--- /dev/null
- string s = "csprogs-" WATERMARK ".txt";
+#include "world.qh"
+#include <common/constants.qh>
+#include <common/deathtypes/all.qh>
+#include <common/gamemodes/_mod.qh>
+#include <common/gamemodes/sv_rules.qh>
+#include <common/items/_mod.qh>
+#include <common/mapinfo.qh>
+#include <common/mapobjects/target/music.qh>
+#include <common/mapobjects/trigger/hurt.qh>
+#include <common/mapobjects/trigger/secret.qh>
+#include <common/mapobjects/triggers.qh>
+#include <common/monsters/_mod.qh>
+#include <common/monsters/sv_monsters.qh>
+#include <common/net_linked.qh>
+#include <common/notifications/all.qh>
+#include <common/physics/player.qh>
+#include <common/playerstats.qh>
+#include <common/state.qh>
+#include <common/stats.qh>
+#include <common/teams.qh>
+#include <common/util.qh>
+#include <common/vehicles/all.qh>
+#include <common/weapons/_all.qh>
+#include <server/anticheat.qh>
+#include <server/antilag.qh>
+#include <server/bot/api.qh>
+#include <server/campaign.qh>
+#include <server/cheats.qh>
+#include <server/client.qh>
+#include <server/command/common.qh>
+#include <server/command/getreplies.qh>
+#include <server/command/sv_cmd.qh>
+#include <server/command/vote.qh>
+#include <server/damage.qh>
+#include <server/gamelog.qh>
+#include <server/hook.qh>
+#include <server/intermission.qh>
+#include <server/ipban.qh>
+#include <server/main.qh>
+#include <server/mapvoting.qh>
+#include <server/mutators/_mod.qh>
+#include <server/race.qh>
+#include <server/scores.qh>
+#include <server/scores_rules.qh>
+#include <server/spawnpoints.qh>
+#include <server/teamplay.qh>
+#include <server/weapons/common.qh>
+#include <server/weapons/weaponstats.qh>
+const float LATENCY_THINKRATE = 10;
+.float latency_sum;
+.float latency_cnt;
+.float latency_time;
+entity pingplreport;
+void PingPLReport_Think(entity this)
+ float delta;
+ entity e;
+ delta = 3 / maxclients;
+ if(delta < sys_frametime)
+ delta = 0;
+ this.nextthink = time + delta;
+ e = edict_num(this.cnt + 1);
+ {
+ WriteByte(MSG_BROADCAST, this.cnt);
+ WriteShort(MSG_BROADCAST, bound(1, CS(e).ping, 65535));
+ WriteByte(MSG_BROADCAST, min(ceil(CS(e).ping_packetloss * 255), 255));
+ WriteByte(MSG_BROADCAST, min(ceil(CS(e).ping_movementloss * 255), 255));
+ // record latency times for clients throughout the match so we can report it to playerstats
+ if(time > (CS(e).latency_time + LATENCY_THINKRATE))
+ {
+ CS(e).latency_sum += CS(e).ping;
+ CS(e).latency_cnt += 1;
+ CS(e).latency_time = time;
+ //print("sum: ", ftos(CS(e).latency_sum), ", cnt: ", ftos(CS(e).latency_cnt), ", avg: ", ftos(CS(e).latency_sum / CS(e).latency_cnt), ".\n");
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ WriteByte(MSG_BROADCAST, this.cnt);
+ WriteShort(MSG_BROADCAST, 0);
+ WriteByte(MSG_BROADCAST, 0);
+ WriteByte(MSG_BROADCAST, 0);
+ }
+ this.cnt = (this.cnt + 1) % maxclients;
+void PingPLReport_Spawn()
+ pingplreport = new_pure(pingplreport);
+ setthink(pingplreport, PingPLReport_Think);
+ pingplreport.nextthink = time;
+float world_initialized;
+void SetDefaultAlpha()
+ if (!MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(SetDefaultAlpha))
+ {
+ default_player_alpha = autocvar_g_player_alpha;
+ if(default_player_alpha == 0)
+ default_player_alpha = 1;
+ default_weapon_alpha = default_player_alpha;
+ }
+void GotoFirstMap(entity this)
+ float n;
+ if(autocvar__sv_init)
+ {
+ // cvar_set("_sv_init", "0");
+ // we do NOT set this to 0 any more, so someone "accidentally" changing
+ // to this "init" map on a dedicated server will cause no permanent
+ // harm
+ if(autocvar_g_maplist_shuffle)
+ ShuffleMaplist();
+ n = tokenizebyseparator(autocvar_g_maplist, " ");
+ cvar_set("g_maplist_index", ftos(n - 1)); // jump to map 0 in GotoNextMap
+ MapInfo_Enumerate();
+ MapInfo_FilterGametype(MapInfo_CurrentGametype(), MapInfo_CurrentFeatures(), MapInfo_RequiredFlags(), MapInfo_ForbiddenFlags(), 0);
+ if(!DoNextMapOverride(1))
+ GotoNextMap(1);
+ return;
+ }
+ if(time < 5)
+ {
+ this.nextthink = time;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ this.nextthink = time + 1;
+ LOG_INFO("Waiting for _sv_init being set to 1 by initialization scripts...");
+ }
+void cvar_changes_init()
+ float h;
+ string k, v, d;
+ float n, i, adding, pureadding;
+ strfree(cvar_changes);
+ strfree(cvar_purechanges);
+ cvar_purechanges_count = 0;
+ h = buf_create();
+ buf_cvarlist(h, "", "_"); // exclude all _ cvars as they are temporary
+ n = buf_getsize(h);
+ adding = true;
+ pureadding = true;
+ for(i = 0; i < n; ++i)
+ {
+ k = bufstr_get(h, i);
+#define BADPREFIX(p) if(substring(k, 0, strlen(p)) == p) continue
+#define BADPRESUFFIX(p,s) if(substring(k, 0, strlen(p)) == p && substring(k, -strlen(s), -1) == s) continue
+#define BADCVAR(p) if(k == p) continue
+ // general excludes and namespaces for server admin used cvars
+ BADPREFIX("help_"); // PN's server has this listed as changed, let's not rat him out for THAT
+ // internal
+ BADPREFIX("csqc_");
+ BADPREFIX("cvar_check_");
+ BADCVAR("gamecfg");
+ BADCVAR("g_configversion");
+ BADCVAR("halflifebsp");
+ BADCVAR("sv_mapformat_is_quake2");
+ BADCVAR("sv_mapformat_is_quake3");
+ BADPREFIX("sv_world");
+ // client
+ BADPREFIX("chase_");
+ BADPREFIX("cl_");
+ BADPREFIX("con_");
+ BADPREFIX("scoreboard_");
+ BADPREFIX("g_campaign");
+ BADPREFIX("g_waypointsprite_");
+ BADPREFIX("gl_");
+ BADPREFIX("joy");
+ BADPREFIX("hud_");
+ BADPREFIX("m_");
+ BADPREFIX("menu_");
+ BADPREFIX("net_slist_");
+ BADPREFIX("r_");
+ BADPREFIX("sbar_");
+ BADPREFIX("scr_");
+ BADPREFIX("snd_");
+ BADPREFIX("show");
+ BADPREFIX("sensitivity");
+ BADPREFIX("userbind");
+ BADPREFIX("v_");
+ BADPREFIX("vid_");
+ BADPREFIX("crosshair");
+ BADCVAR("mod_q3bsp_lightmapmergepower");
+ BADCVAR("mod_q3bsp_nolightmaps");
+ BADCVAR("fov");
+ BADCVAR("mastervolume");
+ BADCVAR("volume");
+ BADCVAR("bgmvolume");
+ BADCVAR("in_pitch_min");
+ BADCVAR("in_pitch_max");
+ // private
+ BADCVAR("developer");
+ BADCVAR("log_dest_udp");
+ BADCVAR("net_address");
+ BADCVAR("net_address_ipv6");
+ BADCVAR("port");
+ BADCVAR("savedgamecfg");
+ BADCVAR("serverconfig");
+ BADCVAR("sv_autoscreenshot");
+ BADCVAR("sv_heartbeatperiod");
+ BADCVAR("sv_vote_master_password");
+ BADCVAR("sys_colortranslation");
+ BADCVAR("sys_specialcharactertranslation");
+ BADCVAR("timeformat");
+ BADCVAR("timestamps");
+ BADCVAR("g_require_stats");
+ BADPREFIX("developer_");
+ BADPREFIX("g_ban_");
+ BADPREFIX("g_banned_list");
+ BADPREFIX("g_require_stats_");
+ BADPREFIX("g_chat_flood_");
+ BADPREFIX("g_ghost_items");
+ BADPREFIX("g_playerstats_");
+ BADPREFIX("g_voice_flood_");
+ BADPREFIX("log_file");
+ BADPREFIX("quit_");
+ BADPREFIX("rcon_");
+ BADPREFIX("sv_allowdownloads");
+ BADPREFIX("sv_autodemo");
+ BADPREFIX("sv_curl_");
+ BADPREFIX("sv_eventlog");
+ BADPREFIX("sv_logscores_");
+ BADPREFIX("sv_master");
+ BADPREFIX("sv_weaponstats_");
+ BADPREFIX("sv_waypointsprite_");
+ BADCVAR("rescan_pending");
+ // these can contain player IDs, so better hide
+ BADPREFIX("g_forced_team_");
+ BADCVAR("sv_muteban_list");
+ BADCVAR("sv_voteban_list");
+ BADCVAR("sv_allow_customplayermodels_idlist");
+ BADCVAR("sv_allow_customplayermodels_speciallist");
+ // mapinfo
+ BADCVAR("fraglimit");
+ BADCVAR("g_arena");
+ BADCVAR("g_assault");
+ BADCVAR("g_ca");
+ BADCVAR("g_ca_teams");
+ BADCVAR("g_conquest");
+ BADCVAR("g_conquest_teams");
+ BADCVAR("g_ctf");
+ BADCVAR("g_cts");
+ BADCVAR("g_dotc");
+ BADCVAR("g_dm");
+ BADCVAR("g_domination");
+ BADCVAR("g_domination_default_teams");
+ BADCVAR("g_duel");
+ BADCVAR("g_duel_not_dm_maps");
+ BADCVAR("g_freezetag");
+ BADCVAR("g_freezetag_teams");
+ BADCVAR("g_invasion_teams");
+ BADCVAR("g_invasion_type");
+ BADCVAR("g_jailbreak");
+ BADCVAR("g_jailbreak_teams");
+ BADCVAR("g_keepaway");
+ BADCVAR("g_keyhunt");
+ BADCVAR("g_keyhunt_teams");
+ BADCVAR("g_lms");
+ BADCVAR("g_nexball");
+ BADCVAR("g_onslaught");
+ BADCVAR("g_race");
+ BADCVAR("g_race_laps_limit");
+ BADCVAR("g_race_qualifying_timelimit");
+ BADCVAR("g_race_qualifying_timelimit_override");
+ BADCVAR("g_runematch");
+ BADCVAR("g_shootfromeye");
+ BADCVAR("g_snafu");
+ BADCVAR("g_survival");
+ BADCVAR("g_survival_not_dm_maps");
+ BADCVAR("g_tdm");
+ BADCVAR("g_tdm_on_dm_maps");
+ BADCVAR("g_tdm_teams");
+ BADCVAR("g_vip");
+ BADCVAR("leadlimit");
+ BADCVAR("nextmap");
+ BADCVAR("teamplay");
+ BADCVAR("timelimit");
+ BADCVAR("g_mapinfo_settemp_acl");
+ BADCVAR("g_mapinfo_ignore_warnings");
+ BADCVAR("g_maplist_ignore_sizes");
+ BADCVAR("g_maplist_sizes_count_bots");
+ // long
+ BADCVAR("hostname");
+ BADCVAR("g_maplist");
+ BADCVAR("g_maplist_mostrecent");
+ BADCVAR("sv_motd");
+ v = cvar_string(k);
+ d = cvar_defstring(k);
+ if(v == d)
+ continue;
+ if(adding)
+ {
+ cvar_changes = strcat(cvar_changes, k, " \"", v, "\" // \"", d, "\"\n");
+ if(strlen(cvar_changes) > 16384)
+ {
+ cvar_changes = "// too many settings have been changed to show them here\n";
+ adding = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ // now check if the changes are actually gameplay relevant
+ // does nothing gameplay relevant
+ BADCVAR("captureleadlimit_override");
+ BADCVAR("condump_stripcolors");
+ BADCVAR("gameversion");
+ BADCVAR("fs_gamedir");
+ BADCVAR("g_allow_oldvortexbeam");
+ BADCVAR("g_balance_kill_delay");
+ BADCVAR("g_buffs_pickup_anyway");
+ BADCVAR("g_buffs_randomize");
+ BADCVAR("g_buffs_randomize_teamplay");
+ BADCVAR("g_campcheck_distance");
+ BADCVAR("g_chatsounds");
+ BADCVAR("g_ca_point_leadlimit");
+ BADCVAR("g_ca_point_limit");
+ BADCVAR("g_ctf_captimerecord_always");
+ BADCVAR("g_ctf_flag_glowtrails");
+ BADCVAR("g_ctf_dynamiclights");
+ BADCVAR("g_ctf_flag_pickup_verbosename");
+ BADPRESUFFIX("g_ctf_flag_", "_model");
+ BADPRESUFFIX("g_ctf_flag_", "_skin");
+ BADCVAR("g_domination_point_leadlimit");
+ BADCVAR("g_forced_respawn");
+ BADCVAR("g_freezetag_point_leadlimit");
+ BADCVAR("g_freezetag_point_limit");
+ BADCVAR("g_glowtrails");
+ BADCVAR("g_hats");
+ BADCVAR("g_casings");
+ BADCVAR("g_invasion_point_limit");
+ BADCVAR("g_jump_grunt");
+ BADCVAR("g_keepaway_ballcarrier_effects");
+ BADCVAR("g_keepawayball_effects");
+ BADCVAR("g_keyhunt_point_leadlimit");
+ BADCVAR("g_nexball_goalleadlimit");
+ BADCVAR("g_new_toys_autoreplace");
+ BADCVAR("g_new_toys_use_pickupsound");
+ BADCVAR("g_physics_predictall");
+ BADCVAR("g_piggyback");
+ BADCVAR("g_playerclip_collisions");
+ BADCVAR("g_spawn_alloweffects");
+ BADCVAR("g_tdm_point_leadlimit");
+ BADCVAR("g_tdm_point_limit");
+ BADCVAR("leadlimit_and_fraglimit");
+ BADCVAR("leadlimit_override");
+ BADCVAR("pausable");
+ BADCVAR("sv_announcer");
+ BADCVAR("sv_checkforpacketsduringsleep");
+ BADCVAR("sv_damagetext");
+ BADCVAR("sv_db_saveasdump");
+ BADCVAR("sv_intermission_cdtrack");
+ BADCVAR("sv_mapchange_delay");
+ BADCVAR("sv_minigames");
+ BADCVAR("sv_namechangetimer");
+ BADCVAR("sv_precacheplayermodels");
+ BADCVAR("sv_radio");
+ BADCVAR("sv_stepheight");
+ BADCVAR("sv_timeout");
+ BADCVAR("sv_weapons_modeloverride");
+ BADCVAR("w_prop_interval");
+ BADPREFIX("chat_");
+ BADPREFIX("crypto_");
+ BADPREFIX("gameversion_");
+ BADPREFIX("g_chat_");
+ BADPREFIX("g_ctf_captimerecord_");
+ BADPREFIX("g_hats_");
+ BADPREFIX("g_maplist_");
+ BADPREFIX("g_mod_");
+ BADPREFIX("g_respawn_");
+ BADPREFIX("net_");
+ BADPREFIX("notification_");
+ BADPREFIX("prvm_");
+ BADPREFIX("skill_");
+ BADPREFIX("sv_allow_");
+ BADPREFIX("sv_cullentities_");
+ BADPREFIX("sv_maxidle_");
+ BADPREFIX("sv_minigames_");
+ BADPREFIX("sv_radio_");
+ BADPREFIX("sv_timeout_");
+ BADPREFIX("sv_vote_");
+ BADPREFIX("timelimit_");
+ // allowed changes to server admins (please sync this to server.cfg)
+ // vi commands:
+ // :/"impure"/,$d
+ // :g!,^\/\/[^ /],d
+ // :%s,//\([^ ]*\).*,BADCVAR("\1");,
+ // :%!sort
+ // yes, this does contain some redundant stuff, don't really care
+ BADPREFIX("bot_ai_");
+ BADCVAR("bot_config_file");
+ BADCVAR("bot_number");
+ BADCVAR("bot_prefix");
+ BADCVAR("bot_suffix");
+ BADCVAR("capturelimit_override");
+ BADCVAR("fraglimit_override");
+ BADCVAR("gametype");
+ BADCVAR("g_antilag");
+ BADCVAR("g_balance_teams");
+ BADCVAR("g_balance_teams_prevent_imbalance");
+ BADCVAR("g_balance_teams_scorefactor");
+ BADCVAR("g_ban_sync_trusted_servers");
+ BADCVAR("g_ban_sync_uri");
+ BADCVAR("g_buffs");
+ BADCVAR("g_ca_teams_override");
+ BADCVAR("g_ctf_fullbrightflags");
+ BADCVAR("g_ctf_ignore_frags");
+ BADCVAR("g_ctf_leaderboard");
+ BADCVAR("g_domination_point_limit");
+ BADCVAR("g_domination_teams_override");
+ BADCVAR("g_freezetag_teams_override");
+ BADCVAR("g_friendlyfire");
+ BADCVAR("g_fullbrightitems");
+ BADCVAR("g_fullbrightplayers");
+ BADCVAR("g_keyhunt_point_limit");
+ BADCVAR("g_keyhunt_teams_override");
+ BADCVAR("g_lms_lives_override");
+ BADCVAR("g_maplist");
+ BADCVAR("g_maxplayers");
+ BADCVAR("g_mirrordamage");
+ BADCVAR("g_nexball_goallimit");
+ BADCVAR("g_norecoil");
+ BADCVAR("g_physics_clientselect");
+ BADCVAR("g_pinata");
+ BADCVAR("g_powerups");
+ BADCVAR("g_player_brightness");
+ BADCVAR("g_rocket_flying");
+ BADCVAR("g_rocket_flying_disabledelays");
+ BADCVAR("g_spawnshieldtime");
+ BADCVAR("g_start_delay");
+ BADCVAR("g_superspectate");
+ BADCVAR("g_tdm_teams_override");
+ BADCVAR("g_warmup");
+ BADCVAR("g_weapon_stay"); BADPRESUFFIX("g_", "_weapon_stay");
+ BADCVAR("hostname");
+ BADCVAR("log_file");
+ BADCVAR("maxplayers");
+ BADCVAR("minplayers");
+ BADCVAR("minplayers_per_team");
+ BADCVAR("net_address");
+ BADCVAR("port");
+ BADCVAR("rcon_password");
+ BADCVAR("rcon_restricted_commands");
+ BADCVAR("rcon_restricted_password");
+ BADCVAR("skill");
+ BADCVAR("sv_adminnick");
+ BADCVAR("sv_autoscreenshot");
+ BADCVAR("sv_autotaunt");
+ BADCVAR("sv_curl_defaulturl");
+ BADCVAR("sv_defaultcharacter");
+ BADCVAR("sv_defaultcharacterskin");
+ BADCVAR("sv_defaultplayercolors");
+ BADCVAR("sv_defaultplayermodel");
+ BADCVAR("sv_defaultplayerskin");
+ BADCVAR("sv_maxidle");
+ BADCVAR("sv_maxrate");
+ BADCVAR("sv_motd");
+ BADCVAR("sv_public");
+ BADCVAR("sv_ready_restart");
+ BADCVAR("sv_status_privacy");
+ BADCVAR("sv_taunt");
+ BADCVAR("sv_vote_call");
+ BADCVAR("sv_vote_commands");
+ BADCVAR("sv_vote_majority_factor");
+ BADCVAR("sv_vote_master");
+ BADCVAR("sv_vote_master_commands");
+ BADCVAR("sv_vote_master_password");
+ BADCVAR("sv_vote_simple_majority_factor");
+ BADCVAR("teamplay_mode");
+ BADCVAR("timelimit_override");
+ BADPREFIX("g_warmup_");
+ BADPREFIX("sv_info_");
+ BADPREFIX("sv_ready_restart_");
+ // mutators that announce themselves properly to the server browser
+ BADCVAR("g_instagib");
+ BADCVAR("g_new_toys");
+ BADCVAR("g_nix");
+ BADCVAR("g_grappling_hook");
+ BADCVAR("g_jetpack");
+ // temporary for testing
+ // TODO remove before 0.8.3 release
+ BADCVAR("g_ca_weaponarena");
+ BADCVAR("g_freezetag_weaponarena");
+ BADCVAR("g_lms_weaponarena");
+ BADCVAR("g_ctf_stalemate_time");
+ if(cvar_string("g_mod_balance") == "Testing")
+ {
+ // (temporary) while using the Testing balance, any weapon balance cvars are allowed to be changed
+ BADPREFIX("g_balance_");
+ }
+#undef BADCVAR
+ if(pureadding)
+ {
+ cvar_purechanges = strcat(cvar_purechanges, k, " \"", v, "\" // \"", d, "\"\n");
+ if(strlen(cvar_purechanges) > 16384)
+ {
+ cvar_purechanges = "// too many settings have been changed to show them here\n";
+ pureadding = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ ++cvar_purechanges_count;
+ // WARNING: this variable is used for the server list
+ // NEVER dare to skip this code!
+ // Hacks to intentionally appearing as "pure server" even though you DO have
+ // modified settings may be punished by removal from the server list.
+ // You can do to the variables cvar_changes and cvar_purechanges all you want,
+ // though.
+ }
+ buf_del(h);
+ if(cvar_changes == "")
+ cvar_changes = "// this server runs at default server settings\n";
+ else
+ cvar_changes = strcat("// this server runs at modified server settings:\n", cvar_changes);
+ cvar_changes = strzone(cvar_changes);
+ if(cvar_purechanges == "")
+ cvar_purechanges = "// this server runs at default gameplay settings\n";
+ else
+ cvar_purechanges = strcat("// this server runs at modified gameplay settings:\n", cvar_purechanges);
+ cvar_purechanges = strzone(cvar_purechanges);
+entity randomseed;
+bool RandomSeed_Send(entity this, entity to, int sf)
+ WriteShort(MSG_ENTITY, this.cnt);
+ return true;
+void RandomSeed_Think(entity this)
+ this.cnt = bound(0, floor(random() * 65536), 65535);
+ this.nextthink = time + 5;
+ this.SendFlags |= 1;
+void RandomSeed_Spawn()
+ randomseed = new_pure(randomseed);
+ setthink(randomseed, RandomSeed_Think);
+ Net_LinkEntity(randomseed, false, 0, RandomSeed_Send);
+ getthink(randomseed)(randomseed); // sets random seed and nextthink
+ // handler for _init/_init map (only for dedicated server initialization)
+ world_initialized = -1; // don't complain
+ delete_fn = remove_unsafely;
+ entity e = spawn();
+ setthink(e, GotoFirstMap);
+ e.nextthink = time; // this is usually 1 at this point
+ e = new(info_player_deathmatch); // safeguard against player joining
+ // assign reflectively to avoid "assignment to world" warning
+ for (int i = 0, n = numentityfields(); i < n; ++i) {
+ string k = entityfieldname(i);
+ if (k == "classname") {
+ // safeguard against various stuff ;)
+ putentityfieldstring(i, this, "worldspawn");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // needs to be done so early because of the constants they create
+ static_init();
+ static_init_late();
+ static_init_precache();
+ IL_PUSH(g_spawnpoints, e); // just incase
+ MapInfo_Enumerate();
+ MapInfo_FilterGametype(MapInfo_CurrentGametype(), MapInfo_CurrentFeatures(), MapInfo_RequiredFlags(), MapInfo_ForbiddenFlags(), 0);
+void __init_dedicated_server_shutdown() {
+ MapInfo_Shutdown();
+ maxclients = 0;
+ for (entity head = nextent(NULL); head; head = nextent(head)) {
+ ++maxclients;
+ }
+void GameplayMode_DelayedInit(entity this)
+ if(!scores_initialized)
+ ScoreRules_generic();
+void InitGameplayMode()
+ VoteReset();
+ // find out good world mins/maxs bounds, either the static bounds found by looking for solid, or the mapinfo specified bounds
+ get_mi_min_max(1);
+ // assign reflectively to avoid "assignment to world" warning
+ int done = 0; for (int i = 0, n = numentityfields(); i < n; ++i) {
+ string k = entityfieldname(i); vector v = (k == "mins") ? mi_min : (k == "maxs") ? mi_max : '0 0 0';
+ if (v) {
+ putentityfieldstring(i, world, sprintf("%v", v));
+ if (++done == 2) break;
+ }
+ }
+ // currently, NetRadiant's limit is 131072 qu for each side
+ // distance from one corner of a 131072qu cube to the opposite corner is approx. 227023 qu
+ // set the distance according to map size but don't go over the limit to avoid issues with float precision
+ // in case somebody makes extremely large maps
+ max_shot_distance = min(230000, vlen(world.maxs - world.mins));
+ MapInfo_LoadMapSettings(mapname);
+ GameRules_teams(false);
+ if (!cvar_value_issafe(world.fog))
+ {
+ LOG_INFO("The current map contains a potentially harmful fog setting, ignored");
+ world.fog = string_null;
+ }
+ if(MapInfo_Map_fog != "")
+ {
+ if(MapInfo_Map_fog == "none")
+ world.fog = string_null;
+ else
+ world.fog = strzone(MapInfo_Map_fog);
+ }
+ clientstuff = strzone(MapInfo_Map_clientstuff);
+ MapInfo_ClearTemps();
+ gamemode_name = MapInfo_Type_ToText(MapInfo_LoadedGametype);
+ cache_mutatormsg = strzone("");
+ cache_lastmutatormsg = strzone("");
+ InitializeEntity(NULL, GameplayMode_DelayedInit, INITPRIO_GAMETYPE_FALLBACK);
+bool world_already_spawned;
+ server_is_dedicated = boolean(stof(cvar_defstring("is_dedicated")));
+ bool wantrestart = false;
+ {
+ if (!server_is_dedicated)
+ {
+ // force unloading of server pk3 files when starting a listen server
+ // localcmd("\nfs_rescan\n"); // FIXME: does more harm than good, has unintended side effects. What we really want is to unload temporary pk3s only
+ // restore csqc_progname too
+ string expect = "csprogs.dat";
+ wantrestart = cvar_string("csqc_progname") != expect;
+ cvar_set("csqc_progname", expect);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Try to use versioned csprogs from pk3
+ // Only ever use versioned csprogs.dat files on dedicated servers;
+ // we need to reset csqc_progname on clients ourselves, and it's easier if the client's release name is constant
+ string pk3csprogs = "csprogs-" WATERMARK ".dat";
+ // This always works; fall back to it if a versioned csprogs.dat is suddenly missing
+ string select = "csprogs.dat";
+ if (fexists(pk3csprogs)) select = pk3csprogs;
+ if (cvar_string("csqc_progname") != select)
+ {
+ cvar_set("csqc_progname", select);
+ wantrestart = true;
+ }
+ // Check for updates on startup
+ // We do it this way for atomicity so that connecting clients still match the server progs and don't disconnect
+ int sentinel = fopen("progs.txt", FILE_READ);
+ if (sentinel >= 0)
+ {
+ string switchversion = fgets(sentinel);
+ fclose(sentinel);
+ if (switchversion != "" && switchversion != WATERMARK)
+ {
+ LOG_INFOF("Switching progs: " WATERMARK " -> %s", switchversion);
+ // if it doesn't exist, assume either:
+ // a) the current program was overwritten
+ // b) this is a client only update
+ string newprogs = sprintf("progs-%s.dat", switchversion);
+ if (fexists(newprogs))
+ {
+ cvar_set("sv_progs", newprogs);
+ wantrestart = true;
+ }
+ string newcsprogs = sprintf("csprogs-%s.dat", switchversion);
+ if (fexists(newcsprogs))
+ {
+ cvar_set("csqc_progname", newcsprogs);
+ wantrestart = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (wantrestart)
+ {
+ LOG_INFO("Restart requested");
+ changelevel(mapname);
+ // let initialization continue, shutdown depends on it
+ }
+ }
+ if(world_already_spawned)
+ error("world already spawned - you may have EXACTLY ONE worldspawn!");
+ world_already_spawned = true;
+ delete_fn = remove_safely; // during spawning, watch what you remove!
+ cvar_changes_init(); // do this very early now so it REALLY matches the server config
+ // needs to be done so early because of the constants they create
+ static_init();
+ ServerProgsDB = db_load(strcat("server.db", autocvar_sessionid));
+ TemporaryDB = db_create();
+ // 0 normal
+ lightstyle(0, "m");
+ // 1 FLICKER (first variety)
+ lightstyle(1, "mmnmmommommnonmmonqnmmo");
+ lightstyle(2, "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba");
+ // 3 CANDLE (first variety)
+ lightstyle(3, "mmmmmaaaaammmmmaaaaaabcdefgabcdefg");
+ lightstyle(4, "mamamamamama");
+ lightstyle(5,"jklmnopqrstuvwxyzyxwvutsrqponmlkj");
+ // 6 FLICKER (second variety)
+ lightstyle(6, "nmonqnmomnmomomno");
+ // 7 CANDLE (second variety)
+ lightstyle(7, "mmmaaaabcdefgmmmmaaaammmaamm");
+ // 8 CANDLE (third variety)
+ lightstyle(8, "mmmaaammmaaammmabcdefaaaammmmabcdefmmmaaaa");
+ // 9 SLOW STROBE (fourth variety)
+ lightstyle(9, "aaaaaaaazzzzzzzz");
+ lightstyle(10, "mmamammmmammamamaaamammma");
+ lightstyle(11, "abcdefghijklmnopqrrqponmlkjihgfedcba");
+ // styles 32-62 are assigned by the spawnfunc_light program for switchable lights
+ // 63 testing
+ lightstyle(63, "a");
+ if(autocvar_g_campaign)
+ CampaignPreInit();
+ Map_MarkAsRecent(mapname);
+ PlayerStats_GameReport_Init(); // we need this to be initiated before InitGameplayMode
+ InitGameplayMode();
+ static_init_late();
+ static_init_precache();
+ readlevelcvars();
+ GameRules_limit_fallbacks();
+ if(warmup_limit == 0)
+ warmup_limit = (autocvar_timelimit > 0) ? autocvar_timelimit * 60 : autocvar_timelimit;
+ player_count = 0;
+ bot_waypoints_for_items = autocvar_g_waypoints_for_items;
+ if(bot_waypoints_for_items == 1)
+ if(this.spawnflags & SPAWNFLAG_NO_WAYPOINTS_FOR_ITEMS)
+ bot_waypoints_for_items = 0;
+ WaypointSprite_Init();
+ GameLogInit(); // prepare everything
+ // NOTE for matchid:
+ // changing the logic generating it is okay. But:
+ // it HAS to stay <= 64 chars
+ // character set: ASCII 33-126 without the following characters: : ; ' " \ $
+ if(autocvar_sv_eventlog)
+ {
+ string s = sprintf("%s.%s.%06d", itos(autocvar_sv_eventlog_files_counter), strftime(false, "%s"), floor(random() * 1000000));
+ matchid = strzone(s);
+ GameLogEcho(strcat(":gamestart:", GetGametype(), "_", GetMapname(), ":", s));
+ s = ":gameinfo:mutators:LIST";
+ MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(BuildMutatorsString, s);
+ s = M_ARGV(0, string);
+ // initialiation stuff, not good in the mutator system
+ if(!autocvar_g_use_ammunition)
+ s = strcat(s, ":no_use_ammunition");
+ // initialiation stuff, not good in the mutator system
+ if(autocvar_g_pickup_items == 0)
+ s = strcat(s, ":no_pickup_items");
+ if(autocvar_g_pickup_items > 0)
+ s = strcat(s, ":pickup_items");
+ // initialiation stuff, not good in the mutator system
+ if(autocvar_g_weaponarena != "0")
+ s = strcat(s, ":", autocvar_g_weaponarena, " arena");
+ // TODO to mutator system
+ if(autocvar_g_norecoil)
+ s = strcat(s, ":norecoil");
+ // TODO to mutator system
+ if(autocvar_g_powerups == 0)
+ s = strcat(s, ":no_powerups");
+ if(autocvar_g_powerups > 0)
+ s = strcat(s, ":powerups");
+ GameLogEcho(s);
+ GameLogEcho(":gameinfo:end");
+ }
+ else
+ matchid = strzone(ftos(random()));
+ cvar_set("nextmap", "");
+ SetDefaultAlpha();
+ if(autocvar_g_campaign)
+ CampaignPostInit();
+ Ban_LoadBans();
+ MapInfo_Enumerate();
+ MapInfo_FilterGametype(MapInfo_CurrentGametype(), MapInfo_CurrentFeatures(), MapInfo_RequiredFlags(), MapInfo_ForbiddenFlags(), 1);
+ if(fexists(strcat("scripts/", mapname, ".arena")))
+ cvar_settemp("sv_q3acompat_machineshotgunswap", "1");
+ if(fexists(strcat("scripts/", mapname, ".defi")))
+ cvar_settemp("sv_q3defragcompat", "1");
+ if(whichpack(strcat("maps/", mapname, ".cfg")) != "")
+ {
+ int fd = fopen(strcat("maps/", mapname, ".cfg"), FILE_READ);
+ if(fd != -1)
+ {
+ string s;
+ while((s = fgets(fd)))
+ {
+ int l = tokenize_console(s);
+ if(l < 2)
+ continue;
+ if(argv(0) == "cd")
+ {
+ string trackname = argv(2);
+ LOG_INFO("Found ^1UNSUPPORTED^7 cd loop command in .cfg file; put this line in mapinfo instead:");
+ LOG_INFO(" cdtrack ", trackname);
+ if (cvar_value_issafe(trackname))
+ {
+ string newstuff = strcat(clientstuff, "cd loop \"", trackname, "\"\n");
+ strcpy(clientstuff, newstuff);
+ }
+ }
+ else if(argv(0) == "fog")
+ {
+ LOG_INFO("Found ^1UNSUPPORTED^7 fog command in .cfg file; put this line in worldspawn in the .map/.bsp/.ent file instead:");
+ LOG_INFO(" \"fog\" \"", s, "\"");
+ }
+ else if(argv(0) == "set")
+ {
+ LOG_INFO("Found ^1UNSUPPORTED^7 set command in .cfg file; put this line in mapinfo instead:");
+ LOG_INFO(" clientsettemp_for_type all ", argv(1), " ", argv(2));
+ }
+ else if(argv(0) != "//")
+ {
+ LOG_INFO("Found ^1UNSUPPORTED^7 set command in .cfg file; put this line in mapinfo instead:");
+ LOG_INFO(" clientsettemp_for_type all ", argv(0), " ", argv(1));
+ }
+ }
+ fclose(fd);
+ }
+ }
+ WeaponStats_Init();
+ Nagger_Init();
+ // set up information replies for clients and server to use
+ maplist_reply = strzone(getmaplist());
+ lsmaps_reply = strzone(getlsmaps());
+ monsterlist_reply = strzone(getmonsterlist());
+ for(int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
+ {
+ string s = getrecords(i);
+ if (s)
+ records_reply[i] = strzone(s);
+ }
+ ladder_reply = strzone(getladder());
+ rankings_reply = strzone(getrankings());
+ // begin other init
+ ClientInit_Spawn();
+ RandomSeed_Spawn();
+ PingPLReport_Spawn();
+ CheatInit();
+ if (!wantrestart) localcmd("\n_sv_hook_gamestart ", GetGametype(), "\n");
+ // fill sv_curl_serverpackages from .serverpackage files
+ if (autocvar_sv_curl_serverpackages_auto)
+ {
++ string s = "csprogs-" WATERMARK ".dat";
+ // remove automatically managed files from the list to prevent duplicates
+ for (int i = 0, n = tokenize_console(cvar_string("sv_curl_serverpackages")); i < n; ++i)
+ {
+ string pkg = argv(i);
+ if (startsWith(pkg, "csprogs-")) continue;
+ if (endsWith(pkg, "-serverpackage.txt")) continue;
+ if (endsWith(pkg, ".serverpackage")) continue; // OLD legacy
+ s = cons(s, pkg);
+ }
+ // add automatically managed files to the list
+ #define X(match) MACRO_BEGIN \
+ int fd = search_begin(match, true, false); \
+ if (fd >= 0) \
+ { \
+ for (int i = 0, j = search_getsize(fd); i < j; ++i) \
+ { \
+ s = cons(s, search_getfilename(fd, i)); \
+ } \
+ search_end(fd); \
+ } \
+ X("*-serverpackage.txt");
+ X("*.serverpackage");
+ #undef X
+ cvar_set("sv_curl_serverpackages", s);
+ }
+ // MOD AUTHORS: change this, and possibly remove a few of the blocks below to ignore certain changes
+ modname = "Xonotic";
+ // physics/balance/config changes that count as mod
+ if(cvar_string("g_mod_physics") != cvar_defstring("g_mod_physics"))
+ modname = cvar_string("g_mod_physics");
+ if(cvar_string("g_mod_balance") != cvar_defstring("g_mod_balance") && cvar_string("g_mod_balance") != "Testing")
+ modname = cvar_string("g_mod_balance");
+ if(cvar_string("g_mod_config") != cvar_defstring("g_mod_config"))
+ modname = cvar_string("g_mod_config");
+ // extra mutators that deserve to count as mod
+ MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(SetModname, modname);
+ modname = M_ARGV(0, string);
+ // save it for later
+ modname = strzone(modname);
+ WinningConditionHelper(this); // set worldstatus
+ world_initialized = 1;
+ __spawnfunc_spawn_all();
+ //makestatic (this); // Who the f___ did that?
+ delete(this);
+bool MoveToRandomLocationWithinBounds(entity e, vector boundmin, vector boundmax, float goodcontents, float badcontents, float badsurfaceflags, int attempts, float maxaboveground, float minviewdistance)
+ float m = e.dphitcontentsmask;
+ e.dphitcontentsmask = goodcontents | badcontents;
+ vector org = boundmin;
+ vector delta = boundmax - boundmin;
+ vector start, end;
+ start = end = org;
+ int j; // used after the loop
+ for(j = 0; j < attempts; ++j)
+ {
+ start.x = org.x + random() * delta.x;
+ start.y = org.y + random() * delta.y;
+ start.z = org.z + random() * delta.z;
+ // rule 1: start inside world bounds, and outside
+ // solid, and don't start from somewhere where you can
+ // fall down to evil
+ tracebox(start, e.mins, e.maxs, start - '0 0 1' * delta.z, MOVE_NORMAL, e);
+ if (trace_fraction >= 1)
+ continue;
+ if (trace_startsolid)
+ continue;
+ if (trace_dphitcontents & badcontents)
+ continue;
+ if (trace_dphitq3surfaceflags & badsurfaceflags)
+ continue;
+ // rule 2: if we are too high, lower the point
+ if (trace_fraction * delta.z > maxaboveground)
+ start = trace_endpos + '0 0 1' * maxaboveground;
+ vector enddown = trace_endpos;
+ // rule 3: make sure we aren't outside the map. This only works
+ // for somewhat well formed maps. A good rule of thumb is that
+ // the map should have a convex outside hull.
+ // these can be traceLINES as we already verified the starting box
+ vector mstart = start + 0.5 * (e.mins + e.maxs);
+ traceline(mstart, mstart + '1 0 0' * delta.x, MOVE_NORMAL, e);
+ if (trace_fraction >= 1 || trace_dphittexturename == "common/caulk")
+ continue;
+ traceline(mstart, mstart - '1 0 0' * delta.x, MOVE_NORMAL, e);
+ if (trace_fraction >= 1 || trace_dphittexturename == "common/caulk")
+ continue;
+ traceline(mstart, mstart + '0 1 0' * delta.y, MOVE_NORMAL, e);
+ if (trace_fraction >= 1 || trace_dphittexturename == "common/caulk")
+ continue;
+ traceline(mstart, mstart - '0 1 0' * delta.y, MOVE_NORMAL, e);
+ if (trace_fraction >= 1 || trace_dphittexturename == "common/caulk")
+ continue;
+ traceline(mstart, mstart + '0 0 1' * delta.z, MOVE_NORMAL, e);
+ if (trace_fraction >= 1 || trace_dphittexturename == "common/caulk")
+ continue;
+ // rule 4: we must "see" some spawnpoint or item
+ entity sp = NULL;
+ IL_EACH(g_spawnpoints, checkpvs(mstart, it),
+ {
+ if((traceline(mstart, it.origin, MOVE_NORMAL, e), trace_fraction) >= 1)
+ {
+ sp = it;
+ break;
+ }
+ });
+ if(!sp)
+ {
+ int items_checked = 0;
+ IL_EACH(g_items, checkpvs(mstart, it),
+ {
+ if((traceline(mstart, it.origin + (it.mins + it.maxs) * 0.5, MOVE_NORMAL, e), trace_fraction) >= 1)
+ {
+ sp = it;
+ break;
+ }
+ ++items_checked;
+ if(items_checked >= attempts)
+ break; // sanity
+ });
+ if(!sp)
+ continue;
+ }
+ // find a random vector to "look at"
+ end.x = org.x + random() * delta.x;
+ end.y = org.y + random() * delta.y;
+ end.z = org.z + random() * delta.z;
+ end = start + normalize(end - start) * vlen(delta);
+ // rule 4: start TO end must not be too short
+ tracebox(start, e.mins, e.maxs, end, MOVE_NORMAL, e);
+ if(trace_startsolid)
+ continue;
+ if(trace_fraction < minviewdistance / vlen(delta))
+ continue;
+ // rule 5: don't want to look at sky
+ if(trace_dphitq3surfaceflags & Q3SURFACEFLAG_SKY)
+ continue;
+ // rule 6: we must not end up in trigger_hurt
+ if(tracebox_hits_trigger_hurt(start, e.mins, e.maxs, enddown))
+ continue;
+ break;
+ }
+ e.dphitcontentsmask = m;
+ if(j < attempts)
+ {
+ setorigin(e, start);
+ e.angles = vectoangles(end - start);
+ LOG_DEBUG("Needed ", ftos(j + 1), " attempts");
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+float MoveToRandomMapLocation(entity e, float goodcontents, float badcontents, float badsurfaceflags, float attempts, float maxaboveground, float minviewdistance)
+ return MoveToRandomLocationWithinBounds(e, world.mins, world.maxs, goodcontents, badcontents, badsurfaceflags, attempts, maxaboveground, minviewdistance);
+void DumpStats(float final)
+ float file;
+ string s;
+ float to_console;
+ float to_eventlog;
+ float to_file;
+ float i;
+ to_console = autocvar_sv_logscores_console;
+ to_eventlog = autocvar_sv_eventlog;
+ to_file = autocvar_sv_logscores_file;
+ if(!final)
+ {
+ to_console = true; // always print printstats replies
+ to_eventlog = false; // but never print them to the event log
+ }
+ if(to_eventlog)
+ if(autocvar_sv_eventlog_console)
+ to_console = false; // otherwise we get the output twice
+ if(final)
+ s = ":scores:";
+ else
+ s = ":status:";
+ s = strcat(s, GetGametype(), "_", GetMapname(), ":", ftos(rint(time)));
+ if(to_console)
+ LOG_INFO(s);
+ if(to_eventlog)
+ GameLogEcho(s);
+ file = -1;
+ if(to_file)
+ {
+ file = fopen(autocvar_sv_logscores_filename, FILE_APPEND);
+ if(file == -1)
+ to_file = false;
+ else
+ fputs(file, strcat(s, "\n"));
+ }
+ s = strcat(":labels:player:", GetPlayerScoreString(NULL, 0));
+ if(to_console)
+ LOG_INFO(s);
+ if(to_eventlog)
+ GameLogEcho(s);
+ if(to_file)
+ fputs(file, strcat(s, "\n"));
+ FOREACH_CLIENT(IS_REAL_CLIENT(it) || (IS_BOT_CLIENT(it) && autocvar_sv_logscores_bots), {
+ s = strcat(":player:see-labels:", GetPlayerScoreString(it, 0), ":");
+ s = strcat(s, ftos(rint(time - CS(it).jointime)), ":");
+ if(IS_PLAYER(it) || MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(GetPlayerStatus, it))
+ s = strcat(s, ftos(it.team), ":");
+ else
+ s = strcat(s, "spectator:");
+ if(to_console)
+ LOG_INFO(s, playername(it.netname, it.team, false));
+ if(to_eventlog)
+ GameLogEcho(strcat(s, ftos(it.playerid), ":", playername(it.netname, it.team, false)));
+ if(to_file)
+ fputs(file, strcat(s, playername(it.netname, it.team, false), "\n"));
+ });
+ if(teamplay)
+ {
+ s = strcat(":labels:teamscores:", GetTeamScoreString(0, 0));
+ if(to_console)
+ LOG_INFO(s);
+ if(to_eventlog)
+ GameLogEcho(s);
+ if(to_file)
+ fputs(file, strcat(s, "\n"));
+ for(i = 1; i < 16; ++i)
+ {
+ s = strcat(":teamscores:see-labels:", GetTeamScoreString(i, 0));
+ s = strcat(s, ":", ftos(i));
+ if(to_console)
+ LOG_INFO(s);
+ if(to_eventlog)
+ GameLogEcho(s);
+ if(to_file)
+ fputs(file, strcat(s, "\n"));
+ }
+ }
+ if(to_console)
+ LOG_INFO(":end");
+ if(to_eventlog)
+ GameLogEcho(":end");
+ if(to_file)
+ {
+ fputs(file, ":end\n");
+ fclose(file);
+ }
+go to the next level for deathmatch
+only called if a time or frag limit has expired
+void NextLevel()
+ game_stopped = true;
+ intermission_running = 1; // game over
+ // enforce a wait time before allowing changelevel
+ if(player_count > 0)
+ intermission_exittime = time + autocvar_sv_mapchange_delay;
+ else
+ intermission_exittime = -1;
+ /*
+ WriteByte (MSG_ALL, 3);
+ WriteByte (MSG_ALL, 3);
+ // done in FixIntermission
+ */
+ //pos = FindIntermission ();
+ VoteReset();
+ DumpStats(true);
+ // send statistics
+ PlayerStats_GameReport(true);
+ WeaponStats_Shutdown();
+ Kill_Notification(NOTIF_ALL, NULL, MSG_CENTER, CPID_Null); // kill all centerprints now
+ if(autocvar_sv_eventlog)
+ GameLogEcho(":gameover");
+ GameLogClose();
+ FixIntermissionClient(it);
+ if(it.winning)
+ bprint(playername(it.netname, it.team, false), " ^7wins.\n");
+ });
+ target_music_kill();
+ if(autocvar_g_campaign)
+ CampaignPreIntermission();
+ localcmd("\nsv_hook_gameend\n");
+float InitiateSuddenDeath()
+ // Check first whether normal overtimes could be added before initiating suddendeath mode
+ // - for this timelimit_overtime needs to be >0 of course
+ // - also check the winning condition calculated in the previous frame and only add normal overtime
+ // again, if at the point at which timelimit would be extended again, still no winner was found
+ if (!autocvar_g_campaign && checkrules_overtimesadded >= 0
+ && (checkrules_overtimesadded < autocvar_timelimit_overtimes || autocvar_timelimit_overtimes < 0)
+ && autocvar_timelimit_overtime && !(g_race && !g_race_qualifying))
+ {
+ return 1; // need to call InitiateOvertime later
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(!checkrules_suddendeathend)
+ {
+ if(autocvar_g_campaign)
+ checkrules_suddendeathend = time; // no suddendeath in campaign
+ else
+ checkrules_suddendeathend = time + 60 * autocvar_timelimit_suddendeath;
+ if(g_race && !g_race_qualifying)
+ race_StartCompleting();
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+void InitiateOvertime() // ONLY call this if InitiateSuddenDeath returned true
+ ++checkrules_overtimesadded;
+ //add one more overtime by simply extending the timelimit
+ cvar_set("timelimit", ftos(autocvar_timelimit + autocvar_timelimit_overtime));
+ Send_Notification(NOTIF_ALL, NULL, MSG_CENTER, CENTER_OVERTIME_TIME, autocvar_timelimit_overtime * 60);
+float GetWinningCode(float fraglimitreached, float equality)
+ if(autocvar_g_campaign == 1)
+ {
+ if(fraglimitreached)
+ return WINNING_YES;
+ else
+ return WINNING_NO;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(equality)
+ {
+ if(fraglimitreached)
+ else
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(fraglimitreached)
+ return WINNING_YES;
+ else
+ return WINNING_NO;
+ }
+ }
+// set the .winning flag for exactly those players with a given field value
+void SetWinners(.float field, float value)
+ FOREACH_CLIENT(IS_PLAYER(it), { it.winning = (it.(field) == value); });
+// set the .winning flag for those players with a given field value
+void AddWinners(.float field, float value)
+ if(it.(field) == value)
+ it.winning = 1;
+ });
+// clear the .winning flags
+void ClearWinners()
+ FOREACH_CLIENT(IS_PLAYER(it), { it.winning = 0; });
+int fragsleft_last;
+float WinningCondition_Scores(float limit, float leadlimit)
+ // TODO make everything use THIS winning condition (except LMS)
+ WinningConditionHelper(NULL);
+ if(teamplay)
+ {
+ for (int i = 1; i < 5; ++i)
+ {
+ Team_SetTeamScore(Team_GetTeamFromIndex(i),
+ TeamScore_GetCompareValue(Team_IndexToTeam(i)));
+ }
+ }
+ ClearWinners();
+ if(WinningConditionHelper_winner)
+ WinningConditionHelper_winner.winning = 1;
+ if(WinningConditionHelper_winnerteam >= 0)
+ SetWinners(team, WinningConditionHelper_winnerteam);
+ if(WinningConditionHelper_lowerisbetter)
+ {
+ WinningConditionHelper_topscore = -WinningConditionHelper_topscore;
+ WinningConditionHelper_secondscore = -WinningConditionHelper_secondscore;
+ limit = -limit;
+ }
+ if(WinningConditionHelper_zeroisworst)
+ leadlimit = 0; // not supported in this mode
+ if(MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(Scores_CountFragsRemaining))
+ {
+ float fragsleft;
+ if (checkrules_suddendeathend && time >= checkrules_suddendeathend)
+ {
+ fragsleft = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ fragsleft = FLOAT_MAX;
+ float leadingfragsleft = FLOAT_MAX;
+ if (limit)
+ fragsleft = limit - WinningConditionHelper_topscore;
+ if (leadlimit)
+ leadingfragsleft = WinningConditionHelper_secondscore + leadlimit - WinningConditionHelper_topscore;
+ if (limit && leadlimit && autocvar_leadlimit_and_fraglimit)
+ fragsleft = max(fragsleft, leadingfragsleft);
+ else
+ fragsleft = min(fragsleft, leadingfragsleft);
+ }
+ if (fragsleft_last != fragsleft) // do not announce same remaining frags multiple times
+ {
+ if (fragsleft == 1)
+ else if (fragsleft == 2)
+ else if (fragsleft == 3)
+ fragsleft_last = fragsleft;
+ }
+ }
+ bool fraglimit_reached = (limit && WinningConditionHelper_topscore >= limit);
+ bool leadlimit_reached = (leadlimit && WinningConditionHelper_topscore - WinningConditionHelper_secondscore >= leadlimit);
+ bool limit_reached;
+ // only respect leadlimit_and_fraglimit when both limits are set or the game will never end
+ if (limit && leadlimit && autocvar_leadlimit_and_fraglimit)
+ limit_reached = (fraglimit_reached && leadlimit_reached);
+ else
+ limit_reached = (fraglimit_reached || leadlimit_reached);
+ return GetWinningCode(
+ WinningConditionHelper_topscore && limit_reached,
+ WinningConditionHelper_equality
+ );
+float WinningCondition_RanOutOfSpawns()
+ if(have_team_spawns <= 0)
+ return WINNING_NO;
+ if(!autocvar_g_spawn_useallspawns)
+ return WINNING_NO;
+ if(!some_spawn_has_been_used)
+ return WINNING_NO;
+ for (int i = 1; i < 5; ++i)
+ {
+ Team_SetTeamScore(Team_GetTeamFromIndex(i), 0);
+ }
+ {
+ if (Team_IsValidTeam(it.team))
+ {
+ Team_SetTeamScore(Team_GetTeam(it.team), 1);
+ }
+ });
+ IL_EACH(g_spawnpoints, true,
+ {
+ if (Team_IsValidTeam(it.team))
+ {
+ Team_SetTeamScore(Team_GetTeam(it.team), 1);
+ }
+ });
+ ClearWinners();
+ float team1_score = Team_GetTeamScore(Team_GetTeamFromIndex(1));
+ float team2_score = Team_GetTeamScore(Team_GetTeamFromIndex(2));
+ float team3_score = Team_GetTeamScore(Team_GetTeamFromIndex(3));
+ float team4_score = Team_GetTeamScore(Team_GetTeamFromIndex(4));
+ if(team1_score + team2_score + team3_score + team4_score == 0)
+ {
+ checkrules_equality = true;
+ return WINNING_YES;
+ }
+ else if(team1_score + team2_score + team3_score + team4_score == 1)
+ {
+ float t, i;
+ if(team1_score)
+ t = 1;
+ else if(team2_score)
+ t = 2;
+ else if(team3_score)
+ t = 3;
+ else // if(team4_score)
+ t = 4;
+ entity balance = TeamBalance_CheckAllowedTeams(NULL);
+ for(i = 0; i < MAX_TEAMSCORE; ++i)
+ {
+ for (int j = 1; j <= NUM_TEAMS; ++j)
+ {
+ if (t == j)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!TeamBalance_IsTeamAllowed(balance, j))
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ TeamScore_AddToTeam(Team_IndexToTeam(j), i, -1000);
+ }
+ }
+ AddWinners(team, t);
+ return WINNING_YES;
+ }
+ else
+ return WINNING_NO;
+Exit deathmatch games upon conditions
+void CheckRules_World()
+ VoteThink();
+ MapVote_Think();
+ SetDefaultAlpha();
+ if (intermission_running) // someone else quit the game already
+ {
+ if(player_count == 0) // Nobody there? Then let's go to the next map
+ MapVote_Start();
+ // this will actually check the player count in the next frame
+ // again, but this shouldn't hurt
+ return;
+ }
+ float timelimit = autocvar_timelimit * 60;
+ float fraglimit = autocvar_fraglimit;
+ float leadlimit = autocvar_leadlimit;
+ if (leadlimit < 0) leadlimit = 0;
+ if(warmup_stage || time <= game_starttime) // NOTE: this is <= to prevent problems in the very tic where the game starts
+ {
+ if(timelimit > 0)
+ timelimit = 0; // timelimit is not made for warmup
+ if(fraglimit > 0)
+ fraglimit = 0; // no fraglimit for now
+ leadlimit = 0; // no leadlimit for now
+ }
+ if(timelimit > 0)
+ {
+ timelimit += game_starttime;
+ }
+ else if (timelimit < 0)
+ {
+ // endmatch
+ NextLevel();
+ return;
+ }
+ float wantovertime;
+ wantovertime = 0;
+ if(checkrules_suddendeathend)
+ {
+ if(!checkrules_suddendeathwarning)
+ {
+ checkrules_suddendeathwarning = true;
+ if(g_race && !g_race_qualifying)
+ else
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (timelimit && time >= timelimit)
+ {
+ if(g_race && (g_race_qualifying == 2) && timelimit > 0)
+ {
+ float totalplayers;
+ float playerswithlaps;
+ float readyplayers;
+ totalplayers = playerswithlaps = readyplayers = 0;
+ ++totalplayers;
+ if(GameRules_scoring_add(it, RACE_FASTEST, 0))
+ ++playerswithlaps;
+ if(it.ready)
+ ++readyplayers;
+ });
+ // at least 2 of the players have completed a lap: start the RACE
+ // otherwise, the players should end the qualifying on their own
+ if(readyplayers || playerswithlaps >= 2)
+ {
+ checkrules_suddendeathend = 0;
+ ReadyRestart(); // go to race
+ return;
+ }
+ else
+ wantovertime |= InitiateSuddenDeath();
+ }
+ else
+ wantovertime |= InitiateSuddenDeath();
+ }
+ }
+ if (checkrules_suddendeathend && time >= checkrules_suddendeathend)
+ {
+ NextLevel();
+ return;
+ }
+ int checkrules_status = WinningCondition_RanOutOfSpawns();
+ if(checkrules_status == WINNING_YES)
+ bprint("Hey! Someone ran out of spawns!\n");
+ else if(MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(CheckRules_World, checkrules_status, timelimit, fraglimit))
+ checkrules_status = M_ARGV(0, float);
+ else
+ checkrules_status = WinningCondition_Scores(fraglimit, leadlimit);
+ {
+ checkrules_status = WINNING_NEVER;
+ checkrules_overtimesadded = -1;
+ wantovertime |= InitiateSuddenDeath();
+ }
+ if(checkrules_status == WINNING_NEVER)
+ // equality cases! Nobody wins if the overtime ends in a draw.
+ ClearWinners();
+ if(wantovertime)
+ {
+ if(checkrules_status == WINNING_NEVER)
+ InitiateOvertime();
+ else
+ checkrules_status = WINNING_YES;
+ }
+ if(checkrules_suddendeathend)
+ if(checkrules_status != WINNING_NEVER || time >= checkrules_suddendeathend)
+ checkrules_status = WINNING_YES;
+ if(checkrules_status == WINNING_YES)
+ {
+ //print("WINNING\n");
+ NextLevel();
+ }
+float want_weapon(entity weaponinfo, float allguns)
+ int d = 0;
+ bool allow_mutatorblocked = false;
+ if(!weaponinfo.m_id)
+ return 0;
+ bool mutator_returnvalue = MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(WantWeapon, weaponinfo, d, allguns, allow_mutatorblocked);
+ d = M_ARGV(1, float);
+ allguns = M_ARGV(2, bool);
+ allow_mutatorblocked = M_ARGV(3, bool);
+ if(allguns)
+ d = boolean((weaponinfo.spawnflags & WEP_FLAG_NORMAL) && !(weaponinfo.spawnflags & (WEP_FLAG_HIDDEN | WEP_FLAG_SPECIALATTACK)));
+ else if(!mutator_returnvalue)
+ d = !(!weaponinfo.weaponstart);
+ if(!allow_mutatorblocked && (weaponinfo.spawnflags & WEP_FLAG_MUTATORBLOCKED)) // never default mutator blocked guns
+ d = 0;
+ float t = weaponinfo.weaponstartoverride;
+ //LOG_INFOF("want_weapon: %s - d: %d t: %d\n", weaponinfo.netname, d, t);
+ // bit order in t:
+ // 1: want or not
+ // 2: is default?
+ // 4: is set by default?
+ if(t < 0)
+ t = 4 | (3 * d);
+ else
+ t |= (2 * d);
+ return t;
+/// Weapons the player normally starts with outside weapon arena.
+WepSet weapons_start()
+ WepSet ret = '0 0 0';
+ FOREACH(Weapons, it != WEP_Null, {
+ int w = want_weapon(it, false);
+ if (w & 1)
+ ret |= it.m_wepset;
+ });
+ return ret;
+WepSet weapons_all()
+ WepSet ret = '0 0 0';
+ FOREACH(Weapons, it != WEP_Null, {
+ ret |= it.m_wepset;
+ });
+ return ret;
+WepSet weapons_devall()
+ WepSet ret = '0 0 0';
+ FOREACH(Weapons, it != WEP_Null,
+ {
+ ret |= it.m_wepset;
+ });
+ return ret;
+WepSet weapons_most()
+ WepSet ret = '0 0 0';
+ FOREACH(Weapons, it != WEP_Null, {
+ ret |= it.m_wepset;
+ });
+ return ret;
+void weaponarena_available_all_update(entity this)
+ if (weaponsInMapAll)
+ {
+ start_weapons = warmup_start_weapons = g_weaponarena_weapons = weapons_start() | (weaponsInMapAll & weapons_all());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // if no weapons are available on the map, just fall back to all weapons arena
+ start_weapons = warmup_start_weapons = g_weaponarena_weapons = weapons_all();
+ }
+void weaponarena_available_devall_update(entity this)
+ if (weaponsInMapAll)
+ {
+ start_weapons = warmup_start_weapons = g_weaponarena_weapons = weapons_start() | weaponsInMapAll;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // if no weapons are available on the map, just fall back to devall weapons arena
+ start_weapons = warmup_start_weapons = g_weaponarena_weapons = weapons_devall();
+ }
+void weaponarena_available_most_update(entity this)
+ if (weaponsInMapAll)
+ {
+ start_weapons = warmup_start_weapons = g_weaponarena_weapons = weapons_start() | (weaponsInMapAll & weapons_most());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // if no weapons are available on the map, just fall back to most weapons arena
+ start_weapons = warmup_start_weapons = g_weaponarena_weapons = weapons_most();
+ }
+void readplayerstartcvars()
+ // initialize starting values for players
+ start_weapons = '0 0 0';
+ start_weapons_default = '0 0 0';
+ start_weapons_defaultmask = '0 0 0';
+ start_items = 0;
+ start_ammo_shells = 0;
+ start_ammo_nails = 0;
+ start_ammo_rockets = 0;
+ start_ammo_cells = 0;
+ start_ammo_plasma = 0;
+ if (random_start_ammo == NULL)
+ {
+ random_start_ammo = spawn();
+ }
+ start_health = cvar("g_balance_health_start");
+ start_armorvalue = cvar("g_balance_armor_start");
+ g_weaponarena = 0;
+ g_weaponarena_weapons = '0 0 0';
+ string s = cvar_string("g_weaponarena");
+ MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(SetWeaponArena, s);
+ s = M_ARGV(0, string);
+ if (s == "0" || s == "")
+ {
+ // no arena
+ }
+ else if (s == "off")
+ {
+ // forcibly turn off weaponarena
+ }
+ else if (s == "all" || s == "1")
+ {
+ g_weaponarena = 1;
+ g_weaponarena_list = "All Weapons";
+ g_weaponarena_weapons = weapons_all();
+ }
+ else if (s == "devall")
+ {
+ g_weaponarena = 1;
+ g_weaponarena_list = "Dev All Weapons";
+ g_weaponarena_weapons = weapons_devall();
+ }
+ else if (s == "most")
+ {
+ g_weaponarena = 1;
+ g_weaponarena_list = "Most Weapons";
+ g_weaponarena_weapons = weapons_most();
+ }
+ else if (s == "all_available")
+ {
+ g_weaponarena = 1;
+ g_weaponarena_list = "All Available Weapons";
+ // this needs to run after weaponsInMapAll is initialized
+ InitializeEntity(NULL, weaponarena_available_all_update, INITPRIO_FINDTARGET);
+ }
+ else if (s == "devall_available")
+ {
+ g_weaponarena = 1;
+ g_weaponarena_list = "Dev All Available Weapons";
+ // this needs to run after weaponsInMapAll is initialized
+ InitializeEntity(NULL, weaponarena_available_devall_update, INITPRIO_FINDTARGET);
+ }
+ else if (s == "most_available")
+ {
+ g_weaponarena = 1;
+ g_weaponarena_list = "Most Available Weapons";
+ // this needs to run after weaponsInMapAll is initialized
+ InitializeEntity(NULL, weaponarena_available_most_update, INITPRIO_FINDTARGET);
+ }
+ else if (s == "none")
+ {
+ g_weaponarena = 1;
+ g_weaponarena_list = "No Weapons";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ g_weaponarena = 1;
+ float t = tokenize_console(s);
+ g_weaponarena_list = "";
+ for (int j = 0; j < t; ++j)
+ {
+ s = argv(j);
+ Weapon wep = Weapon_from_name(s);
+ if(wep != WEP_Null)
+ {
+ g_weaponarena_weapons |= (wep.m_wepset);
+ g_weaponarena_list = strcat(g_weaponarena_list, wep.m_name, " & ");
+ }
+ }
+ g_weaponarena_list = strzone(substring(g_weaponarena_list, 0, strlen(g_weaponarena_list) - 3));
+ }
+ if (g_weaponarena)
+ {
+ g_weapon_stay = 0; // incompatible
+ start_weapons = g_weaponarena_weapons;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ FOREACH(Weapons, it != WEP_Null, {
+ int w = want_weapon(it, false);
+ WepSet s = it.m_wepset;
+ if(w & 1)
+ start_weapons |= s;
+ if(w & 2)
+ start_weapons_default |= s;
+ if(w & 4)
+ start_weapons_defaultmask |= s;
+ });
+ }
+ if(cvar("g_balance_superweapons_time") < 0)
+ if(!cvar("g_use_ammunition"))
+ start_items |= IT_UNLIMITED_AMMO;
+ if(start_items & IT_UNLIMITED_AMMO)
+ {
+ start_ammo_shells = 999;
+ start_ammo_nails = 999;
+ start_ammo_rockets = 999;
+ start_ammo_cells = 999;
+ start_ammo_plasma = 999;
+ start_ammo_fuel = 999;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ start_ammo_shells = cvar("g_start_ammo_shells");
+ start_ammo_nails = cvar("g_start_ammo_nails");
+ start_ammo_rockets = cvar("g_start_ammo_rockets");
+ start_ammo_cells = cvar("g_start_ammo_cells");
+ start_ammo_plasma = cvar("g_start_ammo_plasma");
+ start_ammo_fuel = cvar("g_start_ammo_fuel");
+ random_start_weapons_count = cvar("g_random_start_weapons_count");
+ SetResource(random_start_ammo, RES_SHELLS, cvar("g_random_start_shells"));
+ SetResource(random_start_ammo, RES_BULLETS, cvar("g_random_start_bullets"));
+ SetResource(random_start_ammo, RES_ROCKETS,cvar("g_random_start_rockets"));
+ SetResource(random_start_ammo, RES_CELLS, cvar("g_random_start_cells"));
+ SetResource(random_start_ammo, RES_PLASMA, cvar("g_random_start_plasma"));
+ }
+ warmup_start_ammo_shells = start_ammo_shells;
+ warmup_start_ammo_nails = start_ammo_nails;
+ warmup_start_ammo_rockets = start_ammo_rockets;
+ warmup_start_ammo_cells = start_ammo_cells;
+ warmup_start_ammo_plasma = start_ammo_plasma;
+ warmup_start_ammo_fuel = start_ammo_fuel;
+ warmup_start_health = start_health;
+ warmup_start_armorvalue = start_armorvalue;
+ warmup_start_weapons = start_weapons;
+ warmup_start_weapons_default = start_weapons_default;
+ warmup_start_weapons_defaultmask = start_weapons_defaultmask;
+ if (!g_weaponarena)
+ {
+ warmup_start_ammo_shells = cvar("g_warmup_start_ammo_shells");
+ warmup_start_ammo_nails = cvar("g_warmup_start_ammo_nails");
+ warmup_start_ammo_rockets = cvar("g_warmup_start_ammo_rockets");
+ warmup_start_ammo_cells = cvar("g_warmup_start_ammo_cells");
+ warmup_start_ammo_plasma = cvar("g_warmup_start_ammo_plasma");
+ warmup_start_ammo_fuel = cvar("g_warmup_start_ammo_fuel");
+ warmup_start_health = cvar("g_warmup_start_health");
+ warmup_start_armorvalue = cvar("g_warmup_start_armor");
+ warmup_start_weapons = '0 0 0';
+ warmup_start_weapons_default = '0 0 0';
+ warmup_start_weapons_defaultmask = '0 0 0';
+ FOREACH(Weapons, it != WEP_Null, {
+ int w = want_weapon(it, autocvar_g_warmup_allguns);
+ WepSet s = it.m_wepset;
+ if(w & 1)
+ warmup_start_weapons |= s;
+ if(w & 2)
+ warmup_start_weapons_default |= s;
+ if(w & 4)
+ warmup_start_weapons_defaultmask |= s;
+ });
+ }
+ if (autocvar_g_jetpack)
+ start_items |= ITEM_Jetpack.m_itemid;
+ if (start_items & ITEM_Jetpack.m_itemid)
+ {
+ start_items |= ITEM_JetpackRegen.m_itemid;
+ start_ammo_fuel = max(start_ammo_fuel, cvar("g_balance_fuel_rotstable"));
+ warmup_start_ammo_fuel = max(warmup_start_ammo_fuel, cvar("g_balance_fuel_rotstable"));
+ }
+ start_ammo_shells = max(0, start_ammo_shells);
+ start_ammo_nails = max(0, start_ammo_nails);
+ start_ammo_rockets = max(0, start_ammo_rockets);
+ start_ammo_cells = max(0, start_ammo_cells);
+ start_ammo_plasma = max(0, start_ammo_plasma);
+ start_ammo_fuel = max(0, start_ammo_fuel);
+ SetResource(random_start_ammo, RES_SHELLS,
+ max(0, GetResource(random_start_ammo, RES_SHELLS)));
+ SetResource(random_start_ammo, RES_BULLETS,
+ max(0, GetResource(random_start_ammo, RES_BULLETS)));
+ SetResource(random_start_ammo, RES_ROCKETS,
+ max(0, GetResource(random_start_ammo, RES_ROCKETS)));
+ SetResource(random_start_ammo, RES_CELLS,
+ max(0, GetResource(random_start_ammo, RES_CELLS)));
+ SetResource(random_start_ammo, RES_PLASMA,
+ max(0, GetResource(random_start_ammo, RES_PLASMA)));
+ warmup_start_ammo_shells = max(0, warmup_start_ammo_shells);
+ warmup_start_ammo_nails = max(0, warmup_start_ammo_nails);
+ warmup_start_ammo_rockets = max(0, warmup_start_ammo_rockets);
+ warmup_start_ammo_cells = max(0, warmup_start_ammo_cells);
+ warmup_start_ammo_plasma = max(0, warmup_start_ammo_plasma);
+ warmup_start_ammo_fuel = max(0, warmup_start_ammo_fuel);
+void readlevelcvars()
+ if(cvar("sv_allow_fullbright"))
+ sv_ready_restart_after_countdown = cvar("sv_ready_restart_after_countdown");
+ warmup_stage = cvar("g_warmup");
+ warmup_limit = cvar("g_warmup_limit");
+ if(cvar("g_campaign"))
+ warmup_stage = 0; // no warmup during campaign
+ g_pickup_respawntime_weapon = cvar("g_pickup_respawntime_weapon");
+ g_pickup_respawntime_superweapon = cvar("g_pickup_respawntime_superweapon");
+ g_pickup_respawntime_ammo = cvar("g_pickup_respawntime_ammo");
+ g_pickup_respawntime_short = cvar("g_pickup_respawntime_short");
+ g_pickup_respawntime_medium = cvar("g_pickup_respawntime_medium");
+ g_pickup_respawntime_long = cvar("g_pickup_respawntime_long");
+ g_pickup_respawntime_powerup = cvar("g_pickup_respawntime_powerup");
+ g_pickup_respawntimejitter_weapon = cvar("g_pickup_respawntimejitter_weapon");
+ g_pickup_respawntimejitter_superweapon = cvar("g_pickup_respawntimejitter_superweapon");
+ g_pickup_respawntimejitter_ammo = cvar("g_pickup_respawntimejitter_ammo");
+ g_pickup_respawntimejitter_short = cvar("g_pickup_respawntimejitter_short");
+ g_pickup_respawntimejitter_medium = cvar("g_pickup_respawntimejitter_medium");
+ g_pickup_respawntimejitter_long = cvar("g_pickup_respawntimejitter_long");
+ g_pickup_respawntimejitter_powerup = cvar("g_pickup_respawntimejitter_powerup");
+ g_pickup_shells = cvar("g_pickup_shells");
+ g_pickup_shells_max = cvar("g_pickup_shells_max");
+ g_pickup_nails = cvar("g_pickup_nails");
+ g_pickup_nails_max = cvar("g_pickup_nails_max");
+ g_pickup_rockets = cvar("g_pickup_rockets");
+ g_pickup_rockets_max = cvar("g_pickup_rockets_max");
+ g_pickup_cells = cvar("g_pickup_cells");
+ g_pickup_cells_max = cvar("g_pickup_cells_max");
+ g_pickup_plasma = cvar("g_pickup_plasma");
+ g_pickup_plasma_max = cvar("g_pickup_plasma_max");
+ g_pickup_fuel = cvar("g_pickup_fuel");
+ g_pickup_fuel_jetpack = cvar("g_pickup_fuel_jetpack");
+ g_pickup_fuel_max = cvar("g_pickup_fuel_max");
+ g_pickup_armorsmall = cvar("g_pickup_armorsmall");
+ g_pickup_armorsmall_max = cvar("g_pickup_armorsmall_max");
+ g_pickup_armorsmall_anyway = cvar("g_pickup_armorsmall_anyway");
+ g_pickup_armormedium = cvar("g_pickup_armormedium");
+ g_pickup_armormedium_max = cvar("g_pickup_armormedium_max");
+ g_pickup_armormedium_anyway = cvar("g_pickup_armormedium_anyway");
+ g_pickup_armorbig = cvar("g_pickup_armorbig");
+ g_pickup_armorbig_max = cvar("g_pickup_armorbig_max");
+ g_pickup_armorbig_anyway = cvar("g_pickup_armorbig_anyway");
+ g_pickup_armormega = cvar("g_pickup_armormega");
+ g_pickup_armormega_max = cvar("g_pickup_armormega_max");
+ g_pickup_armormega_anyway = cvar("g_pickup_armormega_anyway");
+ g_pickup_healthsmall = cvar("g_pickup_healthsmall");
+ g_pickup_healthsmall_max = cvar("g_pickup_healthsmall_max");
+ g_pickup_healthsmall_anyway = cvar("g_pickup_healthsmall_anyway");
+ g_pickup_healthmedium = cvar("g_pickup_healthmedium");
+ g_pickup_healthmedium_max = cvar("g_pickup_healthmedium_max");
+ g_pickup_healthmedium_anyway = cvar("g_pickup_healthmedium_anyway");
+ g_pickup_healthbig = cvar("g_pickup_healthbig");
+ g_pickup_healthbig_max = cvar("g_pickup_healthbig_max");
+ g_pickup_healthbig_anyway = cvar("g_pickup_healthbig_anyway");
+ g_pickup_healthmega = cvar("g_pickup_healthmega");
+ g_pickup_healthmega_max = cvar("g_pickup_healthmega_max");
+ g_pickup_healthmega_anyway = cvar("g_pickup_healthmega_anyway");
+ g_pickup_ammo_anyway = cvar("g_pickup_ammo_anyway");
+ g_pickup_weapons_anyway = cvar("g_pickup_weapons_anyway");
+ g_weapon_stay = cvar(strcat("g_", GetGametype(), "_weapon_stay"));
+ if(!g_weapon_stay)
+ g_weapon_stay = cvar("g_weapon_stay");
+ if (!warmup_stage)
+ game_starttime = time + cvar("g_start_delay");
+ FOREACH(Weapons, it != WEP_Null, { it.wr_init(it); });
+ readplayerstartcvars();
+void InitializeEntity(entity e, void(entity this) func, int order)
+ entity prev, cur;
+ if (!e || e.initialize_entity)
+ {
+ // make a proxy initializer entity
+ entity e_old = e;
+ e = new(initialize_entity);
+ e.enemy = e_old;
+ }
+ e.initialize_entity = func;
+ e.initialize_entity_order = order;
+ cur = initialize_entity_first;
+ prev = NULL;
+ for (;;)
+ {
+ if (!cur || cur.initialize_entity_order > order)
+ {
+ // insert between prev and cur
+ if (prev)
+ prev.initialize_entity_next = e;
+ else
+ initialize_entity_first = e;
+ e.initialize_entity_next = cur;
+ return;
+ }
+ prev = cur;
+ cur = cur.initialize_entity_next;
+ }
+void InitializeEntitiesRun()
+ entity startoflist = initialize_entity_first;
+ initialize_entity_first = NULL;
+ delete_fn = remove_except_protected;
+ for (entity e = startoflist; e; e = e.initialize_entity_next)
+ {
+ e.remove_except_protected_forbidden = 1;
+ }
+ for (entity e = startoflist; e; )
+ {
+ e.remove_except_protected_forbidden = 0;
+ e.initialize_entity_order = 0;
+ entity next = e.initialize_entity_next;
+ e.initialize_entity_next = NULL;
+ var void(entity this) func = e.initialize_entity;
+ e.initialize_entity = func_null;
+ if (e.classname == "initialize_entity")
+ {
+ entity wrappee = e.enemy;
+ builtin_remove(e);
+ e = wrappee;
+ }
+ //dprint("Delayed initialization: ", e.classname, "\n");
+ if (func)
+ {
+ func(e);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ eprint(e);
+ backtrace(strcat("Null function in: ", e.classname, "\n"));
+ }
+ e = next;
+ }
+ delete_fn = remove_unsafely;
+// deferred dropping
+void DropToFloor_Handler(entity this)
+ WITHSELF(this, builtin_droptofloor());
+ this.dropped_origin = this.origin;
+void droptofloor(entity this)
+ InitializeEntity(this, DropToFloor_Handler, INITPRIO_DROPTOFLOOR);
+bool autocvar_sv_gameplayfix_multiplethinksperframe = true;
+void RunThink(entity this)
+ // don't let things stay in the past.
+ // it is possible to start that way by a trigger with a local time.
+ if(this.nextthink <= 0 || this.nextthink > time + frametime)
+ return;
+ float oldtime = time; // do we need to save this?
+ for (int iterations = 0; iterations < 128 && !wasfreed(this); iterations++)
+ {
+ time = max(oldtime, this.nextthink);
+ this.nextthink = 0;
+ if(getthink(this))
+ getthink(this)(this);
+ // mods often set nextthink to time to cause a think every frame,
+ // we don't want to loop in that case, so exit if the new nextthink is
+ // <= the time the qc was told, also exit if it is past the end of the
+ // frame
+ if(this.nextthink <= time || this.nextthink > oldtime + frametime || !autocvar_sv_gameplayfix_multiplethinksperframe)
+ break;
+ }
+ time = oldtime;
+bool autocvar_sv_freezenonclients;
+void Physics_Frame()
+ if(autocvar_sv_freezenonclients)
+ return;
+ IL_EACH(g_moveables, true,
+ {
+ if(IS_CLIENT(it) || it.move_movetype == MOVETYPE_PHYSICS)
+ continue;
+ //set_movetype(it, it.move_movetype);
+ // inline the set_movetype function, since this is called a lot
+ it.movetype = (it.move_qcphysics) ? MOVETYPE_QCENTITY : it.move_movetype;
+ if(it.move_qcphysics && it.move_movetype != MOVETYPE_NONE)
+ Movetype_Physics_NoMatchTicrate(it, PHYS_INPUT_TIMELENGTH, false);
+ if(it.movetype >= MOVETYPE_USER_FIRST && it.movetype <= MOVETYPE_USER_LAST) // these cases have no think handling
+ {
+ if(it.move_movetype == MOVETYPE_PUSH || it.move_movetype == MOVETYPE_FAKEPUSH)
+ continue; // these movetypes have no regular think function
+ // handle thinking here
+ if (getthink(it) && it.nextthink > 0 && it.nextthink <= time + frametime)
+ RunThink(it);
+ }
+ });
+ if(autocvar_sv_gameplayfix_delayprojectiles >= 0)
+ return;
+ // make a second pass to see if any ents spawned this frame and make
+ // sure they run their move/think. this is verified by checking .move_time, which will never be 0 if the entity has moved
+ // MOVETYPE_NONE is also checked as .move_time WILL be 0 with that movetype
+ IL_EACH(g_moveables, it.move_qcphysics,
+ {
+ if(IS_CLIENT(it) || it.move_time || it.move_movetype == MOVETYPE_NONE || it.move_movetype == MOVETYPE_PHYSICS)
+ continue;
+ Movetype_Physics_NoMatchTicrate(it, PHYS_INPUT_TIMELENGTH, false);
+ });
+void systems_update();
+void EndFrame()
+ anticheat_endframe();
+ Physics_Frame();
+ entity e = IS_SPEC(it) ? it.enemy : it;
+ if (e.typehitsound) {
+ STAT(TYPEHIT_TIME, it) = time;
+ } else if (e.killsound) {
+ STAT(KILL_TIME, it) = time;
+ } else if (e.damage_dealt) {
+ STAT(HIT_TIME, it) = time;
+ STAT(DAMAGE_DEALT_TOTAL, it) += ceil(e.damage_dealt);
+ }
+ });
+ // add 1 frametime because after this, engine SV_Physics
+ // increases time by a frametime and then networks the frame
+ // add another frametime because client shows everything with
+ // 1 frame of lag (cl_nolerp 0). The last +1 however should not be
+ // needed!
+ float altime = time + frametime * (1 + autocvar_g_antilag_nudge);
+ it.typehitsound = false;
+ it.damage_dealt = 0;
+ it.killsound = false;
+ antilag_record(it, CS(it), altime);
+ });
+ IL_EACH(g_monsters, true,
+ {
+ antilag_record(it, it, altime);
+ });
+ IL_EACH(g_projectiles, it.classname == "nade",
+ {
+ antilag_record(it, it, altime);
+ });
+ systems_update();
+ * RedirectionThink:
+ * returns true if redirecting
+ */
+float redirection_timeout;
+float redirection_nextthink;
+float RedirectionThink()
+ float clients_found;
+ if(redirection_target == "")
+ return false;
+ if(!redirection_timeout)
+ {
+ cvar_set("sv_public", "-2");
+ redirection_timeout = time + 0.6; // this will only try twice... should be able to keep more clients
+ if(redirection_target == "self")
+ bprint("^3SERVER NOTICE:^7 restarting the server\n");
+ else
+ bprint("^3SERVER NOTICE:^7 redirecting everyone to ", redirection_target, "\n");
+ }
+ if(time < redirection_nextthink)
+ return true;
+ redirection_nextthink = time + 1;
+ clients_found = 0;
+ // TODO add timer
+ LOG_INFO("Redirecting: sending connect command to ", it.netname);
+ if(redirection_target == "self")
+ stuffcmd(it, "\ndisconnect; defer ", ftos(autocvar_quit_and_redirect_timer), " reconnect\n");
+ else
+ stuffcmd(it, strcat("\ndisconnect; defer ", ftos(autocvar_quit_and_redirect_timer), " \"connect ", redirection_target, "\"\n"));
+ ++clients_found;
+ });
+ LOG_INFO("Redirecting: ", ftos(clients_found), " clients left.");
+ if(time > redirection_timeout || clients_found == 0)
+ localcmd("\nwait; wait; wait; quit\n");
+ return true;
+void RestoreGame()
+ // Loaded from a save game
+ // some things then break, so let's work around them...
+ // Progs DB (capture records)
+ ServerProgsDB = db_load(strcat("server.db", autocvar_sessionid));
+ // Mapinfo
+ MapInfo_Shutdown();
+ MapInfo_Enumerate();
+ MapInfo_FilterGametype(MapInfo_CurrentGametype(), MapInfo_CurrentFeatures(), MapInfo_RequiredFlags(), MapInfo_ForbiddenFlags(), 1);
+ WeaponStats_Init();
+ TargetMusic_RestoreGame();
+void Shutdown()
+ game_stopped = 2;
+ if(world_initialized > 0)
+ {
+ world_initialized = 0;
+ // if a timeout is active, reset the slowmo value to normal
+ if(timeout_status == TIMEOUT_ACTIVE)
+ cvar_set("slowmo", ftos(orig_slowmo));
+ LOG_TRACE("Saving persistent data...");
+ Ban_SaveBans();
+ // playerstats with unfinished match
+ PlayerStats_GameReport(false);
+ if(!cheatcount_total)
+ {
+ if(autocvar_sv_db_saveasdump)
+ db_dump(ServerProgsDB, strcat("server.db", autocvar_sessionid));
+ else
+ db_save(ServerProgsDB, strcat("server.db", autocvar_sessionid));
+ }
+ if(autocvar_developer > 0)
+ {
+ if(autocvar_sv_db_saveasdump)
+ db_dump(TemporaryDB, "server-temp.db");
+ else
+ db_save(TemporaryDB, "server-temp.db");
+ }
+ CheatShutdown(); // must be after cheatcount check
+ db_close(ServerProgsDB);
+ db_close(TemporaryDB);
+ LOG_TRACE("Saving persistent data... done!");
+ // tell the bot system the game is ending now
+ bot_endgame();
+ WeaponStats_Shutdown();
+ MapInfo_Shutdown();
+ }
+ else if(world_initialized == 0)
+ {
+ LOG_INFO("NOTE: crashed before even initializing the world, not saving persistent data");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ __init_dedicated_server_shutdown();
+ }