#include "preferences.h"
#include "texwindow.h"
+typedef std::vector<DoubleVector3> doublevector_vector_t;
enum eHollowType
DoubleVector3 ExclusionAxis;
double &mindot;
double &maxdot;
+doublevector_vector_t &exclude_vec;
CaulkFace( DoubleVector3 ExclusionAxis,
double &mindot,
- double &maxdot ):
+ double &maxdot,
+ doublevector_vector_t &exclude_vec ):
ExclusionAxis( ExclusionAxis ),
mindot( mindot ),
- maxdot( maxdot ){}
+ maxdot( maxdot ),
+ exclude_vec( exclude_vec ){}
void operator()( Face& face ) const {
double dot = vector3_dot( face.getPlane().plane3().normal(), ExclusionAxis );
- if( dot == 0 || ( dot > mindot + 0.005 && dot < maxdot - 0.005 ) )
+ if( dot == 0 || ( dot > mindot + 0.005 && dot < maxdot - 0.005 ) ){
+ if( !exclude_vec.empty() ){
+ for ( doublevector_vector_t::const_iterator i = exclude_vec.begin(); i != exclude_vec.end(); ++i ){
+ if( ( *i ) == face.getPlane().plane3().normal() ){
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
face.SetShader( getCaulkShader() );
+ }
DoubleVector3 ExclusionAxis;
double &mindot;
double &maxdot;
+doublevector_vector_t &exclude_vec;
bool caulk;
bool RemoveInner;
DoubleVector3 ExclusionAxis,
double &mindot,
double &maxdot,
+ doublevector_vector_t &exclude_vec,
bool caulk,
bool RemoveInner )
: brush( brush ),
ExclusionAxis( ExclusionAxis ),
mindot( mindot ),
maxdot( maxdot ),
+ exclude_vec( exclude_vec ),
caulk( caulk ),
RemoveInner( RemoveInner ){
void operator()( Face& face ) const {
double dot = vector3_dot( face.getPlane().plane3().normal(), ExclusionAxis );
if( dot == 0 || ( dot > mindot + 0.005 && dot < maxdot - 0.005 ) ){
+ if( !exclude_vec.empty() ){
+ for ( doublevector_vector_t::const_iterator i = exclude_vec.begin(); i != exclude_vec.end(); ++i ){
+ if( ( *i ) == face.getPlane().plane3().normal() ){
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
if( HollowType == pull ){
if ( face.contributes() ) {
face.getPlane().offset( offset );
if( caulk ){
- Brush_forEachFace( *out.back(), CaulkFace( ExclusionAxis, mindot, maxdot ) );
+ Brush_forEachFace( *out.back(), CaulkFace( ExclusionAxis, mindot, maxdot, exclude_vec ) );
Face* newFace = out.back()->addFace( face );
if ( newFace != 0 ) {
DoubleVector3 ExclusionAxis;
double &mindot;
double &maxdot;
+doublevector_vector_t &exclude_vec;
-FaceOffset( float offset, DoubleVector3 ExclusionAxis, double &mindot, double &maxdot )
- : offset( offset ), ExclusionAxis( ExclusionAxis ), mindot( mindot ), maxdot( maxdot ){
+FaceOffset( float offset, DoubleVector3 ExclusionAxis, double &mindot, double &maxdot, doublevector_vector_t &exclude_vec )
+ : offset( offset ), ExclusionAxis( ExclusionAxis ), mindot( mindot ), maxdot( maxdot ), exclude_vec( exclude_vec ){
void operator()( Face& face ) const {
double dot = vector3_dot( face.getPlane().plane3().normal(), ExclusionAxis );
if( dot == 0 || ( dot > mindot + 0.005 && dot < maxdot - 0.005 ) ){
+ if( !exclude_vec.empty() ){
+ for ( doublevector_vector_t::const_iterator i = exclude_vec.begin(); i != exclude_vec.end(); ++i ){
+ if( ( *i ) == face.getPlane().plane3().normal() ){
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
face.getPlane().offset( offset );
+class FaceExcludeSelected
+doublevector_vector_t &outvec;
+FaceExcludeSelected( doublevector_vector_t &outvec ): outvec( outvec ){
+void operator()( FaceInstance& face ) const {
+ if( face.isSelected() ){
+ outvec.push_back( face.getFace().getPlane().plane3().normal() );
+ }
DoubleVector3 getExclusion();
bool getCaulk();
&& Instance_getSelectable( instance )->isSelected()
&& path.size() > 1 ) {
brush_vector_t out;
+ doublevector_vector_t exclude_vec;
double mindot = 0;
double maxdot = 0;
if( HollowType != room ){
Brush_forEachFace( *brush, FaceExclude( getExclusion(), mindot, maxdot ) );
+ if( mindot == 0 && maxdot == 0 ){
+ Brush_ForEachFaceInstance( *Instance_getBrush( instance ), FaceExcludeSelected( exclude_vec ) );
+ }
if( HollowType == room ){
Brush* tmpbrush = new Brush( *brush );
- Brush_forEachFace( *brush, FaceMakeBrush( *brush, out, offset, pull, DoubleVector3( 0, 0, 0 ), mindot, maxdot, true, true ) );
+ Brush_forEachFace( *brush, FaceMakeBrush( *brush, out, offset, pull, DoubleVector3( 0, 0, 0 ), mindot, maxdot, exclude_vec, true, true ) );
delete tmpbrush;
else if( HollowType == pull ){
if( !getRemoveInner() && getCaulk() ){
- Brush_forEachFace( *brush, CaulkFace( getExclusion(), mindot, maxdot ) );
+ Brush_forEachFace( *brush, CaulkFace( getExclusion(), mindot, maxdot, exclude_vec ) );
Brush* tmpbrush = new Brush( *brush );
- Brush_forEachFace( *tmpbrush, FaceMakeBrush( *tmpbrush, out, offset, HollowType, getExclusion(), mindot, maxdot, getCaulk(), getRemoveInner() ) );
+ Brush_forEachFace( *tmpbrush, FaceMakeBrush( *tmpbrush, out, offset, HollowType, getExclusion(), mindot, maxdot, exclude_vec, getCaulk(), getRemoveInner() ) );
delete tmpbrush;
else if( HollowType == diag ){
Brush* tmpbrush = new Brush( *brush );
- Brush_forEachFace( *tmpbrush, FaceOffset( offset, getExclusion(), mindot, maxdot ) );
+ Brush_forEachFace( *tmpbrush, FaceOffset( offset, getExclusion(), mindot, maxdot, exclude_vec ) );
- Brush_forEachFace( *tmpbrush, FaceMakeBrush( *brush, out, offset, HollowType, getExclusion(), mindot, maxdot, getCaulk(), getRemoveInner() ) );
+ Brush_forEachFace( *tmpbrush, FaceMakeBrush( *brush, out, offset, HollowType, getExclusion(), mindot, maxdot, exclude_vec, getCaulk(), getRemoveInner() ) );
delete tmpbrush;
if( !getRemoveInner() && getCaulk() ){
- Brush_forEachFace( *brush, CaulkFace( getExclusion(), mindot, maxdot ) );
+ Brush_forEachFace( *brush, CaulkFace( getExclusion(), mindot, maxdot, exclude_vec ) );
- Brush_forEachFace( *brush, FaceMakeBrush( *brush, out, offset, HollowType, getExclusion(), mindot, maxdot, getCaulk(), getRemoveInner() ) );
+ Brush_forEachFace( *brush, FaceMakeBrush( *brush, out, offset, HollowType, getExclusion(), mindot, maxdot, exclude_vec, getCaulk(), getRemoveInner() ) );
for ( brush_vector_t::const_iterator i = out.begin(); i != out.end(); ++i )
#include "gtkutil/dialog.h"
#include "gtkutil/button.h"
#include "gtkutil/accelerator.h"
+#include "xywindow.h"
+#include "camwindow.h"
struct CSGToolDialog
GtkSpinButton* spin;
GtkWindow *window;
- GtkToggleButton *radXYZ, *radX, *radY, *radZ, *caulk, *removeInner;
+ GtkToggleButton *radFaces, *radProj, *radCam, *caulk, *removeInner;
CSGToolDialog g_csgtool_dialog;
DoubleVector3 getExclusion(){
- if( gtk_toggle_button_get_active( g_csgtool_dialog.radX ) ){
- return DoubleVector3( 1, 0, 0 );
- }
- else if( gtk_toggle_button_get_active( g_csgtool_dialog.radY ) ){
- return DoubleVector3( 0, 1, 0 );
+ if( gtk_toggle_button_get_active( g_csgtool_dialog.radProj ) ){
+ if( GlobalXYWnd_getCurrentViewType() == YZ ){
+ return DoubleVector3( 1, 0, 0 );
+ }
+ else if( GlobalXYWnd_getCurrentViewType() == XZ ){
+ return DoubleVector3( 0, 1, 0 );
+ }
+ else if( GlobalXYWnd_getCurrentViewType() == XY ){
+ return DoubleVector3( 0, 0, 1 );
+ }
- else if( gtk_toggle_button_get_active( g_csgtool_dialog.radZ ) ){
- return DoubleVector3( 0, 0, 1 );
+ if( gtk_toggle_button_get_active( g_csgtool_dialog.radCam ) ){
+ Vector3 angles( Camera_getAngles( *g_pParentWnd->GetCamWnd() ) );
+// globalOutputStream() << angles << " angles\n";
+ DoubleVector3 radangles( degrees_to_radians( angles[0] ), degrees_to_radians( angles[1] ), degrees_to_radians( angles[2] ) );
+// globalOutputStream() << radangles << " radangles\n";
+// x = cos(yaw)*cos(pitch)
+// y = sin(yaw)*cos(pitch)
+// z = sin(pitch)
+ DoubleVector3 viewvector;
+ viewvector[0] = cos( radangles[1] ) * cos( radangles[0] );
+ viewvector[1] = sin( radangles[1] ) * cos( radangles[0] );
+ viewvector[2] = sin( radangles[0] );
+// globalOutputStream() << viewvector << " viewvector\n";
+ return viewvector;
return DoubleVector3( 0, 0, 0 );
void operator()( BrushInstance& brush ) const {
double mindot = 0;
double maxdot = 0;
+ doublevector_vector_t exclude_vec;
Brush_forEachFace( brush, FaceExclude( getExclusion(), mindot, maxdot ) );
- Brush_forEachFace( brush, FaceOffset( offset, getExclusion(), mindot, maxdot ) );
+ if( mindot == 0 && maxdot == 0 ){
+ Brush_ForEachFaceInstance( brush, FaceExcludeSelected( exclude_vec ) );
+ }
+ Brush_forEachFace( brush, FaceOffset( offset, getExclusion(), mindot, maxdot, exclude_vec ) );
//radio button group for choosing the exclude axis
- GtkWidget* radXYZ = gtk_radio_button_new_with_label( NULL, "XYZ" );
- GtkWidget* radX = gtk_radio_button_new_with_label_from_widget( GTK_RADIO_BUTTON(radXYZ), "-X" );
- GtkWidget* radY = gtk_radio_button_new_with_label_from_widget( GTK_RADIO_BUTTON(radXYZ), "-Y" );
- GtkWidget* radZ = gtk_radio_button_new_with_label_from_widget( GTK_RADIO_BUTTON(radXYZ), "-Z" );
- gtk_widget_show( radXYZ );
- gtk_widget_show( radX );
- gtk_widget_show( radY );
- gtk_widget_show( radZ );
- gtk_table_attach( table, radXYZ, 2, 3, 0, 1,
- (GtkAttachOptions) ( GTK_EXPAND | GTK_FILL ),
- (GtkAttachOptions) ( 0 ), 0, 0 );
- gtk_table_attach( table, radX, 3, 4, 0, 1,
+ GtkWidget* radFaces = gtk_radio_button_new_with_label( NULL, "-faces" );
+ gtk_widget_set_tooltip_text( radFaces, "Exclude selected faces" );
+ GtkWidget* radProj = gtk_radio_button_new_with_label_from_widget( GTK_RADIO_BUTTON(radFaces), "-proj" );
+ gtk_widget_set_tooltip_text( radProj, "Exclude faces, most orthogonal to active projection" );
+ GtkWidget* radCam = gtk_radio_button_new_with_label_from_widget( GTK_RADIO_BUTTON(radFaces), "-cam" );
+ gtk_widget_set_tooltip_text( radCam, "Exclude faces, most orthogonal to camera view" );
+ gtk_widget_show( radFaces );
+ gtk_widget_show( radProj );
+ gtk_widget_show( radCam );
+ gtk_table_attach( table, radFaces, 2, 3, 0, 1,
(GtkAttachOptions) ( GTK_EXPAND | GTK_FILL ),
(GtkAttachOptions) ( 0 ), 0, 0 );
- gtk_table_attach( table, radY, 4, 5, 0, 1,
+ gtk_table_attach( table, radProj, 3, 4, 0, 1,
(GtkAttachOptions) ( GTK_EXPAND | GTK_FILL ),
(GtkAttachOptions) ( 0 ), 0, 0 );
- gtk_table_attach( table, radZ, 5, 6, 0, 1,
+ gtk_table_attach( table, radCam, 4, 5, 0, 1,
(GtkAttachOptions) ( GTK_EXPAND | GTK_FILL ),
(GtkAttachOptions) ( 0 ), 0, 0 );
- g_csgtool_dialog.radXYZ = GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON( radXYZ );
- g_csgtool_dialog.radX = GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON( radX );
- g_csgtool_dialog.radY = GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON( radY );
- g_csgtool_dialog.radZ = GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON( radZ );
+ g_csgtool_dialog.radFaces = GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON( radFaces );
+ g_csgtool_dialog.radProj = GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON( radProj );
+ g_csgtool_dialog.radCam = GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON( radCam );
GtkWidget* button = gtk_toggle_button_new();
create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu_in_menu, "Rotate X", "RotateSelectionX" );
create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu_in_menu, "Rotate Y", "RotateSelectionY" );
create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu_in_menu, "Rotate Z", "RotateSelectionZ" );
+ menu_separator( menu_in_menu );
+ create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu_in_menu, "Rotate Clockwise", "RotateSelectionClockwise" );
+ create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu_in_menu, "Rotate Anticlockwise", "RotateSelectionAnticlockwise" );
GtkMenu* menu_in_menu = create_sub_menu_with_mnemonic( menu, "Flip" );
create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu_in_menu, "Flip _X", "MirrorSelectionX" );
create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu_in_menu, "Flip _Y", "MirrorSelectionY" );
create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu_in_menu, "Flip _Z", "MirrorSelectionZ" );
+ menu_separator( menu_in_menu );
+ create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu_in_menu, "Flip Horizontally", "MirrorSelectionHorizontally" );
+ create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu_in_menu, "Flip Vertically", "MirrorSelectionVertically" );
menu_separator( menu );
create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu, "Arbitrary rotation...", "ArbitraryRotation" );
void RotateFlip_constructToolbar( GtkToolbar* toolbar ){
- toolbar_append_button( toolbar, "x-axis Flip", "brush_flipx.png", "MirrorSelectionX" );
- toolbar_append_button( toolbar, "x-axis Rotate", "brush_rotatex.png", "RotateSelectionX" );
- toolbar_append_button( toolbar, "y-axis Flip", "brush_flipy.png", "MirrorSelectionY" );
- toolbar_append_button( toolbar, "y-axis Rotate", "brush_rotatey.png", "RotateSelectionY" );
- toolbar_append_button( toolbar, "z-axis Flip", "brush_flipz.png", "MirrorSelectionZ" );
- toolbar_append_button( toolbar, "z-axis Rotate", "brush_rotatez.png", "RotateSelectionZ" );
+// toolbar_append_button( toolbar, "x-axis Flip", "brush_flipx.png", "MirrorSelectionX" );
+// toolbar_append_button( toolbar, "x-axis Rotate", "brush_rotatex.png", "RotateSelectionX" );
+// toolbar_append_button( toolbar, "y-axis Flip", "brush_flipy.png", "MirrorSelectionY" );
+// toolbar_append_button( toolbar, "y-axis Rotate", "brush_rotatey.png", "RotateSelectionY" );
+// toolbar_append_button( toolbar, "z-axis Flip", "brush_flipz.png", "MirrorSelectionZ" );
+// toolbar_append_button( toolbar, "z-axis Rotate", "brush_rotatez.png", "RotateSelectionZ" );
+ toolbar_append_button( toolbar, "Flip Horizontally", "brush_flip_hor.png", "MirrorSelectionHorizontally" );
+ toolbar_append_button( toolbar, "Flip Vertically", "brush_flip_vert.png", "MirrorSelectionVertically" );
+ toolbar_append_button( toolbar, "Rotate Clockwise", "brush_rotate_clock.png", "RotateSelectionClockwise" );
+ toolbar_append_button( toolbar, "Rotate Anticlockwise", "brush_rotate_anti.png", "RotateSelectionAnticlockwise" );
void Select_constructToolbar( GtkToolbar* toolbar ){
ComponentModes_constructToolbar( toolbar );
gtk_toolbar_append_space( toolbar );
- if ( style == MainFrame::eRegular || style == MainFrame::eRegularLeft ) {
+ if ( style != MainFrame::eSplit ) {
XYWnd_constructToolbar( toolbar );
gtk_toolbar_append_space( toolbar );
// GlobalCommands_insert( "ShowHidden", FreeCaller<Select_ShowAllHidden>(), Accelerator( 'H', (GdkModifierType)GDK_SHIFT_MASK ) );
// GlobalCommands_insert( "HideSelected", FreeCaller<HideSelected>(), Accelerator( 'H' ) );
- Hide_registerCommands();
+ Select_registerCommands();
GlobalToggles_insert( "DragVertices", FreeCaller<SelectVertexMode>(), ToggleItem::AddCallbackCaller( g_vertexMode_button ), Accelerator( 'V' ) );
GlobalToggles_insert( "DragEdges", FreeCaller<SelectEdgeMode>(), ToggleItem::AddCallbackCaller( g_edgeMode_button ), Accelerator( 'E' ) );
GlobalToggles_insert( "DragFaces", FreeCaller<SelectFaceMode>(), ToggleItem::AddCallbackCaller( g_faceMode_button ), Accelerator( 'F' ) );
- GlobalCommands_insert( "MirrorSelectionX", FreeCaller<Selection_Flipx>() );
- GlobalCommands_insert( "RotateSelectionX", FreeCaller<Selection_Rotatex>() );
- GlobalCommands_insert( "MirrorSelectionY", FreeCaller<Selection_Flipy>() );
- GlobalCommands_insert( "RotateSelectionY", FreeCaller<Selection_Rotatey>() );
- GlobalCommands_insert( "MirrorSelectionZ", FreeCaller<Selection_Flipz>() );
- GlobalCommands_insert( "RotateSelectionZ", FreeCaller<Selection_Rotatez>() );
GlobalCommands_insert( "ArbitraryRotation", FreeCaller<DoRotateDlg>(), Accelerator( 'R', (GdkModifierType)GDK_SHIFT_MASK ) );
GlobalCommands_insert( "ArbitraryScale", FreeCaller<DoScaleDlg>(), Accelerator( 'S', (GdkModifierType)( GDK_SHIFT_MASK | GDK_CONTROL_MASK ) ) );