#include <server/weapons/weaponsystem.qh>
#include <server/world.qh>
- Wazat's Xonotic Grappling Hook
- Contact: Wazat1@gmail.com
-Installation instructions:
-1. Place hook.c in your gamec source directory with the other source files.
-2. Add this line to the bottom of progs.src:
-3. Open defs.h and add these lines to the very bottom:
-// Wazat's grappling hook
-.entity hook;
-void GrapplingHookFrame();
-void RemoveGrapplingHook(entity pl);
-void SetGrappleHookBindings();
-// hook impulses
-const float GRAPHOOK_FIRE = 20;
-const float GRAPHOOK_RELEASE = 21;
-// (note: you can change the hook impulse #'s to whatever you please)
-4. Open client.c and add this to the top of PutClientInServer():
- RemoveGrapplingHook(this); // Wazat's Grappling Hook
-5. Find ClientConnect() (in client.c) and add these lines to the bottom:
- // Wazat's grappling hook
- SetGrappleHookBindings();
-6. Still in client.c, find PlayerPreThink and add this line just above the call to W_WeaponFrame:
- GrapplingHookFrame();
-7. Build and test the mod. You'll want to bind a key to "+hook" like this:
-bind ctrl "+hook"
-And you should be done!
void RemoveGrapplingHooks(entity pl)
if(pl.move_movetype == MOVETYPE_FLY)
set_movetype(pl, MOVETYPE_WALK);
for(int slot = 0; slot < MAX_WEAPONSLOTS; ++slot)
- {
- .entity weaponentity = weaponentities[slot];
- if(!pl.(weaponentity))
- continue; // continue incase other slots exist?
- if(pl.(weaponentity).hook)
- delete(pl.(weaponentity).hook);
- pl.(weaponentity).hook = NULL;
- }
+ {
+ .entity weaponentity = weaponentities[slot];
+ if(!pl.(weaponentity))
+ continue; // continue incase other slots exist?
+ if(pl.(weaponentity).hook)
+ delete(pl.(weaponentity).hook);
+ pl.(weaponentity).hook = NULL;
+ }
//pl.disableclientprediction = false;
void RemoveHook(entity this)
entity player = this.realowner;
- .entity weaponentity = this.weaponentity_fld;
+ .entity weaponentity = this.weaponentity_fld;
- if(player.(weaponentity).hook == this)
- player.(weaponentity).hook = NULL;
+ if(player.(weaponentity).hook == this)
+ player.(weaponentity).hook = NULL;
- if(player.move_movetype == MOVETYPE_FLY)
- set_movetype(player, MOVETYPE_WALK);
- delete(this);
+ if(player.move_movetype == MOVETYPE_FLY)
+ set_movetype(player, MOVETYPE_WALK);
+ delete(this);
void GrapplingHookReset(entity this)
void GrapplingHook_Stop(entity this)
Send_Effect(EFFECT_HOOK_IMPACT, this.origin, '0 0 0', 1);
this.state = 1;
setthink(this, GrapplingHookThink);
void GrapplingHookThink(entity this)
- float spd, dist, minlength, pullspeed, ropestretch, ropeairfriction, rubberforce, newlength, rubberforce_overstretch;
- vector dir, org, end, v0, dv, v, myorg, vs;
+ float spd, dist;
.entity weaponentity = this.weaponentity_fld;
if(this.realowner.(weaponentity).hook != this) // how did that happen?
this.nextthink = time;
int s = W_GunAlign(this.realowner.(weaponentity), STAT(GUNALIGN, this.realowner)) - 1;
- vs = hook_shotorigin[s];
- org = this.realowner.origin + this.realowner.view_ofs + v_forward * vs.x + v_right * -vs.y + v_up * vs.z;
- myorg = WarpZone_RefSys_TransformOrigin(this.realowner, this, org);
+ vector vs = hook_shotorigin[s];
+ vs = v_forward * vs.x + v_right * -vs.y + v_up * vs.z;
+ vector org = this.realowner.origin + this.realowner.view_ofs + vs;
+ vector myorg = WarpZone_RefSys_TransformOrigin(this.realowner, this, org);
if(this.hook_length < 0)
this.hook_length = vlen(myorg - this.origin);
if(this.state == 1)
- pullspeed = autocvar_g_balance_grapplehook_speed_pull;//2000;
+ float pullspeed = autocvar_g_balance_grapplehook_speed_pull;
// speed the rope is pulled with
- rubberforce = autocvar_g_balance_grapplehook_force_rubber;//2000;
+ float rubberforce = autocvar_g_balance_grapplehook_force_rubber;
// force the rope will use if it is stretched
- rubberforce_overstretch = autocvar_g_balance_grapplehook_force_rubber_overstretch;//1000;
+ float rubberforce_overstretch = autocvar_g_balance_grapplehook_force_rubber_overstretch;
// force the rope will use if it is stretched
- minlength = autocvar_g_balance_grapplehook_length_min;//100;
+ float minlength = autocvar_g_balance_grapplehook_length_min;
// minimal rope length
// if the rope goes below this length, it isn't pulled any more
- ropestretch = autocvar_g_balance_grapplehook_stretch;//400;
+ float ropestretch = autocvar_g_balance_grapplehook_stretch;
// if the rope is stretched by more than this amount, more rope is
// given to you again
- ropeairfriction = autocvar_g_balance_grapplehook_airfriction;//0.2
+ float ropeairfriction = autocvar_g_balance_grapplehook_airfriction;
// while hanging on the rope, this friction component will help you a
// bit to control the rope
bool frozen_pulling = (autocvar_g_grappling_hook_tarzan >= 2 && autocvar_g_balance_grapplehook_pull_frozen);
- dir = this.origin - myorg;
+ vector dir = this.origin - myorg;
dist = vlen(dir);
- dir = normalize(dir);
+ dir = (dist ? dir / dist : '0 0 0'); // same as dir = normalize(dir); but cheaper
+ vector v, v0;
v = v0 = WarpZone_RefSys_TransformVelocity(pull_entity, this, pull_entity.velocity);
// first pull the rope...
if(this.realowner.(weaponentity).hook_state & HOOK_PULLING)
- newlength = this.hook_length;
- newlength = max(newlength - pullspeed * frametime, minlength);
+ float newlength = max(this.hook_length - pullspeed * frametime, minlength);
if(newlength < dist - ropestretch) // overstretched?
if(this.realowner.(weaponentity).hook_state & HOOK_RELEASING)
- newlength = dist;
- this.hook_length = newlength;
+ this.hook_length = dist;
v = v * (1 - frametime * ropeairfriction);
v = v + frametime * dir * spd * rubberforce;
- dv = ((v - v0) * dir) * dir;
+ vector dv = ((v - v0) * dir) * dir;
if(tarzan >= 2)
if(this.aiment.move_movetype == MOVETYPE_WALK || this.aiment.classname == "nade")
- end = this.origin - dir*50;
+ vector end = this.origin - dir * 50;
dist = vlen(end - myorg);
if(dist < 200)
spd = dist * (pullspeed / 200);
spd = pullspeed;
if(spd < 50)
spd = 0;
- this.realowner.velocity = dir*spd;
+ this.realowner.velocity = dir * spd;
set_movetype(this.realowner, MOVETYPE_FLY);
if(actor.vehicle) return;
int s = W_GunAlign(actor.(weaponentity), STAT(GUNALIGN, actor)) - 1;
- vector vs = hook_shotorigin[s];
vector oldmovedir = actor.(weaponentity).movedir;
- actor.(weaponentity).movedir = vs;
+ actor.(weaponentity).movedir = hook_shotorigin[s];
W_SetupShot_ProjectileSize(actor, weaponentity, '-3 -3 -3', '3 3 3', true, 0, SND_HOOK_FIRE, CH_WEAPON_B, 0, WEP_HOOK.m_id);
W_MuzzleFlash(WEP_HOOK, actor, weaponentity, w_shotorg, '0 0 0');
actor.(weaponentity).movedir = oldmovedir;