--- /dev/null
+# #
+# Git progs pk3 packager script #
+# #
+# This script compiles and packages progs into
+# a pk3 which is meant to be distributable
+# to players without compiling dev environments
+# and allow them to host a listen or dedicated
+# server with these progs.
+# Please say to anyone who these progs are given to
+# that they should not have multiple prog containing
+# pk3s in their userfolder to avoid conflicts...
+# Shipped files include:
+# progs.dat for server VM.
+# csprogs.dat for client VM.
+# menu.dat for menu VM.
+# progs-HASH.dat, csprogs-HASH.dat and progs.txt
+# for hosting a dedicated server
+# which uses these new progs and
+# hopefully sends this pk3 to clients.
+# These 3 files are all required
+# due to some builds having a named
+# progs-something.dat which server
+# could prefer over our unnamed progs.dat.
+# changes.diff which tries to list all code changes
+# since common ancestor with master branch.
+# All .cfg files which have been edited.
+# abort on error(non-0 return code) and abort on unset variable
+set -eu
+# cd to xonotic-data.pk3dir
+cd "$(dirname "$0")"../../../
+# check for uncommitted changes and abort if found
+if [ -n "$(git diff)" ] || [ -n "$(git diff --staged)" ]
+ printf "\n\n%s\n\n%s\n\n\n%s\n%s\n\n\n" "WARNING: Found local uncommitted changes." \
+ "Please only run this script without local changes." \
+ "You can use 'git stash' and 'git stash pop' to store and later restore your changes." \
+ "Or 'git reset --hard' to nuke all of them."
+ exit 1
+# make sure progs are latest
+make "-j$(nproc)" qc
+HASH="$(git rev-parse --short=7 HEAD)"
+BRANCH="$(git branch --show-current | sed 's#/#-#g')"
+[ -z "$BRANCH" ] && BRANCH="headless"
+packagercleanup() {
+ # allow for error return codes in this function as this may be ran on interrupt
+ # right after starting where all files to clean up don't exist yet
+ set +e
+ rm "csprogs-$HASH.dat"
+ rm "progs-$HASH.dat"
+ rm progs.txt
+ rm changes.diff
+ rm git-progspk3.zip 2> /dev/null
+trap 'packagercleanup' EXIT INT QUIT TERM
+# QoL: duplicate progs in case someone happens to run dedicated server with these progs
+cp -v "$PWD/csprogs.dat" "csprogs-$HASH.dat"
+cp -v "$PWD/progs.dat" "progs-$HASH.dat"
+printf "%s\n" "$HASH" > progs.txt
+# find list of edited cfg files
+# changes of this branch from master
+EDITEDCFGS="$(git diff --name-status master...HEAD | grep "\.cfg$" | cut -d "$(printf '\t')" -f 2)"
+# include configs which have been outdated by a change in master
+EDITEDCFGS="$EDITEDCFGS $(git diff --name-status HEAD...master | grep "\.cfg$" | cut -d "$(printf '\t')" -f 2)"
+# try to include list of all changes in the package
+if [ "$BRANCH" = "headless" ]
+ printf "%s\n\n" "## Package creator could not fetch changes compared to master branch from headless commit." > changes.diff
+elif [ -n "$(git diff master...HEAD)" ]
+ printf "%s\n\n" "## Changes compared to master branch:" > changes.diff
+ git diff master...HEAD >> changes.diff
+ printf "%s\n" "No changes compared to latest local master branch." > changes.diff
+# zip everything into git-progspk3.zip
+# shellcheck disable=SC2086 # Intended splitting of EDITEDCFGS
+zip git-progspk3.zip csprogs.dat progs.dat menu.dat progs.txt "csprogs-$HASH.dat" "progs-$HASH.dat" $EDITEDCFGS changes.diff
+# Move the package to Downloads directory for easy sharing and house keeping
+if [ "$(xdg-user-dir DOWNLOAD)" != "$HOME" ]
+ mv -v "$PWD/git-progspk3.zip" "$(xdg-user-dir DOWNLOAD)/git-progs-$BRANCH-$HASH.pk3"
+ printf "\n%s\n%s\n\n" "Packaged progs based on $BRANCH's $HASH commit" \
+ "and moved them to $(xdg-user-dir DOWNLOAD)/git-progs-$BRANCH-$HASH.pk3"
+elif [ -d ~/Downloads ]
+ mv -v "$PWD/git-progspk3.zip" "$HOME/Downloads/git-progs-$BRANCH-$HASH.pk3"
+ printf "\n%s\n%s\n\n" "Packaged progs based on $BRANCH's $HASH commit" \
+ "and moved them to ~/Downloads/git-progs-$BRANCH-$HASH.pk3"
+ mv -v "$PWD/git-progspk3.zip" "$PWD/git-progs-$BRANCH-$HASH.pk3"
+ printf "\n%s\n%s\n%s\n\n" "Packaged progs based on $BRANCH's $HASH commit" \
+ "but could not move it out to Downloads dir" \
+ "git-progs-$BRANCH-$HASH.pk3 resides in $PWD"
+printf '%s\n%s\n%s\n\n' "The pk3 can be moved to Xonotic's userdir which is:" \
+ 'On Linux or Mac the "~/.xonotic/data/" directory' \
+ 'On Windows the "C:\users\%userprofile%\Saved Games\xonotic\data\" folder'