-static void RSurf_Callback(void *data, void *junk)
- ((msurface_t *)data)->visframe = r_framecount;
static void R_SolidWorldNode (void)
if (r_viewleaf->contents != CONTENTS_SOLID)
mportal_t *p, *pstack[8192];
msurface_t *surf, **mark, **endmark;
mleaf_t *leaf;
- tinyplane_t plane;
// LordHavoc: portal-passage worldnode; follows portals leading
// outward from viewleaf, if a portal leads offscreen it is not
// followed, in indoor maps this can often cull a great deal of
mark = leaf->firstmarksurface;
endmark = mark + leaf->nummarksurfaces;
- if (r_ser.integer)
+ do
- do
+ surf = *mark++;
+ // make sure surfaces are only processed once
+ if (surf->worldnodeframe == r_framecount)
+ continue;
+ surf->worldnodeframe = r_framecount;
+ if (PlaneDist(r_origin, surf->plane) < surf->plane->dist)
- surf = *mark++;
- // make sure surfaces are only processed once
- if (surf->worldnodeframe == r_framecount)
- continue;
- surf->worldnodeframe = r_framecount;
- if (PlaneDist(r_origin, surf->plane) < surf->plane->dist)
- {
- if (surf->flags & SURF_PLANEBACK)
- {
- VectorNegate(surf->plane->normal, plane.normal);
- plane.dist = -surf->plane->dist;
- R_Clip_AddPolygon((float *)surf->poly_verts, surf->poly_numverts, sizeof(float[3]), (surf->flags & SURF_CLIPSOLID) != 0, RSurf_Callback, surf, NULL, &plane);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (!(surf->flags & SURF_PLANEBACK))
- R_Clip_AddPolygon((float *)surf->poly_verts, surf->poly_numverts, sizeof(float[3]), (surf->flags & SURF_CLIPSOLID) != 0, RSurf_Callback, surf, NULL, (tinyplane_t *)surf->plane);
- }
+ if (surf->flags & SURF_PLANEBACK)
+ surf->visframe = r_framecount;
- while (mark < endmark);
- }
- else
- {
- do
+ else
- surf = *mark++;
- // make sure surfaces are only processed once
- if (surf->worldnodeframe == r_framecount)
- continue;
- surf->worldnodeframe = r_framecount;
- if (PlaneDist(r_origin, surf->plane) < surf->plane->dist)
- {
- if (surf->flags & SURF_PLANEBACK)
- surf->visframe = r_framecount;
- }
- else
- {
- if (!(surf->flags & SURF_PLANEBACK))
- surf->visframe = r_framecount;
- }
+ if (!(surf->flags & SURF_PLANEBACK))
+ surf->visframe = r_framecount;
- while (mark < endmark);
+ while (mark < endmark);
// follow portals into other leafs
if (node->numsurfaces)
- if (r_ser.integer)
+ msurface_t *surf = cl.worldmodel->surfaces + node->firstsurface, *surfend = surf + node->numsurfaces;
+ if (PlaneDiff (r_origin, node->plane) < 0)
- msurface_t *surf = cl.worldmodel->surfaces + node->firstsurface, *surfend = surf + node->numsurfaces;
- tinyplane_t plane;
- if (PlaneDiff (r_origin, node->plane) < 0)
- {
- for (;surf < surfend;surf++)
- {
- if (surf->flags & SURF_PLANEBACK)
- {
- VectorNegate(surf->plane->normal, plane.normal);
- plane.dist = -surf->plane->dist;
- R_Clip_AddPolygon((float *)surf->poly_verts, surf->poly_numverts, sizeof(float[3]), surf->flags & SURF_CLIPSOLID, RSurf_Callback, surf, NULL, &plane);
- }
- }
- }
- else
+ for (;surf < surfend;surf++)
- for (;surf < surfend;surf++)
- {
- if (!(surf->flags & SURF_PLANEBACK))
- R_Clip_AddPolygon((float *)surf->poly_verts, surf->poly_numverts, sizeof(float[3]), surf->flags & SURF_CLIPSOLID, RSurf_Callback, surf, NULL, (tinyplane_t *)surf->plane);
- }
+ if (surf->flags & SURF_PLANEBACK)
+ surf->visframe = r_framecount;
- msurface_t *surf = cl.worldmodel->surfaces + node->firstsurface, *surfend = surf + node->numsurfaces;
- if (PlaneDiff (r_origin, node->plane) < 0)
+ for (;surf < surfend;surf++)
- for (;surf < surfend;surf++)
- {
- if (surf->flags & SURF_PLANEBACK)
- surf->visframe = r_framecount;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- for (;surf < surfend;surf++)
- {
- if (!(surf->flags & SURF_PLANEBACK))
- surf->visframe = r_framecount;
- }
+ if (!(surf->flags & SURF_PLANEBACK))
+ surf->visframe = r_framecount;
mportal_t *p, *pstack[8192];
msurface_t *surf, **mark, **endmark;
mleaf_t *leaf;
- tinyplane_t plane;
qbyte *worldvis;
worldvis = Mod_LeafPVS (r_viewleaf, cl.worldmodel);
mark = leaf->firstmarksurface;
endmark = mark + leaf->nummarksurfaces;
- if (r_ser.integer)
- {
- do
+ do
+ {
+ surf = *mark++;
+ // make sure surfaces are only processed once
+ if (surf->worldnodeframe == r_framecount)
+ continue;
+ surf->worldnodeframe = r_framecount;
+ if (PlaneDist(r_origin, surf->plane) < surf->plane->dist)
- surf = *mark++;
- // make sure surfaces are only processed once
- if (surf->worldnodeframe == r_framecount)
- continue;
- surf->worldnodeframe = r_framecount;
- if (PlaneDist(r_origin, surf->plane) < surf->plane->dist)
- {
- if (surf->flags & SURF_PLANEBACK)
- {
- VectorNegate(surf->plane->normal, plane.normal);
- plane.dist = -surf->plane->dist;
- R_Clip_AddPolygon((float *)surf->poly_verts, surf->poly_numverts, sizeof(float[3]), (surf->flags & SURF_CLIPSOLID) != 0, RSurf_Callback, surf, NULL, &plane);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (!(surf->flags & SURF_PLANEBACK))
- R_Clip_AddPolygon((float *)surf->poly_verts, surf->poly_numverts, sizeof(float[3]), (surf->flags & SURF_CLIPSOLID) != 0, RSurf_Callback, surf, NULL, (tinyplane_t *)surf->plane);
- }
+ if (surf->flags & SURF_PLANEBACK)
+ surf->visframe = r_framecount;
- while (mark < endmark);
- }
- else
- {
- do
+ else
- surf = *mark++;
- // make sure surfaces are only processed once
- if (surf->worldnodeframe == r_framecount)
- continue;
- surf->worldnodeframe = r_framecount;
- if (PlaneDist(r_origin, surf->plane) < surf->plane->dist)
- {
- if (surf->flags & SURF_PLANEBACK)
- surf->visframe = r_framecount;
- }
- else
- {
- if (!(surf->flags & SURF_PLANEBACK))
- surf->visframe = r_framecount;
- }
+ if (!(surf->flags & SURF_PLANEBACK))
+ surf->visframe = r_framecount;
- while (mark < endmark);
+ while (mark < endmark);
// follow portals into other leafs
+++ /dev/null
-#include "quakedef.h"
-typedef struct clipsurf_s
- struct clipsurf_s *next, *prev;
- int state;
- int visible;
- int solid;
- int removed;
- void (*callback)(void *nativedata, void *nativedata2);
- void *nativedata;
- void *nativedata2;
- float wstepx, wstepy, w00;
- // wcurrent is a cached copy of w00 + wstepy * y,
- // updated each time the surface is added to the stack,
- // for quicker comparisons.
- float wcurrent;
-typedef struct clipedge_s
- float x, realx, realxstep;
- struct clipedge_s *next, *prev, *nextremove;
- clipsurf_t *psurf;
- int leading;
- int pad;
-clipsurf_t *pavailsurf, *clipsurfs, *clipsurfsend;
-clipedge_t *pavailedge, *clipedges, *clipedgesend, *newedges, **removeedges;
-clipsurf_t surfstack;
-clipedge_t edgehead, edgetail;
-clipedge_t maxedge = {2000000000.0f};
-cvar_t r_clipwidth = {0, "r_clipwidth", "800"};
-cvar_t r_clipheight = {0, "r_clipheight", "600"};
-cvar_t r_clipedges = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_clipedges", "32768"};
-cvar_t r_clipsurfaces = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_clipsurfaces", "8192"};
-int clipwidth = 0, clipheight = 0;
-int maxclipsurfs = 0, maxclipedges = 0;
-int needededges, neededsurfs;
-typedef struct
- float w; // inverse depth (1/z)
-clippixel_t *clipbuffer;
-float r_clip_viewmatrix[3][3], r_clip_viewmulx, r_clip_viewmuly, r_clip_viewcenterx, r_clip_viewcentery;
-tinyplane_t r_clip_viewplane[5];
-mempool_t *r_clip_mempool;
-void R_Clip_MakeViewMatrix(void)
- float pixelaspect, screenaspect, horizontalfieldofview, verticalfieldofview;
- pixelaspect = (float) clipheight / (float) clipwidth * 320 / 240.0;
- horizontalfieldofview = 2.0 * tan (r_refdef.fov_x/360*M_PI);
- screenaspect = clipwidth * pixelaspect / clipheight;
- verticalfieldofview = horizontalfieldofview / screenaspect;
- r_clip_viewcenterx = clipwidth * 0.5 - 0.5;
- r_clip_viewcentery = clipheight * 0.5 - 0.5;
- r_clip_viewmulx = clipwidth / horizontalfieldofview;
- r_clip_viewmuly = r_clip_viewmulx * pixelaspect;
- // this constructs a transposed rotation matrix for the view (transposed matrices do the opposite of their normal behavior)
- VectorCopy (vright, r_clip_viewmatrix[0]);
- VectorNegate (vup, r_clip_viewmatrix[1]);
- VectorCopy (vpn, r_clip_viewmatrix[2]);
- VectorCopy (vpn, r_clip_viewplane[0].normal);
- r_clip_viewplane[0].dist = DotProduct(r_origin, vpn);
- memcpy(&r_clip_viewplane[1], &frustum[0], sizeof(tinyplane_t));
- memcpy(&r_clip_viewplane[2], &frustum[1], sizeof(tinyplane_t));
- memcpy(&r_clip_viewplane[3], &frustum[2], sizeof(tinyplane_t));
- memcpy(&r_clip_viewplane[4], &frustum[3], sizeof(tinyplane_t));
-void R_Clip_StartFrame(void)
- int i;
- int newwidth, newheight, newmaxedges, newmaxsurfs;
- newwidth = bound(80, r_clipwidth.integer, vid.realwidth * 2);
- newheight = bound(60, r_clipheight.integer, vid.realheight * 2);
- newmaxedges = bound(128, r_clipedges.integer, 262144);
- newmaxsurfs = bound(32, r_clipsurfaces.integer, 65536);
- if (newwidth != clipwidth || newheight != clipheight || maxclipedges != newmaxedges || maxclipsurfs != newmaxsurfs)
- {
- if (clipbuffer)
- Mem_Free(clipbuffer);
- if (clipedges)
- Mem_Free(clipedges);
- if (clipsurfs)
- Mem_Free(clipsurfs);
- if (newedges)
- Mem_Free(newedges);
- if (removeedges)
- Mem_Free(removeedges);
- clipwidth = newwidth;
- clipheight = newheight;
- maxclipedges = newmaxedges;
- maxclipsurfs = newmaxsurfs;
- clipbuffer = Mem_Alloc(r_clip_mempool, clipwidth * clipheight * sizeof(clippixel_t));
- clipedges = Mem_Alloc(r_clip_mempool, maxclipedges * sizeof(clipedge_t));
- clipsurfs = Mem_Alloc(r_clip_mempool, maxclipsurfs * sizeof(clipsurf_t));
- newedges = Mem_Alloc(r_clip_mempool, clipheight * sizeof(clipedge_t));
- removeedges = Mem_Alloc(r_clip_mempool, clipheight * sizeof(clipedge_t *));
- clipedgesend = clipedges + maxclipedges;
- clipsurfsend = clipsurfs + maxclipsurfs;
- }
- memset(clipbuffer, 0, clipwidth * clipheight * sizeof(clippixel_t));
- pavailedge = clipedges;
- pavailsurf = clipsurfs;
- // Clear the lists of edges to add and remove on each scan line.
- needededges = 0;
- neededsurfs = 0;
- for (i = 0;i < clipheight;i++)
- {
- newedges[i].next = &maxedge;
- removeedges[i] = NULL;
- }
- R_Clip_MakeViewMatrix();
-void ScanEdges (void);
-void R_Clip_EndFrame(void)
- ScanEdges();
- if (maxclipedges < needededges)
- {
- Con_Printf("R_Clip: ran out of edges, increasing limit from %d to %d\n", maxclipedges, needededges);
- Cvar_SetValue("r_clipedges", needededges);
- }
- if (maxclipsurfs < neededsurfs)
- {
- Con_Printf("R_Clip: ran out of surfaces, increasing limit from %d to %d\n", maxclipsurfs, neededsurfs);
- Cvar_SetValue("r_clipsurfaces", neededsurfs);
- }
-void r_clip_start(void)
- r_clip_mempool = Mem_AllocPool("R_Clip");
-void r_clip_shutdown(void)
- Mem_FreePool(&r_clip_mempool);
- clipbuffer = NULL;
- clipsurfs = NULL;
- clipedges = NULL;
- newedges = NULL;
- removeedges = NULL;
- clipwidth = -1;
- clipheight = -1;
-void r_clip_newmap(void)
-void R_Clip_Init(void)
- Cvar_RegisterVariable(&r_clipwidth);
- Cvar_RegisterVariable(&r_clipheight);
- Cvar_RegisterVariable(&r_clipedges);
- Cvar_RegisterVariable(&r_clipsurfaces);
- R_RegisterModule("R_Clip", r_clip_start, r_clip_shutdown, r_clip_newmap);
-int R_Clip_TriangleToPlane(vec3_t point1, vec3_t point2, vec3_t point3, tinyplane_t *p)
- float y, number;
- vec3_t v1, v2;
- VectorSubtract(point1, point2, v1);
- VectorSubtract(point3, point2, v2);
- CrossProduct(v1, v2, p->normal);
- number = DotProduct(p->normal, p->normal);
- if (number >= 0.1f)
- {
- *((int *)&y) = 0x5f3759df - ((* (int *) &number) >> 1);
- y = y * (1.5f - (number * 0.5f * y * y));
- VectorScale(p->normal, y, p->normal);
- p->dist = DotProduct(point1, p->normal);
- return true;
- }
- else
- return false;
-int R_Clip_ClipPolygonToPlane(float *in, float *out, int inpoints, int stride, tinyplane_t *plane)
- int i, outpoints, prevside, side;
- float *prevpoint, prevdist, dist, dot;
- // begin with the last point, then enter the loop with the first point as current
- prevpoint = (float *) ((qbyte *)in + stride * (inpoints - 1));
- prevdist = DotProduct(prevpoint, plane->normal) - plane->dist;
- prevside = prevdist >= 0 ? SIDE_FRONT : SIDE_BACK;
- i = 0;
- outpoints = 0;
- goto begin;
- for (;i < inpoints;i++)
- {
- prevpoint = in;
- prevdist = dist;
- prevside = side;
- (qbyte *)in += stride;
- dist = DotProduct(in, plane->normal) - plane->dist;
- side = dist >= 0 ? SIDE_FRONT : SIDE_BACK;
- if (prevside == SIDE_FRONT)
- {
- VectorCopy(prevpoint, out);
- out += 3;
- outpoints++;
- if (side == SIDE_FRONT)
- continue;
- }
- else if (side == SIDE_BACK)
- continue;
- // generate a split point
- dot = prevdist / (prevdist - dist);
- out[0] = prevpoint[0] + dot * (in[0] - prevpoint[0]);
- out[1] = prevpoint[1] + dot * (in[1] - prevpoint[1]);
- out[2] = prevpoint[2] + dot * (in[2] - prevpoint[2]);
- out += 3;
- outpoints++;
- }
- return outpoints;
-float tempverts[256][3];
-float tempverts2[256][3];
-float screenverts[256][3];
-// LordHavoc: this code is based primarily on the ddjzsort code
-// Clips polygon to view frustum and nearclip, transforms polygon to viewspace, perspective projects polygon to screenspace,
-// and adds polygon's edges to the global edge table.
-void R_Clip_AddPolygon (vec_t *points, int numverts, int stride, int solid, void (*callback)(void *nativedata, void *nativedata2), void *nativedata, void *nativedata2, tinyplane_t *polyplane)
- float deltax, deltay, vx, vy, vz, fx;
- int i, j, k, nextvert, temp, topy, bottomy, height, addededges;
- clipedge_t *pedge;
- tinyplane_t localplane;
- float distinv;
- if (polyplane == NULL)
- {
- polyplane = &localplane;
- // calculate the plane for the polygon
- if (!R_Clip_TriangleToPlane((float *) points, (float *) ((qbyte *)points + stride), (float *) ((qbyte *)points + 2 * stride), polyplane))
- {
- for (i = 0;i < numverts;i++)
- for (j = i + 1;j < numverts;j++)
- for (k = j + 1;k < numverts;k++)
- if (R_Clip_TriangleToPlane((float *) ((qbyte *)points + i * stride), (float *) ((qbyte *)points + j * stride), (float *) ((qbyte *)points + k * stride), polyplane))
- goto valid1;
- return; // gave up
- valid1:;
- }
- // caller hasn't checked if this polygon faces the view, so we have to check
- if (DotProduct(r_origin, polyplane->normal) < (polyplane->dist + 0.5f))
- return;
- }
- // for adaptive limits
- needededges += numverts;
- neededsurfs++;
- if (pavailsurf >= clipsurfsend)
- return;
- // clip to view frustum and nearclip
- if (numverts < 3) return;numverts = R_Clip_ClipPolygonToPlane(points , tempverts2[0], numverts, stride, &r_clip_viewplane[0]);
- if (numverts < 3) return;numverts = R_Clip_ClipPolygonToPlane(tempverts2[0], tempverts[0], numverts, sizeof(float) * 3, &r_clip_viewplane[1]);
- if (numverts < 3) return;numverts = R_Clip_ClipPolygonToPlane(tempverts[0], tempverts2[0], numverts, sizeof(float) * 3, &r_clip_viewplane[2]);
- if (numverts < 3) return;numverts = R_Clip_ClipPolygonToPlane(tempverts2[0], tempverts[0], numverts, sizeof(float) * 3, &r_clip_viewplane[3]);
- if (numverts < 3) return;numverts = R_Clip_ClipPolygonToPlane(tempverts[0], tempverts2[0], numverts, sizeof(float) * 3, &r_clip_viewplane[4]);
- if (numverts < 3)
- return;
- if (numverts > 256)
- Sys_Error("R_Clip_AddPolygon: polygon exceeded 256 vertex buffer\n");
- // it survived the clipping, transform to viewspace and project to screenspace
- if (pavailedge + numverts > clipedgesend)
- return;
- for (i = 0;i < numverts;i++)
- {
- vx = tempverts2[i][0] - r_origin[0];
- vy = tempverts2[i][1] - r_origin[1];
- vz = tempverts2[i][2] - r_origin[2];
- screenverts[i][2] = 1.0f / (r_clip_viewmatrix[2][0] * vx + r_clip_viewmatrix[2][1] * vy + r_clip_viewmatrix[2][2] * vz);
- screenverts[i][0] = (r_clip_viewmatrix[0][0] * vx + r_clip_viewmatrix[0][1] * vy + r_clip_viewmatrix[0][2] * vz) * r_clip_viewmulx * screenverts[i][2] + r_clip_viewcenterx;
- screenverts[i][1] = (r_clip_viewmatrix[1][0] * vx + r_clip_viewmatrix[1][1] * vy + r_clip_viewmatrix[1][2] * vz) * r_clip_viewmuly * screenverts[i][2] + r_clip_viewcentery;
- }
- // calculate the plane for the polygon
- if (!R_Clip_TriangleToPlane(screenverts[0], screenverts[1], screenverts[2], &localplane))
- {
- for (i = 0;i < numverts;i++)
- for (j = i + 1;j < numverts;j++)
- for (k = j + 1;k < numverts;k++)
- if (R_Clip_TriangleToPlane(screenverts[i], screenverts[j], screenverts[k], &localplane))
- goto valid;
- return; // gave up
- }
- // Set up the 1/z gradients from the polygon, calculating the
- // base value at screen coordinate 0,0 so we can use screen
- // coordinates directly when calculating 1/z from the gradients
- distinv = 1.0f / localplane.normal[2];
- pavailsurf->wstepx = -(localplane.normal[0] * distinv);
- pavailsurf->wstepy = -(localplane.normal[1] * distinv);
- pavailsurf->w00 = localplane.dist * distinv;
- addededges = false;
- // Add each edge in turn
- for (i = 0;i < numverts;i++)
- {
- nextvert = i + 1;
- if (nextvert >= numverts)
- nextvert = 0;
- topy = (int)ceil(screenverts[i][1]);
- bottomy = (int)ceil(screenverts[nextvert][1]);
- height = bottomy - topy;
- if (height == 0)
- continue; // doesn't cross any scan lines
- if (height < 0)
- {
- // Leading edge
- temp = topy;
- topy = bottomy;
- bottomy = temp;
- if (topy < 0)
- topy = 0;
- if (bottomy > clipheight)
- bottomy = clipheight;
- if (topy >= bottomy)
- continue;
- pavailedge->leading = 1;
- deltax = screenverts[i][0] - screenverts[nextvert][0];
- deltay = screenverts[i][1] - screenverts[nextvert][1];
- pavailedge->realxstep = deltax / deltay;
- pavailedge->realx = screenverts[nextvert][0] + ((float)topy - screenverts[nextvert][1]) * pavailedge->realxstep;
- }
- else
- {
- // Trailing edge
- if (topy < 0)
- topy = 0;
- if (bottomy > clipheight)
- bottomy = clipheight;
- if (topy >= bottomy)
- continue;
- pavailedge->leading = 0;
- deltax = screenverts[nextvert][0] - screenverts[i][0];
- deltay = screenverts[nextvert][1] - screenverts[i][1];
- pavailedge->realxstep = deltax / deltay;
- pavailedge->realx = screenverts[i][0] + ((float)topy - screenverts[i][1]) * pavailedge->realxstep;
- }
- // Put the edge on the list to be added on top scan
- fx = pavailedge->x = bound(0.0f, pavailedge->realx, clipwidth - 0.5f);
- pedge = &newedges[topy];
- while (fx > pedge->next->x)
- pedge = pedge->next;
- pavailedge->next = pedge->next;
- pedge->next = pavailedge;
- // Put the edge on the list to be removed after final scan
- pavailedge->nextremove = removeedges[bottomy - 1];
- removeedges[bottomy - 1] = pavailedge;
- // Associate the edge with the surface
- pavailedge->psurf = pavailsurf;
- pavailedge++;
- addededges = true;
- }
- if (!addededges)
- return;
- // Create the surface, so we'll know how to sort and draw from the edges
- pavailsurf->next = NULL;
- pavailsurf->prev = NULL;
- pavailsurf->state = 0;
- pavailsurf->visible = false;
- pavailsurf->callback = callback;
- pavailsurf->nativedata = nativedata;
- pavailsurf->nativedata2 = nativedata2;
- pavailsurf->solid = solid;
- pavailsurf->removed = false;
- pavailsurf++;
-// Scan all the edges in the global edge table into spans.
-void ScanEdges (void)
- int y, rescan;
- float fx, fy, w, w2, clipwidthf = clipwidth - 0.5f;
- clipedge_t *pedge, *pedge2, *ptemp;
- clipsurf_t *psurf, *psurf2;
- int x, x2;
- float zi;
- clippixel_t *cb;
- float cx;
- // Set up the active edge list as initially empty, containing
- // only the sentinels (which are also the background fill). Most
- // of these fields could be set up just once at start-up
- edgehead.next = &edgetail;
- edgehead.prev = NULL;
- edgehead.x = edgehead.realx = -0.9999f; // left edge of screen
- edgehead.realxstep = 0;
- edgehead.leading = 1;
- edgehead.psurf = &surfstack;
- edgetail.next = NULL; // mark end of list
- edgetail.prev = &edgehead;
- edgetail.x = edgetail.realx = clipwidth + 0.5f; // right edge of screen
- edgetail.realxstep = 0;
- edgetail.leading = 0;
- edgetail.psurf = &surfstack;
- // The background surface is the entire stack initially, and
- // is infinitely far away, so everything sorts in front of it.
- // This could be set just once at start-up
- surfstack.solid = true;
- surfstack.visible = true; // no callback
- surfstack.next = surfstack.prev = &surfstack;
- surfstack.wcurrent = surfstack.w00 = -999999.0;
- surfstack.wstepx = surfstack.wstepy = 0.0;
- surfstack.removed = false;
- // rescan causes the edges to be compared at the span level
- // it is false if the scanline will be identical to the previous
- rescan = true;
- for (y = 0;y < clipheight;y++)
- {
- fy = y;
- cb = clipbuffer + y * clipwidth;
- // Sort in any edges that start on this scan
- if (newedges[y].next != &maxedge)
- {
- rescan = true;
- pedge = newedges[y].next;
- pedge2 = &edgehead;
- while (pedge != &maxedge)
- {
- if (pedge->psurf->removed)
- {
- pedge = pedge->next;
- continue;
- }
- while (pedge->x > pedge2->next->x)
- pedge2 = pedge2->next;
- ptemp = pedge->next;
- pedge->next = pedge2->next;
- pedge->prev = pedge2;
- pedge2->next->prev = pedge;
- pedge2->next = pedge;
- pedge2 = pedge;
- pedge = ptemp;
- }
- }
- // Scan out the active edges into spans
- // Start out with the left background edge already inserted, and the surface stack containing only the background
- surfstack.state = 1;
- cx = 0;
- // must always rescan if rendering to wbuffer
-#ifndef CLIPTEST
-// if (rescan)
- {
- for (pedge = edgehead.next;pedge;pedge = pedge->next)
- {
- edgeremoved:
- psurf = pedge->psurf;
- if (psurf->removed)
- {
- pedge2 = pedge->next;
- pedge->prev->next = pedge->next;
- pedge->next->prev = pedge->prev;
- pedge->next = pedge->prev = pedge;
- pedge = pedge2;
- if (pedge)
- goto edgeremoved;
- else
- break;
- }
- if (pedge->leading)
- {
- // It's a leading edge. Figure out where it is
- // relative to the current surfaces and insert in
- // the surface stack; if it's on top, emit the span
- // for the current top.
- // First, make sure the edges don't cross
- if (++psurf->state == 1)
- {
- fx = pedge->x;
- // Calculate the surface's 1/z value at this pixel, and cache the y depth for quick compares later
- w = (psurf->wcurrent = psurf->w00 + psurf->wstepy * fy) + psurf->wstepx * fx;
- // See if that makes it a new top surface
- psurf2 = surfstack.next;
- w2 = psurf2->wcurrent + psurf2->wstepx * fx;
- if (w >= w2)
- {
- // It's a new top surface
- // emit the span for the current top
- if (fx > cx && !psurf2->visible)
- {
- psurf2->visible = true;
- psurf2->callback(psurf2->nativedata, psurf2->nativedata2);
- }
- for (x = ceil(cx), x2 = ceil(fx) >= clipwidth ? clipwidth : ceil(fx), zi = psurf2->wcurrent + psurf2->wstepx * x;x < x2;x++, zi += psurf2->wstepx)
- cb[x].w = zi;
- cx = fx;
- // Add the edge to the stack
- psurf->next = psurf2;
- psurf2->prev = psurf;
- surfstack.next = psurf;
- psurf->prev = &surfstack;
- }
- else
- {
- // Not a new top; sort into the surface stack.
- // Guaranteed to terminate due to sentinel background surface
- do
- {
- psurf2 = psurf2->next;
- w2 = psurf2->wcurrent + psurf2->wstepx * fx;
- }
- while (w < w2);
- // Insert the surface into the stack
- psurf->next = psurf2;
- psurf->prev = psurf2->prev;
- psurf2->prev->next = psurf;
- psurf2->prev = psurf;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // It's a trailing edge; if this was the top surface,
- // emit the span and remove it.
- // First, make sure the edges didn't cross
- if (--psurf->state == 0)
- {
- if (surfstack.next == psurf)
- {
- fx = pedge->x;
- // It's on top, emit the span
- if (fx > cx && !psurf->visible)
- {
- psurf->visible = true;
- psurf->callback(psurf->nativedata, psurf->nativedata2);
- }
- fx = pedge->x;
- for (x = ceil(cx), x2 = ceil(fx) >= clipwidth ? clipwidth : ceil(fx), zi = psurf->w00 + psurf->wstepx * x + psurf->wstepy * fy;x < x2;x++, zi += psurf->wstepx)
- cb[x].w = zi;
- cx = fx;
- }
- // Remove the surface from the stack
- psurf->next->prev = psurf->prev;
- psurf->prev->next = psurf->next;
- }
- }
- // mark and remove all non-solid surfaces that are ontop
- while (!surfstack.next->solid)
- {
- psurf = surfstack.next;
- if (!psurf->visible)
- {
- psurf->visible = true;
- psurf->callback(psurf->nativedata, psurf->nativedata2);
- }
- psurf->removed = true;
- psurf->next->prev = psurf->prev;
- psurf->prev->next = psurf->next;
- // isolate the surface
- psurf->next = psurf->prev = psurf;
- }
- }
- rescan = false;
- }
- // Remove edges that are done
- pedge = removeedges[y];
- if (pedge)
- {
- while (pedge)
- {
- if (!pedge->psurf->removed)
- {
- pedge->prev->next = pedge->next;
- pedge->next->prev = pedge->prev;
- if (pedge->psurf->visible)
- rescan = true;
- }
- pedge = pedge->nextremove;
- }
- }
- // Step the remaining edges one scan line, and re-sort
- for (pedge = edgehead.next;pedge != &edgetail;)
- {
- ptemp = pedge->next;
- if (pedge->psurf->removed)
- {
- pedge->next->prev = pedge->prev;
- pedge->prev->next = pedge->next;
- pedge->next = pedge->prev = pedge;
- pedge = ptemp;
- continue;
- }
- // Step the edge
- if (pedge->realxstep)
- {
- pedge->realx += pedge->realxstep;
- pedge->x = bound(0.0f, pedge->realx, clipwidthf);
- }
- fx = pedge->x;
- // Move the edge back to the proper sorted location, if necessary
- while (fx < pedge->prev->x)
- {
- if (!rescan && (pedge->psurf->solid || pedge->prev->psurf->solid))
- rescan = true;
- pedge2 = pedge->prev;
- pedge2->next = pedge->next;
- pedge->next->prev = pedge2;
- pedge2->prev->next = pedge;
- pedge->prev = pedge2->prev;
- pedge->next = pedge2;
- pedge2->prev = pedge;
- }
- pedge = ptemp;
- }
- }
-void R_Clip_DisplayBuffer(void)
-float boxpoints[4*3];
-#define R_Clip_MinsBoxPolygon(axis, axisvalue, x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, x3, y3, z3, x4, y4, z4, callback, nativedata, nativedata2, plane) \
- if (r_origin[(axis)] < ((axisvalue) - 0.5f))\
- {\
- (plane)->dist = -axisvalue;\
- boxpoints[ 0] = x1;boxpoints[ 1] = y1;boxpoints[ 2] = z1;\
- boxpoints[ 3] = x2;boxpoints[ 4] = y2;boxpoints[ 5] = z2;\
- boxpoints[ 6] = x3;boxpoints[ 7] = y3;boxpoints[ 8] = z3;\
- boxpoints[ 9] = x4;boxpoints[10] = y4;boxpoints[11] = z4;\
- R_Clip_AddPolygon (boxpoints, 4, sizeof(float[3]), false, callback, nativedata, nativedata2, plane);\
- }\
-#define R_Clip_MaxsBoxPolygon(axis, axisvalue, x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, x3, y3, z3, x4, y4, z4, callback, nativedata, nativedata2, plane) \
- if (r_origin[(axis)] > ((axisvalue) + 0.5f))\
- {\
- (plane)->dist = axisvalue;\
- boxpoints[ 0] = x1;boxpoints[ 1] = y1;boxpoints[ 2] = z1;\
- boxpoints[ 3] = x2;boxpoints[ 4] = y2;boxpoints[ 5] = z2;\
- boxpoints[ 6] = x3;boxpoints[ 7] = y3;boxpoints[ 8] = z3;\
- boxpoints[ 9] = x4;boxpoints[10] = y4;boxpoints[11] = z4;\
- R_Clip_AddPolygon (boxpoints, 4, sizeof(float[3]), false, callback, nativedata, nativedata2, plane);\
- }\
-tinyplane_t clipboxplane[6] =
- {{-1, 0, 0}, 0},
- {{ 1, 0, 0}, 0},
- {{ 0, -1, 0}, 0},
- {{ 0, 1, 0}, 0},
- {{ 0, 0, -1}, 0},
- {{ 0, 0, 1}, 0},
-void R_Clip_AddBox(float *a, float *b, void (*callback)(void *nativedata, void *nativedata2), void *nativedata, void *nativedata2)
- if (r_origin[0] >= (a[0] - 5.0f) && r_origin[0] < (b[0] + 5.0f)
- && r_origin[1] >= (a[1] - 5.0f) && r_origin[1] < (b[1] + 5.0f)
- && r_origin[2] >= (a[2] - 5.0f) && r_origin[2] < (b[2] + 5.0f))
- {
- callback(nativedata, nativedata2);
- return;
- }
- if (R_CullBox(a, b))
- return;
- R_Clip_MinsBoxPolygon
- (
- 0, a[0],
- a[0], a[1], a[2],
- a[0], b[1], a[2],
- a[0], b[1], b[2],
- a[0], a[1], b[2],
- callback, nativedata, nativedata2, &clipboxplane[0]
- );
- R_Clip_MaxsBoxPolygon
- (
- 0, b[0],
- b[0], b[1], a[2],
- b[0], a[1], a[2],
- b[0], a[1], b[2],
- b[0], b[1], b[2],
- callback, nativedata, nativedata2, &clipboxplane[1]
- );
- R_Clip_MinsBoxPolygon
- (
- 1, a[1],
- b[0], a[1], a[2],
- a[0], a[1], a[2],
- a[0], a[1], b[2],
- b[0], a[1], b[2],
- callback, nativedata, nativedata2, &clipboxplane[2]
- );
- R_Clip_MaxsBoxPolygon
- (
- 1, b[1],
- a[0], b[1], a[2],
- b[0], b[1], a[2],
- b[0], b[1], b[2],
- a[0], b[1], b[2],
- callback, nativedata, nativedata2, &clipboxplane[3]
- );
- R_Clip_MinsBoxPolygon
- (
- 2, a[2],
- a[0], a[1], a[2],
- b[0], a[1], a[2],
- b[0], b[1], a[2],
- a[0], b[1], a[2],
- callback, nativedata, nativedata2, &clipboxplane[4]
- );
- R_Clip_MaxsBoxPolygon
- (
- 2, b[2],
- b[0], a[1], b[2],
- a[0], a[1], b[2],
- a[0], b[1], b[2],
- b[0], b[1], b[2],
- callback, nativedata, nativedata2, &clipboxplane[5]
- );