float checkfail[16];
-float rainbow_last_flicker;
-vector rainbow_prev_color;
+float unaccounted_damage = 0;
+void UpdateDamage()
+ // accumulate damage with each stat update
+ float unaccounted_damage_new = getstati(STAT_DAMAGE_DEALT_TOTAL);
+ static float damage_dealt_time_prev = 0;
+ float damage_dealt_time = getstatf(STAT_HIT_TIME);
+ if (damage_dealt_time != damage_dealt_time_prev)
+ {
+ unaccounted_damage += unaccounted_damage_new;
+ dprint("dmg total: ", ftos(unaccounted_damage), " (+", ftos(unaccounted_damage_new), ")", "\n");
+ }
+ damage_dealt_time_prev = damage_dealt_time;
+ // prevent hitsound when switching spectatee
+ static float spectatee_status_prev = 0;
+ if (spectatee_status != spectatee_status_prev)
+ unaccounted_damage = 0;
+ spectatee_status_prev = spectatee_status;
+void UpdateHitsound()
+ // varying sound pitch
+ static float hitsound_time_prev = 0;
+ if (COMPARE_INCREASING(time, hitsound_time_prev) > autocvar_cl_hitsound_antispam_time)
+ {
+ if (autocvar_cl_hitsound && unaccounted_damage)
+ {
+ // customizable gradient function that crosses (0,a), (c,1) and asymptotically approaches b
+ float a = autocvar_cl_hitsound_max_pitch;
+ float b = autocvar_cl_hitsound_min_pitch;
+ float c = autocvar_cl_hitsound_nom_damage;
+ float x = unaccounted_damage;
+ float pitch_shift = (b*x*(a-1) + a*c*(1-b)) / (x*(a-1) + c*(1-b));
+ // if sound variation is disabled, set pitch_shift to 1
+ if (autocvar_cl_hitsound == 1)
+ pitch_shift = 1;
+ // if pitch shift is reversed, mirror in (max-min)/2 + min
+ if (autocvar_cl_hitsound == 3)
+ {
+ float mirror_value = (a-b)/2 + b;
+ pitch_shift = mirror_value + (mirror_value - pitch_shift);
+ }
+ dprint("dmg total (dmg): ", ftos(unaccounted_damage), " , pitch shift: ", ftos(pitch_shift), "\n");
+ // todo: avoid very long and very short sounds from wave stretching using different sound files? seems unnecessary
+ // todo: normalize sound pressure levels? seems unnecessary
+ sound7(world, CH_INFO, "misc/hit.wav", VOL_BASE, ATTN_NONE, pitch_shift * 100, 0);
+ }
+ unaccounted_damage = 0;
+ hitsound_time_prev = time;
+ }
+ static float typehit_time_prev = 0;
+ float typehit_time = getstatf(STAT_TYPEHIT_TIME);
+ if (COMPARE_INCREASING(typehit_time, typehit_time_prev) > autocvar_cl_hitsound_antispam_time)
+ {
+ sound(world, CH_INFO, "misc/typehit.wav", VOL_BASE, ATTN_NONE);
+ typehit_time_prev = typehit_time;
+ }
+void UpdateCrosshair()
+ static float rainbow_last_flicker;
+ static vector rainbow_prev_color;
+ entity e = self;
+ float f, i, j;
+ vector v;
+ if(getstati(STAT_FROZEN))
+ drawfill('0 0 0', eX * vid_conwidth + eY * vid_conheight, ((getstatf(STAT_REVIVE_PROGRESS)) ? ('0.25 0.90 1' + ('1 0 0' * getstatf(STAT_REVIVE_PROGRESS)) + ('0 1 1' * getstatf(STAT_REVIVE_PROGRESS) * -1)) : '0.25 0.90 1'), autocvar_hud_colorflash_alpha, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE);
+ else if (getstatf(STAT_HEALING_ORB)>time)
+ drawfill('0 0 0', eX * vid_conwidth + eY * vid_conheight, Nade_Color(NADE_TYPE_HEAL), autocvar_hud_colorflash_alpha*getstatf(STAT_HEALING_ORB_ALPHA), DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE);
+ if(!intermission)
+ if(getstatf(STAT_NADE_TIMER) && autocvar_cl_nade_timer) // give nade top priority, as it's a matter of life and death
+ {
+ DrawCircleClippedPic(eX * 0.5 * vid_conwidth + eY * 0.6 * vid_conheight, 0.1 * vid_conheight, "gfx/crosshair_ring.tga", getstatf(STAT_NADE_TIMER), '0.25 0.90 1' + ('1 0 0' * getstatf(STAT_NADE_TIMER)) - ('0 1 1' * getstatf(STAT_NADE_TIMER)), autocvar_hud_colorflash_alpha, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE);
+ drawstring_aspect(eY * 0.64 * vid_conheight, ((autocvar_cl_nade_timer == 2) ? _("Nade timer") : ""), eX * vid_conwidth + eY * 0.025 * vid_conheight, '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+ }
+ else if(getstatf(STAT_REVIVE_PROGRESS))
+ {
+ DrawCircleClippedPic(eX * 0.5 * vid_conwidth + eY * 0.6 * vid_conheight, 0.1 * vid_conheight, "gfx/crosshair_ring.tga", getstatf(STAT_REVIVE_PROGRESS), '0.25 0.90 1', autocvar_hud_colorflash_alpha, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE);
+ drawstring_aspect(eY * 0.64 * vid_conheight, _("Revival progress"), eX * vid_conwidth + eY * 0.025 * vid_conheight, '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+ }
+ if(autocvar_r_letterbox == 0)
+ if(autocvar_viewsize < 120)
+ CSQC_common_hud();
+ // crosshair goes VERY LAST
+ if(!scoreboard_active && !camera_active && intermission != 2 && spectatee_status != -1 && hud == HUD_NORMAL)
+ {
+ if (!autocvar_crosshair_enabled) // main toggle for crosshair rendering
+ return;
+ string wcross_style;
+ float wcross_alpha, wcross_resolution;
+ wcross_style = autocvar_crosshair;
+ if (wcross_style == "0")
+ return;
+ wcross_resolution = autocvar_crosshair_size;
+ if (wcross_resolution == 0)
+ return;
+ wcross_alpha = autocvar_crosshair_alpha;
+ if (wcross_alpha == 0)
+ return;
+ // TrueAim check
+ float shottype;
+ // wcross_origin = '0.5 0 0' * vid_conwidth + '0 0.5 0' * vid_conheight;
+ wcross_origin = project_3d_to_2d(view_origin + MAX_SHOT_DISTANCE * view_forward);
+ wcross_origin_z = 0;
+ if(autocvar_crosshair_hittest)
+ {
+ vector wcross_oldorigin;
+ wcross_oldorigin = wcross_origin;
+ shottype = TrueAimCheck();
+ if(shottype == SHOTTYPE_HITWORLD)
+ {
+ v = wcross_origin - wcross_oldorigin;
+ v_x /= vid_conwidth;
+ v_y /= vid_conheight;
+ if(vlen(v) > 0.01)
+ }
+ if(!autocvar_crosshair_hittest_showimpact)
+ wcross_origin = wcross_oldorigin;
+ }
+ else
+ vector wcross_color = '0 0 0', wcross_size = '0 0 0';
+ string wcross_name = "";
+ float wcross_scale, wcross_blur;
+ if(autocvar_crosshair_per_weapon || (autocvar_crosshair_color_special == 1))
+ {
+ e = get_weaponinfo(switchingweapon);
+ if(e)
+ {
+ if(autocvar_crosshair_per_weapon)
+ {
+ // WEAPONTODO: access these through some general settings (with non-balance config settings)
+ //wcross_resolution *= cvar(strcat("crosshair_", wcross_wep, "_size"));
+ //if (wcross_resolution == 0)
+ //return;
+ //wcross_style = cvar_string(strcat("crosshair_", wcross_wep));
+ wcross_resolution *= e.w_crosshair_size;
+ wcross_name = e.w_crosshair;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(wcross_name == "")
+ wcross_name = strcat("gfx/crosshair", wcross_style);
+ switch(autocvar_crosshair_color_special)
+ {
+ case 1: // crosshair_color_per_weapon
+ {
+ if(e)
+ {
+ wcross_color = e.wpcolor;
+ break;
+ }
+ else { goto normalcolor; }
+ }
+ case 2: // crosshair_color_by_health
+ {
+ float x = getstati(STAT_HEALTH);
+ //x = red
+ //y = green
+ //z = blue
+ wcross_color_z = 0;
+ if(x > 200)
+ {
+ wcross_color_x = 0;
+ wcross_color_y = 1;
+ }
+ else if(x > 150)
+ {
+ wcross_color_x = 0.4 - (x-150)*0.02 * 0.4;
+ wcross_color_y = 0.9 + (x-150)*0.02 * 0.1;
+ }
+ else if(x > 100)
+ {
+ wcross_color_x = 1 - (x-100)*0.02 * 0.6;
+ wcross_color_y = 1 - (x-100)*0.02 * 0.1;
+ wcross_color_z = 1 - (x-100)*0.02;
+ }
+ else if(x > 50)
+ {
+ wcross_color_x = 1;
+ wcross_color_y = 1;
+ wcross_color_z = 0.2 + (x-50)*0.02 * 0.8;
+ }
+ else if(x > 20)
+ {
+ wcross_color_x = 1;
+ wcross_color_y = (x-20)*90/27/100;
+ wcross_color_z = (x-20)*90/27/100 * 0.2;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ wcross_color_x = 1;
+ wcross_color_y = 0;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case 3: // crosshair_color_rainbow
+ {
+ if(time >= rainbow_last_flicker)
+ {
+ rainbow_prev_color = randomvec() * autocvar_crosshair_color_special_rainbow_brightness;
+ rainbow_last_flicker = time + autocvar_crosshair_color_special_rainbow_delay;
+ }
+ wcross_color = rainbow_prev_color;
+ break;
+ }
+ :normalcolor
+ default: { wcross_color = stov(autocvar_crosshair_color); break; }
+ }
+ if(autocvar_crosshair_effect_scalefade)
+ {
+ wcross_scale = wcross_resolution;
+ wcross_resolution = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ wcross_scale = 1;
+ }
+ if(autocvar_crosshair_pickup)
+ {
+ float stat_pickup_time = getstatf(STAT_LAST_PICKUP);
+ if(pickup_crosshair_time < stat_pickup_time)
+ {
+ if(time - stat_pickup_time < MAX_TIME_DIFF) // don't trigger the animation if it's too old
+ pickup_crosshair_size = 1;
+ pickup_crosshair_time = stat_pickup_time;
+ }
+ if(pickup_crosshair_size > 0)
+ pickup_crosshair_size -= autocvar_crosshair_pickup_speed * frametime;
+ else
+ pickup_crosshair_size = 0;
+ wcross_scale += sin(pickup_crosshair_size) * autocvar_crosshair_pickup;
+ }
+ // todo: make crosshair hit indication dependent on damage dealt
+ if(autocvar_crosshair_hitindication)
+ {
+ vector hitindication_color = ((autocvar_crosshair_color_special == 1) ? stov(autocvar_crosshair_hitindication_per_weapon_color) : stov(autocvar_crosshair_hitindication_color));
+ if(unaccounted_damage)
+ {
+ hitindication_crosshair_size = 1;
+ }
+ if(hitindication_crosshair_size > 0)
+ hitindication_crosshair_size -= autocvar_crosshair_hitindication_speed * frametime;
+ else
+ hitindication_crosshair_size = 0;
+ wcross_scale += sin(hitindication_crosshair_size) * autocvar_crosshair_hitindication;
+ wcross_color_x += sin(hitindication_crosshair_size) * hitindication_color_x;
+ wcross_color_y += sin(hitindication_crosshair_size) * hitindication_color_y;
+ wcross_color_z += sin(hitindication_crosshair_size) * hitindication_color_z;
+ }
+ if(shottype == SHOTTYPE_HITENEMY)
+ wcross_scale *= autocvar_crosshair_hittest; // is not queried if hittest is 0
+ if(shottype == SHOTTYPE_HITTEAM)
+ wcross_scale /= autocvar_crosshair_hittest; // is not queried if hittest is 0
+ f = fabs(autocvar_crosshair_effect_time);
+ if(wcross_scale != wcross_scale_goal_prev || wcross_alpha != wcross_alpha_goal_prev || wcross_color != wcross_color_goal_prev)
+ {
+ wcross_changedonetime = time + f;
+ }
+ if(wcross_name != wcross_name_goal_prev || wcross_resolution != wcross_resolution_goal_prev)
+ {
+ wcross_name_changestarttime = time;
+ wcross_name_changedonetime = time + f;
+ if(wcross_name_goal_prev_prev)
+ strunzone(wcross_name_goal_prev_prev);
+ wcross_name_goal_prev_prev = wcross_name_goal_prev;
+ wcross_name_goal_prev = strzone(wcross_name);
+ wcross_name_alpha_goal_prev_prev = wcross_name_alpha_goal_prev;
+ wcross_resolution_goal_prev_prev = wcross_resolution_goal_prev;
+ wcross_resolution_goal_prev = wcross_resolution;
+ }
+ wcross_scale_goal_prev = wcross_scale;
+ wcross_alpha_goal_prev = wcross_alpha;
+ wcross_color_goal_prev = wcross_color;
+ if(shottype == SHOTTYPE_HITTEAM || (shottype == SHOTTYPE_HITOBSTRUCTION && autocvar_crosshair_hittest_blur && !autocvar_chase_active))
+ {
+ wcross_blur = 1;
+ wcross_alpha *= 0.75;
+ }
+ else
+ wcross_blur = 0;
+ // *_prev is at time-frametime
+ // * is at wcross_changedonetime+f
+ // what do we have at time?
+ if(time < wcross_changedonetime)
+ {
+ f = frametime / (wcross_changedonetime - time + frametime);
+ wcross_scale = f * wcross_scale + (1 - f) * wcross_scale_prev;
+ wcross_alpha = f * wcross_alpha + (1 - f) * wcross_alpha_prev;
+ wcross_color = f * wcross_color + (1 - f) * wcross_color_prev;
+ }
+ wcross_scale_prev = wcross_scale;
+ wcross_alpha_prev = wcross_alpha;
+ wcross_color_prev = wcross_color;
+ wcross_scale *= 1 - autocvar__menu_alpha;
+ wcross_alpha *= 1 - autocvar__menu_alpha;
+ wcross_size = draw_getimagesize(wcross_name) * wcross_scale;
+ if(wcross_scale >= 0.001 && wcross_alpha >= 0.001)
+ {
+ // crosshair rings for weapon stats
+ if (autocvar_crosshair_ring || autocvar_crosshair_ring_reload)
+ {
+ // declarations and stats
+ float ring_value = 0, ring_scale = 0, ring_alpha = 0, ring_inner_value = 0, ring_inner_alpha = 0;
+ string ring_image = string_null, ring_inner_image = string_null;
+ vector ring_rgb = '0 0 0', ring_inner_rgb = '0 0 0';
+ ring_scale = autocvar_crosshair_ring_size;
+ float weapon_clipload, weapon_clipsize;
+ weapon_clipload = getstati(STAT_WEAPON_CLIPLOAD);
+ weapon_clipsize = getstati(STAT_WEAPON_CLIPSIZE);
+ float ok_ammo_charge, ok_ammo_chargepool;
+ ok_ammo_charge = getstatf(STAT_OK_AMMO_CHARGE);
+ ok_ammo_chargepool = getstatf(STAT_OK_AMMO_CHARGEPOOl);
+ float vortex_charge, vortex_chargepool;
+ vortex_charge = getstatf(STAT_VORTEX_CHARGE);
+ vortex_chargepool = getstatf(STAT_VORTEX_CHARGEPOOL);
+ float arc_heat = getstatf(STAT_ARC_HEAT);
+ if(vortex_charge_movingavg == 0) // this should only happen if we have just loaded up the game
+ vortex_charge_movingavg = vortex_charge;
+ // handle the values
+ if (autocvar_crosshair_ring && activeweapon == WEP_VORTEX && vortex_charge && autocvar_crosshair_ring_vortex) // ring around crosshair representing velocity-dependent damage for the vortex
+ {
+ if (vortex_chargepool || use_vortex_chargepool) {
+ use_vortex_chargepool = 1;
+ ring_inner_value = vortex_chargepool;
+ } else {
+ vortex_charge_movingavg = (1 - autocvar_crosshair_ring_vortex_currentcharge_movingavg_rate) * vortex_charge_movingavg + autocvar_crosshair_ring_vortex_currentcharge_movingavg_rate * vortex_charge;
+ ring_inner_value = bound(0, autocvar_crosshair_ring_vortex_currentcharge_scale * (vortex_charge - vortex_charge_movingavg), 1);
+ }
+ ring_inner_alpha = autocvar_crosshair_ring_vortex_inner_alpha;
+ ring_inner_rgb = eX * autocvar_crosshair_ring_vortex_inner_color_red + eY * autocvar_crosshair_ring_vortex_inner_color_green + eZ * autocvar_crosshair_ring_vortex_inner_color_blue;
+ ring_inner_image = "gfx/crosshair_ring_inner.tga";
+ // draw the outer ring to show the current charge of the weapon
+ ring_value = vortex_charge;
+ ring_alpha = autocvar_crosshair_ring_vortex_alpha;
+ ring_rgb = wcross_color;
+ ring_image = "gfx/crosshair_ring_nexgun.tga";
+ }
+ else if (autocvar_crosshair_ring && activeweapon == WEP_MINE_LAYER && minelayer_maxmines && autocvar_crosshair_ring_minelayer)
+ {
+ ring_value = bound(0, getstati(STAT_LAYED_MINES) / minelayer_maxmines, 1); // if you later need to use the count of bullets in another place, then add a float for it. For now, no need to.
+ ring_alpha = autocvar_crosshair_ring_minelayer_alpha;
+ ring_rgb = wcross_color;
+ ring_image = "gfx/crosshair_ring.tga";
+ }
+ else if (activeweapon == WEP_HAGAR && getstati(STAT_HAGAR_LOAD) && autocvar_crosshair_ring_hagar)
+ {
+ ring_value = bound(0, getstati(STAT_HAGAR_LOAD) / hagar_maxrockets, 1);
+ ring_alpha = autocvar_crosshair_ring_hagar_alpha;
+ ring_rgb = wcross_color;
+ ring_image = "gfx/crosshair_ring.tga";
+ }
+ else if (ok_ammo_charge)
+ {
+ ring_value = ok_ammo_chargepool;
+ ring_alpha = autocvar_crosshair_ring_reload_alpha;
+ ring_rgb = wcross_color;
+ ring_image = "gfx/crosshair_ring.tga";
+ }
+ else if(autocvar_crosshair_ring_reload && weapon_clipsize) // forces there to be only an ammo ring
+ {
+ ring_value = bound(0, weapon_clipload / weapon_clipsize, 1);
+ ring_scale = autocvar_crosshair_ring_reload_size;
+ ring_alpha = autocvar_crosshair_ring_reload_alpha;
+ ring_rgb = wcross_color;
+ // Note: This is to stop Taoki from complaining that the image doesn't match all potential balances.
+ // if a new image for another weapon is added, add the code (and its respective file/value) here
+ if ((activeweapon == WEP_RIFLE) && (weapon_clipsize == 80))
+ ring_image = "gfx/crosshair_ring_rifle.tga";
+ else
+ ring_image = "gfx/crosshair_ring.tga";
+ }
+ else if ( autocvar_crosshair_ring && autocvar_crosshair_ring_arc && arc_heat && activeweapon == WEP_ARC )
+ {
+ ring_value = arc_heat;
+ ring_alpha = (1-arc_heat)*autocvar_crosshair_ring_arc_cold_alpha +
+ arc_heat*autocvar_crosshair_ring_arc_hot_alpha;
+ ring_rgb = (1-arc_heat)*wcross_color + arc_heat*autocvar_crosshair_ring_arc_hot_color;
+ ring_image = "gfx/crosshair_ring.tga";
+ }
+ // if in weapon switch animation, fade ring out/in
+ if(autocvar_crosshair_effect_time > 0)
+ {
+ f = (time - wcross_name_changestarttime) / autocvar_crosshair_effect_time;
+ if (!(f < 1))
+ {
+ wcross_ring_prev = ((ring_image) ? TRUE : FALSE);
+ }
+ if(wcross_ring_prev)
+ {
+ if(f < 1)
+ ring_alpha *= fabs(1 - bound(0, f, 1));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(f < 1)
+ ring_alpha *= bound(0, f, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ if (autocvar_crosshair_ring_inner && ring_inner_value) // lets draw a ring inside a ring so you can ring while you ring
+ DrawCircleClippedPic(wcross_origin, wcross_size_x * ring_scale, ring_inner_image, ring_inner_value, ring_inner_rgb, wcross_alpha * ring_inner_alpha, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE);
+ if (ring_value)
+ DrawCircleClippedPic(wcross_origin, wcross_size_x * ring_scale, ring_image, ring_value, ring_rgb, wcross_alpha * ring_alpha, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE);
+ }
+#define CROSSHAIR_DO_BLUR(M,sz,wcross_name,wcross_alpha) \
+ do \
+ { \
+ if(wcross_blur > 0) \
+ { \
+ for(i = -2; i <= 2; ++i) \
+ for(j = -2; j <= 2; ++j) \
+ M(i,j,sz,wcross_name,wcross_alpha*0.04); \
+ } \
+ else \
+ { \
+ M(0,0,sz,wcross_name,wcross_alpha); \
+ } \
+ } \
+ while(0)
+#define CROSSHAIR_DRAW_SINGLE(i,j,sz,wcross_name,wcross_alpha) \
+ drawpic(wcross_origin - ('0.5 0 0' * (sz * wcross_size_x + i * wcross_blur) + '0 0.5 0' * (sz * wcross_size_y + j * wcross_blur)), wcross_name, sz * wcross_size, wcross_color, wcross_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL)
+#define CROSSHAIR_DRAW(sz,wcross_name,wcross_alpha) \
+ CROSSHAIR_DO_BLUR(CROSSHAIR_DRAW_SINGLE,sz,wcross_name,wcross_alpha)
+ if(time < wcross_name_changedonetime && wcross_name != wcross_name_goal_prev_prev && wcross_name_goal_prev_prev)
+ {
+ f = (wcross_name_changedonetime - time) / (wcross_name_changedonetime - wcross_name_changestarttime);
+ wcross_size = draw_getimagesize(wcross_name_goal_prev_prev) * wcross_scale;
+ CROSSHAIR_DRAW(wcross_resolution_goal_prev_prev, wcross_name_goal_prev_prev, wcross_alpha * f * wcross_name_alpha_goal_prev_prev);
+ f = 1 - f;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ f = 1;
+ }
+ wcross_name_alpha_goal_prev = f;
+ wcross_size = draw_getimagesize(wcross_name) * wcross_scale;
+ CROSSHAIR_DRAW(wcross_resolution, wcross_name, wcross_alpha * f);
+ if(autocvar_crosshair_dot)
+ {
+ vector wcross_color_old;
+ wcross_color_old = wcross_color;
+ if((autocvar_crosshair_dot_color_custom) && (autocvar_crosshair_dot_color != "0"))
+ wcross_color = stov(autocvar_crosshair_dot_color);
+ CROSSHAIR_DRAW(wcross_resolution * autocvar_crosshair_dot_size, "gfx/crosshairdot.tga", f * autocvar_crosshair_dot_alpha);
+ // FIXME why don't we use wcross_alpha here?cl_notice_run();
+ wcross_color = wcross_color_old;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ wcross_scale_prev = 0;
+ wcross_alpha_prev = 0;
+ wcross_scale_goal_prev = 0;
+ wcross_alpha_goal_prev = 0;
+ wcross_changedonetime = 0;
+ if(wcross_name_goal_prev)
+ strunzone(wcross_name_goal_prev);
+ wcross_name_goal_prev = string_null;
+ if(wcross_name_goal_prev_prev)
+ strunzone(wcross_name_goal_prev_prev);
+ wcross_name_goal_prev_prev = string_null;
+ wcross_name_changestarttime = 0;
+ wcross_name_changedonetime = 0;
+ wcross_name_alpha_goal_prev = 0;
+ wcross_name_alpha_goal_prev_prev = 0;
+ wcross_resolution_goal_prev = 0;
+ wcross_resolution_goal_prev_prev = 0;
+ }
#define BUTTON_3 4
#define BUTTON_4 8
entity e;
float fov;
- float f, i, j;
- vector v;
+ float f, i;
vector vf_size, vf_min;
float a;
scoreboard_active = HUD_WouldDrawScoreboard();
- // varying sound pitch
- // accumulate damage with each stat update
- static float unaccounted_damage = 0;
- float unaccounted_damage_new = getstati(STAT_DAMAGE_DEALT_TOTAL);
- static float damage_dealt_time_prev = 0;
- float damage_dealt_time = getstatf(STAT_HIT_TIME);
- if (damage_dealt_time != damage_dealt_time_prev)
- {
- unaccounted_damage += unaccounted_damage_new;
- dprint("dmg total: ", ftos(unaccounted_damage), " (+", ftos(unaccounted_damage_new), ")", "\n");
- }
- damage_dealt_time_prev = damage_dealt_time;
- // prevent hitsound when switching spectatee
- static float spectatee_status_prev = 0;
- if (spectatee_status != spectatee_status_prev)
- unaccounted_damage = 0;
- spectatee_status_prev = spectatee_status;
- static float hitsound_time_prev = 0;
- if (COMPARE_INCREASING(time, hitsound_time_prev) > autocvar_cl_hitsound_antispam_time)
- {
- if (autocvar_cl_hitsound && unaccounted_damage)
- {
- // customizable gradient function that crosses (0,a), (c,1) and asymptotically approaches b
- float a = autocvar_cl_hitsound_max_pitch;
- float b = autocvar_cl_hitsound_min_pitch;
- float c = autocvar_cl_hitsound_nom_damage;
- float x = unaccounted_damage;
- float pitch_shift = (b*x*(a-1) + a*c*(1-b)) / (x*(a-1) + c*(1-b));
- // if sound variation is disabled, set pitch_shift to 1
- if (autocvar_cl_hitsound == 1)
- pitch_shift = 1;
- // if pitch shift is reversed, mirror in (max-min)/2 + min
- if (autocvar_cl_hitsound == 3)
- {
- float mirror_value = (a-b)/2 + b;
- pitch_shift = mirror_value + (mirror_value - pitch_shift);
- }
- dprint("dmg total (dmg): ", ftos(unaccounted_damage), " (+", ftos(unaccounted_damage_new), "), pitch shift: ", ftos(pitch_shift), "\n");
- // todo: avoid very long and very short sounds from wave stretching using different sound files? seems unnecessary
- // todo: normalize sound pressure levels? seems unnecessary
- sound7(world, CH_INFO, "misc/hit.wav", VOL_BASE, ATTN_NONE, pitch_shift * 100, 0);
- }
- unaccounted_damage = 0;
- hitsound_time_prev = time;
- }
- static float typehit_time_prev = 0;
- float typehit_time = getstatf(STAT_TYPEHIT_TIME);
- if (COMPARE_INCREASING(typehit_time, typehit_time_prev) > autocvar_cl_hitsound_antispam_time)
- {
- sound(world, CH_INFO, "misc/typehit.wav", VOL_BASE, ATTN_NONE);
- typehit_time_prev = typehit_time;
- }
- //else
- {
- if(getstati(STAT_FROZEN))
- drawfill('0 0 0', eX * vid_conwidth + eY * vid_conheight, ((getstatf(STAT_REVIVE_PROGRESS)) ? ('0.25 0.90 1' + ('1 0 0' * getstatf(STAT_REVIVE_PROGRESS)) + ('0 1 1' * getstatf(STAT_REVIVE_PROGRESS) * -1)) : '0.25 0.90 1'), autocvar_hud_colorflash_alpha, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE);
- else if (getstatf(STAT_HEALING_ORB)>time)
- drawfill('0 0 0', eX * vid_conwidth + eY * vid_conheight, Nade_Color(NADE_TYPE_HEAL), autocvar_hud_colorflash_alpha*getstatf(STAT_HEALING_ORB_ALPHA), DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE);
- if(!intermission)
- if(getstatf(STAT_NADE_TIMER) && autocvar_cl_nade_timer) // give nade top priority, as it's a matter of life and death
- {
- DrawCircleClippedPic(eX * 0.5 * vid_conwidth + eY * 0.6 * vid_conheight, 0.1 * vid_conheight, "gfx/crosshair_ring.tga", getstatf(STAT_NADE_TIMER), '0.25 0.90 1' + ('1 0 0' * getstatf(STAT_NADE_TIMER)) - ('0 1 1' * getstatf(STAT_NADE_TIMER)), autocvar_hud_colorflash_alpha, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE);
- drawstring_aspect(eY * 0.64 * vid_conheight, ((autocvar_cl_nade_timer == 2) ? _("Nade timer") : ""), eX * vid_conwidth + eY * 0.025 * vid_conheight, '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- }
- else if(getstatf(STAT_REVIVE_PROGRESS))
- {
- DrawCircleClippedPic(eX * 0.5 * vid_conwidth + eY * 0.6 * vid_conheight, 0.1 * vid_conheight, "gfx/crosshair_ring.tga", getstatf(STAT_REVIVE_PROGRESS), '0.25 0.90 1', autocvar_hud_colorflash_alpha, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE);
- drawstring_aspect(eY * 0.64 * vid_conheight, _("Revival progress"), eX * vid_conwidth + eY * 0.025 * vid_conheight, '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- }
- if(autocvar_r_letterbox == 0)
- if(autocvar_viewsize < 120)
- CSQC_common_hud();
- // crosshair goes VERY LAST
- if(!scoreboard_active && !camera_active && intermission != 2 && spectatee_status != -1 && hud == HUD_NORMAL)
- {
- if (!autocvar_crosshair_enabled) // main toggle for crosshair rendering
- return;
- string wcross_style;
- float wcross_alpha, wcross_resolution;
- wcross_style = autocvar_crosshair;
- if (wcross_style == "0")
- return;
- wcross_resolution = autocvar_crosshair_size;
- if (wcross_resolution == 0)
- return;
- wcross_alpha = autocvar_crosshair_alpha;
- if (wcross_alpha == 0)
- return;
- // TrueAim check
- float shottype;
- // wcross_origin = '0.5 0 0' * vid_conwidth + '0 0.5 0' * vid_conheight;
- wcross_origin = project_3d_to_2d(view_origin + MAX_SHOT_DISTANCE * view_forward);
- wcross_origin_z = 0;
- if(autocvar_crosshair_hittest)
- {
- vector wcross_oldorigin;
- wcross_oldorigin = wcross_origin;
- shottype = TrueAimCheck();
- if(shottype == SHOTTYPE_HITWORLD)
- {
- v = wcross_origin - wcross_oldorigin;
- v_x /= vid_conwidth;
- v_y /= vid_conheight;
- if(vlen(v) > 0.01)
- }
- if(!autocvar_crosshair_hittest_showimpact)
- wcross_origin = wcross_oldorigin;
- }
- else
- vector wcross_color = '0 0 0', wcross_size = '0 0 0';
- string wcross_name = "";
- float wcross_scale, wcross_blur;
- if(autocvar_crosshair_per_weapon || (autocvar_crosshair_color_special == 1))
- {
- e = get_weaponinfo(switchingweapon);
- if(e)
- {
- if(autocvar_crosshair_per_weapon)
- {
- // WEAPONTODO: access these through some general settings (with non-balance config settings)
- //wcross_resolution *= cvar(strcat("crosshair_", wcross_wep, "_size"));
- //if (wcross_resolution == 0)
- //return;
- //wcross_style = cvar_string(strcat("crosshair_", wcross_wep));
- wcross_resolution *= e.w_crosshair_size;
- wcross_name = e.w_crosshair;
- }
- }
- }
- if(wcross_name == "")
- wcross_name = strcat("gfx/crosshair", wcross_style);
- switch(autocvar_crosshair_color_special)
- {
- case 1: // crosshair_color_per_weapon
- {
- if(e)
- {
- wcross_color = e.wpcolor;
- break;
- }
- else { goto normalcolor; }
- }
- case 2: // crosshair_color_by_health
- {
- float x = getstati(STAT_HEALTH);
- //x = red
- //y = green
- //z = blue
- wcross_color_z = 0;
- if(x > 200)
- {
- wcross_color_x = 0;
- wcross_color_y = 1;
- }
- else if(x > 150)
- {
- wcross_color_x = 0.4 - (x-150)*0.02 * 0.4;
- wcross_color_y = 0.9 + (x-150)*0.02 * 0.1;
- }
- else if(x > 100)
- {
- wcross_color_x = 1 - (x-100)*0.02 * 0.6;
- wcross_color_y = 1 - (x-100)*0.02 * 0.1;
- wcross_color_z = 1 - (x-100)*0.02;
- }
- else if(x > 50)
- {
- wcross_color_x = 1;
- wcross_color_y = 1;
- wcross_color_z = 0.2 + (x-50)*0.02 * 0.8;
- }
- else if(x > 20)
- {
- wcross_color_x = 1;
- wcross_color_y = (x-20)*90/27/100;
- wcross_color_z = (x-20)*90/27/100 * 0.2;
- }
- else
- {
- wcross_color_x = 1;
- wcross_color_y = 0;
- }
- break;
- }
- case 3: // crosshair_color_rainbow
- {
- if(time >= rainbow_last_flicker)
- {
- rainbow_prev_color = randomvec() * autocvar_crosshair_color_special_rainbow_brightness;
- rainbow_last_flicker = time + autocvar_crosshair_color_special_rainbow_delay;
- }
- wcross_color = rainbow_prev_color;
- break;
- }
- :normalcolor
- default: { wcross_color = stov(autocvar_crosshair_color); break; }
- }
- if(autocvar_crosshair_effect_scalefade)
- {
- wcross_scale = wcross_resolution;
- wcross_resolution = 1;
- }
- else
- {
- wcross_scale = 1;
- }
- if(autocvar_crosshair_pickup)
- {
- float stat_pickup_time = getstatf(STAT_LAST_PICKUP);
- if(pickup_crosshair_time < stat_pickup_time)
- {
- if(time - stat_pickup_time < MAX_TIME_DIFF) // don't trigger the animation if it's too old
- pickup_crosshair_size = 1;
- pickup_crosshair_time = stat_pickup_time;
- }
- if(pickup_crosshair_size > 0)
- pickup_crosshair_size -= autocvar_crosshair_pickup_speed * frametime;
- else
- pickup_crosshair_size = 0;
- wcross_scale += sin(pickup_crosshair_size) * autocvar_crosshair_pickup;
- }
- // todo: make crosshair hit indication dependent on damage dealt
- if(autocvar_crosshair_hitindication)
- {
- vector hitindication_color = ((autocvar_crosshair_color_special == 1) ? stov(autocvar_crosshair_hitindication_per_weapon_color) : stov(autocvar_crosshair_hitindication_color));
- if(unaccounted_damage)
- {
- hitindication_crosshair_size = 1;
- }
- if(hitindication_crosshair_size > 0)
- hitindication_crosshair_size -= autocvar_crosshair_hitindication_speed * frametime;
- else
- hitindication_crosshair_size = 0;
- wcross_scale += sin(hitindication_crosshair_size) * autocvar_crosshair_hitindication;
- wcross_color_x += sin(hitindication_crosshair_size) * hitindication_color_x;
- wcross_color_y += sin(hitindication_crosshair_size) * hitindication_color_y;
- wcross_color_z += sin(hitindication_crosshair_size) * hitindication_color_z;
- }
- if(shottype == SHOTTYPE_HITENEMY)
- wcross_scale *= autocvar_crosshair_hittest; // is not queried if hittest is 0
- if(shottype == SHOTTYPE_HITTEAM)
- wcross_scale /= autocvar_crosshair_hittest; // is not queried if hittest is 0
- f = fabs(autocvar_crosshair_effect_time);
- if(wcross_scale != wcross_scale_goal_prev || wcross_alpha != wcross_alpha_goal_prev || wcross_color != wcross_color_goal_prev)
- {
- wcross_changedonetime = time + f;
- }
- if(wcross_name != wcross_name_goal_prev || wcross_resolution != wcross_resolution_goal_prev)
- {
- wcross_name_changestarttime = time;
- wcross_name_changedonetime = time + f;
- if(wcross_name_goal_prev_prev)
- strunzone(wcross_name_goal_prev_prev);
- wcross_name_goal_prev_prev = wcross_name_goal_prev;
- wcross_name_goal_prev = strzone(wcross_name);
- wcross_name_alpha_goal_prev_prev = wcross_name_alpha_goal_prev;
- wcross_resolution_goal_prev_prev = wcross_resolution_goal_prev;
- wcross_resolution_goal_prev = wcross_resolution;
- }
- wcross_scale_goal_prev = wcross_scale;
- wcross_alpha_goal_prev = wcross_alpha;
- wcross_color_goal_prev = wcross_color;
- if(shottype == SHOTTYPE_HITTEAM || (shottype == SHOTTYPE_HITOBSTRUCTION && autocvar_crosshair_hittest_blur && !autocvar_chase_active))
- {
- wcross_blur = 1;
- wcross_alpha *= 0.75;
- }
- else
- wcross_blur = 0;
- // *_prev is at time-frametime
- // * is at wcross_changedonetime+f
- // what do we have at time?
- if(time < wcross_changedonetime)
- {
- f = frametime / (wcross_changedonetime - time + frametime);
- wcross_scale = f * wcross_scale + (1 - f) * wcross_scale_prev;
- wcross_alpha = f * wcross_alpha + (1 - f) * wcross_alpha_prev;
- wcross_color = f * wcross_color + (1 - f) * wcross_color_prev;
- }
- wcross_scale_prev = wcross_scale;
- wcross_alpha_prev = wcross_alpha;
- wcross_color_prev = wcross_color;
- wcross_scale *= 1 - autocvar__menu_alpha;
- wcross_alpha *= 1 - autocvar__menu_alpha;
- wcross_size = draw_getimagesize(wcross_name) * wcross_scale;
- if(wcross_scale >= 0.001 && wcross_alpha >= 0.001)
- {
- // crosshair rings for weapon stats
- if (autocvar_crosshair_ring || autocvar_crosshair_ring_reload)
- {
- // declarations and stats
- float ring_value = 0, ring_scale = 0, ring_alpha = 0, ring_inner_value = 0, ring_inner_alpha = 0;
- string ring_image = string_null, ring_inner_image = string_null;
- vector ring_rgb = '0 0 0', ring_inner_rgb = '0 0 0';
- ring_scale = autocvar_crosshair_ring_size;
- float weapon_clipload, weapon_clipsize;
- weapon_clipload = getstati(STAT_WEAPON_CLIPLOAD);
- weapon_clipsize = getstati(STAT_WEAPON_CLIPSIZE);
- float ok_ammo_charge, ok_ammo_chargepool;
- ok_ammo_charge = getstatf(STAT_OK_AMMO_CHARGE);
- ok_ammo_chargepool = getstatf(STAT_OK_AMMO_CHARGEPOOl);
- float vortex_charge, vortex_chargepool;
- vortex_charge = getstatf(STAT_VORTEX_CHARGE);
- vortex_chargepool = getstatf(STAT_VORTEX_CHARGEPOOL);
- float arc_heat = getstatf(STAT_ARC_HEAT);
- if(vortex_charge_movingavg == 0) // this should only happen if we have just loaded up the game
- vortex_charge_movingavg = vortex_charge;
- // handle the values
- if (autocvar_crosshair_ring && activeweapon == WEP_VORTEX && vortex_charge && autocvar_crosshair_ring_vortex) // ring around crosshair representing velocity-dependent damage for the vortex
- {
- if (vortex_chargepool || use_vortex_chargepool) {
- use_vortex_chargepool = 1;
- ring_inner_value = vortex_chargepool;
- } else {
- vortex_charge_movingavg = (1 - autocvar_crosshair_ring_vortex_currentcharge_movingavg_rate) * vortex_charge_movingavg + autocvar_crosshair_ring_vortex_currentcharge_movingavg_rate * vortex_charge;
- ring_inner_value = bound(0, autocvar_crosshair_ring_vortex_currentcharge_scale * (vortex_charge - vortex_charge_movingavg), 1);
- }
- ring_inner_alpha = autocvar_crosshair_ring_vortex_inner_alpha;
- ring_inner_rgb = eX * autocvar_crosshair_ring_vortex_inner_color_red + eY * autocvar_crosshair_ring_vortex_inner_color_green + eZ * autocvar_crosshair_ring_vortex_inner_color_blue;
- ring_inner_image = "gfx/crosshair_ring_inner.tga";
- // draw the outer ring to show the current charge of the weapon
- ring_value = vortex_charge;
- ring_alpha = autocvar_crosshair_ring_vortex_alpha;
- ring_rgb = wcross_color;
- ring_image = "gfx/crosshair_ring_nexgun.tga";
- }
- else if (autocvar_crosshair_ring && activeweapon == WEP_MINE_LAYER && minelayer_maxmines && autocvar_crosshair_ring_minelayer)
- {
- ring_value = bound(0, getstati(STAT_LAYED_MINES) / minelayer_maxmines, 1); // if you later need to use the count of bullets in another place, then add a float for it. For now, no need to.
- ring_alpha = autocvar_crosshair_ring_minelayer_alpha;
- ring_rgb = wcross_color;
- ring_image = "gfx/crosshair_ring.tga";
- }
- else if (activeweapon == WEP_HAGAR && getstati(STAT_HAGAR_LOAD) && autocvar_crosshair_ring_hagar)
- {
- ring_value = bound(0, getstati(STAT_HAGAR_LOAD) / hagar_maxrockets, 1);
- ring_alpha = autocvar_crosshair_ring_hagar_alpha;
- ring_rgb = wcross_color;
- ring_image = "gfx/crosshair_ring.tga";
- }
- else if (ok_ammo_charge)
- {
- ring_value = ok_ammo_chargepool;
- ring_alpha = autocvar_crosshair_ring_reload_alpha;
- ring_rgb = wcross_color;
- ring_image = "gfx/crosshair_ring.tga";
- }
- else if(autocvar_crosshair_ring_reload && weapon_clipsize) // forces there to be only an ammo ring
- {
- ring_value = bound(0, weapon_clipload / weapon_clipsize, 1);
- ring_scale = autocvar_crosshair_ring_reload_size;
- ring_alpha = autocvar_crosshair_ring_reload_alpha;
- ring_rgb = wcross_color;
- // Note: This is to stop Taoki from complaining that the image doesn't match all potential balances.
- // if a new image for another weapon is added, add the code (and its respective file/value) here
- if ((activeweapon == WEP_RIFLE) && (weapon_clipsize == 80))
- ring_image = "gfx/crosshair_ring_rifle.tga";
- else
- ring_image = "gfx/crosshair_ring.tga";
- }
- else if ( autocvar_crosshair_ring && autocvar_crosshair_ring_arc && arc_heat && activeweapon == WEP_ARC )
- {
- ring_value = arc_heat;
- ring_alpha = (1-arc_heat)*autocvar_crosshair_ring_arc_cold_alpha +
- arc_heat*autocvar_crosshair_ring_arc_hot_alpha;
- ring_rgb = (1-arc_heat)*wcross_color + arc_heat*autocvar_crosshair_ring_arc_hot_color;
- ring_image = "gfx/crosshair_ring.tga";
- }
- // if in weapon switch animation, fade ring out/in
- if(autocvar_crosshair_effect_time > 0)
- {
- f = (time - wcross_name_changestarttime) / autocvar_crosshair_effect_time;
- if (!(f < 1))
- {
- wcross_ring_prev = ((ring_image) ? TRUE : FALSE);
- }
- if(wcross_ring_prev)
- {
- if(f < 1)
- ring_alpha *= fabs(1 - bound(0, f, 1));
- }
- else
- {
- if(f < 1)
- ring_alpha *= bound(0, f, 1);
- }
- }
- if (autocvar_crosshair_ring_inner && ring_inner_value) // lets draw a ring inside a ring so you can ring while you ring
- DrawCircleClippedPic(wcross_origin, wcross_size_x * ring_scale, ring_inner_image, ring_inner_value, ring_inner_rgb, wcross_alpha * ring_inner_alpha, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE);
- if (ring_value)
- DrawCircleClippedPic(wcross_origin, wcross_size_x * ring_scale, ring_image, ring_value, ring_rgb, wcross_alpha * ring_alpha, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE);
- }
-#define CROSSHAIR_DO_BLUR(M,sz,wcross_name,wcross_alpha) \
- do \
- { \
- if(wcross_blur > 0) \
- { \
- for(i = -2; i <= 2; ++i) \
- for(j = -2; j <= 2; ++j) \
- M(i,j,sz,wcross_name,wcross_alpha*0.04); \
- } \
- else \
- { \
- M(0,0,sz,wcross_name,wcross_alpha); \
- } \
- } \
- while(0)
-#define CROSSHAIR_DRAW_SINGLE(i,j,sz,wcross_name,wcross_alpha) \
- drawpic(wcross_origin - ('0.5 0 0' * (sz * wcross_size_x + i * wcross_blur) + '0 0.5 0' * (sz * wcross_size_y + j * wcross_blur)), wcross_name, sz * wcross_size, wcross_color, wcross_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL)
-#define CROSSHAIR_DRAW(sz,wcross_name,wcross_alpha) \
- CROSSHAIR_DO_BLUR(CROSSHAIR_DRAW_SINGLE,sz,wcross_name,wcross_alpha)
- if(time < wcross_name_changedonetime && wcross_name != wcross_name_goal_prev_prev && wcross_name_goal_prev_prev)
- {
- f = (wcross_name_changedonetime - time) / (wcross_name_changedonetime - wcross_name_changestarttime);
- wcross_size = draw_getimagesize(wcross_name_goal_prev_prev) * wcross_scale;
- CROSSHAIR_DRAW(wcross_resolution_goal_prev_prev, wcross_name_goal_prev_prev, wcross_alpha * f * wcross_name_alpha_goal_prev_prev);
- f = 1 - f;
- }
- else
- {
- f = 1;
- }
- wcross_name_alpha_goal_prev = f;
- wcross_size = draw_getimagesize(wcross_name) * wcross_scale;
- CROSSHAIR_DRAW(wcross_resolution, wcross_name, wcross_alpha * f);
- if(autocvar_crosshair_dot)
- {
- vector wcross_color_old;
- wcross_color_old = wcross_color;
- if((autocvar_crosshair_dot_color_custom) && (autocvar_crosshair_dot_color != "0"))
- wcross_color = stov(autocvar_crosshair_dot_color);
- CROSSHAIR_DRAW(wcross_resolution * autocvar_crosshair_dot_size, "gfx/crosshairdot.tga", f * autocvar_crosshair_dot_alpha);
- // FIXME why don't we use wcross_alpha here?cl_notice_run();
- wcross_color = wcross_color_old;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- wcross_scale_prev = 0;
- wcross_alpha_prev = 0;
- wcross_scale_goal_prev = 0;
- wcross_alpha_goal_prev = 0;
- wcross_changedonetime = 0;
- if(wcross_name_goal_prev)
- strunzone(wcross_name_goal_prev);
- wcross_name_goal_prev = string_null;
- if(wcross_name_goal_prev_prev)
- strunzone(wcross_name_goal_prev_prev);
- wcross_name_goal_prev_prev = string_null;
- wcross_name_changestarttime = 0;
- wcross_name_changedonetime = 0;
- wcross_name_alpha_goal_prev = 0;
- wcross_name_alpha_goal_prev_prev = 0;
- wcross_resolution_goal_prev = 0;
- wcross_resolution_goal_prev_prev = 0;
- }
- }
+ UpdateDamage();
+ UpdateHitsound();
+ UpdateCrosshair();