alias vmaster "cmd vote master"
alias vlogin "cmd vote login ${* ?}"
alias vdo "cmd vote do ${* ?}"
-alias vyes "cl_cmd vyes"
-alias vno "cl_cmd vno"
+alias vyes "cl_cmd handlevote yes"
+alias vno "cl_cmd handlevote no"
alias vdontcare "cmd vote dontcare"
alias vabstain "cmd vote abstain"
+void GameCommand_handlevote(float request, float argc)
+ switch(request)
+ {
+ {
+ float vote_selection;
+ string vote_string;
+ switch(argv(1))
+ {
+ case "yes": vote_selection = 2; vote_string = "yes"; break;
+ case "no": vote_selection = 1; vote_string = "no"; break;
+ default: break;
+ }
+ if(vote_selection)
+ {
+ if(uid2name_dialog) // handled by "uid2name" option
+ {
+ vote_active = 0;
+ vote_prev = 0;
+ vote_change = -9999;
+ localcmd(strcat("setreport cl_allow_uid2name ", ftos(vote_selection - 1), "\n"));
+ uid2name_dialog = 0;
+ }
+ else { localcmd(strcat("cmd vote ", vote_string, "\n")); }
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ default:
+ print("Incorrect parameters for ^2handlevote^7\n");
+ {
+ print("\nUsage:^3 cl_cmd handlevote vote\n");
+ print(" Where 'vote' is the selection for either the current poll or uid2name.\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ }
void GameCommand_hud(float request, float argc) // TODO: Add aliases in commands.cfg
#define CLIENT_COMMANDS(request,arguments) \
CLIENT_COMMAND("blurtest", GameCommand_blurtest(request), "Feature for testing blur postprocessing") \
CLIENT_COMMAND("debugmodel", GameCommand_debugmodel(request, arguments), "Spawn a debug model manually") \
+ CLIENT_COMMAND("handlevote", GameCommand_handlevote(request, arguments), "System to handle selecting a vote or option") \
CLIENT_COMMAND("hud", GameCommand_hud(request, arguments), "Commands regarding/controlling the HUD system") \
CLIENT_COMMAND("mv_download", GameCommand_mv_download(request, arguments), "Retrieve mapshot picture from the server") \
CLIENT_COMMAND("sendcvar", GameCommand_sendcvar(request, arguments), "Send a cvar to the server (like weaponpriority)") \