self.beam_initialized = TRUE;
+ // WEAPONTODO: Detect player velocity so that the beam curves when moving too
+ // idea: blend together self.beam_dir with the inverted direction the player is moving in
+ // might have to make some special accomodation so that it only uses view_right and view_up
+ // note that if we do this, it'll always be corrected to a maximum angle by beam_maxangle handling
float segments;
if(self.beam_dir != w_shotdir)
beam.think = W_Arc_Beam_Think;
beam.owner = self;
beam.movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE;
- //beam.shot_spread = 1;
beam.bot_dodge = TRUE;
beam.bot_dodgerating = WEP_CVAR(arc, beam_damage);
beam.beam_bursting = bursting;