APPEND_TO_STRING(un_bannedservers, " ", s);
- case "E":
+ case "H":
- if(cvar("menu_updatecheck_getpacks"))
- APPEND_TO_STRING(un_emergency_pk3s, " ", s);
+ // Hotfix (version-specific pk3 supported in >= 0.8.6)
+ // replaces "E" (missing-file-specific pk3 supported in <= 0.8.5)
+ APPEND_TO_STRING(un_emergency_pk3s, " ", s);
case "P":
// END OF URI SYSTEM ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+string(string filename) whichpack = #503;
void updateCheck()
allgood = true;
for(i = 0; i+1 < n; i += 2)
- if(fexists(argv(i+1)))
+ if(strcmp(argv(i+1), cvar_string("g_xonoticversion"))) // these aren't the versions we're looking for
+ string packfn = whichpack("hotfix-autoexec.cfg");
+ if(packfn) // we have the cfg we're looking for in some pk3
+ {
+ if(!strncmp(packfn, "dlcache/", 8)) // it's in dlcache
+ packfn = substring(packfn, 8, strlen(packfn)); // strip prefix "dlcache/"
+ if(strstrofs(argv(i), packfn, strlen(argv(i)) - strlen(packfn)) > 0) // last chars of url == packfn
+ continue; // the pk3 we're looking for already provides the cfg we're looking for
+ }
allgood = false;
if(_Nex_ExtResponseSystem_PacksStep == 1) // first run
localcmd("\ncurl --pak \"", argv(i), "\"\n");
cvar_set("_menu_initialized", "0");
// HACK: cause m_hide call on next start
- localcmd("\nmenu_restart\n");
+ //localcmd("\nmenu_restart\n"); // <= 0.8.5
+ localcmd("\nexec hotfix-autoexec.cfg\n");
_Nex_ExtResponseSystem_PacksStep = 0;
_Nex_ExtResponseSystem_PacksStep = 2;
float preMenuInit()
set cl_effects_lightningarc_branchfactor_start 0.25
set cl_effects_lightningarc_branchfactor_add 0.1
-set menu_updatecheck_getpacks 1 "get update packs from update server"
seta cl_loddistance1 1024
seta cl_loddistance2 3072
seta cl_playerdetailreduction 4 "the higher, the less detailed player models are displayed (LOD)"