Reason: the function minstagib_items is intended to be called (and it's called I've verified) only on spawned items loading the map, never on dropped weapons.
If it wasn't so, that code would have spawned WRONGLY a nex instead of a minstanex (there is a typo).
The code that does correctly the job obviously exists and can be found in the function Item_GiveTo.
void minstagib_items (float itemid)
- // we don't want to replace dropped weapons ;)
- if (self.classname == "droppedweapon")
- {
- self.ammo_cells = 25;
- StartItem ("models/weapons/g_nex.md3",
- "weapons/weaponpickup.wav", 15, 0,
- "MinstaNex", 0, WEPBIT_MINSTANEX, FL_WEAPON, generic_pickupevalfunc, 1000);
- return;
- }
local float rnd;
self.classname = "minstagib";