cvar_t r_usedepthtextures = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_usedepthtextures", "1", "use depth texture instead of depth renderbuffer where possible, uses less video memory but may render slower (or faster) depending on hardware"};
cvar_t r_viewfbo = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_viewfbo", "0", "enables use of an 8bit (1) or 16bit (2) or 32bit (3) per component float framebuffer render, which may be at a different resolution than the video mode"};
+cvar_t r_rendertarget_debug = {0, "r_rendertarget_debug", "-1", "replaces the view with the contents of the specified render target (by number - note that these can fluctuate depending on scene)"};
cvar_t r_viewscale = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_viewscale", "1", "scaling factor for resolution of the fbo rendering method, must be > 0, can be above 1 for a costly antialiasing behavior, typical values are 0.5 for 1/4th as many pixels rendered, or 1 for normal rendering"};
cvar_t r_viewscale_fpsscaling = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_viewscale_fpsscaling", "0", "change resolution based on framerate"};
cvar_t r_viewscale_fpsscaling_min = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_viewscale_fpsscaling_min", "0.0625", "worst acceptable quality"};
cvar_t r_water_scissormode = {0, "r_water_scissormode", "3", "scissor (1) or cull (2) or both (3) water renders"};
cvar_t r_water_lowquality = {0, "r_water_lowquality", "0", "special option to accelerate water rendering, 1 disables shadows and particles, 2 disables all dynamic lights"};
cvar_t r_water_hideplayer = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_water_hideplayer", "0", "if set to 1 then player will be hidden in refraction views, if set to 2 then player will also be hidden in reflection views, player is always visible in camera views"};
-cvar_t r_water_fbo = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_water_fbo", "1", "enables use of render to texture for water effects, otherwise copy to texture is used (slower)"};
cvar_t r_lerpsprites = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_lerpsprites", "0", "enables animation smoothing on sprites"};
cvar_t r_lerpmodels = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_lerpmodels", "1", "enables animation smoothing on models"};
/// vertex coordinates for a quad that covers the screen exactly
extern const float r_screenvertex3f[12];
-extern const float r_d3dscreenvertex3f[12];
const float r_screenvertex3f[12] =
0, 0, 0,
1, 1, 0,
0, 1, 0
-const float r_d3dscreenvertex3f[12] =
- 0, 1, 0,
- 1, 1, 0,
- 1, 0, 0,
- 0, 0, 0
void R_ModulateColors(float *in, float *out, int verts, float r, float g, float b)
if (rsurface.rtlight ) R_Mesh_TexBind(GL20TU_ATTENUATION , r_shadow_attenuationgradienttexture );
if (rsurfacepass == RSURFPASS_BACKGROUND)
- R_Mesh_TexBind(GL20TU_REFRACTION , waterplane->texture_refraction ? waterplane->texture_refraction : r_texture_black);
- if(mode == SHADERMODE_GENERIC) R_Mesh_TexBind(GL20TU_FIRST , waterplane->texture_camera ? waterplane->texture_camera : r_texture_black);
- R_Mesh_TexBind(GL20TU_REFLECTION , waterplane->texture_reflection ? waterplane->texture_reflection : r_texture_black);
+ R_Mesh_TexBind(GL20TU_REFRACTION , waterplane->rt_refraction ? waterplane->rt_refraction->colortexture[0] : r_texture_black);
+ if(mode == SHADERMODE_GENERIC) R_Mesh_TexBind(GL20TU_FIRST , waterplane->rt_camera ? waterplane->rt_camera->colortexture[0] : r_texture_black);
+ R_Mesh_TexBind(GL20TU_REFLECTION , waterplane->rt_reflection ? waterplane->rt_reflection->colortexture[0] : r_texture_black);
- if (permutation & SHADERPERMUTATION_REFLECTION ) R_Mesh_TexBind(GL20TU_REFLECTION , waterplane->texture_reflection ? waterplane->texture_reflection : r_texture_black);
+ if (permutation & SHADERPERMUTATION_REFLECTION ) R_Mesh_TexBind(GL20TU_REFLECTION , waterplane->rt_reflection ? waterplane->rt_reflection->colortexture[0] : r_texture_black);
// if (rsurfacepass == RSURFPASS_DEFERREDLIGHT ) R_Mesh_TexBind(GL20TU_SCREENNORMALMAP , r_shadow_prepassgeometrynormalmaptexture );
if (permutation & SHADERPERMUTATION_DEFERREDLIGHTMAP ) R_Mesh_TexBind(GL20TU_SCREENDIFFUSE , r_shadow_prepasslightingdiffusetexture );
if (r_glsl_permutation->tex_Texture_Attenuation >= 0) R_Mesh_TexBind(r_glsl_permutation->tex_Texture_Attenuation , r_shadow_attenuationgradienttexture );
if (rsurfacepass == RSURFPASS_BACKGROUND)
- if (r_glsl_permutation->tex_Texture_Refraction >= 0) R_Mesh_TexBind(r_glsl_permutation->tex_Texture_Refraction , waterplane->texture_refraction ? waterplane->texture_refraction : r_texture_black);
- if (r_glsl_permutation->tex_Texture_First >= 0) R_Mesh_TexBind(r_glsl_permutation->tex_Texture_First , waterplane->texture_camera ? waterplane->texture_camera : r_texture_black);
- if (r_glsl_permutation->tex_Texture_Reflection >= 0) R_Mesh_TexBind(r_glsl_permutation->tex_Texture_Reflection , waterplane->texture_reflection ? waterplane->texture_reflection : r_texture_black);
+ if (r_glsl_permutation->tex_Texture_Refraction >= 0) R_Mesh_TexBind(r_glsl_permutation->tex_Texture_Refraction , waterplane->rt_refraction ? waterplane->rt_refraction->colortexture[0] : r_texture_black);
+ if (r_glsl_permutation->tex_Texture_First >= 0) R_Mesh_TexBind(r_glsl_permutation->tex_Texture_First , waterplane->rt_camera ? waterplane->rt_camera->colortexture[0] : r_texture_black);
+ if (r_glsl_permutation->tex_Texture_Reflection >= 0) R_Mesh_TexBind(r_glsl_permutation->tex_Texture_Reflection , waterplane->rt_reflection ? waterplane->rt_reflection->colortexture[0] : r_texture_black);
- if (r_glsl_permutation->tex_Texture_Reflection >= 0 && waterplane) R_Mesh_TexBind(r_glsl_permutation->tex_Texture_Reflection , waterplane->texture_reflection ? waterplane->texture_reflection : r_texture_black);
+ if (r_glsl_permutation->tex_Texture_Reflection >= 0 && waterplane) R_Mesh_TexBind(r_glsl_permutation->tex_Texture_Reflection , waterplane->rt_reflection ? waterplane->rt_reflection->colortexture[0] : r_texture_black);
if (r_glsl_permutation->tex_Texture_ScreenNormalMap >= 0) R_Mesh_TexBind(r_glsl_permutation->tex_Texture_ScreenNormalMap , r_shadow_prepassgeometrynormalmaptexture );
if (r_glsl_permutation->tex_Texture_ScreenDiffuse >= 0) R_Mesh_TexBind(r_glsl_permutation->tex_Texture_ScreenDiffuse , r_shadow_prepasslightingdiffusetexture );
if (rsurface.rtlight ) R_Mesh_TexBind(GL20TU_ATTENUATION , r_shadow_attenuationgradienttexture );
if (rsurfacepass == RSURFPASS_BACKGROUND)
- R_Mesh_TexBind(GL20TU_REFRACTION , waterplane->texture_refraction ? waterplane->texture_refraction : r_texture_black);
- if(mode == SHADERMODE_GENERIC) R_Mesh_TexBind(GL20TU_FIRST , waterplane->texture_camera ? waterplane->texture_camera : r_texture_black);
- R_Mesh_TexBind(GL20TU_REFLECTION , waterplane->texture_reflection ? waterplane->texture_reflection : r_texture_black);
+ R_Mesh_TexBind(GL20TU_REFRACTION , waterplane->rt_refraction ? waterplane->rt_refraction->colortexture[0] : r_texture_black);
+ if(mode == SHADERMODE_GENERIC) R_Mesh_TexBind(GL20TU_FIRST , waterplane->rt_camera ? waterplane->rt_camera->colortexture[0] : r_texture_black);
+ R_Mesh_TexBind(GL20TU_REFLECTION , waterplane->rt_reflection ? waterplane->rt_reflection->colortexture[0] : r_texture_black);
- if (permutation & SHADERPERMUTATION_REFLECTION ) R_Mesh_TexBind(GL20TU_REFLECTION , waterplane->texture_reflection ? waterplane->texture_reflection : r_texture_black);
+ if (permutation & SHADERPERMUTATION_REFLECTION ) R_Mesh_TexBind(GL20TU_REFLECTION , waterplane->rt_reflection ? waterplane->rt_reflection->colortexture[0] : r_texture_black);
// if (rsurfacepass == RSURFPASS_DEFERREDLIGHT ) R_Mesh_TexBind(GL20TU_SCREENNORMALMAP , r_shadow_prepassgeometrynormalmaptexture );
if (permutation & SHADERPERMUTATION_DEFERREDLIGHTMAP ) R_Mesh_TexBind(GL20TU_SCREENDIFFUSE , r_shadow_prepasslightingdiffusetexture );
r_texture_gammaramps = NULL;
//r_texture_fogintensity = NULL;
memset(&r_fb, 0, sizeof(r_fb));
+ Mem_ExpandableArray_NewArray(&r_fb.rendertargets, r_main_mempool, sizeof(r_rendertarget_t), 128);
r_glsl_permutation = NULL;
memset(r_glsl_permutationhash, 0, sizeof(r_glsl_permutationhash));
Mem_ExpandableArray_NewArray(&r_glsl_permutationarray, r_main_mempool, sizeof(r_glsl_permutation_t), 256);
static void gl_main_shutdown(void)
+ R_RenderTarget_FreeUnused(true);
+ Mem_ExpandableArray_FreeArray(&r_fb.rendertargets);
+ Cvar_RegisterVariable(&r_rendertarget_debug);
- Cvar_RegisterVariable(&r_water_fbo);
Matrix4x4_Invert_Full(&r_refdef.view.inverse_matrix, &r_refdef.view.matrix);
+void R_RenderTarget_FreeUnused(qboolean force)
+ int i, j, end;
+ end = Mem_ExpandableArray_IndexRange(&r_fb.rendertargets);
+ for (i = 0; i < end; i++)
+ {
+ r_rendertarget_t *r = (r_rendertarget_t *)Mem_ExpandableArray_RecordAtIndex(&r_fb.rendertargets, i);
+ // free resources for rendertargets that have not been used for a while
+ // (note: this check is run after the frame render, so any targets used
+ // this frame will not be affected even at low framerates)
+ if (r && (realtime - r->lastusetime > 0.2 || force))
+ {
+ if (r->fbo)
+ R_Mesh_DestroyFramebufferObject(r->fbo);
+ for (j = 0; j < sizeof(r->colortexture) / sizeof(r->colortexture[0]); j++)
+ if (r->colortexture[j])
+ R_FreeTexture(r->colortexture[j]);
+ if (r->depthtexture)
+ R_FreeTexture(r->depthtexture);
+ Mem_ExpandableArray_FreeRecord(&r_fb.rendertargets, r);
+ }
+ }
+static void R_CalcTexCoordsForView(float x, float y, float w, float h, float tw, float th, float *texcoord2f)
+ float iw = 1.0f / tw, ih = 1.0f / th, x1, y1, x2, y2;
+ switch (vid.renderpath)
+ {
+ x1 = (x + 0.5f) * iw;
+ x2 = (x + 0.5f + w) * iw;
+ y1 = (y + 0.5f) * ih;
+ y2 = (y + 0.5f + h) * ih;
+ break;
+ default:
+ x1 = x * iw;
+ x2 = (x + w) * iw;
+ y1 = (th - y) * ih;
+ y2 = (th - y - h) * ih;
+ break;
+ }
+ texcoord2f[0] = x1;
+ texcoord2f[2] = x2;
+ texcoord2f[4] = x2;
+ texcoord2f[6] = x1;
+ texcoord2f[1] = y1;
+ texcoord2f[3] = y1;
+ texcoord2f[5] = y2;
+ texcoord2f[7] = y2;
+r_rendertarget_t *R_RenderTarget_Get(int texturewidth, int textureheight, textype_t depthtextype, qboolean depthisrenderbuffer, textype_t colortextype0, textype_t colortextype1, textype_t colortextype2, textype_t colortextype3)
+ int i, j, end;
+ r_rendertarget_t *r = NULL;
+ char vabuf[256];
+ // first try to reuse an existing slot if possible
+ end = Mem_ExpandableArray_IndexRange(&r_fb.rendertargets);
+ for (i = 0; i < end; i++)
+ {
+ r = (r_rendertarget_t *)Mem_ExpandableArray_RecordAtIndex(&r_fb.rendertargets, i);
+ if (r && r->lastusetime != realtime && r->texturewidth == texturewidth && r->textureheight == textureheight && r->depthtextype == depthtextype && r->colortextype[0] == colortextype0 && r->colortextype[1] == colortextype1 && r->colortextype[2] == colortextype2 && r->colortextype[3] == colortextype3)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (i == end)
+ {
+ // no unused exact match found, so we have to make one in the first unused slot
+ r = (r_rendertarget_t *)Mem_ExpandableArray_AllocRecord(&r_fb.rendertargets);
+ r->texturewidth = texturewidth;
+ r->textureheight = textureheight;
+ r->colortextype[0] = colortextype0;
+ r->colortextype[1] = colortextype1;
+ r->colortextype[2] = colortextype2;
+ r->colortextype[3] = colortextype3;
+ r->depthtextype = depthtextype;
+ r->depthisrenderbuffer = depthisrenderbuffer;
+ for (j = 0; j < 4; j++)
+ if (r->colortextype[j])
+ r->colortexture[j] = R_LoadTexture2D(r_main_texturepool, va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "rendertarget%i_%i_type%i", i, j, (int)r->colortextype[j]), r->texturewidth, r->textureheight, NULL, r->colortextype[j], TEXF_RENDERTARGET | TEXF_FORCELINEAR | TEXF_CLAMP, -1, NULL);
+ if (r->depthtextype)
+ {
+ if (r->depthisrenderbuffer)
+ r->depthtexture = R_LoadTextureRenderBuffer(r_main_texturepool, va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "renderbuffer%i_depth_type%i", i, (int)r->depthtextype), r->texturewidth, r->textureheight, r->depthtextype);
+ else
+ r->depthtexture = R_LoadTexture2D(r_main_texturepool, va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "rendertarget%i_depth_type%i", i, j, (int)r->depthtextype), r->texturewidth, r->textureheight, NULL, r->depthtextype, TEXF_RENDERTARGET | TEXF_FORCELINEAR | TEXF_CLAMP, -1, NULL);
+ }
+ r->fbo = R_Mesh_CreateFramebufferObject(r->depthtexture, r->colortexture[0], r->colortexture[1], r->colortexture[2], r->colortexture[3]);
+ }
+ r_refdef.stats[r_stat_rendertargets_used]++;
+ r_refdef.stats[r_stat_rendertargets_pixels] += r->texturewidth * r->textureheight;
+ r->lastusetime = realtime;
+ R_CalcTexCoordsForView(0, 0, r->texturewidth, r->textureheight, r->texturewidth, r->textureheight, r->texcoord2f);
+ return r;
static void R_Water_StartFrame(void)
- int i;
- int waterwidth, waterheight, texturewidth, textureheight, camerawidth, cameraheight;
- r_waterstate_waterplane_t *p;
- qboolean usewaterfbo = (r_viewfbo.integer >= 1 || r_water_fbo.integer >= 1) && && && vid.samples < 2;
+ int waterwidth, waterheight;
if (vid.width > (int)vid.maxtexturesize_2d || vid.height > (int)vid.maxtexturesize_2d)
// set waterwidth and waterheight to the water resolution that will be
// used (often less than the screen resolution for faster rendering)
- R_GetScaledViewSize(bound(1, vid.width * r_water_resolutionmultiplier.value, vid.width), bound(1, vid.height * r_water_resolutionmultiplier.value, vid.height), &waterwidth, &waterheight);
+ waterwidth = (int)bound(1, r_refdef.view.width * r_water_resolutionmultiplier.value, r_refdef.view.width);
+ waterheight = (int)bound(1, r_refdef.view.height * r_water_resolutionmultiplier.value, r_refdef.view.height);
+ R_GetScaledViewSize(waterwidth, waterheight, &waterwidth, &waterheight);
- // calculate desired texture sizes
- // can't use water if the card does not support the texture size
if (!r_water.integer || r_showsurfaces.integer)
- texturewidth = textureheight = waterwidth = waterheight = camerawidth = cameraheight = 0;
- else if (
- {
- texturewidth = waterwidth;
- textureheight = waterheight;
- camerawidth = waterwidth;
- cameraheight = waterheight;
- }
- else
- {
- for (texturewidth = 1;texturewidth < waterwidth ;texturewidth *= 2);
- for (textureheight = 1;textureheight < waterheight;textureheight *= 2);
- for (camerawidth = 1;camerawidth * 2 <= waterwidth ;camerawidth *= 2);
- for (cameraheight = 1;cameraheight * 2 <= waterheight;cameraheight *= 2);
- }
- // allocate textures as needed
- if (r_fb.water.texturewidth != texturewidth || r_fb.water.textureheight != textureheight || r_fb.water.camerawidth != camerawidth || r_fb.water.cameraheight != cameraheight || (r_fb.depthtexture && !usewaterfbo))
- {
- r_fb.water.maxwaterplanes = MAX_WATERPLANES;
- for (i = 0, p = r_fb.water.waterplanes;i < r_fb.water.maxwaterplanes;i++, p++)
- {
- if (p->texture_refraction)
- R_FreeTexture(p->texture_refraction);
- p->texture_refraction = NULL;
- if (p->fbo_refraction)
- R_Mesh_DestroyFramebufferObject(p->fbo_refraction);
- p->fbo_refraction = 0;
- if (p->texture_reflection)
- R_FreeTexture(p->texture_reflection);
- p->texture_reflection = NULL;
- if (p->fbo_reflection)
- R_Mesh_DestroyFramebufferObject(p->fbo_reflection);
- p->fbo_reflection = 0;
- if (p->texture_camera)
- R_FreeTexture(p->texture_camera);
- p->texture_camera = NULL;
- if (p->fbo_camera)
- R_Mesh_DestroyFramebufferObject(p->fbo_camera);
- p->fbo_camera = 0;
- }
- memset(&r_fb.water, 0, sizeof(r_fb.water));
- r_fb.water.texturewidth = texturewidth;
- r_fb.water.textureheight = textureheight;
- r_fb.water.camerawidth = camerawidth;
- r_fb.water.cameraheight = cameraheight;
- }
- if (r_fb.water.texturewidth)
- {
- int scaledwidth, scaledheight;
- r_fb.water.enabled = true;
- // water resolution is usually reduced
- r_fb.water.waterwidth = (int)bound(1, r_refdef.view.width * r_water_resolutionmultiplier.value, r_refdef.view.width);
- r_fb.water.waterheight = (int)bound(1, r_refdef.view.height * r_water_resolutionmultiplier.value, r_refdef.view.height);
- R_GetScaledViewSize(r_fb.water.waterwidth, r_fb.water.waterheight, &scaledwidth, &scaledheight);
- // set up variables that will be used in shader setup
- r_fb.water.screenscale[0] = 0.5f * (float)scaledwidth / (float)r_fb.water.texturewidth;
- r_fb.water.screenscale[1] = 0.5f * (float)scaledheight / (float)r_fb.water.textureheight;
- r_fb.water.screencenter[0] = 0.5f * (float)scaledwidth / (float)r_fb.water.texturewidth;
- r_fb.water.screencenter[1] = 0.5f * (float)scaledheight / (float)r_fb.water.textureheight;
- }
+ waterwidth = waterheight = 0;
+ // set up variables that will be used in shader setup
+ r_fb.water.waterwidth = waterwidth;
+ r_fb.water.waterheight = waterheight;
+ r_fb.water.texturewidth = waterwidth;
+ r_fb.water.textureheight = waterheight;
+ r_fb.water.camerawidth = waterwidth;
+ r_fb.water.cameraheight = waterheight;
+ r_fb.water.screenscale[0] = 0.5f;
+ r_fb.water.screenscale[1] = 0.5f;
+ r_fb.water.screencenter[0] = 0.5f;
+ r_fb.water.screencenter[1] = 0.5f;
+ r_fb.water.enabled = waterwidth != 0;
r_fb.water.maxwaterplanes = MAX_WATERPLANES;
r_fb.water.numwaterplanes = 0;
extern cvar_t r_drawparticles;
extern cvar_t r_drawdecals;
-static void R_Water_ProcessPlanes(int fbo, rtexture_t *depthtexture, rtexture_t *colortexture, int x, int y, int width, int height)
+static void R_Water_ProcessPlanes(int fbo, rtexture_t *depthtexture, rtexture_t *colortexture, int viewx, int viewy, int viewwidth, int viewheight)
int myscissor[4];
r_refdef_view_t originalview;
r_refdef_view_t myview;
int planeindex, qualityreduction = 0, old_r_dynamic = 0, old_r_shadows = 0, old_r_worldrtlight = 0, old_r_dlight = 0, old_r_particles = 0, old_r_decals = 0;
- int waterx, watery;
r_waterstate_waterplane_t *p;
vec3_t visorigin;
- qboolean usewaterfbo = (r_viewfbo.integer >= 1 || r_water_fbo.integer >= 1) && && && vid.samples < 2;
- char vabuf[1024];
+ r_rendertarget_t *rt;
originalview = r_refdef.view;
- waterx = usewaterfbo ? 0 : x;
- watery = usewaterfbo ? 0 : y;
// lowquality hack, temporarily shut down some cvars and restore afterwards
qualityreduction = r_water_lowquality.integer;
- // make sure enough textures are allocated
- for (planeindex = 0, p = r_fb.water.waterplanes;planeindex < r_fb.water.numwaterplanes;planeindex++, p++)
+ for (planeindex = 0, p = r_fb.water.waterplanes; planeindex < r_fb.water.numwaterplanes; planeindex++, p++)
- if (r_water_cameraentitiesonly.value != 0 && !p->camera_entity)
- continue;
- {
- if (!p->texture_refraction)
- p->texture_refraction = R_LoadTexture2D(r_main_texturepool, va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "waterplane%i_refraction", planeindex), r_fb.water.texturewidth, r_fb.water.textureheight, NULL, r_fb.textype, TEXF_RENDERTARGET | TEXF_FORCELINEAR | TEXF_CLAMP, -1, NULL);
- if (!p->texture_refraction)
- goto error;
- if (usewaterfbo)
- {
- if (r_fb.water.depthtexture == NULL)
- r_fb.water.depthtexture = R_LoadTextureRenderBuffer(r_main_texturepool, "waterviewdepth", r_fb.water.texturewidth, r_fb.water.textureheight, TEXTYPE_DEPTHBUFFER24STENCIL8);
- if (p->fbo_refraction == 0)
- p->fbo_refraction = R_Mesh_CreateFramebufferObject(r_fb.water.depthtexture, p->texture_refraction, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- }
- }
- else if (p->materialflags & MATERIALFLAG_CAMERA)
- {
- if (!p->texture_camera)
- p->texture_camera = R_LoadTexture2D(r_main_texturepool, va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "waterplane%i_camera", planeindex), r_fb.water.camerawidth, r_fb.water.cameraheight, NULL, r_fb.textype, TEXF_RENDERTARGET | TEXF_FORCELINEAR, -1, NULL);
- if (!p->texture_camera)
- goto error;
- if (usewaterfbo)
- {
- if (r_fb.water.depthtexture == NULL)
- r_fb.water.depthtexture = R_LoadTextureRenderBuffer(r_main_texturepool, "waterviewdepth", r_fb.water.texturewidth, r_fb.water.textureheight, TEXTYPE_DEPTHBUFFER24STENCIL8);
- if (p->fbo_camera == 0)
- p->fbo_camera = R_Mesh_CreateFramebufferObject(r_fb.water.depthtexture, p->texture_camera, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- }
- }
- {
- if (!p->texture_reflection)
- p->texture_reflection = R_LoadTexture2D(r_main_texturepool, va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "waterplane%i_reflection", planeindex), r_fb.water.texturewidth, r_fb.water.textureheight, NULL, r_fb.textype, TEXF_RENDERTARGET | TEXF_FORCELINEAR | TEXF_CLAMP, -1, NULL);
- if (!p->texture_reflection)
- goto error;
- if (usewaterfbo)
- {
- if (r_fb.water.depthtexture == NULL)
- r_fb.water.depthtexture = R_LoadTextureRenderBuffer(r_main_texturepool, "waterviewdepth", r_fb.water.texturewidth, r_fb.water.textureheight, TEXTYPE_DEPTHBUFFER24STENCIL8);
- if (p->fbo_reflection == 0)
- p->fbo_reflection = R_Mesh_CreateFramebufferObject(r_fb.water.depthtexture, p->texture_reflection, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- }
- }
+ p->rt_reflection = NULL;
+ p->rt_refraction = NULL;
+ p->rt_camera = NULL;
// render views
r_refdef.view = originalview;
r_refdef.view.showdebug = false;
- r_refdef.view.x = waterx;
- r_refdef.view.y = watery;
r_refdef.view.width = r_fb.water.waterwidth;
r_refdef.view.height = r_fb.water.waterheight;
r_refdef.view.useclipplane = true;
if (r_water_cameraentitiesonly.value != 0 && !p->camera_entity)
+ rt = R_RenderTarget_Get(r_fb.water.waterwidth, r_fb.water.waterheight, TEXTYPE_DEPTHBUFFER24STENCIL8, true, r_fb.rt_screen->colortextype[0], TEXTYPE_UNUSED, TEXTYPE_UNUSED, TEXTYPE_UNUSED);
+ if (rt->colortexture[0] == NULL || rt->depthtexture == NULL)
+ goto error;
r_refdef.view = myview;
+ Matrix4x4_Reflect(&r_refdef.view.matrix, p->plane.normal[0], p->plane.normal[1], p->plane.normal[2], p->plane.dist, -2);
+ Matrix4x4_OriginFromMatrix(&r_refdef.view.matrix, r_refdef.view.origin);
- R_SetupView(true, p->fbo_reflection, r_fb.water.depthtexture, p->texture_reflection, waterx, watery, r_fb.water.waterwidth, r_fb.water.waterheight);
- if(R_ScissorForBBox(p->mins, p->maxs, myscissor))
- continue; // FIXME the plane then still may get rendered but with broken texture, but it sure won't be visible
+ R_SetupView(true, rt->fbo, rt->depthtexture, rt->colortexture[0], 0, 0, r_fb.water.waterwidth, r_fb.water.waterheight);
+ if (R_ScissorForBBox(p->mins, p->maxs, myscissor))
+ {
+ p->rt_reflection = NULL;
+ p->rt_refraction = NULL;
+ p->rt_camera = NULL;
+ continue;
+ }
- // render reflected scene and copy into texture
- Matrix4x4_Reflect(&r_refdef.view.matrix, p->plane.normal[0], p->plane.normal[1], p->plane.normal[2], p->plane.dist, -2);
- // update the r_refdef.view.origin because otherwise the sky renders at the wrong location (amongst other problems)
- Matrix4x4_OriginFromMatrix(&r_refdef.view.matrix, r_refdef.view.origin);
r_refdef.view.clipplane = p->plane;
// reverse the cullface settings for this render
r_refdef.view.cullface_front = GL_FRONT;
r_fb.water.hideplayer = ((r_water_hideplayer.integer >= 2) && !chase_active.integer);
- R_ResetViewRendering3D(p->fbo_reflection, r_fb.water.depthtexture, p->texture_reflection, waterx, watery, r_fb.water.waterwidth, r_fb.water.waterheight);
- if (p->fbo_reflection)
- GL_ScissorTest(false);
+ R_ResetViewRendering3D(rt->fbo, rt->depthtexture, rt->colortexture[0], 0, 0, rt->texturewidth, rt->textureheight);
+ GL_ScissorTest(false);
- if (p->fbo_reflection)
- GL_ScissorTest(true);
+ GL_ScissorTest(true);
if(r_water_scissormode.integer & 2)
if(r_water_scissormode.integer & 1)
GL_Scissor(myscissor[0], myscissor[1], myscissor[2], myscissor[3]);
- R_RenderScene(p->fbo_reflection, r_fb.water.depthtexture, p->texture_reflection, waterx, watery, r_fb.water.waterwidth, r_fb.water.waterheight);
+ R_RenderScene(rt->fbo, rt->depthtexture, rt->colortexture[0], 0, 0, rt->texturewidth, rt->textureheight);
- if (!p->fbo_reflection)
- R_Mesh_CopyToTexture(p->texture_reflection, 0, 0, waterx, watery, r_fb.water.waterwidth, r_fb.water.waterheight);
r_fb.water.hideplayer = false;
+ p->rt_reflection = rt;
// render the normal view scene and copy into texture
// (except that a clipping plane should be used to hide everything on one side of the water, and the viewer's weapon model should be omitted)
+ rt = R_RenderTarget_Get(r_fb.water.waterwidth, r_fb.water.waterheight, TEXTYPE_DEPTHBUFFER24STENCIL8, true, r_fb.rt_screen->colortextype[0], TEXTYPE_UNUSED, TEXTYPE_UNUSED, TEXTYPE_UNUSED);
+ if (rt->colortexture[0] == NULL || rt->depthtexture == NULL)
+ goto error;
r_refdef.view = myview;
- R_SetupView(true, p->fbo_refraction, r_fb.water.depthtexture, p->texture_refraction, waterx, watery, r_fb.water.waterwidth, r_fb.water.waterheight);
- if(R_ScissorForBBox(p->mins, p->maxs, myscissor))
- continue; // FIXME the plane then still may get rendered but with broken texture, but it sure won't be visible
+ R_SetupView(true, rt->fbo, rt->depthtexture, rt->colortexture[0], 0, 0, r_fb.water.waterwidth, r_fb.water.waterheight);
+ if (R_ScissorForBBox(p->mins, p->maxs, myscissor))
+ {
+ p->rt_reflection = NULL;
+ p->rt_refraction = NULL;
+ p->rt_camera = NULL;
+ continue;
+ }
r_fb.water.hideplayer = ((r_water_hideplayer.integer >= 1) && !chase_active.integer);
- R_ResetViewRendering3D(p->fbo_refraction, r_fb.water.depthtexture, p->texture_refraction, waterx, watery, r_fb.water.waterwidth, r_fb.water.waterheight);
- if (p->fbo_refraction)
- GL_ScissorTest(false);
+ R_ResetViewRendering3D(rt->fbo, rt->depthtexture, rt->colortexture[0], 0, 0, rt->texturewidth, rt->textureheight);
+ GL_ScissorTest(false);
- if (p->fbo_refraction)
- GL_ScissorTest(true);
+ GL_ScissorTest(true);
if(r_water_scissormode.integer & 2)
if(r_water_scissormode.integer & 1)
GL_Scissor(myscissor[0], myscissor[1], myscissor[2], myscissor[3]);
- R_RenderScene(p->fbo_refraction, r_fb.water.depthtexture, p->texture_refraction, waterx, watery, r_fb.water.waterwidth, r_fb.water.waterheight);
+ R_RenderScene(rt->fbo, rt->depthtexture, rt->colortexture[0], 0, 0, rt->texturewidth, rt->textureheight);
- if (!p->fbo_refraction)
- R_Mesh_CopyToTexture(p->texture_refraction, 0, 0, waterx, watery, r_fb.water.waterwidth, r_fb.water.waterheight);
r_fb.water.hideplayer = false;
+ p->rt_refraction = rt;
else if (p->materialflags & MATERIALFLAG_CAMERA)
+ rt = R_RenderTarget_Get(r_fb.water.waterwidth, r_fb.water.waterheight, TEXTYPE_DEPTHBUFFER24STENCIL8, true, r_fb.rt_screen->colortextype[0], TEXTYPE_UNUSED, TEXTYPE_UNUSED, TEXTYPE_UNUSED);
+ if (rt->colortexture[0] == NULL || rt->depthtexture == NULL)
+ goto error;
r_refdef.view = myview;
r_refdef.view.clipplane = p->plane;
VectorNegate(r_refdef.view.clipplane.normal, r_refdef.view.clipplane.normal);
r_refdef.view.clipplane.dist = -r_refdef.view.clipplane.dist;
- r_refdef.view.x = waterx;
- r_refdef.view.y = watery;
r_refdef.view.width = r_fb.water.camerawidth;
r_refdef.view.height = r_fb.water.cameraheight;
r_refdef.view.frustum_x = 1; // tan(45 * M_PI / 180.0);
r_fb.water.hideplayer = false;
- R_ResetViewRendering3D(p->fbo_camera, r_fb.water.depthtexture, p->texture_camera, waterx, watery, r_fb.water.camerawidth, r_fb.water.cameraheight);
- if (p->fbo_camera)
- GL_ScissorTest(false);
+ R_ResetViewRendering3D(rt->fbo, rt->depthtexture, rt->colortexture[0], 0, 0, rt->texturewidth, rt->textureheight);
+ GL_ScissorTest(false);
- if (p->fbo_camera)
- GL_ScissorTest(true);
+ GL_ScissorTest(true);
- R_RenderScene(p->fbo_camera, r_fb.water.depthtexture, p->texture_camera, waterx, watery, r_fb.water.camerawidth, r_fb.water.cameraheight);
+ R_RenderScene(rt->fbo, rt->depthtexture, rt->colortexture[0], 0, 0, rt->texturewidth, rt->textureheight);
- if (!p->fbo_camera)
- R_Mesh_CopyToTexture(p->texture_camera, 0, 0, waterx, watery, r_fb.water.camerawidth, r_fb.water.cameraheight);
r_fb.water.hideplayer = false;
+ p->rt_camera = rt;
if(vid.renderpath==RENDERPATH_SOFT) DPSOFTRAST_ClipPlane(0, 0, 0, 1);
r_fb.water.renderingscene = false;
r_refdef.view = originalview;
- R_ResetViewRendering3D(fbo, depthtexture, colortexture, x, y, width, height);
- if (!r_fb.water.depthtexture)
- R_ClearScreen(r_refdef.fogenabled);
+ R_ResetViewRendering3D(fbo, depthtexture, colortexture, viewx, viewy, viewwidth, viewheight);
goto finish;
static void R_Bloom_StartFrame(void)
- int i;
int bloomtexturewidth, bloomtextureheight, screentexturewidth, screentextureheight;
int viewwidth, viewheight;
- qboolean useviewfbo = r_viewfbo.integer >= 1 && && && vid.samples < 2;
textype_t textype = TEXTYPE_COLORBUFFER;
+ // clear the pointers to rendertargets from last frame as they're stale
+ r_fb.rt_screen = NULL;
+ r_fb.rt_bloom = NULL;
switch (vid.renderpath)
r_fb.usedepthtextures = r_usedepthtextures.integer != 0;
- if ( &&
- {
- if (r_viewfbo.integer == 2) textype = TEXTYPE_COLORBUFFER16F;
- if (r_viewfbo.integer == 3) textype = TEXTYPE_COLORBUFFER32F;
- }
+ if (r_viewfbo.integer == 2) textype = TEXTYPE_COLORBUFFER16F;
+ if (r_viewfbo.integer == 3) textype = TEXTYPE_COLORBUFFER32F;
+ // for simplicity, bloom requires FBO render to texture, which basically all video drivers support now
+ if (!
+ return;
R_GetScaledViewSize(r_refdef.view.width, r_refdef.view.height, &viewwidth, &viewheight);
- switch(vid.renderpath)
- {
- case RENDERPATH_D3D10:
- case RENDERPATH_D3D11:
- break;
- return;
- }
// set bloomwidth and bloomheight to the bloom resolution that will be
// used (often less than the screen resolution for faster rendering)
r_fb.bloomwidth = bound(1, r_bloom_resolution.integer, vid.width);
r_fb.bloomheight = bound(1, r_fb.bloomheight, (int)vid.maxtexturesize_2d);
// calculate desired texture sizes
- if (
- {
- screentexturewidth = vid.width;
- screentextureheight = vid.height;
- bloomtexturewidth = r_fb.bloomwidth;
- bloomtextureheight = r_fb.bloomheight;
- }
- else
- {
- for (screentexturewidth = 1;screentexturewidth < vid.width ;screentexturewidth *= 2);
- for (screentextureheight = 1;screentextureheight < vid.height ;screentextureheight *= 2);
- for (bloomtexturewidth = 1;bloomtexturewidth < r_fb.bloomwidth ;bloomtexturewidth *= 2);
- for (bloomtextureheight = 1;bloomtextureheight < r_fb.bloomheight;bloomtextureheight *= 2);
- }
+ screentexturewidth = viewwidth;
+ screentextureheight = viewheight;
+ bloomtexturewidth = r_fb.bloomwidth;
+ bloomtextureheight = r_fb.bloomheight;
if ((r_bloom.integer || (!R_Stereo_Active() && (r_motionblur.value > 0 || r_damageblur.value > 0))) && ((r_bloom_resolution.integer < 4 || r_bloom_blur.value < 1 || r_bloom_blur.value >= 512) || r_refdef.view.width > (int)vid.maxtexturesize_2d || r_refdef.view.height > (int)vid.maxtexturesize_2d))
Cvar_SetValueQuick(&r_damageblur, 0);
- if (!((r_glsl_postprocess.integer || r_fxaa.integer) || (!R_Stereo_ColorMasking() && r_glsl_saturation.value != 1) || !vid_gammatables_trivial)
- && !r_bloom.integer
- && (R_Stereo_Active() || (r_motionblur.value <= 0 && r_damageblur.value <= 0))
- && !useviewfbo
- && r_viewscale.value == 1.0f
- && !r_viewscale_fpsscaling.integer)
- screentexturewidth = screentextureheight = 0;
- if (!r_bloom.integer)
- bloomtexturewidth = bloomtextureheight = 0;
- // allocate textures as needed
- if (r_fb.screentexturewidth != screentexturewidth
- || r_fb.screentextureheight != screentextureheight
- || r_fb.bloomtexturewidth != bloomtexturewidth
- || r_fb.bloomtextureheight != bloomtextureheight
- || r_fb.textype != textype
- || useviewfbo != (r_fb.fbo != 0))
+ // allocate motionblur ghost texture if needed - this is the only persistent texture and is only useful on the main view
+ if (r_refdef.view.ismain && (r_fb.screentexturewidth != screentexturewidth || r_fb.screentextureheight != screentextureheight || r_fb.textype != textype))
- for (i = 0;i < (int)(sizeof(r_fb.bloomtexture)/sizeof(r_fb.bloomtexture[i]));i++)
- {
- if (r_fb.bloomtexture[i])
- R_FreeTexture(r_fb.bloomtexture[i]);
- r_fb.bloomtexture[i] = NULL;
- if (r_fb.bloomfbo[i])
- R_Mesh_DestroyFramebufferObject(r_fb.bloomfbo[i]);
- r_fb.bloomfbo[i] = 0;
- }
- if (r_fb.fbo)
- R_Mesh_DestroyFramebufferObject(r_fb.fbo);
- r_fb.fbo = 0;
- if (r_fb.colortexture)
- R_FreeTexture(r_fb.colortexture);
- r_fb.colortexture = NULL;
- if (r_fb.depthtexture)
- R_FreeTexture(r_fb.depthtexture);
- r_fb.depthtexture = NULL;
if (r_fb.ghosttexture)
r_fb.ghosttexture = NULL;
r_fb.screentexturewidth = screentexturewidth;
r_fb.screentextureheight = screentextureheight;
- r_fb.bloomtexturewidth = bloomtexturewidth;
- r_fb.bloomtextureheight = bloomtextureheight;
r_fb.textype = textype;
if (r_fb.screentexturewidth && r_fb.screentextureheight)
if (r_motionblur.value > 0 || r_damageblur.value > 0)
r_fb.ghosttexture = R_LoadTexture2D(r_main_texturepool, "framebuffermotionblur", r_fb.screentexturewidth, r_fb.screentextureheight, NULL, r_fb.textype, TEXF_RENDERTARGET | TEXF_FORCELINEAR | TEXF_CLAMP, -1, NULL);
r_fb.ghosttexture_valid = false;
- r_fb.colortexture = R_LoadTexture2D(r_main_texturepool, "framebuffercolor", r_fb.screentexturewidth, r_fb.screentextureheight, NULL, r_fb.textype, TEXF_RENDERTARGET | TEXF_FORCELINEAR | TEXF_CLAMP, -1, NULL);
- if (useviewfbo)
- {
- r_fb.depthtexture = R_LoadTextureRenderBuffer(r_main_texturepool, "framebufferdepth", r_fb.screentexturewidth, r_fb.screentextureheight, TEXTYPE_DEPTHBUFFER24STENCIL8);
- r_fb.fbo = R_Mesh_CreateFramebufferObject(r_fb.depthtexture, r_fb.colortexture, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- R_Mesh_SetRenderTargets(r_fb.fbo, r_fb.depthtexture, r_fb.colortexture, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- }
- }
- if (r_fb.bloomtexturewidth && r_fb.bloomtextureheight)
- {
- for (i = 0;i < (int)(sizeof(r_fb.bloomtexture)/sizeof(r_fb.bloomtexture[i]));i++)
- {
- r_fb.bloomtexture[i] = R_LoadTexture2D(r_main_texturepool, "framebufferbloom", r_fb.bloomtexturewidth, r_fb.bloomtextureheight, NULL, r_fb.textype, TEXF_RENDERTARGET | TEXF_FORCELINEAR | TEXF_CLAMP, -1, NULL);
- if (useviewfbo)
- r_fb.bloomfbo[i] = R_Mesh_CreateFramebufferObject(NULL, r_fb.bloomtexture[i], NULL, NULL, NULL);
- }
- // bloom texture is a different resolution
- r_fb.bloomwidth = bound(1, r_bloom_resolution.integer, r_refdef.view.width);
- r_fb.bloomheight = r_fb.bloomwidth * r_refdef.view.height / r_refdef.view.width;
- r_fb.bloomheight = bound(1, r_fb.bloomheight, r_refdef.view.height);
- r_fb.bloomwidth = bound(1, r_fb.bloomwidth, r_fb.bloomtexturewidth);
- r_fb.bloomheight = bound(1, r_fb.bloomheight, r_fb.bloomtextureheight);
- // set up a texcoord array for the full resolution screen image
- // (we have to keep this around to copy back during final render)
- r_fb.screentexcoord2f[0] = 0;
- r_fb.screentexcoord2f[1] = 1.0f;
- r_fb.screentexcoord2f[2] = (float)viewwidth / (float)r_fb.screentexturewidth;
- r_fb.screentexcoord2f[3] = 1.0f;
- r_fb.screentexcoord2f[4] = (float)viewwidth / (float)r_fb.screentexturewidth;
- r_fb.screentexcoord2f[5] = 1.0f - (float)viewheight / (float)r_fb.screentextureheight;
- r_fb.screentexcoord2f[6] = 0;
- r_fb.screentexcoord2f[7] = 1.0f - (float)viewheight / (float)r_fb.screentextureheight;
- // set up a texcoord array for the reduced resolution bloom image
- // (which will be additive blended over the screen image)
- r_fb.bloomtexcoord2f[0] = 0;
- r_fb.bloomtexcoord2f[1] = (float)r_fb.bloomheight / (float)r_fb.bloomtextureheight;
- r_fb.bloomtexcoord2f[2] = (float)r_fb.bloomwidth / (float)r_fb.bloomtexturewidth;
- r_fb.bloomtexcoord2f[3] = (float)r_fb.bloomheight / (float)r_fb.bloomtextureheight;
- r_fb.bloomtexcoord2f[4] = (float)r_fb.bloomwidth / (float)r_fb.bloomtexturewidth;
- r_fb.bloomtexcoord2f[5] = 0;
- r_fb.bloomtexcoord2f[6] = 0;
- r_fb.bloomtexcoord2f[7] = 0;
- switch(vid.renderpath)
+ if (r_bloom.integer)
- break;
- case RENDERPATH_D3D10:
- case RENDERPATH_D3D11:
- for (i = 0;i < 4;i++)
- {
- r_fb.screentexcoord2f[i*2+0] += 0.5f / (float)r_fb.screentexturewidth;
- r_fb.screentexcoord2f[i*2+1] += 0.5f / (float)r_fb.screentextureheight;
- r_fb.bloomtexcoord2f[i*2+0] += 0.5f / (float)r_fb.bloomtexturewidth;
- r_fb.bloomtexcoord2f[i*2+1] += 0.5f / (float)r_fb.bloomtextureheight;
- }
- break;
+ // bloom texture is a different resolution
+ r_fb.bloomwidth = bound(1, r_bloom_resolution.integer, r_refdef.view.width);
+ r_fb.bloomheight = r_fb.bloomwidth * r_refdef.view.height / r_refdef.view.width;
+ r_fb.bloomheight = bound(1, r_fb.bloomheight, r_refdef.view.height);
+ else
+ r_fb.bloomwidth = r_fb.bloomheight = 0;
- R_Viewport_InitOrtho(&r_fb.bloomviewport, &identitymatrix, r_fb.fbo ? 0 : r_refdef.view.x, r_fb.fbo ? 0 : r_refdef.view.y, r_fb.bloomwidth, r_fb.bloomheight, 0, 0, 1, 1, -10, 100, NULL);
+ r_fb.rt_screen = R_RenderTarget_Get(screentexturewidth, screentextureheight, TEXTYPE_DEPTHBUFFER24STENCIL8, true, textype, TEXTYPE_UNUSED, TEXTYPE_UNUSED, TEXTYPE_UNUSED);
- if (r_fb.fbo)
- r_refdef.view.clear = true;
+ r_refdef.view.clear = true;
static void R_Bloom_MakeTexture(void)
int x, range, dir;
float xoffset, yoffset, r, brighten;
- rtexture_t *intex;
float colorscale = r_bloom_colorscale.value;
+ r_viewport_t bloomviewport;
+ r_rendertarget_t *prev, *cur;
+ textype_t textype = r_fb.rt_screen->colortextype[0];
-#if 0
- // this copy is unnecessary since it happens in R_BlendView already
- if (!r_fb.fbo)
- {
- R_Mesh_CopyToTexture(r_fb.colortexture, 0, 0, r_refdef.view.viewport.x, r_refdef.view.viewport.y, r_refdef.view.viewport.width, r_refdef.view.viewport.height);
- r_refdef.stats[r_stat_bloom_copypixels] += r_refdef.view.viewport.width * r_refdef.view.viewport.height;
- }
+ R_Viewport_InitOrtho(&bloomviewport, &identitymatrix, 0, 0, r_fb.bloomwidth, r_fb.bloomheight, 0, 0, 1, 1, -10, 100, NULL);
// scale down screen texture to the bloom texture size
- r_fb.bloomindex = 0;
- R_Mesh_SetRenderTargets(r_fb.bloomfbo[r_fb.bloomindex], NULL, r_fb.bloomtexture[r_fb.bloomindex], NULL, NULL, NULL);
- R_SetViewport(&r_fb.bloomviewport);
+ prev = r_fb.rt_screen;
+ cur = R_RenderTarget_Get(r_fb.bloomwidth, r_fb.bloomheight, TEXTYPE_UNUSED, false, textype, TEXTYPE_UNUSED, TEXTYPE_UNUSED, TEXTYPE_UNUSED);
+ R_Mesh_SetRenderTargets(cur->fbo, NULL, cur->colortexture[0], NULL, NULL, NULL);
+ R_SetViewport(&bloomviewport);
GL_BlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ZERO);
GL_Color(colorscale, colorscale, colorscale, 1);
- // D3D has upside down Y coords, the easiest way to flip this is to flip the screen vertices rather than the texcoords, so we just use a different array for that...
- switch(vid.renderpath)
- {
- R_Mesh_PrepareVertices_Generic_Arrays(4, r_screenvertex3f, NULL, r_fb.screentexcoord2f);
- break;
- case RENDERPATH_D3D10:
- case RENDERPATH_D3D11:
- R_Mesh_PrepareVertices_Generic_Arrays(4, r_d3dscreenvertex3f, NULL, r_fb.screentexcoord2f);
- break;
- }
+ R_Mesh_PrepareVertices_Generic_Arrays(4, r_screenvertex3f, NULL, prev->texcoord2f);
// TODO: do boxfilter scale-down in shader?
- R_SetupShader_Generic(r_fb.colortexture, NULL, GL_MODULATE, 1, false, true, true);
+ R_SetupShader_Generic(prev->colortexture[0], NULL, GL_MODULATE, 1, false, true, true);
R_Mesh_Draw(0, 4, 0, 2, polygonelement3i, NULL, 0, polygonelement3s, NULL, 0);
r_refdef.stats[r_stat_bloom_drawpixels] += r_fb.bloomwidth * r_fb.bloomheight;
// we now have a properly scaled bloom image
- if (!r_fb.bloomfbo[r_fb.bloomindex])
- {
- // copy it into the bloom texture
- R_Mesh_CopyToTexture(r_fb.bloomtexture[r_fb.bloomindex], 0, 0, r_fb.bloomviewport.x, r_fb.bloomviewport.y, r_fb.bloomviewport.width, r_fb.bloomviewport.height);
- r_refdef.stats[r_stat_bloom_copypixels] += r_fb.bloomviewport.width * r_fb.bloomviewport.height;
- }
- // multiply bloom image by itself as many times as desired
+ // multiply bloom image by itself as many times as desired to darken it
+ // TODO: if people actually use this it could be done more quickly in the previous shader pass
for (x = 1;x < min(r_bloom_colorexponent.value, 32);)
- intex = r_fb.bloomtexture[r_fb.bloomindex];
- r_fb.bloomindex ^= 1;
- R_Mesh_SetRenderTargets(r_fb.bloomfbo[r_fb.bloomindex], NULL, r_fb.bloomtexture[r_fb.bloomindex], NULL, NULL, NULL);
+ prev = cur;
+ cur = R_RenderTarget_Get(r_fb.bloomwidth, r_fb.bloomheight, TEXTYPE_UNUSED, false, textype, TEXTYPE_UNUSED, TEXTYPE_UNUSED, TEXTYPE_UNUSED);
+ R_Mesh_SetRenderTargets(cur->fbo, NULL, cur->colortexture[0], NULL, NULL, NULL);
x *= 2;
r = bound(0, r_bloom_colorexponent.value / x, 1); // always 0.5 to 1
- if (!r_fb.bloomfbo[r_fb.bloomindex])
- {
- GL_BlendFunc(GL_DST_COLOR, GL_SRC_COLOR); // square it and multiply by two
- GL_Color(r,r,r,1); // apply fix factor
- }
- else
- {
- if(x <= 2)
- GL_Clear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT, NULL, 1.0f, 128);
- GL_BlendFunc(GL_SRC_COLOR, GL_ZERO); // square it
- GL_Color(1,1,1,1); // no fix factor supported here
- }
- R_Mesh_PrepareVertices_Generic_Arrays(4, r_screenvertex3f, NULL, r_fb.bloomtexcoord2f);
- R_SetupShader_Generic(intex, NULL, GL_MODULATE, 1, false, true, false);
+ if(x <= 2)
+ GL_Clear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT, NULL, 1.0f, 128);
+ GL_BlendFunc(GL_SRC_COLOR, GL_ZERO); // square it
+ GL_Color(1,1,1,1); // no fix factor supported here
+ R_Mesh_PrepareVertices_Generic_Arrays(4, r_screenvertex3f, NULL, prev->texcoord2f);
+ R_SetupShader_Generic(prev->colortexture[0], NULL, GL_MODULATE, 1, false, true, false);
R_Mesh_Draw(0, 4, 0, 2, polygonelement3i, NULL, 0, polygonelement3s, NULL, 0);
r_refdef.stats[r_stat_bloom_drawpixels] += r_fb.bloomwidth * r_fb.bloomheight;
- if (!r_fb.bloomfbo[r_fb.bloomindex])
- {
- // copy the darkened image to a texture
- R_Mesh_CopyToTexture(r_fb.bloomtexture[r_fb.bloomindex], 0, 0, r_fb.bloomviewport.x, r_fb.bloomviewport.y, r_fb.bloomviewport.width, r_fb.bloomviewport.height);
- r_refdef.stats[r_stat_bloom_copypixels] += r_fb.bloomviewport.width * r_fb.bloomviewport.height;
- }
range = r_bloom_blur.integer * r_fb.bloomwidth / 320;
for (dir = 0;dir < 2;dir++)
- intex = r_fb.bloomtexture[r_fb.bloomindex];
- r_fb.bloomindex ^= 1;
- R_Mesh_SetRenderTargets(r_fb.bloomfbo[r_fb.bloomindex], NULL, r_fb.bloomtexture[r_fb.bloomindex], NULL, NULL, NULL);
+ prev = cur;
+ cur = R_RenderTarget_Get(r_fb.bloomwidth, r_fb.bloomheight, TEXTYPE_UNUSED, false, textype, TEXTYPE_UNUSED, TEXTYPE_UNUSED, TEXTYPE_UNUSED);
+ R_Mesh_SetRenderTargets(cur->fbo, NULL, cur->colortexture[0], NULL, NULL, NULL);
// blend on at multiple vertical offsets to achieve a vertical blur
// TODO: do offset blends using GLSL
// TODO instead of changing the texcoords, change the target positions to prevent artifacts at edges
GL_BlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ZERO);
- R_SetupShader_Generic(intex, NULL, GL_MODULATE, 1, false, true, false);
+ R_SetupShader_Generic(prev->colortexture[0], NULL, GL_MODULATE, 1, false, true, false);
for (x = -range;x <= range;x++)
if (!dir){xoffset = 0;yoffset = x;}
else {xoffset = x;yoffset = 0;}
- xoffset /= (float)r_fb.bloomtexturewidth;
- yoffset /= (float)r_fb.bloomtextureheight;
+ xoffset /= (float)prev->texturewidth;
+ yoffset /= (float)prev->textureheight;
// compute a texcoord array with the specified x and y offset
- r_fb.offsettexcoord2f[0] = xoffset+r_fb.bloomtexcoord2f[0];
- r_fb.offsettexcoord2f[1] = yoffset+r_fb.bloomtexcoord2f[1];
- r_fb.offsettexcoord2f[2] = xoffset+r_fb.bloomtexcoord2f[2];
- r_fb.offsettexcoord2f[3] = yoffset+r_fb.bloomtexcoord2f[3];
- r_fb.offsettexcoord2f[4] = xoffset+r_fb.bloomtexcoord2f[4];
- r_fb.offsettexcoord2f[5] = yoffset+r_fb.bloomtexcoord2f[5];
- r_fb.offsettexcoord2f[6] = xoffset+r_fb.bloomtexcoord2f[6];
- r_fb.offsettexcoord2f[7] = yoffset+r_fb.bloomtexcoord2f[7];
+ r_fb.offsettexcoord2f[0] = xoffset+prev->texcoord2f[0];
+ r_fb.offsettexcoord2f[1] = yoffset+prev->texcoord2f[1];
+ r_fb.offsettexcoord2f[2] = xoffset+prev->texcoord2f[2];
+ r_fb.offsettexcoord2f[3] = yoffset+prev->texcoord2f[3];
+ r_fb.offsettexcoord2f[4] = xoffset+prev->texcoord2f[4];
+ r_fb.offsettexcoord2f[5] = yoffset+prev->texcoord2f[5];
+ r_fb.offsettexcoord2f[6] = xoffset+prev->texcoord2f[6];
+ r_fb.offsettexcoord2f[7] = yoffset+prev->texcoord2f[7];
// this r value looks like a 'dot' particle, fading sharply to
// black at the edges
// (probably not realistic but looks good enough)
//r = brighten/(range*2+1);
r = brighten / (range * 2 + 1);
if(range >= 1)
- r *= (1 - x*x/(float)(range*range));
+ r *= (1 - x*x/(float)((range+1)*(range+1)));
+ if (r <= 0)
+ continue;
GL_Color(r, r, r, 1);
R_Mesh_PrepareVertices_Generic_Arrays(4, r_screenvertex3f, NULL, r_fb.offsettexcoord2f);
R_Mesh_Draw(0, 4, 0, 2, polygonelement3i, NULL, 0, polygonelement3s, NULL, 0);
r_refdef.stats[r_stat_bloom_drawpixels] += r_fb.bloomwidth * r_fb.bloomheight;
GL_BlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ONE);
- if (!r_fb.bloomfbo[r_fb.bloomindex])
- {
- // copy the vertically or horizontally blurred bloom view to a texture
- R_Mesh_CopyToTexture(r_fb.bloomtexture[r_fb.bloomindex], 0, 0, r_fb.bloomviewport.x, r_fb.bloomviewport.y, r_fb.bloomviewport.width, r_fb.bloomviewport.height);
- r_refdef.stats[r_stat_bloom_copypixels] += r_fb.bloomviewport.width * r_fb.bloomviewport.height;
- }
+ // now we have the bloom image, so keep track of it
+ r_fb.rt_bloom = cur;
static void R_BlendView(int viewfbo, rtexture_t *viewdepthtexture, rtexture_t *viewcolortexture, int viewx, int viewy, int viewwidth, int viewheight)
dpuint64 permutation;
float uservecs[4][4];
+ rtexture_t *viewtexture;
+ rtexture_t *bloomtexture;
permutation =
- (r_fb.bloomtexture[r_fb.bloomindex] ? SHADERPERMUTATION_BLOOM : 0)
+ (r_fb.bloomwidth ? SHADERPERMUTATION_BLOOM : 0)
| (r_refdef.viewblend[3] > 0 ? SHADERPERMUTATION_VIEWTINT : 0)
| (!vid_gammatables_trivial ? SHADERPERMUTATION_GAMMARAMPS : 0)
| (r_glsl_postprocess.integer ? SHADERPERMUTATION_POSTPROCESSING : 0)
| ((!R_Stereo_ColorMasking() && r_glsl_saturation.value != 1) ? SHADERPERMUTATION_SATURATION : 0);
- if (r_fb.colortexture)
- {
- if (!r_fb.fbo)
- {
- R_Mesh_CopyToTexture(r_fb.colortexture, 0, 0, r_refdef.view.viewport.x, r_refdef.view.viewport.y, r_refdef.view.viewport.width, r_refdef.view.viewport.height);
- r_refdef.stats[r_stat_bloom_copypixels] += r_refdef.view.viewport.width * r_refdef.view.viewport.height;
- }
- if(!R_Stereo_Active() && (r_motionblur.value > 0 || r_damageblur.value > 0) && r_fb.ghosttexture)
- {
- // declare variables
- float blur_factor, blur_mouseaccel, blur_velocity;
- static float blur_average;
- static vec3_t blur_oldangles; // used to see how quickly the mouse is moving
- // set a goal for the factoring
- blur_velocity = bound(0, (VectorLength(cl.movement_velocity) - r_motionblur_velocityfactor_minspeed.value)
- / max(1, r_motionblur_velocityfactor_maxspeed.value - r_motionblur_velocityfactor_minspeed.value), 1);
- blur_mouseaccel = bound(0, ((fabs(VectorLength(cl.viewangles) - VectorLength(blur_oldangles)) * 10) - r_motionblur_mousefactor_minspeed.value)
- / max(1, r_motionblur_mousefactor_maxspeed.value - r_motionblur_mousefactor_minspeed.value), 1);
- blur_factor = ((blur_velocity * r_motionblur_velocityfactor.value)
- + (blur_mouseaccel * r_motionblur_mousefactor.value));
- // from the goal, pick an averaged value between goal and last value
- cl.motionbluralpha = bound(0, (cl.time - cl.oldtime) / max(0.001, r_motionblur_averaging.value), 1);
- blur_average = blur_average * (1 - cl.motionbluralpha) + blur_factor * cl.motionbluralpha;
- // enforce minimum amount of blur
- blur_factor = blur_average * (1 - r_motionblur_minblur.value) + r_motionblur_minblur.value;
- //Con_Printf("motionblur: direct factor: %f, averaged factor: %f, velocity: %f, mouse accel: %f \n", blur_factor, blur_average, blur_velocity, blur_mouseaccel);
- // calculate values into a standard alpha
- cl.motionbluralpha = 1 - exp(-
- (
- (r_motionblur.value * blur_factor / 80)
- +
- (r_damageblur.value * (cl.cshifts[CSHIFT_DAMAGE].percent / 1600))
- )
- /
- max(0.0001, cl.time - cl.oldtime) // fps independent
- );
- // randomization for the blur value to combat persistent ghosting
- cl.motionbluralpha *= lhrandom(1 - r_motionblur_randomize.value, 1 + r_motionblur_randomize.value);
- cl.motionbluralpha = bound(0, cl.motionbluralpha, r_motionblur_maxblur.value);
- // apply the blur
- R_ResetViewRendering2D(viewfbo, viewdepthtexture, viewcolortexture, viewx, viewy, viewwidth, viewheight);
- if (cl.motionbluralpha > 0 && !r_refdef.envmap && r_fb.ghosttexture_valid)
- {
- GL_Color(1, 1, 1, cl.motionbluralpha);
- switch(vid.renderpath)
- {
- R_Mesh_PrepareVertices_Generic_Arrays(4, r_screenvertex3f, NULL, r_fb.screentexcoord2f);
- break;
- case RENDERPATH_D3D10:
- case RENDERPATH_D3D11:
- R_Mesh_PrepareVertices_Generic_Arrays(4, r_d3dscreenvertex3f, NULL, r_fb.screentexcoord2f);
- break;
- }
- R_SetupShader_Generic(r_fb.ghosttexture, NULL, GL_MODULATE, 1, false, true, true);
- R_Mesh_Draw(0, 4, 0, 2, polygonelement3i, NULL, 0, polygonelement3s, NULL, 0);
- r_refdef.stats[r_stat_bloom_drawpixels] += r_refdef.view.viewport.width * r_refdef.view.viewport.height;
- }
- // updates old view angles for next pass
- VectorCopy(cl.viewangles, blur_oldangles);
- // copy view into the ghost texture
- R_Mesh_CopyToTexture(r_fb.ghosttexture, 0, 0, r_refdef.view.viewport.x, r_refdef.view.viewport.y, r_refdef.view.viewport.width, r_refdef.view.viewport.height);
- r_refdef.stats[r_stat_bloom_copypixels] += r_refdef.view.viewport.width * r_refdef.view.viewport.height;
- r_fb.ghosttexture_valid = true;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // no r_fb.colortexture means we're rendering to the real fb
- // we may still have to do view tint...
- if (r_refdef.viewblend[3] >= (1.0f / 256.0f))
+ if(r_refdef.view.ismain && !R_Stereo_Active() && (r_motionblur.value > 0 || r_damageblur.value > 0) && r_fb.ghosttexture)
+ {
+ // declare variables
+ float blur_factor, blur_mouseaccel, blur_velocity;
+ static float blur_average;
+ static vec3_t blur_oldangles; // used to see how quickly the mouse is moving
+ // set a goal for the factoring
+ blur_velocity = bound(0, (VectorLength(cl.movement_velocity) - r_motionblur_velocityfactor_minspeed.value)
+ / max(1, r_motionblur_velocityfactor_maxspeed.value - r_motionblur_velocityfactor_minspeed.value), 1);
+ blur_mouseaccel = bound(0, ((fabs(VectorLength(cl.viewangles) - VectorLength(blur_oldangles)) * 10) - r_motionblur_mousefactor_minspeed.value)
+ / max(1, r_motionblur_mousefactor_maxspeed.value - r_motionblur_mousefactor_minspeed.value), 1);
+ blur_factor = ((blur_velocity * r_motionblur_velocityfactor.value)
+ + (blur_mouseaccel * r_motionblur_mousefactor.value));
+ // from the goal, pick an averaged value between goal and last value
+ cl.motionbluralpha = bound(0, (cl.time - cl.oldtime) / max(0.001, r_motionblur_averaging.value), 1);
+ blur_average = blur_average * (1 - cl.motionbluralpha) + blur_factor * cl.motionbluralpha;
+ // enforce minimum amount of blur
+ blur_factor = blur_average * (1 - r_motionblur_minblur.value) + r_motionblur_minblur.value;
+ //Con_Printf("motionblur: direct factor: %f, averaged factor: %f, velocity: %f, mouse accel: %f \n", blur_factor, blur_average, blur_velocity, blur_mouseaccel);
+ // calculate values into a standard alpha
+ cl.motionbluralpha = 1 - exp(-
+ (
+ (r_motionblur.value * blur_factor / 80)
+ +
+ (r_damageblur.value * (cl.cshifts[CSHIFT_DAMAGE].percent / 1600))
+ )
+ /
+ max(0.0001, cl.time - cl.oldtime) // fps independent
+ );
+ // randomization for the blur value to combat persistent ghosting
+ cl.motionbluralpha *= lhrandom(1 - r_motionblur_randomize.value, 1 + r_motionblur_randomize.value);
+ cl.motionbluralpha = bound(0, cl.motionbluralpha, r_motionblur_maxblur.value);
+ // apply the blur
+ R_ResetViewRendering2D(viewfbo, viewdepthtexture, viewcolortexture, viewx, viewy, viewwidth, viewheight);
+ if (cl.motionbluralpha > 0 && !r_refdef.envmap && r_fb.ghosttexture_valid)
- // apply a color tint to the whole view
- R_ResetViewRendering2D(0, NULL, NULL, viewx, viewy, viewwidth, viewheight);
- GL_Color(r_refdef.viewblend[0], r_refdef.viewblend[1], r_refdef.viewblend[2], r_refdef.viewblend[3]);
- R_Mesh_PrepareVertices_Generic_Arrays(4, r_screenvertex3f, NULL, NULL);
- R_SetupShader_Generic_NoTexture(false, true);
+ GL_Color(1, 1, 1, cl.motionbluralpha);
+ R_CalcTexCoordsForView(0, 0, viewwidth, viewheight, viewwidth, viewheight, r_fb.ghosttexcoord2f);
+ R_Mesh_PrepareVertices_Generic_Arrays(4, r_screenvertex3f, NULL, r_fb.ghosttexcoord2f);
+ R_SetupShader_Generic(r_fb.ghosttexture, NULL, GL_MODULATE, 1, false, true, true);
R_Mesh_Draw(0, 4, 0, 2, polygonelement3i, NULL, 0, polygonelement3s, NULL, 0);
+ r_refdef.stats[r_stat_bloom_drawpixels] += viewwidth * viewheight;
- break; // no screen processing, no bloom, skip it
+ // updates old view angles for next pass
+ VectorCopy(cl.viewangles, blur_oldangles);
+ // copy view into the ghost texture
+ R_Mesh_CopyToTexture(r_fb.ghosttexture, 0, 0, viewx, viewy, viewwidth, viewheight);
+ r_refdef.stats[r_stat_bloom_copypixels] += viewwidth * viewheight;
+ r_fb.ghosttexture_valid = true;
- if (r_fb.bloomtexture[0])
+ if (r_fb.bloomwidth)
// make the bloom texture
GL_Color(1, 1, 1, 1);
GL_BlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ZERO);
+ viewtexture = r_fb.rt_screen->colortexture[0];
+ bloomtexture = r_fb.rt_bloom ? r_fb.rt_bloom->colortexture[0] : NULL;
+ if (r_rendertarget_debug.integer >= 0)
+ {
+ r_rendertarget_t *rt = (r_rendertarget_t *)Mem_ExpandableArray_RecordAtIndex(&r_fb.rendertargets, r_rendertarget_debug.integer);
+ if (rt && rt->colortexture[0])
+ {
+ viewtexture = rt->colortexture[0];
+ bloomtexture = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ R_Mesh_PrepareVertices_Mesh_Arrays(4, r_screenvertex3f, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, r_fb.rt_screen->texcoord2f, bloomtexture ? r_fb.rt_bloom->texcoord2f : NULL);
- R_Mesh_PrepareVertices_Mesh_Arrays(4, r_screenvertex3f, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, r_fb.screentexcoord2f, r_fb.bloomtexcoord2f);
R_SetupShader_SetPermutationGLSL(SHADERMODE_POSTPROCESS, permutation);
- if (r_glsl_permutation->tex_Texture_First >= 0) R_Mesh_TexBind(r_glsl_permutation->tex_Texture_First , r_fb.colortexture);
- if (r_glsl_permutation->tex_Texture_Second >= 0) R_Mesh_TexBind(r_glsl_permutation->tex_Texture_Second , r_fb.bloomtexture[r_fb.bloomindex]);
+ if (r_glsl_permutation->tex_Texture_First >= 0) R_Mesh_TexBind(r_glsl_permutation->tex_Texture_First , viewtexture);
+ if (r_glsl_permutation->tex_Texture_Second >= 0) R_Mesh_TexBind(r_glsl_permutation->tex_Texture_Second , bloomtexture);
if (r_glsl_permutation->tex_Texture_GammaRamps >= 0) R_Mesh_TexBind(r_glsl_permutation->tex_Texture_GammaRamps, r_texture_gammaramps );
if (r_glsl_permutation->loc_ViewTintColor >= 0) qglUniform4f(r_glsl_permutation->loc_ViewTintColor , r_refdef.viewblend[0], r_refdef.viewblend[1], r_refdef.viewblend[2], r_refdef.viewblend[3]);
if (r_glsl_permutation->loc_PixelSize >= 0) qglUniform2f(r_glsl_permutation->loc_PixelSize , 1.0/r_fb.screentexturewidth, 1.0/r_fb.screentextureheight);
- // D3D has upside down Y coords, the easiest way to flip this is to flip the screen vertices rather than the texcoords, so we just use a different array for that...
- R_Mesh_PrepareVertices_Mesh_Arrays(4, r_d3dscreenvertex3f, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, r_fb.screentexcoord2f, r_fb.bloomtexcoord2f);
R_SetupShader_SetPermutationHLSL(SHADERMODE_POSTPROCESS, permutation);
- R_Mesh_TexBind(GL20TU_FIRST , r_fb.colortexture);
- R_Mesh_TexBind(GL20TU_SECOND , r_fb.bloomtexture[r_fb.bloomindex]);
+ R_Mesh_TexBind(GL20TU_FIRST , viewtexture);
+ R_Mesh_TexBind(GL20TU_SECOND , bloomtexture);
R_Mesh_TexBind(GL20TU_GAMMARAMPS, r_texture_gammaramps );
hlslPSSetParameter4f(D3DPSREGISTER_ViewTintColor , r_refdef.viewblend[0], r_refdef.viewblend[1], r_refdef.viewblend[2], r_refdef.viewblend[3]);
hlslPSSetParameter2f(D3DPSREGISTER_PixelSize , 1.0/r_fb.screentexturewidth, 1.0/r_fb.screentextureheight);
Con_DPrintf("FIXME D3D11 %s:%i %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
- R_Mesh_PrepareVertices_Mesh_Arrays(4, r_screenvertex3f, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, r_fb.screentexcoord2f, r_fb.bloomtexcoord2f);
R_SetupShader_SetPermutationSoft(SHADERMODE_POSTPROCESS, permutation);
- R_Mesh_TexBind(GL20TU_FIRST , r_fb.colortexture);
- R_Mesh_TexBind(GL20TU_SECOND , r_fb.bloomtexture[r_fb.bloomindex]);
+ R_Mesh_TexBind(GL20TU_FIRST , viewtexture);
+ R_Mesh_TexBind(GL20TU_SECOND , bloomtexture);
R_Mesh_TexBind(GL20TU_GAMMARAMPS, r_texture_gammaramps );
DPSOFTRAST_Uniform4f(DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_ViewTintColor , r_refdef.viewblend[0], r_refdef.viewblend[1], r_refdef.viewblend[2], r_refdef.viewblend[3]);
DPSOFTRAST_Uniform2f(DPSOFTRAST_UNIFORM_PixelSize , 1.0/r_fb.screentexturewidth, 1.0/r_fb.screentextureheight);
r_fb.water.enabled = false;
r_fb.water.numwaterplanes = 0;
- R_RenderScene(fbo, depthtexture, colortexture, x, y, width, height);
+ R_RenderScene(0, NULL, NULL, r_refdef.view.x, r_refdef.view.y, r_refdef.view.width, r_refdef.view.height);
r_refdef.view.matrix = originalmatrix;
- // this will set up r_fb.fbo
+ // this will set up r_fb.rt_screen
// apply bloom brightness offset
- if(r_fb.bloomtexture[0])
+ if(r_fb.rt_bloom)
r_refdef.view.colorscale *= r_bloom_scenebrightness.value;
// R_Bloom_StartFrame probably set up an fbo for us to render into, it will be rendered to the window later in R_BlendView
- if (r_fb.fbo)
+ if (r_fb.rt_screen)
- viewfbo = r_fb.fbo;
- viewdepthtexture = r_fb.depthtexture;
- viewcolortexture = r_fb.colortexture;
+ viewfbo = r_fb.rt_screen->fbo;
+ viewdepthtexture = r_fb.rt_screen->depthtexture;
+ viewcolortexture = r_fb.rt_screen->colortexture[0];
viewx = 0;
viewy = 0;
viewwidth = width;
// clear the whole fbo every frame - otherwise the driver will consider
// it to be an inter-frame texture and stall in multi-gpu configurations
- if (viewfbo)
+ if (r_fb.rt_screen)
if (r_timereport_active)
// for the actual view render we use scissoring a fair amount, so scissor
// test needs to be on
- if (viewfbo)
+ if (r_fb.rt_screen)
GL_Scissor(viewx, viewy, viewwidth, viewheight);
R_RenderScene(viewfbo, viewdepthtexture, viewcolortexture, viewx, viewy, viewwidth, viewheight);
// postprocess uses textures that are not aligned with the viewport we're rendering, so no scissoring
- // R_BlendView will render the viewfbo image into the provided fbo using
- // the postprocess shader (including gamma correction and sRGB)
R_BlendView(fbo, depthtexture, colortexture, x, y, width, height);
if (r_timereport_active)