c4_boardpos = pos;
c4_boardsize = mySize;
+ string allspecs = "";
+ float allspecs_width = 0;
+ float max_allspecs_width = c4_boardsize.x;
+ float max_current_spec_width = hud_fontsize.x * 5;
+ float allspecs_lines = 2;
drawpic(pos, minigame_texture("c4/board_over"), mySize, '1 1 1', 1, 0);
tile_size, '1 1 1'*icon_color, panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL );
+ if (allspecs_width >= 0 && e.classname == "minigame_player" && e.team == C4_SPECTATOR_TEAM)
+ {
+ string current_spec = ColorTranslateRGB(entcs_GetName(e.minigame_playerslot - 1));
+ current_spec = textShortenToWidth(current_spec, max_current_spec_width, hud_fontsize, stringwidth_colors);
+ if (allspecs != "")
+ current_spec = strcat(", ", current_spec);
+ else
+ current_spec = current_spec;
+ allspecs_width = stringwidth(allspecs, true, hud_fontsize);
+ float max_width = max_allspecs_width * allspecs_lines - max_current_spec_width;
+ if (allspecs_width + stringwidth(current_spec, true, hud_fontsize) < max_width)
+ allspecs = strcat(allspecs, current_spec);
+ else
+ {
+ // current_spec doesn't fit in the list
+ allspecs = strcat(allspecs, ", ...");
+ allspecs_width = -1; // skip remaining spectators
+ }
+ }
if ( active_minigame.minigame_flags & C4_TURN_WIN )
sprintf(_("%s^7 won the game!"), pname),
winfs, panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL, 0.5);
+ if (allspecs != "")
+ {
+ pos = c4_boardpos;
+ pos.y -= panel_bg_border + hud_fontsize.y * (1.25 + allspecs_lines + 0.5);
+ minigame_drawstring_wrapped(max_allspecs_width, pos, _("Spectators:"), hud_fontsize * 1.25, '0.85 0.47 0.42', panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL, 0);
+ pos.y += hud_fontsize.y * 1.25;
+ minigame_drawcolorcodedstring_wrapped(max_allspecs_width, pos, allspecs, hud_fontsize, panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL, 0);
+ }
entity e;
- string allspecs = "";
- float allspecs_width = 0;
- float max_allspecs_width = mySize.x * 1.7;
- float max_current_spec_width = hud_fontsize.x * 5;
- float allspecs_lines = 2;
if ( e.classname == "minigame_player" && e.team != C4_SPECTATOR_TEAM )
mypos_x += tile_size_x;
- if (allspecs_width >= 0 && e.classname == "minigame_player" && e.team == C4_SPECTATOR_TEAM)
- {
- string current_spec = ColorTranslateRGB(entcs_GetName(e.minigame_playerslot - 1));
- current_spec = textShortenToWidth(current_spec, max_current_spec_width, hud_fontsize, stringwidth_colors);
- if (allspecs != "")
- current_spec = strcat(", ", current_spec);
- else
- current_spec = current_spec;
- allspecs_width = stringwidth(allspecs, true, hud_fontsize);
- float max_width = max_allspecs_width * allspecs_lines - max_current_spec_width;
- if (allspecs_width + stringwidth(current_spec, true, hud_fontsize) < max_width)
- allspecs = strcat(allspecs, current_spec);
- else
- {
- // current_spec doesn't fit in the list
- allspecs = strcat(allspecs, ", ...");
- allspecs_width = -1; // skip remaining spectators
- }
- }
- }
- if (allspecs != "")
- {
- pos_y = pos_y * 0.3;
- pos_x = pos_x * 0.41;
- ts = minigame_drawstring_wrapped(max_allspecs_width, pos, _("Spectators:"), hud_fontsize * 1.25, '0.85 0.47 0.42', panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL, 0);
- pos.y += hud_fontsize.y * 1.25;
- ts = minigame_drawcolorcodedstring_wrapped(max_allspecs_width, pos, allspecs, hud_fontsize, panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL, 0);