// these stop the projectile from moving, so...
if(trace_dphitcontents == 0)
- dprint("A hit happened with zero hit contents... DEBUG THIS, this should never happen for projectiles! Projectile will self-destruct.\n");
+ //dprint("A hit happened with zero hit contents... DEBUG THIS, this should never happen for projectiles! Projectile will self-destruct.\n");
+ dprint(sprintf(_("A hit from a projectile happened with no hit contents! DEBUG THIS, this should never happen for projectiles! Profectile will self-destruct. (edict: %d, classname: %s, origin: %s)\n"), num_for_edict(self), self.classname, vtos(self.origin)));
if (trace_dphitq3surfaceflags & Q3SURFACEFLAG_NOIMPACT)