#include "quakedef.h"
#include "lhnet.h"
-#define MASTER_PORT 27950
+#define QWMASTER_PORT 27000
+#define DPMASTER_PORT 27950
// note this defaults on for dedicated servers, off for listen servers
cvar_t sv_public = {0, "sv_public", "0", "advertises this server on the master server (so that players can find it in the server browser)"};
static cvar_t sv_heartbeatperiod = {CVAR_SAVE, "sv_heartbeatperiod", "120", "how often to send heartbeat in seconds (only used if sv_public is 1)"};
-// FIXME: resolve DNS on masters whenever their value changes and cache it (to avoid major delays in active servers when they heartbeat)
static cvar_t sv_masters [] =
{CVAR_SAVE, "sv_master1", "", "user-chosen master server 1"},
+static cvar_t sv_qwmasters [] =
+ {CVAR_SAVE, "sv_qwmaster1", "", "user-chosen qwmaster server 1"},
+ {CVAR_SAVE, "sv_qwmaster2", "", "user-chosen qwmaster server 2"},
+ {CVAR_SAVE, "sv_qwmaster3", "", "user-chosen qwmaster server 3"},
+ {CVAR_SAVE, "sv_qwmaster4", "", "user-chosen qwmaster server 4"},
+ {0, "sv_qwmasterextra1", "satan.idsoftware.com", "default qwmaster server 1 (admin: idSoftware)"},
+ {0, "sv_qwmasterextra2", "", "id Limbo (admin: id Software)"},
+ {0, "sv_qwmasterextra3", "", "id CTF (admin: id Software)"},
+ {0, "sv_qwmasterextra4", "", "id TeamFortress (admin: id Software)"},
+ {0, "sv_qwmasterextra5", "", "id Miscilaneous (admin: id Software)"},
+ {0, "sv_qwmasterextra6", "", "id Deathmatch Only (admin: id Software)"},
+ {0, "sv_qwmasterextra7", "", "Poland's master server. (admin: unknown)"},
+ {0, "sv_qwmasterextra8", "", "Ocrana master server. (admin: unknown)"},
+ {0, "sv_qwmasterextra9", "master.edome.net", "edome master server. (admin: unknown)"},
+ {0, "sv_qwmasterextra10", "qwmaster.barrysworld.com", "barrysworld master server. (admin: unknown)"},
+ {0, "sv_qwmasterextra11", "qwmaster.ocrana.de:27000", "Ocrana2 master server. (admin: unknown)"},
+ {0, "sv_qwmasterextra12", "", "unknown1 master server. (admin: unknown)"},
+ {0, "sv_qwmasterextra13", "", "unknown2 master server. (admin: unknown)"},
+ {0, "sv_qwmasterextra14", "", "unknown3 master server. (admin: unknown)"},
+ {0, "sv_qwmasterextra15", "", "unknown4 master server. (admin: unknown)"},
+ {0, "sv_qwmasterextra16", "", "unknown5 master server. (admin: unknown)"},
static double nextheartbeattime = 0;
sizebuf_t net_message;
length -= 18;
if (serverlist_consoleoutput)
- Con_Print("received server list...\n");
+ Con_Print("received DarkPlaces server list...\n");
while (length >= 7 && data[0] == '\\' && (data[1] != 0xFF || data[2] != 0xFF || data[3] != 0xFF || data[4] != 0xFF) && data[5] * 256 + data[6] != 0)
int n;
- dpsnprintf (ipstring, sizeof (ipstring), "%u.%u.%u.%u:%u", data[1], data[2], data[3], data[4], (data[5] << 8) | data[6]);
+ dpsnprintf (ipstring, sizeof (ipstring), "%u.%u.%u.%u:%u", data[1], data[2], data[3], data[4], data[5] * 256 + data[6]);
if (developer.integer)
- Con_Printf("Requesting info from server %s\n", ipstring);
+ Con_Printf("Requesting info from DarkPlaces server %s\n", ipstring);
// ignore the rest of the message if the serverlist is full
if( serverlist_cachecount == SERVERLIST_TOTALSIZE )
memset(&serverlist_cache[serverlist_cachecount], 0, sizeof(serverlist_cache[serverlist_cachecount]));
+ serverlist_cache[serverlist_cachecount].protocol = PROTOCOL_DARKPLACES7;
// store the data the engine cares about (address and ping)
strlcpy (serverlist_cache[serverlist_cachecount].info.cname, ipstring, sizeof (serverlist_cache[serverlist_cachecount].info.cname));
serverlist_cache[serverlist_cachecount].info.ping = 100000;
serverlist_querysleep = false;
return true;
+ if (!memcmp(string, "d\n", 2) && serverlist_cachecount < SERVERLIST_TOTALSIZE)
+ {
+ // Extract the IP addresses
+ data += 2;
+ length -= 2;
+ masterreplycount++;
+ if (serverlist_consoleoutput)
+ Con_Print("received QuakeWorld server list...\n");
+ while (length >= 6 && (data[0] != 0xFF || data[1] != 0xFF || data[2] != 0xFF || data[3] != 0xFF) && data[4] * 256 + data[5] != 0)
+ {
+ int n;
+ dpsnprintf (ipstring, sizeof (ipstring), "%u.%u.%u.%u:%u", data[0], data[1], data[2], data[3], data[4] * 256 + data[5]);
+ if (developer.integer)
+ Con_Printf("Requesting info from QuakeWorld server %s\n", ipstring);
+ // ignore the rest of the message if the serverlist is full
+ if( serverlist_cachecount == SERVERLIST_TOTALSIZE )
+ break;
+ // also ignore it if we have already queried it (other master server response)
+ for( n = 0 ; n < serverlist_cachecount ; n++ )
+ if( !strcmp( ipstring, serverlist_cache[ n ].info.cname ) )
+ break;
+ if( n >= serverlist_cachecount )
+ {
+ serverquerycount++;
+ memset(&serverlist_cache[serverlist_cachecount], 0, sizeof(serverlist_cache[serverlist_cachecount]));
+ serverlist_cache[serverlist_cachecount].protocol = PROTOCOL_QUAKEWORLD;
+ // store the data the engine cares about (address and ping)
+ strlcpy (serverlist_cache[serverlist_cachecount].info.cname, ipstring, sizeof (serverlist_cache[serverlist_cachecount].info.cname));
+ serverlist_cache[serverlist_cachecount].info.ping = 100000;
+ serverlist_cache[serverlist_cachecount].query = SQS_QUERYING;
+ ++serverlist_cachecount;
+ }
+ // move on to next address in packet
+ data += 6;
+ length -= 6;
+ }
+ // begin or resume serverlist queries
+ serverlist_querysleep = false;
+ return true;
+ }
if (!strncmp(string, "ping", 4))
NetConn_WriteString(mysocket, va("\377\377\377\377connect %i %i %i \"%s\"\n", 28, cls.qw_qport, atoi(string + 1), cls.userinfo), peeraddress);
return true;
+ if (length > 2 && !memcmp(string, "n\\", 2))
+ {
+ serverlist_info_t *info;
+ int n;
+ double pingtime;
+ // qw server status
+ Con_Printf("QW server status from server at %s:\n%s\n", addressstring2, string + 1);
+ string += 1;
+ // serverlist only uses text addresses
+ LHNETADDRESS_ToString(peeraddress, cname, sizeof(cname), true);
+ // search the cache for this server and update it
+ for( n = 0; n < serverlist_cachecount; n++ )
+ if( !strcmp( cname, serverlist_cache[n].info.cname ) )
+ break;
+ if( n == serverlist_cachecount ) {
+ // LAN search doesnt require an answer from the master server so we wont
+ // know the ping nor will it be initialized already...
+ // find a slot
+ if( serverlist_cachecount == SERVERLIST_TOTALSIZE )
+ return true;
+ memset(&serverlist_cache[serverlist_cachecount], 0, sizeof(serverlist_cache[serverlist_cachecount]));
+ // store the data the engine cares about (address and ping)
+ strlcpy (serverlist_cache[serverlist_cachecount].info.cname, cname, sizeof (serverlist_cache[serverlist_cachecount].info.cname));
+ serverlist_cache[serverlist_cachecount].info.ping = 100000;
+ serverlist_cache[serverlist_cachecount].querytime = realtime;
+ // if not in the slist menu we should print the server to console
+ if (serverlist_consoleoutput) {
+ Con_Printf("querying %s\n", ipstring);
+ }
+ ++serverlist_cachecount;
+ }
+ info = &serverlist_cache[n].info;
+ if ((s = SearchInfostring(string, "gamename" )) != NULL) strlcpy(info->game, s, sizeof (info->game));else info->game[0] = 0;
+ if ((s = SearchInfostring(string, "modname" )) != NULL) strlcpy(info->mod , s, sizeof (info->mod ));else info->mod[0] = 0;
+ if ((s = SearchInfostring(string, "mapname" )) != NULL) strlcpy(info->map , s, sizeof (info->map ));else info->map[0] = 0;
+ if ((s = SearchInfostring(string, "hostname" )) != NULL) strlcpy(info->name, s, sizeof (info->name));else info->name[0] = 0;
+ if ((s = SearchInfostring(string, "protocol" )) != NULL) info->protocol = atoi(s);else info->protocol = -1;
+ if ((s = SearchInfostring(string, "clients" )) != NULL) info->numplayers = atoi(s);else info->numplayers = 0;
+ if ((s = SearchInfostring(string, "sv_maxclients")) != NULL) info->maxplayers = atoi(s);else info->maxplayers = 0;
+ if (info->ping == 100000)
+ serverreplycount++;
+ pingtime = (int)((realtime - serverlist_cache[n].querytime) * 1000.0);
+ pingtime = bound(0, pingtime, 9999);
+ // update the ping
+ info->ping = pingtime;
+ // legacy/old stuff move it to the menu ASAP
+ // build description strings for the things users care about
+ dpsnprintf(serverlist_cache[n].line1, sizeof(serverlist_cache[n].line1), "%c%c%5d%c%c%c%3u/%3u %-65.65s", STRING_COLOR_TAG, pingtime >= 300 ? '1' : (pingtime >= 200 ? '3' : '7'), (int)pingtime, STRING_COLOR_TAG, STRING_COLOR_DEFAULT + '0', info->protocol != NET_PROTOCOL_VERSION ? '*' : ' ', info->numplayers, info->maxplayers, info->name);
+ dpsnprintf(serverlist_cache[n].line2, sizeof(serverlist_cache[n].line2), "%-21.21s %-19.19s %-17.17s %-20.20s", info->cname, info->game, info->mod, info->map);
+ if( serverlist_cache[n].query == SQS_QUERIED ) {
+ ServerList_ViewList_Remove( &serverlist_cache[n] );
+ }
+ // if not in the slist menu we should print the server to console (if wanted)
+ else if( serverlist_consoleoutput )
+ Con_Printf("%s\n%s\n", serverlist_cache[n].line1, serverlist_cache[n].line2);
+ // and finally, update the view set
+ ServerList_ViewList_Insert( &serverlist_cache[n] );
+ serverlist_cache[n].query = SQS_QUERIED;
+ return true;
+ }
if (string[0] == 'n')
// qw print command
- Con_Printf("QW print command from server at %s:\n", addressstring2, string + 1);
+ Con_Printf("QW print command from server at %s:\n%s\n", addressstring2, string + 1);
// we may not have liked the packet, but it was a command packet, so
// we're done processing this packet now
int socket;
LHNETADDRESS_FromString(&address, entry->info.cname, 0);
- for (socket = 0; socket < cl_numsockets ; socket++) {
- NetConn_WriteString(cl_sockets[socket], "\377\377\377\377getinfo", &address);
+ if (entry->protocol == PROTOCOL_QUAKEWORLD)
+ {
+ for (socket = 0; socket < cl_numsockets ; socket++)
+ NetConn_WriteString(cl_sockets[socket], "\377\377\377\377status\n", &address);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (socket = 0; socket < cl_numsockets ; socket++)
+ NetConn_WriteString(cl_sockets[socket], "\377\377\377\377getinfo", &address);
entry->querytime = realtime;
// search LAN for DarkPlaces servers
NetConn_WriteString(cl_sockets[i], "\377\377\377\377getinfo", &broadcastaddress);
- // build the getservers message to send to the master servers
+ // build the getservers message to send to the dpmaster master servers
dpsnprintf(request, sizeof(request), "\377\377\377\377getservers %s %u empty full\x0A", gamename, NET_PROTOCOL_VERSION);
// search internet
for (masternum = 0;sv_masters[masternum].name;masternum++)
- if (sv_masters[masternum].string && LHNETADDRESS_FromString(&masteraddress, sv_masters[masternum].string, MASTER_PORT) && LHNETADDRESS_GetAddressType(&masteraddress) == LHNETADDRESS_GetAddressType(LHNET_AddressFromSocket(cl_sockets[i])))
+ if (sv_masters[masternum].string && LHNETADDRESS_FromString(&masteraddress, sv_masters[masternum].string, DPMASTER_PORT) && LHNETADDRESS_GetAddressType(&masteraddress) == LHNETADDRESS_GetAddressType(LHNET_AddressFromSocket(cl_sockets[i])))
NetConn_WriteString(cl_sockets[i], request, &masteraddress);
+ // build the getservers message to send to the qwmaster master servers
+ // note this has no -1 prefix, and the trailing nul byte is sent
+ dpsnprintf(request, sizeof(request), "c\n");
+ // search internet
+ for (masternum = 0;sv_qwmasters[masternum].name;masternum++)
+ {
+ if (sv_qwmasters[masternum].string && LHNETADDRESS_FromString(&masteraddress, sv_qwmasters[masternum].string, QWMASTER_PORT) && LHNETADDRESS_GetAddressType(&masteraddress) == LHNETADDRESS_GetAddressType(LHNET_AddressFromSocket(cl_sockets[i])))
+ {
+ masterquerycount++;
+ NetConn_Write(cl_sockets[i], request, 7, &masteraddress);
+ }
+ }
if (!masterquerycount)
nextheartbeattime = realtime + sv_heartbeatperiod.value;
for (masternum = 0;sv_masters[masternum].name;masternum++)
- if (sv_masters[masternum].string && LHNETADDRESS_FromString(&masteraddress, sv_masters[masternum].string, MASTER_PORT) && (mysocket = NetConn_ChooseServerSocketForAddress(&masteraddress)))
+ if (sv_masters[masternum].string && LHNETADDRESS_FromString(&masteraddress, sv_masters[masternum].string, DPMASTER_PORT) && (mysocket = NetConn_ChooseServerSocketForAddress(&masteraddress)))
NetConn_WriteString(mysocket, "\377\377\377\377heartbeat DarkPlaces\x0A", &masteraddress);