ default: target.killedwithweapon = "Unknown"; return;
+ }
+void ReduceKarmaPointsandFrags(entity frag_attacker, entity frag_target, float frag_deathtype, entity wep_ent)
+ karmaLoseDifference(frag_attacker, frag_target);
+ GiveFrags(frag_attacker, frag_target, ((autocvar_g_mmm_punish_teamkill) ? -1 : -2), frag_deathtype, wep_ent.weaponentity_fld);
+ karma_Control(frag_attacker);
+ frag_target.whokilled = frag_attacker.netname;
+// ==============
+// Hook Functions
+// ==============
+MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(mmm, ClientObituary)
+ // LegendGuard's IDEA: To adjust the grade of severity of karma,
+ // we could add if sentence per weapons and adjust each weapon attack
+ // its own grade. Instead doing random decrease grade 22-02-2021
+ // in mmm, announcing a frag would tell everyone who the murderer is
+ entity frag_attacker = M_ARGV(1, entity);
+ entity frag_target = M_ARGV(2, entity);
+ if(IS_PLAYER(frag_attacker) && frag_attacker != frag_target)
+ {
+ float frag_deathtype = M_ARGV(3, float);
+ entity wep_ent = M_ARGV(4, entity);
+ //PrintToChatAll(strcat("deathtype var: ", ftos(frag_deathtype)));
+ checkWeaponDeathtype(frag_target, frag_deathtype);
+ // "team" kill, a point is awarded to the player by default so we must take it away plus an extra one
+ // unless the player is going to be punished for suicide, in which case just remove one
+ if(frag_attacker.mmm_status == frag_target.mmm_status)
+ {
+ //PrintToChatAll("^1DEBUG^7: A ^2PLAYER^7 has fragged a ^2PLAYER OF HIS OWN TEAM^7, TOO BAD!");
+ ReduceKarmaPointsandFrags(frag_attacker, frag_target, frag_deathtype, wep_ent);
+ switch (frag_attacker.mmm_status)
+ {
+ case MMM_STATUS_CIVILIAN: frag_target.killerrole = "\n^3Killer role: ^2Civilian"; return;
+ case MMM_STATUS_MURDERER: frag_target.killerrole = "\n^3Killer role: ^1Murderer"; return;
+ case MMM_STATUS_SLEUTH: frag_target.killerrole = "\n^3Killer role: ^4Sleuth"; return;
+ default: return;
+ }
+ //PrintToChatAll(sprintf("frag_attacker.karmapoints: ^1%f", frag_attacker.karmapoints));
+ }
+ if(frag_attacker.mmm_status == MMM_STATUS_SLEUTH)
+ {
+ if (frag_target.mmm_status == MMM_STATUS_CIVILIAN || frag_target.mmm_status == MMM_STATUS_SLEUTH)
+ {
+ //PrintToChatAll("^1DEBUG^7: A ^4Sleuth^7 fragged an ^2Civilian^7/^4Sleuth^7, TOO BAD!");
+ ReduceKarmaPointsandFrags(frag_attacker, frag_target, frag_deathtype, wep_ent);
+ frag_target.killerrole = "\n^3Killer role: ^4Sleuth";
+ //PrintToChatAll(sprintf("frag_attacker.karmapoints: ^1%f", frag_attacker.karmapoints));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ frag_target.whokilled = frag_attacker.netname;
+ frag_target.killerrole = "\n^3Killer role: ^4Sleuth";
+ }
+ }
+ if (frag_attacker.mmm_status == MMM_STATUS_CIVILIAN)
+ {
+ if (frag_target.mmm_status == MMM_STATUS_SLEUTH)
+ {
+ //PrintToChatAll("^1DEBUG^7: An ^2Civilian^7 fragged a ^4Sleuth^7, TOO BAD!");
+ ReduceKarmaPointsandFrags(frag_attacker, frag_target, frag_deathtype, wep_ent);
+ frag_target.killerrole = "\n^3Killer role: ^2Civilian";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ frag_target.whokilled = frag_attacker.netname;
+ frag_target.killerrole = "\n^3Killer role: ^2Civilian";
+ }
+ }
+ if (frag_attacker.mmm_status == MMM_STATUS_MURDERER)
+ {
+ if (frag_target.mmm_status == MMM_STATUS_CIVILIAN)
+ {
+ frag_target.whokilled = frag_attacker.netname;
+ frag_target.killerrole = "\n^3Killer role: ^1Murderer";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ frag_target.whokilled = frag_attacker.netname;
+ frag_target.killerrole = "\n^3Killer role: ^1Murderer";
+ }
+ }
+ //if mmm_status is 1, means civilian, 2 means murderer, 3 means sleuth, TODO: the bots: frag_attacker(1) shouldn't attack to frag_target(3)
+ //PrintToChatAll(sprintf("^1DEBUG^7: frag_attacker.mmm_status is ^3%s^7",ftos(frag_attacker.mmm_status)));
+ //PrintToChatAll(sprintf("^1DEBUG^7: frag_target.mmm_status is ^3%s^7",ftos(frag_target.mmm_status)));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ float frag_deathtype = M_ARGV(3, float);
+ checkWeaponDeathtype(frag_target, frag_deathtype);
+ }
+ //TODO: try to do a "find out" if a sleuth can see who fragged to who if possible 21-02-2021
+ M_ARGV(5, bool) = true; // anonymous attacker
+//karma weapon damage, halve the damage attack when player has low karma 20-03-2021
+MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(mmm, Damage_Calculate)
+ entity attacker = M_ARGV(1, entity);
+ entity target = M_ARGV(2, entity);
+ float deathtype = M_ARGV(3, float);
+ float damage = M_ARGV(4, float);
+ vector force = M_ARGV(6, vector);
+ string corpsemessagestrcat = "";
+ if (autocvar_g_mmm_karma_damageactive != false)
+ {
+ if (IS_PLAYER(attacker))
+ {
+ if(target == attacker) // damage done to yourself
+ {
+ damage /= autocvar_g_weapondamagefactor / (attacker.karmapoints / autocvar_g_mmm_max_karma_points);
+ force /= autocvar_g_weaponforcefactor / (attacker.karmapoints / autocvar_g_mmm_max_karma_points);
+ }
+ else if (target != attacker)
+ {
+ damage /= autocvar_g_weapondamagefactor / (attacker.karmapoints / autocvar_g_mmm_max_karma_points);
+ force /= autocvar_g_weaponforcefactor / (attacker.karmapoints / autocvar_g_mmm_max_karma_points);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ damage *= autocvar_g_weapondamagefactor;
+ force *= autocvar_g_weaponforcefactor;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (attacker.mmm_status == MMM_STATUS_SLEUTH)
+ {
+ if(IS_DEAD(target))
+ {
+ //Shockwave weapon as radar gun to check the corpses 22-03-2021
+ {
+ if (target.killedwithweapon == "")
+ target.killedwithweapon = "UNKNOWN CAUSE";
+ if (target.activekillerrole != true)
+ {
+ target.killerrole = "";
+ target.activekillerrole = false;
+ }
+ string killedbyphrase = strcat("\n^3Killed by:^7 ", target.whokilled, target.killerrole);
+ string wepkilledphrase = strcat("\n^3Cause:^7 ", target.killedwithweapon);
+ if (target.whokilled == "")
+ {
+ killedbyphrase = "";
+ if (target.killedwithweapon == "")
+ wepkilledphrase = "\n^3Cause:^7 UNKNOWN CAUSE";
+ }
+ damage = 0;
+ force = '0 0 0';
+ if (target.mmm_status == MMM_STATUS_CIVILIAN)
+ {
+ //try to add centerprint message for chat privately if possible
+ corpsemessagestrcat = strcat("\n^3Name:^7 ", target.netname, "\n^3Role: ^2Civilian", killedbyphrase, wepkilledphrase);
+ centerprint(attacker, strcat(BOLD_OPERATOR, corpsemessagestrcat));//("\n^6Name^3:^7 ", target.netname, "\n^5Role^3: ^2Civilian\n", "^1Killed by^3:^7 ", target.whokilled)));
+ }
+ else if (target.mmm_status == MMM_STATUS_MURDERER)
+ {
+ corpsemessagestrcat = strcat("\n^3Name:^7 ", target.netname, "\n^3Role: ^1Murderer", killedbyphrase, wepkilledphrase);
+ centerprint(attacker, strcat(BOLD_OPERATOR, corpsemessagestrcat));//("\n^6Name^3:^7 ", target.netname, "\n^5Role^3: ^1Murderer\n", "^1Killed by^3:^7 ", target.whokilled)));
+ }
+ else if (target.mmm_status == MMM_STATUS_SLEUTH)
+ {
+ corpsemessagestrcat = strcat("\n^3Name:^7 ", target.netname, "\n^3Role: ^4Sleuth", killedbyphrase, wepkilledphrase);
+ centerprint(attacker, strcat(BOLD_OPERATOR, corpsemessagestrcat));//("\n^6Name^3:^7 ", target.netname, "\n^5Role^3: ^4Sleuth\n", "^1Killed by^3:^7 ", target.whokilled)));
+ }
+ attacker.investigated = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ M_ARGV(4, float) = damage;
+ M_ARGV(6, vector) = force;
+ entity player = M_ARGV(0, entity);
+ if(IS_PLAYER(player) || player.caplayer)
+ {
+ // update the scoreboard colour display to out the real killer at the end of the round
+ // running this every frame to avoid cheats
+ int plcolor = MMM_COLOR_CIVILIAN;
+ if(player.mmm_status == MMM_STATUS_CIVILIAN && game_stopped) //Civilian status by default
+ if(player.mmm_status == MMM_STATUS_MURDERER && game_stopped)
+ //LegendGuard adds for Sleuth 21-02-2021
+ if(player.mmm_status == MMM_STATUS_SLEUTH)// && game_stopped)
+ plcolor = MMM_COLOR_SLEUTH;
+ setcolor(player, plcolor);
+ }
+ //CORPSE FEATURE 10-03-2021
+ if (IS_DEAD(player))
+ {
+ player.event_damage = func_null;
+ // = 0;
+ player.solid = SOLID_CORPSE;
+ set_movetype(player, MOVETYPE_STEP); //test with MOVETYPE_TOSS or MOVETYPE_WALK (it's like sliding object) or MOVETYPE_BOUNCE (maybe not good)
+ }
+ entity player = M_ARGV(0, entity);
+ player.mmm_status = 0;
+ player.mmm_validkills = 0;
+ player.caplayer = 1;
+ if (!warmup_stage)
+ eliminatedPlayers.SendFlags |= 1;
+ entity player = M_ARGV(0, entity);
+ // spectators / observers that weren't playing can join; they are
+ // immediately forced to observe in the PutClientInServer hook
+ // this way they are put in a team and can play in the next round
+ if (!allowed_to_spawn && player.caplayer)
+ return true;
+ return false;
+ entity player = M_ARGV(0, entity);
+ if (!allowed_to_spawn && IS_PLAYER(player)) // this is true even when player is trying to join
+ {
+ TRANSMUTE(Observer, player);
+ if (CS(player).jointime != time && !player.caplayer) // not when connecting
+ {
+ player.caplayer = 0.5;
+ Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE_ONLY, player, MSG_INFO, INFO_CA_JOIN_LATE);
+ }
+ }
+MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(mmm, reset_map_players)
+ CS(it).killcount = 0;
+ it.mmm_status = 0;
+ mmm_FakeTimeLimit(it, -1); // restore original timelimit
+ if (!it.caplayer && IS_BOT_CLIENT(it))
+ it.caplayer = 1;
+ if (it.caplayer)
+ {
+ TRANSMUTE(Player, it);
+ it.caplayer = 1;
+ it.respawn_flags = RESPAWN_SILENT; //CSQC print output respawn lib.qh error fix
+ PutClientInServer(it);
+ }
+ });
+ bot_relinkplayerlist();
+ return true;
+MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(mmm, reset_map_global)
+ allowed_to_spawn = true;
+ return true;
+entity mmm_LastPlayerForTeam(entity this)
+ entity last_pl = NULL;
+ FOREACH_CLIENT(IS_PLAYER(it) && it != this, {
+ if (!IS_DEAD(it) && this.mmm_status == it.mmm_status)
+ {
+ if (!last_pl)
+ {
+ last_pl = it;
+ }
+ else
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ });
+ return last_pl;
+void mmm_LastPlayerForTeam_Notify(entity this)
+ if (!warmup_stage && round_handler_IsActive() && round_handler_IsRoundStarted())
+ {
+ entity pl = mmm_LastPlayerForTeam(this);
+ if (pl)
+ }
+ entity frag_attacker = M_ARGV(1, entity);
+ entity frag_target = M_ARGV(2, entity);
+ //float frag_deathtype = M_ARGV(3, float);
+ mmm_LastPlayerForTeam_Notify(frag_target);
+ if (!allowed_to_spawn)
+ {
+ frag_target.respawn_flags = RESPAWN_DENY;
+ // prevent unwanted sudden rejoin as spectator and movement of spectator camera
+ frag_target.respawn_time = time + 2;
+ }
+ frag_target.respawn_flags |= RESPAWN_DENY;
+ frag_target.event_damage = func_null;
+ = 0;
+ if (!warmup_stage)
+ {
+ eliminatedPlayers.SendFlags |= 1;
+ if (IS_BOT_CLIENT(frag_target))
+ bot_clear(frag_target);
+ }
+ //if(frag_attacker.mmm_status == frag_target.mmm_status)
+ // killed an ally! punishment is sentenced
+ if(frag_attacker.mmm_status == MMM_STATUS_SLEUTH)
+ {
+ if (frag_target.mmm_status == MMM_STATUS_CIVILIAN)
+ {
+ //PrintToChatAll("^1DEBUG^7: ^4SLEUTH ^1DAMAGE/DEAD^7 HAS TAKEN!");
+ //30 damage points deal
+ Damage(frag_attacker, frag_attacker, frag_attacker, 30, DEATH_MIRRORDAMAGE.m_id, DMG_NOWEP, frag_attacker.origin, '0 0 0');
+ }
+ }
+ if (frag_attacker.mmm_status == MMM_STATUS_CIVILIAN)
+ {
+ if (frag_target.mmm_status == MMM_STATUS_SLEUTH)
+ {
+ //PrintToChatAll("^1DEBUG^7: ^2CIVILIAN ^1DAMAGE/DEAD^7 HAS TAKEN!");
+ //30 damage points deal
+ Damage(frag_attacker, frag_attacker, frag_attacker, 30, DEATH_MIRRORDAMAGE.m_id, DMG_NOWEP, frag_attacker.origin, '0 0 0');
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(mmm, ClientDisconnect)
+ entity player = M_ARGV(0, entity);
+ if (IS_PLAYER(player) && !IS_DEAD(player))
+ mmm_LastPlayerForTeam_Notify(player);
+ return true;
+MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(mmm, MakePlayerObserver)
+ // LegendGuard, here is where spectators shouldn't talk to any players to say the hints or who is who 21-10-2021
+ entity player = M_ARGV(0, entity);
+ if (IS_PLAYER(player) && !IS_DEAD(player))
+ mmm_LastPlayerForTeam_Notify(player);
+ if (player.killindicator_teamchange == -2) // player wants to spectate
+ player.caplayer = 0;
+ if (player.caplayer)
+ player.frags = FRAGS_PLAYER_OUT_OF_GAME;
+ if (!warmup_stage)
+ eliminatedPlayers.SendFlags |= 1;
+ if (!player.caplayer)
+ {
+ player.mmm_validkills = 0;
+ player.mmm_status = 0;
+ mmm_FakeTimeLimit(player, -1); // restore original timelimit
+ return false; // allow team reset
+ }
+ return true; // prevent team reset
+MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(mmm, Scores_CountFragsRemaining)
+ // announce remaining frags?
+ return true;
+ entity frag_attacker = M_ARGV(0, entity);
+ if(!warmup_stage && round_handler_IsActive() && round_handler_IsRoundStarted())
+ frag_attacker.mmm_validkills += M_ARGV(2, float);
+ M_ARGV(2, float) = 0; // score will be given to the winner when the round ends
+ return true;
+ // add scorefield for scoreboard here
+ entity scorefield = M_ARGV(0, entity);
+ if(scorefield == SP_KILLS || scorefield == SP_DEATHS || scorefield == SP_SUICIDES || scorefield == SP_DMG || scorefield == SP_DMGTAKEN)
+ M_ARGV(1, float) = 0; // don't report that the player has killed or been killed, that would out them as a murderer!
+MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(mmm, CalculateRespawnTime)
+ // no respawn calculations needed, player is forced to spectate anyway
+ return true;
+ if (IS_PLAYER(it) || it.caplayer == 1)
+ ++M_ARGV(0, int);
+ ++M_ARGV(1, int);
+ });
+ return true;
+MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(mmm, ClientCommand_Spectate)
+ entity player = M_ARGV(0, entity);
+ if (player.caplayer)
+ {
+ // they're going to spec, we can do other checks
+ if (autocvar_sv_spectate && (IS_SPEC(player) || IS_OBSERVER(player)))
+ Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE_ONLY, player, MSG_INFO, INFO_CA_LEAVE);
+ }
+ entity player = M_ARGV(0, entity);
+ return player.caplayer == 1;
+ entity bot = M_ARGV(0, entity);
+ entity targ = M_ARGV(1, entity);
+ if(targ.mmm_status == bot.mmm_status)
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ // LegendGuard fixed the problem of Sleuths and Civilians attacking each other 26-03-2021
+ if(bot.mmm_status == MMM_STATUS_SLEUTH)
+ {
+ if(targ.mmm_status == MMM_STATUS_CIVILIAN)
+ return true;
+ }
--- /dev/null
+#pragma once
+#include <common/mutators/base.qh>
+#include <common/scores.qh>
+void mmm_Initialize();
+ {
+ mmm_Initialize();
+ }
+ return false;
+ mmm_validkills; // store the player's valid kills to be given at the end of the match (avoid exposing their score until then)
+.float karmapoints; //LegendGuard adds karma points to store player status 22-02-2021
+.string whokilled; //LegendGuard sets a variable to know who killed who 22-03-2021
+.string killerrole; //LegendGuard sets a variable to identify killer role 25-03-2021
+.string killedwithweapon; //LegendGuard sets a variable to know what cause provoked to the victim 23-03-2021
+.bool investigated; //LegendGuard sets a bool to make sure if detective investigated already a corpse once 24-03-2021
+.bool karmastarted; //LegendGuard fixes with a bool when round start for karma points
+.bool activekillerrole; //LegendGuard sets a variable to active killer role 25-03-2021
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-// generated file; do not modify
-#include <common/gamemodes/gamemode/ttt/ttt.qc>
-#ifdef CSQC
- #include <common/gamemodes/gamemode/ttt/cl_ttt.qc>
-#ifdef SVQC
- #include <common/gamemodes/gamemode/ttt/sv_ttt.qc>
+++ /dev/null
-// generated file; do not modify
-#include <common/gamemodes/gamemode/ttt/ttt.qh>
-#ifdef CSQC
- #include <common/gamemodes/gamemode/ttt/cl_ttt.qh>
-#ifdef SVQC
- #include <common/gamemodes/gamemode/ttt/sv_ttt.qh>
+++ /dev/null
-#include "cl_ttt.qh"
-#include <client/draw.qh>
-#include <client/hud/panel/modicons.qh>
-void HUD_Mod_TTT(vector pos, vector mySize)
- mod_active = 1; // ttt should always show the mod HUD
- int mystatus = entcs_receiver(player_localnum).ttt_status;
- string player_text = "";
- vector player_color = '1 1 1';
- //string player_icon = "";
- if(mystatus == TTT_STATUS_TRAITOR)
- {
- player_text = _("Traitor");
- player_color = '1 0 0';
- //player_icon = "player_red";
- }
- else if(mystatus == TTT_STATUS_INNOCENT)
- {
- player_text = _("Innocent");
- player_color = '0 1 0';
- //player_icon = "player_neutral";
- }
- else if(mystatus == TTT_STATUS_DETECTIVE)
- {
- player_text = _("Detective");
- player_color = '0 0 1';
- //player_icon = "player_blue";
- }
- else
- {
- // if the player has no valid status, don't draw anything
- return;
- }
- string time_text = string_null;
- vector timer_color = '1 1 1';
- if(!STAT(GAME_STOPPED) && !warmup_stage && STAT(TTT_ROUNDTIMER) > 0)
- {
- float timeleft = max(0, STAT(TTT_ROUNDTIMER) - time);
- timeleft = ceil(timeleft);
- float minutesLeft = floor(timeleft / 60);
- time_text = seconds_tostring(timeleft);
- if(intermission_time || minutesLeft >= 5 || warmup_stage || STAT(TTT_ROUNDTIMER) == 0)
- timer_color = '1 1 1'; //white
- else if(minutesLeft >= 1)
- timer_color = '1 1 0'; //yellow
- else
- timer_color = '1 0 0'; //red
- }
- //drawpic_aspect_skin(pos, player_icon, vec2(0.5 * mySize.x, mySize.y), '1 1 1', panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- if(!time_text)
- drawstring_aspect(pos, player_text, vec2(mySize.x, mySize.y), player_color, panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- else
- {
- drawstring_aspect(pos, player_text, vec2(0.5 * mySize.x, mySize.y), player_color, panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- drawstring_aspect(pos + eX * (0.5 * mySize.x), time_text, vec2(0.5 * mySize.x, mySize.y), timer_color, panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- }
-REGISTER_MUTATOR(cl_ttt, true);
-MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(cl_ttt, ForcePlayercolors_Skip, CBC_ORDER_LAST)
- return false;
- entity player = M_ARGV(0, entity);
- entity e = entcs_receiver(player.entnum - 1);
- int otherplayer_status = ((e) ? e.ttt_status : 0);
- int mystatus = entcs_receiver(player_localnum).ttt_status;
- int plcolor = TTT_COLOR_INNOCENT; // default to innocent
- if((mystatus == TTT_STATUS_TRAITOR || intermission || STAT(GAME_STOPPED)) && otherplayer_status == TTT_STATUS_TRAITOR)
- {
- plcolor = TTT_COLOR_TRAITOR;
- }
- //LegendGuard adds INNOCENT part 21-02-2021
- if((mystatus == TTT_STATUS_INNOCENT || intermission || STAT(GAME_STOPPED)) && otherplayer_status == TTT_STATUS_INNOCENT)
- {
- }
- //LegendGuard adds if sentence for Detective model color which will shown for everyone 21-02-2021
- if (otherplayer_status == TTT_STATUS_DETECTIVE)
- {
- }
- player.colormap = 1024 + plcolor;
- return true;
-MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(cl_ttt, DrawScoreboard_Force)
- // show the scoreboard when the round ends, so players can see who the traitor was
+++ /dev/null
-#pragma once
-void HUD_Mod_TTT(vector pos, vector mySize);
+++ /dev/null
-#include "sv_ttt.qh"
-//set g_ttt_detective_count 0.125 "number of players who will become detectives, set between 0 and 0.9 to use a multiplier of the current players, or 1 and above to specify an exact number of players"
-//float autocvar_g_ttt_detective_count = 0.125; //I don't think that it won't be used...
-float autocvar_g_ttt_innocent_count = 0.625;
-//float autocvar_g_ttt_traitor_count = 0.25;
-float autocvar_g_ttt_round_timelimit = 180;
-float autocvar_g_ttt_warmup = 10;
-bool autocvar_g_ttt_punish_teamkill = false;
-bool autocvar_g_ttt_reward_innocent = true;
-bool autocvar_g_ttt_reward_detective = true; //detective reward if investigated corpses
-float autocvar_g_ttt_max_karma_points = 1000; //LegendGuard sets Karma points 21-02-2021
-float autocvar_g_ttt_min_karma_points = 400;
-int autocvar_g_ttt_karma_bankick_tool = 0; //LegendGuard sets a ban tool for server admins 11-03-2021
-float autocvar_g_ttt_karma_bantime = 1800; //karma ban seconds
-bool autocvar_g_ttt_karma_damageactive = true; //LegendGuard sets Karma damage setting if active 20-03-2021
-// 27-02-2021
-// Ideas:
-// Add for the corpse a role of who killed 22-03-2021
-// Detective is a created team, this team is added inside Innocents team
-// detective shouldn't be attacked by innocent bots
-void ttt_FakeTimeLimit(entity e, float t)
- if(!IS_REAL_CLIENT(e))
- return;
-#if 0
- msg_entity = e;
- WriteByte(MSG_ONE, 3); // svc_updatestat
- WriteByte(MSG_ONE, 236); // STAT_TIMELIMIT
- if(t < 0)
- WriteCoord(MSG_ONE, autocvar_timelimit);
- else
- WriteCoord(MSG_ONE, (t + 1) / 60);
-void nades_Clear(entity player);
-void karma_Control(entity it)
- float masksize = autocvar_g_ban_default_masksize;
- float bantime = autocvar_g_ttt_karma_bantime;
- if(it.karmapoints >= autocvar_g_ttt_max_karma_points)
- {
- //Resets karmapoints to maintain the maximum
- //PrintToChatAll("^3REWARD ^1MAXIMUM RESET");
- GameRules_scoring_add(it, TTT_KARMA, autocvar_g_ttt_max_karma_points - it.karmapoints);
- it.karmapoints = autocvar_g_ttt_max_karma_points;
- }
- else if(it.karmapoints <= autocvar_g_ttt_min_karma_points)
- {
- switch (autocvar_g_ttt_karma_bankick_tool)
- {
- case 0:
- {
- //force to spec
- PutObserverInServer(it);
- return;
- }
- case 1:
- {
- //kick
- dropclient(it);
- return;
- }
- case 2:
- {
- //ban and kick
- Ban_KickBanClient(it, bantime, masksize, "Too low karma");
- return;
- }
- default:
- {
- //force to spec
- PutObserverInServer(it);
- return;
- }
- }
- }
-void karmaLoseDifference(entity attacker, entity target)
- //BASIC MATH THEORY: example: 1000 * 0.3 * (0.1 + 0.4) * 0.25 // karma points reduce when player attacked to other player
- if (target.karmapoints < attacker.karmapoints)
- {
- float decreasekarma = - ( target.karmapoints * random() * ( 0.1 + random() ) * 0.25 );
- GameRules_scoring_add(attacker, TTT_KARMA, decreasekarma);
- attacker.karmapoints = attacker.karmapoints + decreasekarma;
- }
- else if (target.karmapoints > attacker.karmapoints)
- {
- float decreasekarma = - ( target.karmapoints * random() * ( 0.1 + random() ) * 0.25 );
- GameRules_scoring_add(attacker, TTT_KARMA, decreasekarma);
- attacker.karmapoints = attacker.karmapoints + decreasekarma;
- }
- else
- {
- float decreasekarma = - ( target.karmapoints * random() * ( 0.1 + random() ) * 0.25 );
- GameRules_scoring_add(attacker, TTT_KARMA, decreasekarma);
- attacker.karmapoints = attacker.karmapoints + decreasekarma;
- }
-void karmaWinDifference(entity it)
- GameRules_scoring_add(it, SCORE, 1); // reward innocents who make it to the end of the round time limit
- float increasekarma = ( autocvar_g_ttt_min_karma_points * random() * ( 0.1 + random() ) * 0.12 );
- GameRules_scoring_add(it, TTT_KARMA, increasekarma);
- it.karmapoints = it.karmapoints + increasekarma;
-void ttt_UpdateScores(bool timed_out)
- // give players their hard-earned kills now that the round is over
- {
- it.totalfrags += it.ttt_validkills;
- if(it.ttt_validkills)
- {
- GameRules_scoring_add(it, SCORE, it.ttt_validkills);
- }
- it.ttt_validkills = 0;
- // player survived the round
- if(IS_PLAYER(it) && !IS_DEAD(it)) // LegendGuard adds something for Karma 21-02-2021
- {
- if((autocvar_g_ttt_reward_innocent && timed_out && it.ttt_status == TTT_STATUS_INNOCENT)
- || (autocvar_g_ttt_reward_innocent && !timed_out && it.ttt_status == TTT_STATUS_INNOCENT))
- {
- karmaWinDifference(it);
- //PrintToChatAll(sprintf("^2REWARD ^7it.karmapoints: ^1%f", it.karmapoints));
- karma_Control(it);
- }
- //Detective reward after investigated a corpse
- if((autocvar_g_ttt_reward_detective && timed_out && it.ttt_status == TTT_STATUS_DETECTIVE)
- || (autocvar_g_ttt_reward_detective && !timed_out && it.ttt_status == TTT_STATUS_DETECTIVE))
- {
- if (it.investigated == true)
- {
- karmaWinDifference(it);
- it.investigated = false;
- }
- karma_Control(it);
- }
- if(it.ttt_status == TTT_STATUS_INNOCENT)
- {
- GameRules_scoring_add(it, TTT_RESISTS, 1);
- karmaWinDifference(it);
- //PrintToChatAll(sprintf("^2INNOCENT ^7it.karmapoints: ^1%f", it.karmapoints));
- karma_Control(it);
- }
- else if(it.ttt_status == TTT_STATUS_TRAITOR)
- {
- karmaWinDifference(it);
- //PrintToChatAll(sprintf("^1TRAITOR ^7it.karmapoints: ^1%f", it.karmapoints));
- karma_Control(it);
- }
- }
- });
-float ttt_CheckWinner()
- if(round_handler_GetEndTime() > 0 && round_handler_GetEndTime() - time <= 0)
- {
- // if the match times out, innocents win too!
- {
- if(IS_PLAYER(it))
- nades_Clear(it);
- ttt_FakeTimeLimit(it, -1);
- });
- ttt_UpdateScores(true);
- allowed_to_spawn = false;
- game_stopped = true;
- round_handler_Init(5, autocvar_g_ttt_warmup, autocvar_g_ttt_round_timelimit);
- return 1;
- }
- int innocent_count = 0, traitor_count = 0, detective_count = 0;
- {
- if(it.ttt_status == TTT_STATUS_INNOCENT)
- innocent_count++;
- else if(it.ttt_status == TTT_STATUS_TRAITOR)
- traitor_count++;
- else if(it.ttt_status == TTT_STATUS_DETECTIVE) //LegendGuard adds detective_count 20-02-2021
- detective_count++;
- });
- if(innocent_count > 0 && traitor_count > 0)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- if(traitor_count > 0) // traitors win
- {
- }
- else if(innocent_count > 0) // innocents win
- {
- }
- else if (detective_count > 0 && innocent_count > 0) // detectives are same as innocents win
- {
- }
- else
- {
- }
- ttt_UpdateScores(false);
- allowed_to_spawn = false;
- game_stopped = true;
- round_handler_Init(5, autocvar_g_ttt_warmup, autocvar_g_ttt_round_timelimit);
- {
- if(IS_PLAYER(it))
- {
- it.respawn_flags = RESPAWN_SILENT; //CSQC print output respawn lib.qh error fix
- nades_Clear(it);
- }
- ttt_FakeTimeLimit(it, -1);
- });
- return 1;
-void ttt_RoundStart()
- allowed_to_spawn = boolean(warmup_stage);
- int playercount = 0;
- {
- if(IS_PLAYER(it) && !IS_DEAD(it))
- {
- ++playercount;
- it.ttt_status = TTT_STATUS_INNOCENT;
- }
- else
- it.ttt_status = 0; // this is mostly a safety check; if a client manages to somehow maintain a ttt status, clear it before the round starts!
- it.ttt_validkills = 0;
- });
- int innocent_count = bound(1, ((autocvar_g_ttt_innocent_count >= 1) ? autocvar_g_ttt_innocent_count : floor(playercount * autocvar_g_ttt_innocent_count)), playercount - 1); // 20%, but ensure at least 1 and less than total
- int total_innocents = 0;
- //int traitor_count = bound(1, ((autocvar_g_ttt_traitor_count >= 1) ? autocvar_g_ttt_traitor_count : floor(playercount * autocvar_g_ttt_traitor_count)), playercount - 1); // 20%, but ensure at least 1 and less than total
- int total_traitors = 0;
- //int detective_count = bound(1, ((autocvar_g_ttt_detective_count >= 1) ? autocvar_g_ttt_detective_count : floor(playercount * autocvar_g_ttt_detective_count)), playercount - 1); // 20%, but ensure at least 1 and less than total
- int total_detectives = 0;
- //innocents TOTAL
- {
- if(total_innocents >= innocent_count)
- break;
- //LegendGuard fixes the round start again 22-03-2021
- total_innocents++;
- if (total_innocents <= 1)
- {
- if (total_traitors <= 1)
- {
- total_traitors++;
- it.ttt_status = TTT_STATUS_TRAITOR;
- }
- }
- else if (total_innocents == 2)
- {
- if (total_detectives >= 1)
- break;
- else
- {
- total_detectives++;
- it.ttt_status = TTT_STATUS_DETECTIVE;
- }
- }
- else if (total_innocents == 5)
- {
- if (total_detectives >= 2)
- break;
- else
- {
- total_detectives++;
- it.ttt_status = TTT_STATUS_DETECTIVE;
- }
- }
- else if (total_innocents >= 7)
- {
- if (total_detectives >= 3)
- break;
- else if (total_traitors == 3)
- {
- total_traitors++;
- it.ttt_status = TTT_STATUS_TRAITOR;
- }
- else
- {
- total_detectives++;
- it.ttt_status = TTT_STATUS_DETECTIVE;
- }
- }
- else
- it.ttt_status = TTT_STATUS_TRAITOR;
- });
- {
- float totalmeankarma = ((autocvar_g_ttt_max_karma_points + autocvar_g_ttt_min_karma_points + it.karmapoints) / 3);
- karma_Control(it);
- if(it.ttt_status == TTT_STATUS_INNOCENT)
- {
- SetResource(it, RES_SHELLS, 50);
- SetResource(it, RES_BULLETS, 70);
- SetResource(it, RES_ROCKETS, 30);
- SetResource(it, RES_CELLS, 60);
- if (it.karmapoints <= totalmeankarma)
- {
- centerprint(it, strcat(BOLD_OPERATOR, "^1KARMA WARNING!\n^3Here, have the Rifle!"));
- GiveWeapon(it, WEP_RIFLE.m_id, OP_PLUS, 1);
- }
- //Gives Mine Layer weapon to the player
- GiveWeapon(it, WEP_MINE_LAYER.m_id, OP_PLUS, 1);
- //PrintToChatAll(sprintf("^1DEBUG^7: %s is ^2Innocent^7!", it.netname));
- }
- else if(it.ttt_status == TTT_STATUS_TRAITOR)
- {
- SetResource(it, RES_SHELLS, 20);
- SetResource(it, RES_BULLETS, 60);
- SetResource(it, RES_ROCKETS, 20);
- SetResource(it, RES_CELLS, 40);
- if (it.karmapoints <= totalmeankarma)
- {
- centerprint(it, strcat(BOLD_OPERATOR, "^1KARMA WARNING!\n^3Here, have the Rifle!"));
- GiveWeapon(it, WEP_RIFLE.m_id, OP_PLUS, 1);
- }
- //Gives Mine Layer weapon to the player
- GiveWeapon(it, WEP_MINE_LAYER.m_id, OP_PLUS, 1);
- //PrintToChatAll(sprintf("^1DEBUG^7: %s is ^1Traitor^7!", it.netname));
- }
- else if(it.ttt_status == TTT_STATUS_DETECTIVE)
- {
- SetResource(it, RES_ROCKETS, 20);
- if (it.karmapoints <= totalmeankarma)
- {
- centerprint(it, strcat(BOLD_OPERATOR, "^1KARMA WARNING!\n^3Here, have the Rifle!"));
- GiveWeapon(it, WEP_RIFLE.m_id, OP_PLUS, 1);
- }
- //Gives Shockwave and Mine Layer weapon to the player
- GiveWeapon(it, WEP_SHOCKWAVE.m_id, OP_PLUS, 1);
- GiveWeapon(it, WEP_MINE_LAYER.m_id, OP_PLUS, 1);
- PrintToChatAll(sprintf("%s is ^4Detective^7!", it.netname));
- }
- ttt_FakeTimeLimit(it, round_handler_GetEndTime());
- });
-bool ttt_CheckPlayers()
- static int prev_missing_players;
- allowed_to_spawn = true;
- int playercount = 0;
- {
- //PrintToChatAll(sprintf("it.karmapoints ^5begin: ^3%f",it.karmapoints));
- //Karma points start
- if (it.karmastarted != true)
- {
- GameRules_scoring_add(it, TTT_KARMA, autocvar_g_ttt_max_karma_points - it.karmapoints);
- it.karmapoints = autocvar_g_ttt_max_karma_points;
- it.karmastarted = true;
- }
- karma_Control(it);
- ++playercount;
- //PrintToChatAll(sprintf("it.karmapoints ^6end: ^3%f",it.karmapoints));
- });
- if (playercount >= 2)
- {
- if(prev_missing_players > 0)
- prev_missing_players = -1;
- return true;
- }
- if(playercount == 0)
- {
- if(prev_missing_players > 0)
- prev_missing_players = -1;
- return false;
- }
- // if we get here, only 1 player is missing
- if(prev_missing_players != 1)
- {
- prev_missing_players = 1;
- }
- return false;
-bool ttt_isEliminated(entity e)
- if(e.caplayer == 1 && (IS_DEAD(e) || e.frags == FRAGS_PLAYER_OUT_OF_GAME))
- return true;
- if(e.caplayer == 0.5)
- return true;
- return false;
-void ttt_Initialize() // run at the start of a match, initiates game mode
- GameRules_scoring(0, SFL_SORT_PRIO_PRIMARY, 0, {
- field(SP_TTT_RESISTS, "resists", 0);
- field(SP_TTT_KARMA, "karma", SFL_SORT_PRIO_SECONDARY); //LegendGuard adds Karma points in the scoreboard 22-02-2021
- });
- allowed_to_spawn = true;
- round_handler_Spawn(ttt_CheckPlayers, ttt_CheckWinner, ttt_RoundStart);
- round_handler_Init(5, autocvar_g_ttt_warmup, autocvar_g_ttt_round_timelimit);
- EliminatedPlayers_Init(ttt_isEliminated);
-void checkWeaponDeathtype(entity target, float deathtype)
- switch (deathtype)
- {
- case WEP_ARC.m_id: case 276: case 788: target.killedwithweapon = "Impacted by the Arc's electric shock"; return;
- case WEP_BLASTER.m_id: case 513: target.killedwithweapon = "Blasted by the Blaster"; return;
- case WEP_CRYLINK.m_id: case 263: case 519: target.killedwithweapon = "Shot by the Crylink"; return;
- case WEP_DEVASTATOR.m_id: case 522: target.killedwithweapon = "Bombarded by the Devastator"; return;
- case WEP_ELECTRO.m_id: case 262: case 518: case 1542: target.killedwithweapon = "Electrocuted by the Electro"; return;
- case WEP_FIREBALL.m_id: case 273: case 529: case 1297: target.killedwithweapon = "Burned by the Fireball"; return;
- case WEP_HAGAR.m_id: target.killedwithweapon = "Gunned by the Hagar"; return;
- case WEP_HOOK.m_id: case 1805: target.killedwithweapon = "Caught in Hook gravity bomb"; return;
- case WEP_MACHINEGUN.m_id: target.activekillerrole = true; target.killedwithweapon = "Riddled full of holes by the Machine Gun"; return;
- case WEP_MINE_LAYER.m_id: target.killedwithweapon = "Exploited by the Mine Layer"; return;
- case WEP_MORTAR.m_id: case 516: case 1284: target.killedwithweapon = "Blew up with the Mortar"; return;
- case WEP_RIFLE.m_id: target.activekillerrole = true; target.killedwithweapon = "Sniped by the Rifle"; return;
- case WEP_SEEKER.m_id: target.killedwithweapon = "Blasted by the Seeker"; return;
- case WEP_SHOCKWAVE.m_id: target.killedwithweapon = "Gunned down by the Shockwave"; return;
- case 275: target.killedwithweapon = "Knocked by the Shockwave"; return;
- case WEP_SHOTGUN.m_id: target.activekillerrole = true; target.killedwithweapon = "Shot by Shotgun"; return;
- case 258: target.killedwithweapon = "Knocked by the Shotgun"; return;
- case WEP_TUBA.m_id: target.killedwithweapon = "Ear pain by the @!#%'n Tuba"; return;
- case WEP_VAPORIZER.m_id: case 257: case 769: target.killedwithweapon = "Sniped by the Vaporizer"; return;
- case WEP_VORTEX.m_id: target.killedwithweapon = "Sniped by the Vortex"; return;
- case DEATH_FALL.m_id: target.killedwithweapon = "Fall"; return;
- case DEATH_FIRE.m_id: target.killedwithweapon = "Burned with the fire"; return;
- case DEATH_LAVA.m_id: target.killedwithweapon = "Burned in lava"; return;
- case DEATH_MIRRORDAMAGE.m_id: target.killedwithweapon = "Suicide"; return;
- case DEATH_SLIME.m_id: target.killedwithweapon = "Melted in slime"; return;
- case DEATH_TELEFRAG.m_id: target.killedwithweapon = "Telefragged"; return;
- default: target.killedwithweapon = "Unknown"; return;
- }
-void ReduceKarmaPointsandFrags(entity frag_attacker, entity frag_target, float frag_deathtype, entity wep_ent)
- karmaLoseDifference(frag_attacker, frag_target);
- GiveFrags(frag_attacker, frag_target, ((autocvar_g_ttt_punish_teamkill) ? -1 : -2), frag_deathtype, wep_ent.weaponentity_fld);
- karma_Control(frag_attacker);
- frag_target.whokilled = frag_attacker.netname;
-// ==============
-// Hook Functions
-// ==============
-MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(ttt, ClientObituary)
- // LegendGuard's IDEA: To adjust the grade of severity of karma,
- // we could add if sentence per weapons and adjust each weapon attack
- // its own grade. Instead doing random decrease grade 22-02-2021
- // in ttt, announcing a frag would tell everyone who the traitor is
- entity frag_attacker = M_ARGV(1, entity);
- entity frag_target = M_ARGV(2, entity);
- if(IS_PLAYER(frag_attacker) && frag_attacker != frag_target)
- {
- float frag_deathtype = M_ARGV(3, float);
- entity wep_ent = M_ARGV(4, entity);
- //PrintToChatAll(strcat("deathtype var: ", ftos(frag_deathtype)));
- checkWeaponDeathtype(frag_target, frag_deathtype);
- // "team" kill, a point is awarded to the player by default so we must take it away plus an extra one
- // unless the player is going to be punished for suicide, in which case just remove one
- if(frag_attacker.ttt_status == frag_target.ttt_status)
- {
- //PrintToChatAll("^1DEBUG^7: A ^2PLAYER^7 has fragged a ^2PLAYER OF HIS OWN TEAM^7, TOO BAD!");
- ReduceKarmaPointsandFrags(frag_attacker, frag_target, frag_deathtype, wep_ent);
- switch (frag_attacker.ttt_status)
- {
- case TTT_STATUS_INNOCENT: frag_target.killerrole = "\n^3Killer role: ^2Innocent"; return;
- case TTT_STATUS_TRAITOR: frag_target.killerrole = "\n^3Killer role: ^1Traitor"; return;
- case TTT_STATUS_DETECTIVE: frag_target.killerrole = "\n^3Killer role: ^4Detective"; return;
- default: return;
- }
- //PrintToChatAll(sprintf("frag_attacker.karmapoints: ^1%f", frag_attacker.karmapoints));
- }
- if(frag_attacker.ttt_status == TTT_STATUS_DETECTIVE)
- {
- if (frag_target.ttt_status == TTT_STATUS_INNOCENT || frag_target.ttt_status == TTT_STATUS_DETECTIVE)
- {
- //PrintToChatAll("^1DEBUG^7: A ^4Detective^7 fragged an ^2Innocent^7/^4Detective^7, TOO BAD!");
- ReduceKarmaPointsandFrags(frag_attacker, frag_target, frag_deathtype, wep_ent);
- frag_target.killerrole = "\n^3Killer role: ^4Detective";
- //PrintToChatAll(sprintf("frag_attacker.karmapoints: ^1%f", frag_attacker.karmapoints));
- }
- else
- {
- frag_target.whokilled = frag_attacker.netname;
- frag_target.killerrole = "\n^3Killer role: ^4Detective";
- }
- }
- if (frag_attacker.ttt_status == TTT_STATUS_INNOCENT)
- {
- if (frag_target.ttt_status == TTT_STATUS_DETECTIVE)
- {
- //PrintToChatAll("^1DEBUG^7: An ^2Innocent^7 fragged a ^4Detective^7, TOO BAD!");
- ReduceKarmaPointsandFrags(frag_attacker, frag_target, frag_deathtype, wep_ent);
- frag_target.killerrole = "\n^3Killer role: ^2Innocent";
- }
- else
- {
- frag_target.whokilled = frag_attacker.netname;
- frag_target.killerrole = "\n^3Killer role: ^2Innocent";
- }
- }
- if (frag_attacker.ttt_status == TTT_STATUS_TRAITOR)
- {
- if (frag_target.ttt_status == TTT_STATUS_INNOCENT)
- {
- frag_target.whokilled = frag_attacker.netname;
- frag_target.killerrole = "\n^3Killer role: ^1Traitor";
- }
- else
- {
- frag_target.whokilled = frag_attacker.netname;
- frag_target.killerrole = "\n^3Killer role: ^1Traitor";
- }
- }
- //if ttt_status is 1, means innocent, 2 means traitor, 3 means detective, TODO: the bots: frag_attacker(1) shouldn't attack to frag_target(3)
- //PrintToChatAll(sprintf("^1DEBUG^7: frag_attacker.ttt_status is ^3%s^7",ftos(frag_attacker.ttt_status)));
- //PrintToChatAll(sprintf("^1DEBUG^7: frag_target.ttt_status is ^3%s^7",ftos(frag_target.ttt_status)));
- }
- //TODO: try to do a "find out" if a detective can see who fragged to who if possible 21-02-2021
- M_ARGV(5, bool) = true; // anonymous attacker
-//karma weapon damage, halve the damage attack when player has low karma 20-03-2021
-MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(ttt, Damage_Calculate)
- entity attacker = M_ARGV(1, entity);
- entity target = M_ARGV(2, entity);
- float deathtype = M_ARGV(3, float);
- float damage = M_ARGV(4, float);
- vector force = M_ARGV(6, vector);
- string corpsemessagestrcat = "";
- if (autocvar_g_ttt_karma_damageactive != false)
- {
- if (IS_PLAYER(attacker))
- {
- if(target == attacker) // damage done to yourself
- {
- damage /= autocvar_g_weapondamagefactor / (attacker.karmapoints / autocvar_g_ttt_max_karma_points);
- force /= autocvar_g_weaponforcefactor / (attacker.karmapoints / autocvar_g_ttt_max_karma_points);
- }
- else if (target != attacker)
- {
- damage /= autocvar_g_weapondamagefactor / (attacker.karmapoints / autocvar_g_ttt_max_karma_points);
- force /= autocvar_g_weaponforcefactor / (attacker.karmapoints / autocvar_g_ttt_max_karma_points);
- }
- else
- {
- damage *= autocvar_g_weapondamagefactor;
- force *= autocvar_g_weaponforcefactor;
- }
- }
- }
- if (attacker.ttt_status == TTT_STATUS_DETECTIVE)
- {
- if(IS_DEAD(target))
- {
- //Shockwave weapon as radar gun to check the corpses 22-03-2021
- {
- if (target.killedwithweapon == "")
- target.killedwithweapon = "UNKNOWN CAUSE";
- if (target.activekillerrole != true)
- target.killerrole = "";
- string killedbyphrase = strcat("\n^3Killed by:^7 ", target.whokilled, target.killerrole);
- string wepkilledphrase = strcat("\n^3Cause:^7 ", target.killedwithweapon);
- if (target.whokilled == "")
- {
- killedbyphrase = "";
- if (target.killedwithweapon == "")
- wepkilledphrase = "\n^3Cause:^7 UNCLEAR";
- }
- damage = 0;
- force = '0 0 0';
- if (target.ttt_status == TTT_STATUS_INNOCENT)
- {
- //try to add centerprint message for chat privately if possible
- corpsemessagestrcat = strcat("\n^3Name:^7 ", target.netname, "\n^3Role: ^2Innocent", killedbyphrase, wepkilledphrase);
- centerprint(attacker, strcat(BOLD_OPERATOR, corpsemessagestrcat));//("\n^6Name^3:^7 ", target.netname, "\n^5Role^3: ^2Innocent\n", "^1Killed by^3:^7 ", target.whokilled)));
- }
- else if (target.ttt_status == TTT_STATUS_TRAITOR)
- {
- corpsemessagestrcat = strcat("\n^3Name:^7 ", target.netname, "\n^3Role: ^1Traitor", killedbyphrase, wepkilledphrase);
- centerprint(attacker, strcat(BOLD_OPERATOR, corpsemessagestrcat));//("\n^6Name^3:^7 ", target.netname, "\n^5Role^3: ^1Traitor\n", "^1Killed by^3:^7 ", target.whokilled)));
- }
- else if (target.ttt_status == TTT_STATUS_DETECTIVE)
- {
- corpsemessagestrcat = strcat("\n^3Name:^7 ", target.netname, "\n^3Role: ^4Detective", killedbyphrase, wepkilledphrase);
- centerprint(attacker, strcat(BOLD_OPERATOR, corpsemessagestrcat));//("\n^6Name^3:^7 ", target.netname, "\n^5Role^3: ^4Detective\n", "^1Killed by^3:^7 ", target.whokilled)));
- }
- attacker.investigated = true;
- }
- }
- }
- M_ARGV(4, float) = damage;
- M_ARGV(6, vector) = force;
- entity player = M_ARGV(0, entity);
- if(IS_PLAYER(player) || player.caplayer)
- {
- // update the scoreboard colour display to out the real killer at the end of the round
- // running this every frame to avoid cheats
- int plcolor = TTT_COLOR_INNOCENT;
- if(player.ttt_status == TTT_STATUS_INNOCENT && game_stopped) //Innocent status by default
- if(player.ttt_status == TTT_STATUS_TRAITOR && game_stopped)
- plcolor = TTT_COLOR_TRAITOR;
- //LegendGuard adds for Detective 21-02-2021
- if(player.ttt_status == TTT_STATUS_DETECTIVE)// && game_stopped)
- setcolor(player, plcolor);
- }
- //CORPSE FEATURE 10-03-2021
- if (IS_DEAD(player))
- {
- player.event_damage = func_null;
- // = 0;
- player.solid = SOLID_CORPSE;
- set_movetype(player, MOVETYPE_STEP); //test with MOVETYPE_TOSS or MOVETYPE_WALK (it's like sliding object) or MOVETYPE_BOUNCE (maybe not good)
- }
- entity player = M_ARGV(0, entity);
- player.ttt_status = 0;
- player.ttt_validkills = 0;
- player.caplayer = 1;
- if (!warmup_stage)
- eliminatedPlayers.SendFlags |= 1;
- entity player = M_ARGV(0, entity);
- // spectators / observers that weren't playing can join; they are
- // immediately forced to observe in the PutClientInServer hook
- // this way they are put in a team and can play in the next round
- if (!allowed_to_spawn && player.caplayer)
- return true;
- return false;
- entity player = M_ARGV(0, entity);
- if (!allowed_to_spawn && IS_PLAYER(player)) // this is true even when player is trying to join
- {
- TRANSMUTE(Observer, player);
- if (CS(player).jointime != time && !player.caplayer) // not when connecting
- {
- player.caplayer = 0.5;
- Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE_ONLY, player, MSG_INFO, INFO_CA_JOIN_LATE);
- }
- }
-MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(ttt, reset_map_players)
- CS(it).killcount = 0;
- it.ttt_status = 0;
- ttt_FakeTimeLimit(it, -1); // restore original timelimit
- if (!it.caplayer && IS_BOT_CLIENT(it))
- it.caplayer = 1;
- if (it.caplayer)
- {
- TRANSMUTE(Player, it);
- it.caplayer = 1;
- it.respawn_flags = RESPAWN_SILENT; //CSQC print output respawn lib.qh error fix
- PutClientInServer(it);
- }
- });
- bot_relinkplayerlist();
- return true;
-MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(ttt, reset_map_global)
- allowed_to_spawn = true;
- return true;
-entity ttt_LastPlayerForTeam(entity this)
- entity last_pl = NULL;
- FOREACH_CLIENT(IS_PLAYER(it) && it != this, {
- if (!IS_DEAD(it) && this.ttt_status == it.ttt_status)
- {
- if (!last_pl)
- {
- last_pl = it;
- }
- else
- return NULL;
- }
- });
- return last_pl;
-void ttt_LastPlayerForTeam_Notify(entity this)
- if (!warmup_stage && round_handler_IsActive() && round_handler_IsRoundStarted())
- {
- entity pl = ttt_LastPlayerForTeam(this);
- if (pl)
- }
- entity frag_attacker = M_ARGV(1, entity);
- entity frag_target = M_ARGV(2, entity);
- //float frag_deathtype = M_ARGV(3, float);
- ttt_LastPlayerForTeam_Notify(frag_target);
- if (!allowed_to_spawn)
- {
- frag_target.respawn_flags = RESPAWN_DENY;
- // prevent unwanted sudden rejoin as spectator and movement of spectator camera
- frag_target.respawn_time = time + 2;
- }
- frag_target.respawn_flags |= RESPAWN_DENY;
- frag_target.event_damage = func_null;
- = 0;
- if (!warmup_stage)
- {
- eliminatedPlayers.SendFlags |= 1;
- if (IS_BOT_CLIENT(frag_target))
- bot_clear(frag_target);
- }
- //if(frag_attacker.ttt_status == frag_target.ttt_status)
- // killed an ally! punishment is sentenced
- if(frag_attacker.ttt_status == TTT_STATUS_DETECTIVE)
- {
- if (frag_target.ttt_status == TTT_STATUS_INNOCENT)
- {
- //PrintToChatAll("^1DEBUG^7: ^4DETECTIVE ^1DAMAGE/DEAD^7 HAS TAKEN!");
- //30 damage points deal
- Damage(frag_attacker, frag_attacker, frag_attacker, 30, DEATH_MIRRORDAMAGE.m_id, DMG_NOWEP, frag_attacker.origin, '0 0 0');
- }
- }
- if (frag_attacker.ttt_status == TTT_STATUS_INNOCENT)
- {
- if (frag_target.ttt_status == TTT_STATUS_DETECTIVE)
- {
- //PrintToChatAll("^1DEBUG^7: ^2INNOCENT ^1DAMAGE/DEAD^7 HAS TAKEN!");
- //30 damage points deal
- Damage(frag_attacker, frag_attacker, frag_attacker, 30, DEATH_MIRRORDAMAGE.m_id, DMG_NOWEP, frag_attacker.origin, '0 0 0');
- }
- }
- return true;
-MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(ttt, ClientDisconnect)
- entity player = M_ARGV(0, entity);
- if (IS_PLAYER(player) && !IS_DEAD(player))
- ttt_LastPlayerForTeam_Notify(player);
- return true;
-MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(ttt, MakePlayerObserver)
- // LegendGuard, here is where spectators shouldn't talk to any players to say the hints or who is who 21-10-2021
- entity player = M_ARGV(0, entity);
- if (IS_PLAYER(player) && !IS_DEAD(player))
- ttt_LastPlayerForTeam_Notify(player);
- if (player.killindicator_teamchange == -2) // player wants to spectate
- player.caplayer = 0;
- if (player.caplayer)
- player.frags = FRAGS_PLAYER_OUT_OF_GAME;
- if (!warmup_stage)
- eliminatedPlayers.SendFlags |= 1;
- if (!player.caplayer)
- {
- player.ttt_validkills = 0;
- player.ttt_status = 0;
- ttt_FakeTimeLimit(player, -1); // restore original timelimit
- return false; // allow team reset
- }
- return true; // prevent team reset
-MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(ttt, Scores_CountFragsRemaining)
- // announce remaining frags?
- return true;
- entity frag_attacker = M_ARGV(0, entity);
- if(!warmup_stage && round_handler_IsActive() && round_handler_IsRoundStarted())
- frag_attacker.ttt_validkills += M_ARGV(2, float);
- M_ARGV(2, float) = 0; // score will be given to the winner when the round ends
- return true;
- // add scorefield for scoreboard here
- entity scorefield = M_ARGV(0, entity);
- if(scorefield == SP_KILLS || scorefield == SP_DEATHS || scorefield == SP_SUICIDES || scorefield == SP_DMG || scorefield == SP_DMGTAKEN)
- M_ARGV(1, float) = 0; // don't report that the player has killed or been killed, that would out them as a traitor!
-MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(ttt, CalculateRespawnTime)
- // no respawn calculations needed, player is forced to spectate anyway
- return true;
- if (IS_PLAYER(it) || it.caplayer == 1)
- ++M_ARGV(0, int);
- ++M_ARGV(1, int);
- });
- return true;
-MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(ttt, ClientCommand_Spectate)
- entity player = M_ARGV(0, entity);
- if (player.caplayer)
- {
- // they're going to spec, we can do other checks
- if (autocvar_sv_spectate && (IS_SPEC(player) || IS_OBSERVER(player)))
- Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE_ONLY, player, MSG_INFO, INFO_CA_LEAVE);
- }
- entity player = M_ARGV(0, entity);
- return player.caplayer == 1;
- //TODO: LegendGuard, try bots attack to innocents vs traitors, detectives must be on innocents team 21-02-2021
- entity bot = M_ARGV(0, entity);
- entity targ = M_ARGV(1, entity);
- if(targ.ttt_status == bot.ttt_status)
- {
- return true;
- }
- if(targ.ttt_status == TTT_STATUS_DETECTIVE)
- {
- if(bot.ttt_status == TTT_STATUS_INNOCENT)
- return false;
- }
+++ /dev/null
-#pragma once
-#include <common/mutators/base.qh>
-#include <common/scores.qh>
-void ttt_Initialize();
- {
- ttt_Initialize();
- }
- return false;
- ttt_validkills; // store the player's valid kills to be given at the end of the match (avoid exposing their score until then)
-.float karmapoints; //LegendGuard adds karma points to store player status 22-02-2021
-.string whokilled; //LegendGuard sets a variable to know who killed who 22-03-2021
-.string killerrole; //LegendGuard sets a variable to identify killer role 25-03-2021
-.string killedwithweapon; //LegendGuard sets a variable to know what cause provoked to the victim 23-03-2021
-.bool investigated; //LegendGuard sets a bool to make sure if detective investigated already a corpse once 24-03-2021
-.bool karmastarted; //LegendGuard fixes with a bool when round start for karma points
-.bool activekillerrole; //LegendGuard sets a variable to active killer role 25-03-2021
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-#include "ttt.qh"
+++ /dev/null
-#pragma once
-#include <common/gamemodes/gamemode/lms/lms.qh>
-#include <common/mapinfo.qh>
-#ifdef CSQC
-void HUD_Mod_TTT(vector pos, vector mySize);
-CLASS(TroubleinTerroristTown, Gametype)
- INIT(TroubleinTerroristTown)
- {
- this.gametype_init(this, _("Trouble in Terrorist Town"),"ttt","g_ttt",GAMETYPE_FLAG_USEPOINTS,"","timelimit=30 pointlimit=20",_("A group of space terrorists have traitors among them. Traitors must kill terrorists, while the terrorists have to try to find and kill the traitors"));
- }
- METHOD(TroubleinTerroristTown, m_isAlwaysSupported, bool(Gametype this, int spawnpoints, float diameter))
- {
- return true;
- }
- METHOD(TroubleinTerroristTown, m_isForcedSupported, bool(Gametype this))
- {
- if(!cvar("g_ttt_not_lms_maps"))
- {
- // if this is unset, all LMS maps support TroubleinTerroristTown too
- if(!(MapInfo_Map_supportedGametypes & this.m_flags) && (MapInfo_Map_supportedGametypes & MAPINFO_TYPE_LMS.m_flags))
- return true; // TODO: references another gametype (alternatively, we could check which gamemodes are always enabled and append this if any are supported)
- }
- return false;
- }
-#ifdef CSQC
- ATTRIB(TroubleinTerroristTown, m_modicons, void(vector pos, vector mySize), HUD_Mod_TTT);
-REGISTER_GAMETYPE(TTT, NEW(TroubleinTerroristTown));
-#ifdef GAMEQC
-// shared state signalling the player's ttt status
-//TODO: add Detective STATUS and COLOR 20-02-2021 ttt_status;
-const int TTT_STATUS_INNOCENT = 1;
-const int TTT_STATUS_TRAITOR = 2;
-const int TTT_STATUS_DETECTIVE = 3;
-// hardcoded player colors for ttt
-const int TTT_COLOR_DETECTIVE = 221; // blue
-const int TTT_COLOR_INNOCENT = 51; // green
-const int TTT_COLOR_TRAITOR = 68; // red
MSG_INFO_NOTIF(TEAMCHANGE_LARGERTEAM, N_CONSOLE, 0, 0, "", "", "", _("^BGYou cannot change to a larger team"), "")
MSG_INFO_NOTIF(TEAMCHANGE_NOTALLOWED, N_CONSOLE, 0, 0, "", "", "", _("^BGYou are not allowed to change teams"), "")
- //LegendGuard adds MSG_INFO_NOTIF for TTT 20-02-2021
+ //LegendGuard adds MSG_INFO_NOTIF for MMM 20-02-2021
//LegendGuard adds N_CHATCON option 20-03-2021
- MSG_INFO_NOTIF(TTT_TRAITOR, N_CHATCON, 0, 0, "", "", "", _("^BGYou are ^K1Traitor^BG!"), "")
- MSG_INFO_NOTIF(TTT_TRAITOR_WIN, N_CONSOLE, 0, 0, "", "", "", _("^K1Traitors^BG win the round"), "")
+ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(MMM_MURDERER, N_CHATCON, 0, 0, "", "", "", _("^BGYou are ^K1Murderer^BG!"), "")
+ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(MMM_MURDERER_WIN, N_CONSOLE, 0, 0, "", "", "", _("^K1Murderers^BG win the round"), "")
//LegendGuard adds N_CHATCON option 20-03-2021
- MSG_INFO_NOTIF(TTT_INNOCENT, N_CHATCON, 0, 0, "", "", "", _("^BGYou are ^F1Innocent^BG!"), "")
- MSG_INFO_NOTIF(TTT_INNOCENT_WIN, N_CONSOLE, 0, 0, "", "", "", _("^F1Innocents^BG win the round"), "")
+ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(MMM_CIVILIAN, N_CHATCON, 0, 0, "", "", "", _("^BGYou are ^F1Civilian^BG!"), "")
+ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(MMM_CIVILIAN_WIN, N_CONSOLE, 0, 0, "", "", "", _("^F1Civilians^BG win the round"), "")
//LegendGuard adds N_CHATCON option 20-03-2021
- MSG_INFO_NOTIF(TTT_DETECTIVE, N_CHATCON, 0, 0, "", "", "", _("^BGYou are ^4Detective^BG!"), "")
+ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(MMM_SLEUTH, N_CHATCON, 0, 0, "", "", "", _("^BGYou are ^4Sleuth^BG!"), "")
MSG_INFO_NOTIF(VERSION_BETA, N_CONSOLE, 2, 0, "s1 s2", "", "", _("^F4NOTE: ^BGThe server is running ^F1Xonotic %s (beta)^BG, you have ^F2Xonotic %s"), "")
MSG_INFO_NOTIF(VERSION_OLD, N_CHATCON, 2, 0, "s1 s2", "", "", _("^F4NOTE: ^BGThe server is running ^F1Xonotic %s^BG, you have ^F2Xonotic %s"), "")
MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(TIMEOUT_BEGINNING, N_ENABLE, 0, 1, "", CPID_TIMEOUT, "1 f1", _("^F4Timeout begins in ^COUNT"), "")
MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(TIMEOUT_ENDING, N_ENABLE, 0, 1, "", CPID_TIMEIN, "1 f1", _("^F4Timeout ends in ^COUNT"), "")
- //LegendGuard adds MSG_CENTER_NOTIF for TTT 20-02-2021
- MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(TTT_TRAITOR, N_ENABLE, 0, 0, "", CPID_TTT, "5 0", strcat(BOLD_OPERATOR, _("^BGYou are ^K1Traitor^BG! Kill all the innocents without raising suspicion!")), "")
- MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(TTT_TRAITOR_WIN, N_ENABLE, 0, 0, "", CPID_ROUND, "0 0", _("^K1Traitors^BG win the round"), "")
+ //LegendGuard adds MSG_CENTER_NOTIF for MMM 20-02-2021
+ MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(MMM_MURDERER, N_ENABLE, 0, 0, "", CPID_MMM, "5 0", strcat(BOLD_OPERATOR, _("^BGYou are ^K1Murderer^BG! Kill all the civilians without raising suspicion!")), "")
+ MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(MMM_MURDERER_WIN, N_ENABLE, 0, 0, "", CPID_ROUND, "0 0", _("^K1Murderers^BG win the round"), "")
- MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(TTT_INNOCENT, N_ENABLE, 0, 0, "", CPID_TTT, "5 0", strcat(BOLD_OPERATOR, _("^BGYou are ^F1Innocent^BG! Try to find out who are traitors and survive until time is up!")), "")
- MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(TTT_INNOCENT_WIN, N_ENABLE, 0, 0, "", CPID_ROUND, "0 0", _("^F1Innocents^BG win the round"), "")
+ MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(MMM_CIVILIAN, N_ENABLE, 0, 0, "", CPID_MMM, "5 0", strcat(BOLD_OPERATOR, _("^BGYou are ^F1Civilian^BG! Try to find out who are murderers and survive until time is up!")), "")
+ MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(MMM_CIVILIAN_WIN, N_ENABLE, 0, 0, "", CPID_ROUND, "0 0", _("^F1Civilians^BG win the round"), "")
- MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(TTT_DETECTIVE, N_ENABLE, 0, 0, "", CPID_TTT, "5 0", strcat(BOLD_OPERATOR, _("^BGYou are ^4Detective^BG! Find out who are traitors and protect the innocents!")), "")
+ MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(MMM_SLEUTH, N_ENABLE, 0, 0, "", CPID_MMM, "5 0", strcat(BOLD_OPERATOR, _("^BGYou are ^4Sleuth^BG! Find out who are murderers and protect the civilians!")), "")
MSG_CENTER_NOTIF(JOIN_PREVENT_MINIGAME, N_ENABLE, 0, 0, "", CPID_Null, "0 0", _("^K1Cannot join given minigame session!"), "" )
LOG_WARNF("Get_Notif_TypeName(%d): Improper net type!", ORDINAL(net_type));
return "";
-//LegendGuard adds CASE(CPID, TTT) after TIMEIN for TTT 20-02-2021
+//LegendGuard adds CASE(CPID, MMM) after TIMEIN for MMM 20-02-2021
/** always last */
-REGISTER_SP(TTT_RESISTS); //LegendGuard adds REGISTER_SP for TTT 20-02-2021 //Innocents as number of suvivals
-REGISTER_SP(TTT_KARMA); //LegendGuard adds REGISTER_SP for TTT Karma points 21-02-2021
+REGISTER_SP(MMM_KARMA); //LegendGuard adds REGISTER_SP for MMM Karma points 21-02-2021
-REGISTER_STAT(TTT_ROUNDTIMER, float) //LegendGuard adds TTT_ROUNDTIMER for TTT 20-02-2021
+REGISTER_STAT(MMM_ROUNDTIMER, float) //LegendGuard adds MMM_ROUNDTIMER for MMM 20-02-2021
- //LegendGuard adds GAMETYPE for menu for TTT 20-02-2021
+ //LegendGuard adds GAMETYPE for menu for MMM 20-02-2021
// hidden gametypes come last so indexing always works correctly
- BADCVAR("g_ttt");
- BADCVAR("g_ttt_not_dm_maps");
+ BADCVAR("g_mmm");
+ BADCVAR("g_mmm_not_dm_maps");
- //LegendGuard adds BADCVAR(g_*) for TTT 20-02-2021
+ //LegendGuard adds BADCVAR(g_*) for MMM 20-02-2021
// long