seta sbar_info_pos 0 "Y-axis distance from lower right corner for engine info prints"
-// user preference cvars (i.e. shouldn't be adjusted by a skin config)
+// user preference cvars (i.e. shouldn't be adjusted by a skin config)
seta hud_panel_weapons_label 1 "1 = show number of weapon, 2 = show bound key of weapon"
seta hud_panel_weapons_complainbubble_time 1 "time that a new entry stays until it fades out"
seta hud_panel_weapons_complainbubble_fadetime 0.25 "fade out time"
seta hud_panel_radar_rotation 0 "rotation mode: you set what points up. 0 = player, 1 = west, 2 = south, 3 = east, 4 = north"
seta hud_panel_radar_zoommode 0 "zoom mode: 0 = zoomed by default, 1 = zoomed when +zoom, 2 = always zoomed, 3 = always zoomed out"
alias hud_panel_radar_rotate "toggle hud_panel_radar_rotation 0 1 2 3 4"
-seta hud_panel_radar_maximized;
-seta hud_panel_radar_maximized_scale "8192" "distance you can see on the radar when maximized"
+seta hud_panel_radar_maximized 0 "show the radar centered and maximized";
+seta hud_panel_radar_maximized_scale 8192 "distance you can see on the radar when maximized"
seta hud_panel_radar_maximized_size "0.5 0.5" "size of the radar when maximized"
seta hud_panel_score_rankings 0 "show rankings: 1 always show my own score; 2 pure rankings"