set bot_ai_vore_decide_swallow 0.2 "How often bots decide if to swallow someone or not"\r
set bot_ai_vore_fear 2 "How much bots will fear players more powerful than them and avoid them in some situations"\r
set bot_ai_vore_teamhealabandon 0.75 "Probability (from 0 to 1) of the bot abandoning a team heal when seeing an enemy they can vore, at highest skill"\r
-set bot_ai_vore_stayinteamstomach 1 "When enabled, a bot will stay in a team mate's stomach even if he was teamhealed to the max and could willingly leave"\r
+set bot_ai_vore_stayinteamstomach 0 "When enabled, a bot will stay in a team mate's stomach even if he was teamhealed to the max and could willingly leave"\r
set bot_god 0 "god mode for bots"\r
set bot_ai_navigation_jetpack 0 "Enable bots to navigat maps using the jetpack"\r
set bot_ai_navigation_jetpack_mindistance 3500 "Bots will try fly to objects located farther than this distance"\r