set g_balance_grabber_secondary_animtime 1 // good melee anim\r
set g_balance_grabber_secondary_damage 10\r
set g_balance_grabber_secondary_armordamage 50\r
+set g_balance_grabber_secondary_stun_maxtime 3\r
+set g_balance_grabber_secondary_stun_rate 0.65\r
set g_balance_grabber_secondary_force 250\r
set g_balance_grabber_secondary_radius 130\r
set g_balance_grabber_secondary_recoil 5\r
wishspeed *= 1 - (self.swallow_progress_prey * cvar("g_balance_vore_swallow_speed_cutspd_prey"));\r
if(self.swallow_progress_pred) // cut speed based on swallow progress for preds\r
wishspeed *= 1 - (self.swallow_progress_pred * cvar("g_balance_vore_swallow_speed_cutspd_pred"));\r
+ if(self.grabber_stunned > time && random() <= cvar("g_balance_grabber_secondary_stun_rate")) // randomly cut speed while the player is stunned\r
+ wishspeed = 0;\r
.float old_clip_load;\r
.float clip_size;\r
+.float grabber_stunned;\r
// #define PROJECTILE_MAKETRIGGER(e) (e).solid = SOLID_BBOX\r
Damage(trace_ent, self, self, cvar("g_balance_grabber_secondary_damage"), WEP_GRABBER | HITTYPE_SECONDARY, trace_endpos, cvar("g_balance_grabber_secondary_force") * w_shotdir);\r
trace_ent.armorvalue = bound(0, trace_ent.armorvalue - cvar("g_balance_grabber_secondary_armordamage"), cvar("g_balance_armor_limit"));\r
+ trace_ent.grabber_stunned = time + cvar("g_balance_grabber_secondary_stun_maxtime") * random();\r
pointparticles(particleeffectnum("grabber_impact2"), trace_endpos, '0 0 0', 1);\r
if(trace_ent.classname == "player")\r
- Picking up health items no longer increases your health immediately. Health is now eaten and digested like players, and increase stomach load while carried. Players inside the stomach will also be able to see the food inside. Health items can also be thrown up at their existing consumption and eaten by other players, as unpleasant as the thought might sound to some :)\r
+- Grabber alt fire barely deals any damage now. However, it will heavily decrease the victim's armor, and also stun them (making it difficult to walk for a few seconds).\r
- Helper system. A voice will talk in the background when the player is in a dangerous situation (similar to the suit in Half Life, which warns you when you're low on health).\r
- Bootable subsystems. The crosshair, HUD, and helper voice will take 2 seconds to startup when the player spawns. Also, if armor (now considered charge) is below 5, you will not have enough energy to run your subsystems, and must wait for your armor to recharge.\r