set g_balance_vore_swallow_stealprey 0.7 "probability of stealing someone's prey when eating them (when true their prey joins your stomach rather than popping out). 0 = never, 1 = always"\r
set g_balance_vore_swallow_dropweapon 0.6 "probability of dropping your weapon when swallowed. 0 = never and 1 = always, does not apply to team mates"\r
set g_balance_vore_swallow_punchangle 12 "your view gets tilted by this amount when swallowing someone"\r
+set g_balance_vore_regurgitate_damage 3 "Predators take this amount of damage whenever regurgitating someone (influenced by player scale difference)"\r
set g_balance_vore_regurgitate_speedcap 1200 "when a predator is going faster than this, their prey is squeezed out of them"\r
set g_balance_vore_regurgitate_swallowprogress 0.5 "regurgitated prey is given this amount of swallow progress, to simulate being more vulnerable (if slow swallowing is enabled)"\r
set g_balance_vore_regurgitate_force 600 "regurgitated players rocket out at this speed, in the direction the predator is facing"\r
float DEATH_TURRET = 10020;\r
float DEATH_QUIET = 10021;\r
float DEATH_DIGESTION = 10022;\r
-float DEATH_STOMACHKICK = 10023;\r
+float DEATH_REGURGITATION = 10023;\r
+float DEATH_STOMACHKICK = 10024;\r
float DEATH_SBMINIGUN = 10030;\r
float DEATH_SBROCKET = 10031;\r
bprint ("^1",s, "^1 burned to death\n");\r
else if (deathtype == DEATH_DIGESTION)\r
bprint ("^1",s, "^1 was digested\n");\r
+ else if (deathtype == DEATH_REGURGITATION)\r
+ bprint ("^1",s, "^1 regurgitated to death\n");\r
else if (deathtype == DEATH_STOMACHKICK)\r
bprint ("^1",s, "^1 was ripped apart from the inside\n");\r
else if (deathtype != DEATH_TEAMCHANGE && deathtype != DEATH_QUIET)\r
bprint ("^1",s, "^1 was burnt to death by ^1", a, "\n");\r
else if (deathtype == DEATH_DIGESTION)\r
bprint ("^1",s, "^1 was digested by ^1", a, "\n");\r
+ else if (deathtype == DEATH_REGURGITATION)\r
+ bprint ("^1",s, "^1 regurgitated to death due to ^1", a, "\n");\r
else if (deathtype == DEATH_STOMACHKICK)\r
bprint ("^1",s, "^1 was ripped apart from the inside by ^1", a, "\n");\r
else if (deathtype == DEATH_CUSTOM)\r
Vore_SwallowModel_Update(e, e.predator);\r
+ // apply regurgitation damage to the predator\r
+ if(cvar("g_balance_vore_regurgitate_damage"))\r
+ {\r
+ float regurgitate_dmg;\r
+ regurgitate_dmg = cvar("g_balance_vore_regurgitate_damage");\r
+ if(cvar("g_healthsize"))\r
+ regurgitate_dmg *= e.scale / e.predator.scale;\r
+ Damage(e.predator, e.predator, e.predator, regurgitate_dmg, DEATH_REGURGITATION, e.predator.origin, '0 0 0');\r
+ }\r
PlayerSound(e.predator, playersound_regurgitate, CHAN_VOICE, VOICETYPE_PLAYERSOUND);\r
setanim(e.predator, e.predator.anim_pain1, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE); // looks good for swallowing / regurgitating\r
pointparticles(particleeffectnum("regurgitate"), e.predator.origin, '0 0 0', 1);\r