// e.g. Xonotic 1.5.1 RC1 will be 15101
set g_xonoticversion git "Xonotic version (formatted for humans)"
gameversion 100 // 0.1.0
gameversion_min 0 // git builds see all versions
gameversion_max 65535 // git builds see all versions
seta crosshair_fireball_color "0.2 1.0 0.2" "crosshair color to display when wielding the fireball"
seta crosshair_fireball_alpha 1 "crosshair alpha value to display when wielding the fireball"
seta crosshair_fireball_size 1 "crosshair size when wielding the fireball"
+seta crosshair_color_by_health 0 "if enabled, crosshair color will depend on current health"
// ring around crosshair, used for various purposes (such as indicating bullets left in clip, nex charge)
seta crosshair_ring_size 2 "bullet counter ring size for Rifle, velocity ring for Nex"
seta menu_skin "luminos"
set menu_slowmo 1
seta menu_sounds 0 "enables menu sound effects. 1 enables click sounds, 2 also enables hover sounds"
-set menu_picmip_bypass 0 "bypass texture quality enforcement based on system resources, not recommended and may cause crashes!"
r_textbrightness 0.2
r_textcontrast 0.8
if(wcross_wep != "" && autocvar_crosshair_color_per_weapon)
wcross_color = stov(cvar_string(strcat("crosshair_", wcross_wep, "_color")));
+ else if(autocvar_crosshair_color_by_health)
+ {
+ local float x = getstati(STAT_HEALTH);
+ //This part was shamelessly stolen from Nexuiz sources
+ //Do not want to put this into a function because it's used just in one place and is called too often
+ if(x > 200) {
+ wcross_color_x = 0;
+ wcross_color_y = 1;
+ wcross_color_z = 0;
+ }
+ else if(x > 150) {
+ wcross_color_x = 0.4 - (x-150)*0.02 * 0.4; //red value between 0.4 -> 0
+ wcross_color_y = 0.9 + (x-150)*0.02 * 0.1; // green value between 0.9 -> 1
+ wcross_color_z = 0;
+ }
+ else if(x > 100) {
+ wcross_color_x = 1 - (x-100)*0.02 * 0.6; //red value between 1 -> 0.4
+ wcross_color_y = 1 - (x-100)*0.02 * 0.1; // green value between 1 -> 0.9
+ wcross_color_z = 1 - (x-100)*0.02; // blue value between 1 -> 0
+ }
+ else if(x > 50) {
+ wcross_color_x = 1;
+ wcross_color_y = 1;
+ wcross_color_z = 0.2 + (x-50)*0.02 * 0.8; // blue value between 0.2 -> 1
+ }
+ else if(x > 20) {
+ wcross_color_x = 1;
+ wcross_color_y = (x-20)*90/27/100; // green value between 0 -> 1
+ wcross_color_z = (x-20)*90/27/100 * 0.2; // blue value between 0 -> 0.2
+ }
+ else {
+ wcross_color_x = 1;
+ wcross_color_y = 0;
+ wcross_color_z = 0;
+ }
+ }
wcross_color = stov(autocvar_crosshair_color);
float autocvar_vid_conwidth;
float autocvar_vid_pixelheight;
float autocvar_viewsize;
+float autocvar_crosshair_color_by_health;