entity notif = Get_Notif_Ent(net_type, net_name);
if not(notif) { print("Read_Notification: Could not find notification entity!\n"); return; }
- if not(notif.nent_enabled) { print("Read_Notification: Entity was disabled but networked anyway?!?...\n"); return; }
string s1 = ((0 < notif.nent_stringcount) ? ReadString() : "");
string s2 = ((1 < notif.nent_stringcount) ? ReadString() : "");
// retreive counts for the arguments of this notification
entity notif = Get_Notif_Ent(net_type, net_name);
if not(notif) { backtrace("Send_Notification: Could not find notification entity! (This wasn't caught by usage check?...)\n"); return; }
- if not(notif.nent_enabled) { print("Send_Notification: Entity was disabled...\n"); return; }
if((notif.nent_stringcount + notif.nent_floatcount) > count)
{ backtrace(sprintf(strcat("Not enough arguments for Send_Notification! stringcount(%d) + floatcount(%d) > count(%d)\n",