// jump if going toward an obstacle that doesn't look like stairs we
// can walk up directly
- offset = (vdist(this.velocity, >, 32) ? this.velocity * 0.2 : v_forward * 32);
- tracebox(this.origin, this.mins, this.maxs, this.origin + offset, false, this);
+ vector deviation = '0 0 0';
+ if (this.velocity)
+ {
+ deviation = vectoangles(diff) - vectoangles(this.velocity);
+ while (deviation.y < -180) deviation.y += 360;
+ while (deviation.y > 180) deviation.y -= 360;
+ }
+ vector flat_diff = vec2(diff);
+ offset = max(32, vlen(vec2(this.velocity)) * cos(deviation.y * DEG2RAD) * 0.2) * flatdir;
+ vector actual_destorg = this.origin + offset;
+ if (!this.goalstack01 || this.goalcurrent.wpflags & WAYPOINTFLAG_TELEPORT)
+ {
+ if (vlen2(flat_diff) < vlen2(offset))
+ {
+ actual_destorg.x = destorg.x;
+ actual_destorg.y = destorg.y;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (vdist(flat_diff, <, 32) && diff.z < -16) // destination is under the bot
+ {
+ actual_destorg.x = destorg.x;
+ actual_destorg.y = destorg.y;
+ }
+ else if (vlen2(flat_diff) < vlen2(offset))
+ {
+ vector next_goal_org = (this.goalstack01.absmin + this.goalstack01.absmax) * 0.5;
+ vector next_dir = normalize(vec2(next_goal_org - destorg));
+ float next_dist = vlen(vec2(this.origin + offset - destorg));
+ actual_destorg = vec2(destorg) + next_dist * next_dir;
+ actual_destorg.z = this.origin.z;
+ }
+ tracebox(this.origin, this.mins, this.maxs, actual_destorg, false, this);
if (trace_fraction < 1)
if (trace_plane_normal.z < 0.7)
s = trace_fraction;
- tracebox(this.origin + stepheightvec, this.mins, this.maxs, this.origin + offset + stepheightvec, false, this);
+ tracebox(this.origin + stepheightvec, this.mins, this.maxs, actual_destorg + stepheightvec, false, this);
if (trace_fraction < s + 0.01)
if (trace_plane_normal.z < 0.7)
s = trace_fraction;
- tracebox(this.origin + jumpstepheightvec, this.mins, this.maxs, this.origin + offset + jumpstepheightvec, false, this);
+ tracebox(this.origin + jumpstepheightvec, this.mins, this.maxs, actual_destorg + jumpstepheightvec, false, this);
if (trace_fraction > s)
// Check for water/slime/lava and dangerous edges
// (only when the bot is on the ground or jumping intentionally)
+ offset = (vdist(this.velocity, >, 32) ? this.velocity * 0.2 : v_forward * 32);
vector dst_ahead = this.origin + this.view_ofs + offset;
vector dst_down = dst_ahead - '0 0 3000';
traceline(this.origin + this.view_ofs, dst_ahead, true, NULL);