-d darkplaces: add cl_particles_particleffect_bloodhack cvar to enable converting id1 blood effects to TE_BLOOD style (Alex Boveri)
-d darkplaces: add cl_particles_particleffect_bloodhack cvar to menu (Alex Boveri)
-d darkplaces: add cvars for sbar alpha (background and foreground) (Throvold@uboot.com)
+-d darkplaces: add gl_polyblend cvar to control amount of viewblend effect (Andrew A. Gilevsky)
-d darkplaces: add log cvar to set console logging target (default "", or default "qconsole.log" if -condebug is used)
-d darkplaces: add r_waterwarp cvar to control amount of viewwarping underwater (Andrew A. Gilevsky)
-d darkplaces: add rate command (and _cl_rate cvar to save to config) to control client rate (send to server on connect as a command, like other properties) (Transfusion)
-d darkplaces: figure out what is wrong with dedicated server console on win32 and fix it (and tell willis@deathmask.net)
-d darkplaces: figure out what's wrong with ctrl key in Linux, hitting character keys tends to do nothing, and holding a character key and then hitting ctrl tends to leave the character key stuck on, this sounds like a window manager issue, but somehow quake3 works around it (Baalz)
-d darkplaces: fix a crash when changing level while using qe1 textures (Todd)
--d darkplaces: fix broken key repeat on backspace key in console (Mercury, CheapAlert)
-d darkplaces: fix broken mouse button display in key binding menu, it shows ??? for mouse buttons (Mercury, Tomaz)
-d darkplaces: fix cl_nodelta 1, it's halting updates (Tomaz, sublim3)
-d darkplaces: give each gamemode a default screenshot name pattern, and make -game override the name pattern to match the mod dir (Rick)
-f darkplaces: figure out what crashes when this sequence is done: r_speeds 1;map anything, crash (Stribbs)
-f darkplaces: fix view blends slightly lingering as time goes on, they should go away completely (Cruaich)
-f darkplaces: model interpolation off crashes? (SeienAbunae)
+-n darkplaces: fix skybox orientation to match glquake/quake2/quake3, it needs to be rotated 90 degrees; +X should be rt (metlslime)
0 darkplaces: Host_Name_f validate player names, stripping \r and \n
0 darkplaces: Mod_Q3BSP_TraceBrush_RecursiveBSPNode can be optimized to take a clipflags parameter like R_Q3BSP_RecursiveworldNode (Vic)
0 darkplaces: add DP_OGGSOUND extension which can be checked by mods to know they can intentionally load .ogg instead of .wav, since the engine prefers wav over ogg normally (CheapAlert)
0 darkplaces: add coronascale setting to rtlights (romi)
0 darkplaces: add cvars to control lighting quality to allow performance tradeoffs
0 darkplaces: add de-we to credits page for the great icons (de-we)
-0 darkplaces: add fov to menu
-0 darkplaces: add gl_polyblend cvar to control amount of viewblend effect (Andrew A. Gilevsky)
0 darkplaces: add graphics options menu and put realtime lighting stuff in it (Antti)
0 darkplaces: add lava-steam particle puff effect for bursting lava bubbles (Zombie)
0 darkplaces: add lightning beam settings to menu (romi)
0 darkplaces: add sv_gameplayfix_stepwhilejumping cvar (default 1), note that sv_jumpstep must also be on to enable this
0 darkplaces: add sv_gameplayfix_swiminbmodels cvar (default 1)
0 darkplaces: add sv_maxrate cvar to server setup menu
+0 darkplaces: add sv_playerphysicsqc cvar to allow engine to ignore SV_PlayerPhysics function, this would also have to change the reported extensions (Gleeb)
0 darkplaces: add te_flamejet builtin and add extension (Supajoe)
0 darkplaces: add vid_pixelaspect patch from Grisha Spivak's email
0 darkplaces: add vid_vsync cvar and also to options menu (metlslime)
1 darkplaces: crashes on radeon in rare situations that seem to occur in dpmod dm 7 mode? (Option42)
1 darkplaces: decide on an extension name for .ent loading and report it, also document in dpextensions (tell FrikaC, Gleeb, and add to wiki)
1 darkplaces: finish porting Quake2 keyboard stuff (such as clipboard) (Rick, FrikaC)
+1 darkplaces: fix broken key repeat on backspace key in console (Mercury, CheapAlert)
1 darkplaces: fix lots of bugs and then retitle the website to get more publicity: DarkPlaces: Re-live Quake again...
1 darkplaces: fix stuck buttons during a level change (mercury82, tkimmet@ezworks.net) (further note: this is from the console becoming active temporarily and catching the key release when the player lets go during the loading stage, make it possible to release a button that was pressed before the console was activated, or make it execute -commands for all pressed binds when level starts)
1 darkplaces: make Host_Error call error reset functions on renderer subsystems? (models are already flushed)
2 darkplaces: figure out how monster models are disappearing in waistdeep water in e1m3 (scar3crow)
2 darkplaces: figure out how to prevent "alias a a" - infinite loop when executed, this should be detected when executing it (Vicious)
2 darkplaces: fix 'fall to death in wedge corner' glitch from quake (Zombie)
+2 darkplaces: fix envmap command, it's saving black again, and is the wrong arrangement (Tomaz)
2 darkplaces: fix fogging in realtime lighting mode, need to split the shaders into two stages, this will also fix decal bugs with fog (Electro, Mitchell)
2 darkplaces: frikbot scores don't update - discovered this is because of the fact they have no client (Todd)
2 darkplaces: implement menu_clearkeyconfig and menu_keyconfig and the corresponding menu (diGGer)
3 darkplaces: figure out why dlights are apparently disappearing in nexuiz when far away (Vermeulen)
3 darkplaces: figure out why multimap demos are skipping the later portions, it's probably related to the time seeking, probably not being reset (Urre)
3 darkplaces: finish DP_QC_BOTCLIENT extension docs and implement it (MauveBib, Supajoe)
-3 darkplaces: fix skybox orientation to match glquake/quake2/quake3, it needs to be rotated 90 degrees; +X should be rt (metlslime)
3 darkplaces: hub save support, one file indicating active map, and then for each map it saves a quake savegame (SeienAbunae)
3 darkplaces: make a new caching system with handles (which can be purged) and give every entity a cache handle to a model instance, which contains cache handles for each mesh/array
3 darkplaces: make q1bsp surfaces have vertex color arrays like q3bsp to make things more consistent, note these need light styles
d darkplaces: add error messages to LHNET_OpenSocket_Connectionless or its callers (Zombie13)
d darkplaces: add extension for tenebrae dlight entities
d darkplaces: add file access functions and string handling (diGGer)
+d darkplaces: add fov to menu
d darkplaces: add gl_lightmaps cvar to disable texturing except lightmaps for testing (Vic)
d darkplaces: add gl_texture_anisotropy to menu (Static_Fiend)
d darkplaces: add multiple skin support to md2/md3 (Vermeuln)
d darkplaces: fix sounds not following entities (yummyluv, SeienAbunae)
d darkplaces: fix starting non-existent maps. (drops to console with an error like it should)
d darkplaces: fix startup on multiplayer games so they don't start a game when executing startdemos unless -listen or -dedicated was used (yummyluv)
+d darkplaces: fix suffix table used by cubemap loader to load skyboxes in the correct arrangement, matching the sky (Tomaz)
d darkplaces: fix the dedicated server timing, seems to be using host_maxfps instead of sys_ticrate
d darkplaces: fix the fact singleplayer is using maxplayers 8
d darkplaces: fix toggling decals in menu