seta crosshair_ring_nex_currentcharge_movingavg_rate 0.05
seta cl_reticle_stretch 0 "whether to stretch reticles so they fit the screen (brakes image proportions)"
-seta cl_reticle_item_nex 1 "draw aiming recticle for the nex weapon's zoom, 0 disables and values between 0 and 1 change alpha"
-seta cl_reticle_item_normal 1 "draw recticle when zooming with the zoom button, 0 disables and values between 0 and 1 change alpha"
+seta cl_reticle_item_nex 1 "draw aiming reticle for the nex weapon's zoom, 0 disables and values between 0 and 1 change alpha"
+seta cl_reticle_item_normal 1 "draw reticle when zooming with the zoom button, 0 disables and values between 0 and 1 change alpha"
fov 90
seta cl_velocityzoom 0 "velocity based zooming of fov, negative values zoom out"
seta cl_velocityzoomtime 0.3 "time value for averaging speed values"
seta sv_taunt 1 "allow taunts on the server"
seta sv_autotaunt 1 "allow autotaunts on the server"
seta cl_voice_directional 1 "0 = all voices are non-directional, 1 = all voices are directional, 2 = only taunts are directional"
-seta cl_voice_directional_taunt_attenuation 0.5 "this defines the distance from which taunts can be heared"
+seta cl_voice_directional_taunt_attenuation 0.5 "this defines the distance from which taunts can be heard"
// server settings
hostname "Xonotic $g_xonoticversion Server"
set bot_ai_bunnyhop_stopdistance 125 "Stop jumping after reaching this distance to the goal"
set bot_ai_bunnyhop_firstjumpdelay 0.2 "Start running to the goal only if it was seen for more than N seconds"
set bot_god 0 "god mode for bots"
-set bot_ai_navigation_jetpack 0 "Enable bots to navigat maps using the jetpack"
+set bot_ai_navigation_jetpack 0 "Enable bots to navigate maps using the jetpack"
set bot_ai_navigation_jetpack_mindistance 3500 "Bots will try fly to objects located farther than this distance"
// Better don't touch these, there are hard to tweak!
set bot_ai_aimskill_order_mix_1st 0.01 "Amount of the 1st filter output to apply to the aiming angle"