<h2>Sorry, no games yet. Get playing!</h2>\r
% else:\r
-<div id="filter">\r
- <h2>Filter</h2>\r
- <input id="search" type="text" name="search" />\r
- <input id="show-bots" type="checkbox" class="checkbox" checked="checked" /><label for="show-bots" class="checkbox-label">Show Bots</label><br />\r
- <h3>Gametype</h3>\r
- <input id="game-ca" type="checkbox" class="checkbox" /><label for="game-ca" class="checkbox-label">CA</label><br />\r
- <input id="game-ctf" type="checkbox" class="checkbox" /><label for="game-ctf" class="checkbox-label">CTF</label><br />\r
- <input id="game-dm" type="checkbox" class="checkbox" /><label for="game-dm" class="checkbox-label">DM</label><br />\r
- <input id="game-freezetag" type="checkbox" class="checkbox" /><label for="game-freezetag" class="checkbox-label">Freezetag</label><br />\r
- <h3>Sort By</h3>\r
- <select id="sort-by">\r
- <option>Kills</option>\r
- <option>Deaths</option>\r
- <option>Suicides</option>\r
- <option>Time</option>\r
- <option>Score</option>\r
- </select>\r
+<div class="row">\r
+ <div class="span12">\r
+ <h2>Recent Games</h2>\r
+ % for (game, server, map) in games:\r
+ <div class="game">\r
+ <h4><img src="/static/images/icons/48x48/${game.game_type_cd}.png" width="30" height="30" /><a href="${request.route_url("map_info", id=map.map_id)}" name="Map info page for ${map.name}">${map.name}</a> on <a href="${request.route_url("server_info", id=server.server_id)}" name="Server info page for ${server.name}">${server.name}</a> <span class="permalink">(<a href="${request.route_url('game_info', id=game.game_id)}" name="Permalink for game #${game.game_id}">permalink</a>)</span></h4>\r
+ ${scoreboard(game.game_type_cd, pgstats[game.game_id])}\r
+ </div>\r
+ % endfor\r
+ </div>\r
-<div id="recent-games-list">\r
- <h2>Recent Games</h2>\r
- % for (game, server, map) in games:\r
- <div class="game">\r
- <img src="/static/images/icons/48x48/${game.game_type_cd}.png"/><h3><a href="${request.route_url("map_info", id=map.map_id)}" name="Map info page for ${map.name}">${map.name}</a> on <a href="${request.route_url("server_info", id=server.server_id)}" name="Server info page for ${server.name}">${server.name}</a> <span class="permalink">(<a href="${request.route_url('game_info', id=game.game_id)}" name="Permalink for game #${game.game_id}">permalink</a>)</span></h3>\r
- ## show scoreboard using a def from another file\r
- ${scoreboard(game.game_type_cd, pgstats[game.game_id])}\r
- </div>\r
-% endfor\r
<!-- navigation links -->\r
${navlinks("game_index_paged", games.page, games.last_page)}\r
-</div><!-- #recent-games-list -->\r
% endif\r
<%def name="scoreboard(game_type_cd, pgstats)">
-<table class="scoreboard">
+<table class="table table-bordered table-condensed">
${scoreboard_header(game_type_cd, pgstats[0])}
- <tbody>
- % for pgstat in pgstats:
- <tr class="${pgstat.team_html_color()}">
- <td>
- % if pgstat.player_id > 2:
- <a href="${request.route_url("player_info", id=pgstat.player_id)}"
- title="Go to the info page for this player">
- <span class="nick">${pgstat.nick_html_colors()|n}</span>
- </a>
- % else:
- <span class="nick">${pgstat.nick_html_colors()|n}</span>
- % endif
- </td>
- ${scoreboard_row(game_type_cd, pgstat)}
- <td>${pgstat.score}</td>
- <td>
- % if pgstat.player_id > 1:
- <a href="${request.route_url("game_info", id=pgstat.game_id)}#accuracy-${pgstat.player_game_stat_id}"
- title="View weapon accuracy details for this player in this game">
- View
- </a>
- % endif
- </td>
- </tr>
- % endfor
- </tbody>
+ <tbody>
+ % for pgstat in pgstats:
+ <tr class="${pgstat.team_html_color()}">
+ <td>
+ % if pgstat.player_id > 2:
+ <a href="${request.route_url("player_info", id=pgstat.player_id)}"
+ title="Go to the info page for this player">
+ <span class="nick">${pgstat.nick_html_colors()|n}</span>
+ </a>
+ % else:
+ <span class="nick">${pgstat.nick_html_colors()|n}</span>
+ % endif
+ </td>
+ ${scoreboard_row(game_type_cd, pgstat)}
+ <td>${pgstat.score}</td>
+ <td>
+ % if pgstat.player_id > 1:
+ <a href="${request.route_url("game_info", id=pgstat.game_id)}#accuracy-${pgstat.player_game_stat_id}"
+ title="View weapon accuracy details for this player in this game">
+ View
+ </a>
+ % endif
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ % endfor
+ </tbody>
<%def name="scoreboard_header(game_type_cd, pgstat)">
% if game_type_cd == 'dm' or game_type_cd == 'tdm' or game_type_cd == 'duel':
- <tr>
- <th class="nick">Nick</th>
- <th class="kills">Kills</th>
- <th class="deaths">Deaths</th>
- <th class="suicides">Suicides</th>
- <th class="score">Score</th>
- <th class="accuracy">Accuracy</th>
- </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th class="nick">Nick</th>
+ <th class="kills">Kills</th>
+ <th class="deaths">Deaths</th>
+ <th class="suicides">Suicides</th>
+ <th class="score">Score</th>
+ <th class="accuracy">Accuracy</th>
+ </tr>
% endif
% if game_type_cd == 'ctf':
<thead class="ctf ${pgstat.team_html_color()}">
- <tr>
- <th class="nick">Nick</th>
- <th class="kills">Kills</th>
- <th class="captures">Captures</th>
- <th class="pickups">Pickups</th>
- <th class="fck" title="Flag Carrier Kill">FCK</th>
- <th class="returns">Returns</th>
- <th class="score">Score</th>
- <th class="accuracy">Accuracy</th>
- </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th class="nick">Nick</th>
+ <th class="kills">Kills</th>
+ <th class="captures">Captures</th>
+ <th class="pickups">Pickups</th>
+ <th class="fck" title="Flag Carrier Kill">FCK</th>
+ <th class="returns">Returns</th>
+ <th class="score">Score</th>
+ <th class="accuracy">Accuracy</th>
+ </tr>
% endif
% if game_type_cd == 'ca':
<thead class="ca ${pgstat.team_html_color()}">
- <tr>
- <th class="nick">Nick</th>
- <th class="kills">Kills</th>
- <th class="score">Score</th>
- <th class="accuracy">Accuracy</th>
- </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th class="nick">Nick</th>
+ <th class="kills">Kills</th>
+ <th class="score">Score</th>
+ <th class="accuracy">Accuracy</th>
+ </tr>
% endif
% if game_type_cd == 'freezetag':
<thead class="freezetag ${pgstat.team_html_color()}">
- <tr>
- <th class="nick">Nick</th>
- <th class="kills">Kills</th>
- <th class="deaths">Deaths</th>
- <th class="suicides">Suicides</th>
- <th class="score">Score</th>
- <th class="accuracy">Accuracy</th>
- </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th class="nick">Nick</th>
+ <th class="kills">Kills</th>
+ <th class="deaths">Deaths</th>
+ <th class="suicides">Suicides</th>
+ <th class="score">Score</th>
+ <th class="accuracy">Accuracy</th>
+ </tr>
% endif