Object of the Game
-In LMS, every player starts with a special amount of lives (9 by default) and with (basically) all core [weapons](weapons). For each death you lose 1 life and once you run out of your lives you're eliminated and have to spectate until the end of the match.
+In **Last Man Standing** (LMS), every player starts with a special amount of lives (9 by default) and with (basically) all core [weapons](weapons). For each death you lose 1 life and once you run out of your lives you're eliminated and have to spectate until the end of the match.
The last one that survives is the “Last Man Standing” and wins the match. The player that was eliminated last will rank 2nd, the player that was eliminated before that is 3rd, etc.
Special modifiers
-Extra lives can optionally be enabled in this mode with the cvar `g_lms_extra_lives`. The extra life looks like the [Mega Health](items) Collect the extra life and you get 1 or more extra lives (depending on the value of the setting).
-Map Entities
-_(Insert Map Entities here)_
-List of Demos and Videos
-- Demo: _(Insert Demo or Video Here)_
-- Players: _(Insert Player Names Here)_
-- Key Points: _(Insert key points in match here)_
+Extra lives can optionally be enabled in this mode with the cvar `g_lms_extra_lives`. The extra life looks like the [Mega Health](items) Collect the extra life and you get 1 or more extra lives (depending on the value of the setting).
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