set help_msg_32 "The Devastator is powerful but slow. Keep Mouse1 pressed to guide the rockets. Secondary firemode makes the rocket(s) explode."
set help_msg_33 "The Arc is a strong lighting beam, which bends slighty if you move your mouse. The secondary firemode is very strong but short. Both firemodes also heal teammates if you shoot at them."
set help_msg_34 "By default, explosions go through walls. Be careful when hiding behind walls!"
-set help_msg_35 "Get on IRC to cht with fellow players. ^1#xonotic on ${help_prefix}is the most famous place."
+set help_msg_35 "Get on IRC to chat with fellow players. ^1#xonotic on ${help_prefix}is the most famous place."
set help_msg_36 "Don't drink and frag."
set help_msg_37 "Don't shoot at players who are typing/chatting. You recognize those players by the keyboard symbols above their head."
set help_msg_38 "'gg' is shorthand for 'Good Game', 'gl' means 'Good luck' and 'hf' 'Have fun'."