]> git.rm.cloudns.org Git - xonotic/xonotic-maps.pk3dir.git/commitdiff
add some crative textures, to be used later
authorRudolf Polzer <divverent@xonotic.org>
Thu, 8 Mar 2012 09:55:46 +0000 (10:55 +0100)
committerRudolf Polzer <divverent@xonotic.org>
Thu, 8 Mar 2012 09:55:46 +0000 (10:55 +0100)
textures/map_augenkrebs/crative.png [new file with mode: 0644]
textures/map_augenkrebs/crative.svg [new file with mode: 0644]
textures/map_augenkrebs/crative_norm.png [new file with mode: 0644]
textures/map_augenkrebs/crative_norm.svg [new file with mode: 0644]
textures/map_augenkrebs/crative_norm.txt [new file with mode: 0644]
textures/map_augenkrebs/crative_pants.png [new file with mode: 0644]
textures/map_augenkrebs/crative_pants.txt [new file with mode: 0644]
textures/map_augenkrebs/crative_shirt.png [new file with mode: 0644]
textures/map_augenkrebs/crative_shirt.svg [new file with mode: 0644]

index bc8356315e182239480bb1ae6a3ccaafe4797185..471124651e7a521ac1561cd915bdaa4cf8928b0a 100644 (file)
@@ -338,6 +338,10 @@ textures/map_augenkrebs/maze-of-augenkrebs
                tcmod rotate 0.5
                blendfunc blend
+       {
+               map $lightmap
+               blendfunc filter
+       }
@@ -429,3 +433,36 @@ textures/map_augenkrebs/novasky
        q3map_sun 1 .98 .9 0 0 90
        skyparms env/map_augenkrebs/novasky - -
+       qer_editorimage textures/map_augenkrebs/cycling
+       q3map_notjunc
+       q3map_nonplanar
+       q3map_bounce 0.0
+       q3map_shadeangle 175
+       // q3map_texturesize 1 1
+       q3map_invert
+       q3map_offset -2.0
+       surfaceparm nolightmap
+       surfaceparm trans
+       surfaceparm nonsolid
+       surfaceparm nomarks
+       {
+               map textures/map_augenkrebs/cycling
+               animmap 12.732395 textures/map_augenkrebs/cycling textures/map_augenkrebs/cycling-1 textures/map_augenkrebs/cycling-2 textures/map_augenkrebs/cycling-3 textures/map_augenkrebs/cycling-4 textures/map_augenkrebs/cycling-5 textures/map_augenkrebs/cycling-6 textures/map_augenkrebs/cycling-7 textures/map_augenkrebs/cycling-8 textures/map_augenkrebs/cycling-9 textures/map_augenkrebs/cycling-10 textures/map_augenkrebs/cycling-11 textures/map_augenkrebs/cycling-12 textures/map_augenkrebs/cycling-13 textures/map_augenkrebs/cycling-14 textures/map_augenkrebs/cycling-15 textures/map_augenkrebs/cycling-16 textures/map_augenkrebs/cycling-17 textures/map_augenkrebs/cycling-18 textures/map_augenkrebs/cycling-19 textures/map_augenkrebs/cycling-20 textures/map_augenkrebs/cycling-21 textures/map_augenkrebs/cycling-22 textures/map_augenkrebs/cycling-23 textures/map_augenkrebs/cycling-24 textures/map_augenkrebs/cycling-25 textures/map_augenkrebs/cycling-26 textures/map_augenkrebs/cycling-27 textures/map_augenkrebs/cycling-28 textures/map_augenkrebs/cycling-29 textures/map_augenkrebs/cycling-30 textures/map_augenkrebs/cycling-31 textures/map_augenkrebs/cycling-32 textures/map_augenkrebs/cycling-33 textures/map_augenkrebs/cycling-34 textures/map_augenkrebs/cycling-35 textures/map_augenkrebs/cycling-36 textures/map_augenkrebs/cycling-37 textures/map_augenkrebs/cycling-38 textures/map_augenkrebs/cycling-39
+               tcmod scroll 0.36787944 0.043213918
+       }
+       qer_editorimage textures/map_augenkrebs/crative
+       {
+               map textures/map_augenkrebs/crative
+       }
+       {
+               map $lightmap
+               blendfunc filter
+       }
diff --git a/textures/map_augenkrebs/crative.png b/textures/map_augenkrebs/crative.png
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..6be5de2
Binary files /dev/null and b/textures/map_augenkrebs/crative.png differ
diff --git a/textures/map_augenkrebs/crative.svg b/textures/map_augenkrebs/crative.svg
new file mode 100644 (file)
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+       Sobel 5x5
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+convert crative_shirt.png -negate crative_pants.png
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