// pro: matches model better
// contra: it's not red because blood is red, but because red is an alarming color, so red should stay
// maybe different reddish pics?
- if(autocvar_chase_active >= 0) // not while the event chase camera is active
+ if(autocvar_cl_gentle_damage || autocvar_cl_gentle)
- if(autocvar_cl_gentle_damage || autocvar_cl_gentle)
+ if(autocvar_cl_gentle_damage == 2)
- if(autocvar_cl_gentle_damage == 2)
+ if(myhealth_flash < pain_threshold) // only randomize when the flash is gone
- if(myhealth_flash < pain_threshold) // only randomize when the flash is gone
- {
- myhealth_gentlergb = eX * random() + eY * random() + eZ * random();
- }
+ myhealth_gentlergb = eX * random() + eY * random() + eZ * random();
- else
- myhealth_gentlergb = stov(autocvar_hud_damage_gentle_color);
- drawfill('0 0 0', eX * vid_conwidth + eY * vid_conheight, myhealth_gentlergb, autocvar_hud_damage_gentle_alpha_multiplier * bound(0, myhealth_flash_temp, 1) * autocvar_hud_damage, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- drawpic(splash_pos, "gfx/blood", splash_size, stov(autocvar_hud_damage_color), bound(0, myhealth_flash_temp, 1) * autocvar_hud_damage, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+ myhealth_gentlergb = stov(autocvar_hud_damage_gentle_color);
+ drawfill('0 0 0', eX * vid_conwidth + eY * vid_conheight, myhealth_gentlergb, autocvar_hud_damage_gentle_alpha_multiplier * bound(0, myhealth_flash_temp, 1) * autocvar_hud_damage, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+ else
+ drawpic(splash_pos, "gfx/blood", splash_size, stov(autocvar_hud_damage_color), bound(0, myhealth_flash_temp, 1) * autocvar_hud_damage, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
if(autocvar_hud_postprocessing) // we still need to set this anyway even when chase_active is set, this way it doesn't get stuck on.
if(cvar("r_glsl_postprocess_uservec2_enable") != e2) { cvar_set("r_glsl_postprocess_uservec2_enable", ftos(e2)); }
// blur postprocess handling done first (used by hud_damage and hud_contents)
- if((damage_blurpostprocess_x || content_blurpostprocess_x) && autocvar_chase_active >= 0) // not while the event chase camera is active
+ if((damage_blurpostprocess_x || content_blurpostprocess_x))
float blurradius = bound(0, damage_blurpostprocess_y + content_blurpostprocess_y, autocvar_hud_postprocessing_maxblurradius);
float bluralpha = bound(0, damage_blurpostprocess_z + content_blurpostprocess_z, autocvar_hud_postprocessing_maxbluralpha);
sharpen_intensity = bound(0, ((getstati(STAT_HEALTH) > 0) ? sharpen_intensity : 0), 5); // Check to see if player is alive (if not, set 0) - also bound to fade out starting at 5 seconds.
- if(autocvar_hud_powerup && sharpen_intensity > 0 && autocvar_chase_active >= 0) // not while the event chase camera is active
+ if(autocvar_hud_powerup && sharpen_intensity > 0)
if(sharpen_intensity != old_sharpen_intensity) // reduce cvar_set spam as much as possible