r_damageblur 0 // motion blur when damaged, default is 0 (removed in Xonotic)
net_slist_queriespersecond 60 // to be reduced if any major issues arise (ping times increased etc.)
+// TODO: revisit bloom settings on the GL32 renderer!
r_bloom_blur 4
-r_bloom_brighten 2
+r_bloom_brighten 1
r_bloom_colorexponent 1
-r_bloom_colorscale 1
+r_bloom_colorscale 1.5
r_bloom_colorsubtract 0.125
r_bloom_resolution 320
-r_bloom_scenebrightness 0.85
+r_bloom_scenebrightness 1
seta vid_x11_display "" "xonotic-linux-*.sh will use this to start xonotic on an other/new X display"
// This can have three possible settings: