const float K_KP_ENTER = 172;
const float K_KP_EQUALS = 173;
-const float K_PAUSE = 255;
+const float K_PAUSE = 153;
// joystick buttons
float mi, ma;
vector hsv;
- mi = min3(rgb_x, rgb_y, rgb_z);
- ma = max3(rgb_x, rgb_y, rgb_z);
+ mi = min(rgb_x, rgb_y, rgb_z);
+ ma = max(rgb_x, rgb_y, rgb_z);
hsv_x = rgb_mi_ma_to_hue(rgb, mi, ma);
hsv_z = ma;
float mi, ma;
vector hsl;
- mi = min3(rgb_x, rgb_y, rgb_z);
- ma = max3(rgb_x, rgb_y, rgb_z);
+ mi = min(rgb_x, rgb_y, rgb_z);
+ ma = max(rgb_x, rgb_y, rgb_z);
hsl_x = rgb_mi_ma_to_hue(rgb, mi, ma);
--- /dev/null
+// key constants
+// these are the key numbers that should be passed to Key_Event
+float K_TAB = 9;
+float K_ENTER = 13;
+float K_ESCAPE = 27;
+float K_SPACE = 32;
+// normal keys should be passed as lowercased ascii
+float K_BACKSPACE = 127;
+float K_UPARROW = 128;
+float K_DOWNARROW = 129;
+float K_LEFTARROW = 130;
+float K_RIGHTARROW = 131;
+float K_ALT = 132;
+float K_CTRL = 133;
+float K_SHIFT = 134;
+float K_F1 = 135;
+float K_F2 = 136;
+float K_F3 = 137;
+float K_F4 = 138;
+float K_F5 = 139;
+float K_F6 = 140;
+float K_F7 = 141;
+float K_F8 = 142;
+float K_F9 = 143;
+float K_F10 = 144;
+float K_F11 = 145;
+float K_F12 = 146;
+float K_INS = 147;
+float K_DEL = 148;
+float K_PGDN = 149;
+float K_PGUP = 150;
+float K_HOME = 151;
+float K_END = 152;
+float K_NUMLOCK = 154;
+float K_CAPSLOCK = 155;
+float K_SCROLLLOCK = 156;
+float K_KP_0 = 157;
+float K_KP_INS = K_KP_0;
+float K_KP_1 = 158;
+float K_KP_END = K_KP_1;
+float K_KP_2 = 159;
+float K_KP_DOWNARROW = K_KP_2;
+float K_KP_3 = 160;
+float K_KP_PGDN = K_KP_3;
+float K_KP_4 = 161;
+float K_KP_LEFTARROW = K_KP_4;
+float K_KP_5 = 162;
+float K_KP_6 = 163;
+float K_KP_RIGHTARROW = K_KP_6;
+float K_KP_7 = 164;
+float K_KP_HOME = K_KP_7;
+float K_KP_8 = 165;
+float K_KP_UPARROW = K_KP_8;
+float K_KP_9 = 166;
+float K_KP_PGUP = K_KP_9;
+float K_KP_PERIOD = 167;
+float K_KP_DEL = K_KP_PERIOD;
+float K_KP_DIVIDE = 168;
+float K_KP_MULTIPLY = 169;
+float K_KP_MINUS = 170;
+float K_KP_PLUS = 171;
+float K_KP_ENTER = 172;
+float K_KP_EQUALS = 173;
+// mouse buttons generate virtual keys
+float K_PAUSE = 153;
+// joystick buttons
+float K_JOY1 = 768;
+float K_JOY2 = 769;
+float K_JOY3 = 770;
+float K_JOY4 = 771;
+// aux keys are for multi-buttoned joysticks to generate so they can use
+// the normal binding process
+float K_AUX1 = 772;
+float K_AUX2 = 773;
+float K_AUX3 = 774;
+float K_AUX4 = 775;
+float K_AUX5 = 776;
+float K_AUX6 = 777;
+float K_AUX7 = 778;
+float K_AUX8 = 779;
+float K_AUX9 = 780;
+float K_AUX10 = 781;
+float K_AUX11 = 782;
+float K_AUX12 = 783;
+float K_AUX13 = 784;
+float K_AUX14 = 785;
+float K_AUX15 = 786;
+float K_AUX16 = 787;
+float K_AUX17 = 788;
+float K_AUX18 = 789;
+float K_AUX19 = 790;
+float K_AUX20 = 791;
+float K_AUX21 = 792;
+float K_AUX22 = 793;
+float K_AUX23 = 794;
+float K_AUX24 = 795;
+float K_AUX25 = 796;
+float K_AUX26 = 797;
+float K_AUX27 = 798;
+float K_AUX28 = 799;
+float K_AUX29 = 800;
+float K_AUX30 = 801;
+float K_AUX31 = 802;
+float K_AUX32 = 803;
+// mouse buttons generate virtual keys
+float K_MOUSE1 = 512;
+float K_MOUSE2 = 513;
+float K_MOUSE3 = 514;
+float K_MWHEELUP = 515;
+float K_MWHEELDOWN = 516;
+float K_MOUSE4 = 517;
+float K_MOUSE5 = 518;
+float K_MOUSE6 = 519;
+float K_MOUSE7 = 520;
+float K_MOUSE8 = 521;
+float K_MOUSE9 = 522;
+float K_MOUSE10 = 523;
+float K_MOUSE11 = 524;
+float K_MOUSE12 = 525;
+float K_MOUSE13 = 526;
+float K_MOUSE14 = 527;
+float K_MOUSE15 = 528;
+float K_MOUSE16 = 529;
--- /dev/null
+// sys globals
+entity self;
+void end_sys_globals;
+// sys fields
+void end_sys_fields;
+// sys functions
+void() m_init;
+void(float keynr, float ascii) m_keydown;
+void() m_draw;
+void() m_toggle;
+void() m_shutdown;
+// sys constants
+// key dest constants
+float KEY_UNKNOWN = -1;
+float KEY_GAME = 0;
+float KEY_MENU = 2;
+float KEY_MENU_GRABBED = 3;
+// file constants
+float FILE_READ = 0;
+float FILE_APPEND = 1;
+float FILE_WRITE = 2;
+// logical constants (just for completeness)
+float TRUE = 1;
+float FALSE = 0;
+// boolean constants
+float true = 1;
+float false = 0;
+// msg constants
+float MSG_BROADCAST = 0; // unreliable to all
+float MSG_ONE = 1; // reliable to one (msg_entity)
+float MSG_ALL = 2; // reliable to all
+float MSG_INIT = 3; // write to the init string
+// mouse target constants
+float MT_MENU = 1;
+float MT_CLIENT = 2;
+// client state constants
+float CS_DEDICATED = 0;
+float CS_CONNECTED = 2;
+// blend flags
+// null entity (actually it is the same like the world entity)
+entity null_entity;
+// error constants
+// file handling
+float ERR_CANNOTOPEN = -1; // fopen
+float ERR_NOTENOUGHFILEHANDLES = -2; // fopen
+float ERR_INVALIDMODE = -3; // fopen
+float ERR_BADFILENAME = -4; // fopen
+// drawing functions
+float ERR_NULLSTRING = -1;
+float ERR_BADDRAWFLAG = -2;
+float ERR_BADSCALE = -3;
+float ERR_NOTCACHED = -4;
+// server list stuff
+float SLIST_LEGACY_LINE1 = 1024;
+float SLIST_LEGACY_LINE2 = 1025;
+float SLIST_TEST_LESS = 3;
+float SLIST_TEST_EQUAL = 4;
+float SLIST_MASK_AND = 0;
+float SLIST_MASK_OR = 512;
+// font stuff
+float FONT_DEFAULT = 0;
+float FONT_CONSOLE = 1;
+float FONT_SBAR = 2;
+float FONT_NOTIFY = 3;
+float FONT_CHAT = 4;
+float FONT_INFOBAR = 6;
+float FONT_MENU = 7;
+float FONT_USER = 8; // add to this the index, like FONT_USER+3 = user3. At least 8 of them are supported.
+float drawfont;
+/* not supported at the moment
+// os constants
+float OS_WINDOWS = 0;
+float OS_LINUX = 1;
+float OS_MAC = 2;
+// common cmd
+// AK FIXME: Create perhaps a special builtin file for the common cmds
+void checkextension(string ext) = #1;
+// error cmds
+void error(string err,...) = #2;
+void objerror(string err,...) = #3;
+// print
+void print(string text,...) = #4;
+void bprint(string text,...) = #5;
+void sprint(float clientnum, string text,...) = #6;
+void centerprint(string text,...) = #7;
+// vector stuff
+vector normalize(vector v) = #8;
+float vlen(vector v) = #9;
+float vectoyaw(vector v) = #10;
+vector vectoangles(vector v) = #11;
+float random(void) = #12;
+void cmd(string command, ...) = #13;
+// cvar cmds
+float cvar(string name) = #14;
+const string str_cvar(string name) = #71;
+void cvar_set(string name, string value) = #15;
+void dprint(string text,...) = #16;
+// conversion functions
+string ftos(float f) = #17;
+float fabs(float f) = #18;
+string vtos(vector v) = #19;
+string etos(entity e) = #20;
+float stof(string val,...) = #21;
+entity spawn(void) = #22;
+void remove(entity e) = #23;
+entity findstring(entity start, .string field, string match) = #24;
+entity findfloat(entity start, .float field, float match) = #25;
+entity findentity(entity start, .entity field, entity match) = #25;
+entity findchainstring(.string field, string match) = #26;
+entity findchainfloat(.float field, float match) = #27;
+entity findchainentity(.entity field, entity match) = #27;
+string precache_file(string file) = #28;
+string precache_sound(string sample) = #29;
+void crash(void) = #72;
+void coredump(void) = #30;
+void stackdump(void) = #73;
+void traceon(void) = #31;
+void traceoff(void) = #32;
+void eprint(entity e) = #33;
+float rint(float f) = #34;
+float floor(float f) = #35;
+float ceil(float f) = #36;
+entity nextent(entity e) = #37;
+float sin(float f) = #38;
+float cos(float f) = #39;
+float sqrt(float f) = #40;
+vector randomvec(void) = #41;
+float registercvar(string name, string value, float flags) = #42; // returns 1 if success
+float min(float f,...) = #43;
+float max(float f,...) = #44;
+float bound(float min,float value, float max) = #45;
+float pow(float a, float b) = #46;
+void copyentity(entity src, entity dst) = #47;
+float fopen(string filename, float mode) = #48;
+void fclose(float fhandle) = #49;
+string fgets(float fhandle) = #50;
+void fputs(float fhandle, string s) = #51;
+float strlen(string s) = #52;
+string strcat(string s1,string s2,...) = #53;
+string substring(string s, float start, float length) = #54;
+vector stov(string s) = #55;
+string strzone(string s) = #56;
+void strunzone(string s) = #57;
+float tokenize(string s) = #58
+string argv(float n) = #59;
+float isserver(void) = #60;
+float clientcount(void) = #61;
+float clientstate(void) = #62;
+void clientcommand(float client, string s) = #63;
+void changelevel(string map) = #64;
+void localsound(string sample) = #65;
+vector getmousepos(void) = #66;
+float gettime(void) = #67;
+void loadfromdata(string data) = #68;
+void loadfromfile(string file) = #69;
+float mod(float val, float m) = #70;
+float search_begin(string pattern, float caseinsensitive, float quiet) = #74;
+void search_end(float handle) = #75;
+float search_getsize(float handle) = #76;
+string search_getfilename(float handle, float num) = #77;
+string chr(float ascii) = #78;
+// Write* Functions
+void WriteByte(float data, float dest, float desto) = #401;
+void WriteChar(float data, float dest, float desto) = #402;
+void WriteShort(float data, float dest, float desto) = #403;
+void WriteLong(float data, float dest, float desto) = #404;
+void WriteAngle(float data, float dest, float desto) = #405;
+void WriteCoord(float data, float dest, float desto) = #406;
+void WriteString(string data, float dest, float desto)= #407;
+void WriteEntity(entity data, float dest, float desto) = #408;
+// Draw funtions
+float iscachedpic(string name) = #451;
+string precache_pic(string name) = #452;
+void freepic(string name) = #453;
+float drawcharacter(vector position, float character, vector scale, vector rgb, float alpha, float flag) = #454;
+float drawstring(vector position, string text, vector scale, vector rgb, float alpha, float flag) = #455;
+float drawcolorcodedstring(vector position, string text, vector scale, float alpha, float flag) = #467;
+vector drawcolorcodedstring2(vector position, string text, vector scale, vector rgb, float alpha, float flag) = #467;
+float drawpic(vector position, string pic, vector size, vector rgb, float alpha, float flag) = #456;
+float drawfill(vector position, vector size, vector rgb, float alpha, float flag) = #457;
+void drawsetcliparea(float x, float y, float width, float height) = #458;
+void drawresetcliparea(void) = #459;
+vector drawgetimagesize(string pic) = #460;
+// Menu functions
+void setkeydest(float dest) = #601;
+float getkeydest(void) = #602;
+void setmousetarget(float trg) = #603;
+float getmousetarget(void) = #604;
+float isfunction(string function_name) = #607;
+void callfunction(...) = #605;
+void writetofile(float fhandle, entity ent) = #606;
+vector getresolution(float number) = #608;
+string keynumtostring(float keynum) = #609;
+float gethostcachevalue(float type) = #611;
+string gethostcachestring(float type, float hostnr) = #612;
+//idea: daemon, motorsep
+//darkplaces implementation: divVerent
+//builtin definitions:
+string(float key, float bindmap) getkeybind_bindmap = #342;
+float(float key, string bind, float bindmap) setkeybind_bindmap = #630;
+vector(void) getbindmaps = #631;
+float(vector bm) setbindmaps = #632;
+string(string command, float bindmap) findkeysforcommand = #610;
+float(string key) stringtokeynum = #341;
+//<also allowed builtin number to match EXT_CSQC> string(float keynum) keynumtostring = #340;
+//description: key bind setting/getting including support for switchable
+//idea: divVerent
+//darkplaces implementation: divVerent
+//field definitions: (MENUQC)
+string(string serveraddress) crypto_getkeyfp = #633; // retrieves the cached host key's CA fingerprint of a server given by IP address
+string(string serveraddress) crypto_getidfp = #634; // retrieves the cached host key fingerprint of a server given by IP address
+string(string serveraddress) crypto_getencryptlevel = #635; // 0 if never encrypting, 1 supported, 2 requested, 3 required, appended by list of allowed methods in order of preference ("AES128"), preceded by a space each
+string(float i) crypto_getmykeyfp = #636; // retrieves the CA key fingerprint of a given CA slot, or "" if slot is unused but more to come, or string_null if end of list
+string(float i) crypto_getmyidfp = #637; // retrieves the ID fingerprint of a given CA slot, or "" if slot is unused but more to come, or string_null if end of list
+float(string url, float id, string content_type, string delim, float buf, float keyid) crypto_uri_postbuf = #513;
+//use -1 as buffer handle to justs end delim as postdata
+//idea: Res2k, BlackHC
+//darkplaces implementation: Res2k, BlackHC
+//constant definitions:
+float GECKO_BUTTON_UP = 1;
+// either use down and up or just press but not all of them!
+// use this for mouse events if needed?
+//builtin definitions:
+float gecko_create( string name ) = #487;
+void gecko_destroy( string name ) = #488;
+void gecko_navigate( string name, string URI ) = #489;
+float gecko_keyevent( string name, float key, float eventtype ) = #490;
+void gecko_mousemove( string name, float x, float y ) = #491;
+void gecko_resize( string name, float w, float h ) = #492;
+vector gecko_get_texture_extent( string name ) = #493;
+//engine-called QC prototypes:
+//string(string name, string query) Qecko_Query;
+//provides an interface to the offscreengecko library and allows for internet browsing in games
+//idea: many
+//darkplaces implementation: KrimZon
+//various string manipulation functions
+float(string str, string sub, float startpos) strstrofs = #221;
+float(string str, float ofs) str2chr = #222;
+string(float c, ...) chr2str = #223;
+string(float ccase, float calpha, float cnum, string s, ...) strconv = #224;
+string(float chars, string s, ...) strpad = #225;
+string(string info, string key, string value, ...) infoadd = #226;
+string(string info, string key) infoget = #227;
+float(string s1, string s2, float len) strncmp = #228;
+float(string s1, string s2) strcasecmp = #229;
+float(string s1, string s2, float len) strncasecmp = #230;
+//idea: div0
+//darkplaces implementation: div0
+//Some hash function to build hash tables with. This has to be be the CRC-16-CCITT that is also required for the QuakeWorld download protocol.
+//When caseinsensitive is set, the CRC is calculated of the lower cased string.
+float(float caseinsensitive, string s, ...) crc16 = #494;
+float(string name) cvar_type = #495;
+//idea: ??
+//darkplaces implementation: LordHavoc
+//functions to manage string buffer objects - that is, arbitrary length string arrays that are handled by the engine
+float() buf_create = #440;
+void(float bufhandle) buf_del = #441;
+float(float bufhandle) buf_getsize = #442;
+void(float bufhandle_from, float bufhandle_to) buf_copy = #443;
+void(float bufhandle, float sortpower, float backward) buf_sort = #444;
+string(float bufhandle, string glue) buf_implode = #445;
+string(float bufhandle, float string_index) bufstr_get = #446;
+void(float bufhandle, float string_index, string str) bufstr_set = #447;
+float(float bufhandle, string str, float order) bufstr_add = #448;
+void(float bufhandle, float string_index) bufstr_free = #449;
+void(float bufhandle, string pattern, string antipattern) buf_cvarlist = #517;
+//idea: divVerent
+//DarkPlaces implementation: divVerent
+//builtin definitions:
+string(string name) cvar_description = #518;
+//returns the description of a cvar
+//idea: motorsep, Spike
+//DarkPlaces implementation: divVerent
+//builtin definitions:
+string(string digest, string data, ...) digest_hex = #639;
+//returns a given hex digest of given data
+//the returned digest is always encoded in hexadecimal
+//only the "MD4" digest is always supported!
+//if the given digest is not supported, string_null is returned
+//the digest string is matched case sensitively, use "MD4", not "md4"!
+//idea: div0
+//darkplaces implementation: div0
+//URI::Escape's functionality
+string(string in) uri_escape = #510;
+string(string in) uri_unescape = #511;
+//idea: divVerent
+//darkplaces implementation: divVerent
+//loads text from an URL into a string
+//returns 1 on success of initiation, 0 if there are too many concurrent
+//connections already or if the URL is invalid
+//the following callback will receive the data and MUST exist!
+// void(float id, float status, string data) URI_Get_Callback;
+//status is either
+// negative for an internal error,
+// 0 for success, or
+// the HTTP response code on server error (e.g. 404)
+//if 1 is returned by uri_get, the callback will be called in the future
+float(string url, float id) uri_get = #513;
+//idea: divVerent
+//darkplaces implementation: divVerent
+//loads text from an URL into a string after POSTing via HTTP
+//works like uri_get, but uri_post sends data with Content-Type: content_type to the server
+//and uri_post sends the string buffer buf, joined using the delimiter delim
+float(string url, float id, string content_type, string data) uri_post = #513;
+float(string url, float id, string content_type, string delim, float buf) uri_postbuf = #513;
+// assorted undocumented extensions
+string(string, float) netaddress_resolve = #625;
+string(string search, string replace, string subject) strreplace = #484;
+string(float uselocaltime, string format, ...) strftime = #478;
+float(string s) tokenize_console = #514;
+float(float i) argv_start_index = #515;
+float(float i) argv_end_index = #516;
+string(float, float) getgamedirinfo = #626;
+float log(float f) = #532;
+string(string format, ...) sprintf = #627;
+string(string s) strdecolorize = #477;
+entity findflags(entity start, .float field, float match) = #87;
+entity findchainflags(.float field, float match) = #88;
+float(string s, string separator1, ...) tokenizebyseparator = #479;
+float etof(entity ent) = #79;
+entity ftoe(float num) = #80;
+float validstring(string str) = #81;
+float altstr_count(string str) = #82;
+string altstr_prepare(string str) = #83;
+string altstr_get(string str, float num) = #84;
+string altstr_set(string str, float num, string set) = #85;
+string altstr_ins(string str, float num, string set) = #86;
+float isdemo() = #349;
+float drawsubpic(vector position, vector size, string pic, vector srcPosition, vector srcSize, vector rgb, float alpha, float flag) = #469;
+//vector getresolution(float number, ...) = #608; // optional argument "isfullscreen"
+void parseentitydata(entity ent, string data) = #613;
+void resethostcachemasks(void) = #615;
+void sethostcachemaskstring(float mask, float fld, string str, float op) = #616;
+void sethostcachemasknumber(float mask, float fld, float num, float op) = #617;
+void resorthostcache(void) = #618;
+void sethostcachesort(float fld, float descending) = #619;
+void refreshhostcache(void) = #620;
+float gethostcachenumber(float fld, float hostnr) = #621;
+float gethostcacheindexforkey(string key) = #622;
+void addwantedhostcachekey(string key) = #623;
+string getextresponse(void) = #624;
+const string cvar_string(string name) = #71;
+const string cvar_defstring(string name) = #89;
+float stringwidth(string text, float handleColors, vector size) = #468;
+++ /dev/null
-// common cmd
-// AK FIXME: Create perhaps a special builtin file for the common cmds
-float checkextension(string ext) = #1;
-// error cmds
-void error(string err,...) = #2;
-void objerror(string err,...) = #3;
-// print
-void print(string text,...) = #4;
-void bprint(string text,...) = #5;
-void sprint(float clientnum, string text,...) = #6;
-void centerprint(string text,...) = #7;
-// vector stuff
-vector normalize(vector v) = #8;
-float vlen(vector v) = #9;
-float vectoyaw(vector v) = #10;
-vector vectoangles(vector v) = #11;
-float random(void) = #12;
-void cmd(string command, ...) = #13;
-// cvar cmds
-float cvar(string name) = #14;
-const string cvar_string(string name) = #71;
-const string cvar_defstring(string name) = #89;
-void cvar_set(string name, string value) = #15;
-void dprint(string text,...) = #16;
-// conversion functions
-string ftos(float f) = #17;
-float fabs(float f) = #18;
-string vtos(vector v) = #19;
-string etos(entity e) = #20;
-float stof(string val,...) = #21;
-entity spawn(void) = #22;
-void remove(entity e) = #23;
-entity findstring(entity start, .string _field, string match) = #24;
-entity findfloat(entity start, .float _field, float match) = #25;
-entity findentity(entity start, .entity _field, entity match) = #25;
-entity findchainstring(.string _field, string match) = #26;
-entity findchainfloat(.float _field, float match) = #27;
-entity findchainentity(.entity _field, entity match) = #27;
-entity findflags(entity start, .float field, float match) = #87;
-entity findchainflags(.float field, float match) = #88;
-string precache_file(string file) = #28;
-string precache_sound(string sample) = #29;
-void crash(void) = #72;
-void coredump(void) = #30;
-void stackdump(void) = #73;
-void traceon(void) = #31;
-void traceoff(void) = #32;
-void eprint(entity e) = #33;
-float rint(float f) = #34;
-float floor(float f) = #35;
-float ceil(float f) = #36;
-entity nextent(entity e) = #37;
-float sin(float f) = #38;
-float cos(float f) = #39;
-float sqrt(float f) = #40;
-vector randomvec(void) = #41;
-float registercvar(string name, string value, float flags) = #42; // returns 1 if success
-float min(float f,...) = #43;
-float (float a, float b, float c) min3 = #43;
-float (float a, float b, float c, float d) min4 = #43;
-float (float a, float b, float c, float d, float e) min5 = #43;
-float (float a, float b, float c, float d, float e, float f) min6 = #43;
-float (float a, float b, float c, float d, float e, float f, float g) min7 = #43;
-float (float a, float b, float c, float d, float e, float f, float g, float h) min8 = #43;
-float max(float f,...) = #44;
-float (float a, float b, float c) max3 = #44;
-float (float a, float b, float c, float d) max4 = #44;
-float (float a, float b, float c, float d, float e) max5 = #44;
-float (float a, float b, float c, float d, float e, float f) max6 = #44;
-float (float a, float b, float c, float d, float e, float f, float g) max7 = #44;
-float (float a, float b, float c, float d, float e, float f, float g, float h) max8 = #44;
-float bound(float min,float value, float max) = #45;
-float pow(float a, float b) = #46;
-void copyentity(entity src, entity dst) = #47;
-float fopen(string filename, float mode) = #48;
-void fclose(float fhandle) = #49;
-string fgets(float fhandle) = #50;
-void fputs(float fhandle, string s) = #51;
-float strlen(string s) = #52;
-//string strcat(string s1,string s2,...) = #53;
-string strcat(string s1, ...) = #53;
-string substring(string s, float start, float length) = #54;
-vector stov(string s) = #55;
-string strzone(string s) = #56;
-void strunzone(string s) = #57;
-float tokenize(string s) = #58;
-float(string s, string separator1, ...) tokenizebyseparator = #479;
-string argv(float n) = #59;
-float isserver(void) = #60;
-float clientcount(void) = #61;
-float clientstate(void) = #62;
-void clientcommand(float client, string s) = #63;
-void changelevel(string map) = #64;
-void localsound(string sample) = #65;
-vector getmousepos(void) = #66;
-float gettime(void) = #67;
-void loadfromdata(string data) = #68;
-void loadfromfile(string file) = #69;
-float mod(float val, float m) = #70;
-float search_begin(string pattern, float caseinsensitive, float quiet) = #74;
-void search_end(float handle) = #75;
-float search_getsize(float handle) = #76;
-string search_getfilename(float handle, float num) = #77;
-string chr(float ascii) = #78;
-float etof(entity ent) = #79;
-entity ftoe(float num) = #80;
-float validstring(string str) = #81;
-float altstr_count(string str) = #82;
-string altstr_prepare(string str) = #83;
-string altstr_get(string str, float num) = #84;
-string altstr_set(string str, float num, string set) = #85;
-string altstr_ins(string str, float num, string set) = #86;
-float isdemo() = #349;
-// Write* Functions
-void WriteByte(float data, float dest, float desto) = #401;
-void WriteChar(float data, float dest, float desto) = #402;
-void WriteShort(float data, float dest, float desto) = #403;
-void WriteLong(float data, float dest, float desto) = #404;
-void WriteAngle(float data, float dest, float desto) = #405;
-void WriteCoord(float data, float dest, float desto) = #406;
-void WriteString(string data, float dest, float desto)= #407;
-void WriteEntity(entity data, float dest, float desto) = #408;
-// Draw funtions
-float iscachedpic(string name) = #451;
-string precache_pic(string name) = #452;
-void freepic(string name) = #453;
-float drawcharacter(vector position, float character, vector scale, vector rgb, float alpha, float flag) = #454;
-float drawstring(vector position, string text, vector scale, vector rgb, float alpha, float flag) = #455;
-float drawcolorcodedstring(vector position, string text, vector scale, float alpha, float flag) = #467;
-float stringwidth(string text, float handleColors, vector size) = #468;
-float drawpic(vector position, string pic, vector size, vector rgb, float alpha, float flag) = #456;
-float drawsubpic(vector position, vector size, string pic, vector srcPosition, vector srcSize, vector rgb, float alpha, float flag) = #469;
-float drawfill(vector position, vector size, vector rgb, float alpha, float flag) = #457;
-void drawsetcliparea(float x, float y, float width, float height) = #458;
-void drawresetcliparea(void) = #459;
-vector drawgetimagesize(string pic) = #460;
-float cin_open(string file, string name) = #461;
-void cin_close(string name) = #462;
-void cin_setstate(string name, float type) = #463;
-float cin_getstate(string name) = #464;
-// Menu functions
-void setkeydest(float dest) = #601;
-float getkeydest(void) = #602;
-void setmousetarget(float trg) = #603;
-float getmousetarget(void) = #604;
-float isfunction(string function_name) = #607;
-void callfunction(...) = #605;
-void writetofile(float fhandle, entity ent) = #606;
-vector getresolution(float number, ...) = #608; // optional argument "isfullscreen"
-string keynumtostring(float keynum) = #609;
-string findkeysforcommand(string command) = #610;
-float gethostcachevalue(float type) = #611;
-string gethostcachestring(float type, float hostnr) = #612;
-void parseentitydata(entity ent, string data) = #613;
-float stringtokeynum(string key) = #614;
-void resethostcachemasks(void) = #615;
-void sethostcachemaskstring(float mask, float fld, string str, float op) = #616;
-void sethostcachemasknumber(float mask, float fld, float num, float op) = #617;
-void resorthostcache(void) = #618;
-void sethostcachesort(float fld, float descending) = #619;
-void refreshhostcache(void) = #620;
-float gethostcachenumber(float fld, float hostnr) = #621;
-float gethostcacheindexforkey(string key) = #622;
-void addwantedhostcachekey(string key) = #623;
-string getextresponse(void) = #624;
-// AK the builtin numbers may change - the code might be removed again
-float gecko_create( string name ) = #487;
-void gecko_destroy( string name ) = #488;
-void gecko_navigate( string name, string URI ) = #489;
-float gecko_keyevent( string name, float key, float eventtype ) = #490;
-void gecko_mousemove( string name, float x, float y ) = #491;
-void gecko_resize( string name, float w, float h ) = #492;
-vector gecko_get_texture_extent( string name ) = #493;
-//idea: many
-//darkplaces implementation: KrimZon
-//various string manipulation functions
-float(string str, string sub, float startpos) strstrofs = #221;
-float(string str, float ofs) str2chr = #222;
-string(float c, ...) chr2str = #223;
-string(float ccase, float calpha, float cnum, string s, ...) strconv = #224;
-string(float chars, string s, ...) strpad = #225;
-string(string info, string key, string value, ...) infoadd = #226;
-string(string info, string key) infoget = #227;
-float(string s1, string s2, float len) strncmp = #228;
-float(string s1, string s2) strcasecmp = #229;
-float(string s1, string s2, float len) strncasecmp = #230;
-string(string s) strdecolorize = #477;
-//idea: ??
-//darkplaces implementation: LordHavoc
-//functions to manage string buffer objects - that is, arbitrary length string arrays that are handled by the engine
-float() buf_create = #440;
-void(float bufhandle) buf_del = #441;
-float(float bufhandle) buf_getsize = #442;
-void(float bufhandle_from, float bufhandle_to) buf_copy = #443;
-void(float bufhandle, float sortpower, float backward) buf_sort = #444;
-string(float bufhandle, string glue) buf_implode = #445;
-string(float bufhandle, float string_index) bufstr_get = #446;
-void(float bufhandle, float string_index, string str) bufstr_set = #447;
-float(float bufhandle, string str, float order) bufstr_add = #448;
-void(float bufhandle, float string_index) bufstr_free = #449;
-void(float bufhandle, string pattern, string antipattern) buf_cvarlist = #517;
-string(string name) cvar_description = #518;
-//idea: div0
-//darkplaces implementation: div0
-//Some hash function to build hash tables with. This has to be be the CRC-16-CCITT that is also required for the QuakeWorld download protocol.
-//When caseinsensitive is set, the CRC is calculated of the lower cased string.
-float(float caseinsensitive, string s, ...) crc16 = #494;
-float(string name) cvar_type = #495;
-//idea: div0
-//darkplaces implementation: div0
-//URI::Escape's functionality
-string(string in) uri_escape = #510;
-string(string in) uri_unescape = #511;
-//idea: divVerent
-//darkplaces implementation: divVerent
-//loads text from an URL into a string
-//returns 1 on success of initiation, 0 if there are too many concurrent
-//connections already or if the URL is invalid
-//the following callback will receive the data and MUST exist!
-// void(float id, float status, string data) URI_Get_Callback;
-//status is either
-// negative for an internal error,
-// 0 for success, or
-// the HTTP response code on server error (e.g. 404)
-//if 1 is returned by uri_get, the callback will be called in the future
-float(string url, float id) uri_get = #513;
-//idea: divVerent
-//darkplaces implementation: divVerent
-//loads text from an URL into a string after POSTing via HTTP
-//works like uri_get, but uri_post sends data with Content-Type: content_type to the server
-//and uri_post sends the string buffer buf, joined using the delimiter delim
-float(string url, float id, string content_type, string data) uri_post = #513;
-float(string url, float id, string content_type, string delim, float buf) uri_postbuf = #513;
-string(string, float) netaddress_resolve = #625;
-string(string search, string replace, string subject) strreplace = #484;
-string(float uselocaltime, string format, ...) strftime = #478;
-float(string s) tokenize_console = #514;
-float(float i) argv_start_index = #515;
-float(float i) argv_end_index = #516;
-string(float, float) getgamedirinfo = #626;
-float log(float f) = #532;
-string(string format, ...) sprintf = #627;
-//idea: divVerent
-//darkplaces implementation: divVerent
-//field definitions: (MENUQC)
-string crypto_getkeyfp(string serveraddress) = #633; // retrieves the cached host key's CA fingerprint of a server given by IP address
-string crypto_getidfp(string serveraddress) = #634; // retrieves the cached host key fingerprint of a server given by IP address
-string crypto_getencryptlevel(string serveraddress) = #635; // 0 if never encrypting, 1 supported, 2 requested, 3 required, appended by list of allowed methods in order of preference ("AES128"), preceded by a space each
-float(string url, float id, string content_type, string delim, float buf, float keyid) crypto_uri_postbuf = #513;
-//idea: motorsep, Spike
-//DarkPlaces implementation: divVerent
-//builtin definitions:
-string(string digest, string data, ...) digest_hex = #639;
-//returns a given hex digest of given data
-//the returned digest is always encoded in hexadecimal
-//only the "MD4" digest is always supported!
-//if the given digest is not supported, string_null is returned
-//the digest string is matched case sensitively, use "MD4", not "md4"!
+++ /dev/null
-#pragma flag off fastarrays // make dp behave with new fteqcc versions. remove when dp bug with fteqcc fastarrays is fixed
-// sys globals
-entity self;
-void end_sys_globals;
-// sys fields
-void end_sys_fields;
-// sys functions
-void() m_init;
-void(float keynr, float ascii) m_keydown;
-void() m_draw;
-void() m_display; // old NG Menu
-void() m_toggle;
-void() m_hide; // old NG Menu
-void() m_shutdown;
-// sys constants
-// key dest constants
-float KEY_UNKNOWN = -1;
-float KEY_GAME = 0;
-float KEY_MENU = 2;
-float KEY_MENU_GRABBED = 3;
-// file constants
-float FILE_READ = 0;
-float FILE_APPEND = 1;
-float FILE_WRITE = 2;
-// logical constants (just for completeness)
-float TRUE = 1;
-float FALSE = 0;
-// boolean constants
-float true = 1;
-float false = 0;
-// msg constants
-float MSG_BROADCAST = 0; // unreliable to all
-float MSG_ONE = 1; // reliable to one (msg_entity)
-float MSG_ALL = 2; // reliable to all
-float MSG_INIT = 3; // write to the init string
-// mouse target constants
-float MT_MENU = 1;
-float MT_CLIENT = 2;
-// client state constants
-float CS_DEDICATED = 0;
-float CS_CONNECTED = 2;
-// blend flags
-// server list constants
-float SLIST_LEGACY_LINE1 = 1024;
-float SLIST_LEGACY_LINE2 = 1025;
-float SLIST_TEST_LESS = 3;
-float SLIST_TEST_EQUAL = 4;
-float SLIST_MASK_AND = 0;
-float SLIST_MASK_OR = 512;
-// cinematic action constants
-float CINE_PLAY = 1;
-float CINE_LOOP = 2;
-float CINE_PAUSE = 3;
-// null entity (actually it is the same like the world entity)
-entity null_entity;
-// error constants
-// file handling
-float ERR_CANNOTOPEN = -1; // fopen
-float ERR_NOTENOUGHFILEHANDLES = -2; // fopen
-float ERR_INVALIDMODE = -3; // fopen
-float ERR_BADFILENAME = -4; // fopen
-// drawing functions
-float ERR_NULLSTRING = -1;
-float ERR_BADDRAWFLAG = -2;
-float ERR_BADSCALE = -3;
-float ERR_NOTCACHED = -4;
-float GECKO_BUTTON_UP = 1;
-// either use down and up or just press but not all of them!
-// use this for mouse events if needed?
-/* not supported at the moment
-// os constants
-float OS_WINDOWS = 0;
-float OS_LINUX = 1;
-float OS_MAC = 2;
-float drawfont; // set this to one of the following for draw text routines to work with another font
-float FONT_DEFAULT = 0;
-float FONT_CONSOLE = 1;
-float FONT_SBAR = 2;
-float FONT_NOTIFY = 3;
-float FONT_CHAT = 4;
-float FONT_INFOBAR = 6;
-float FONT_MENU = 7;
-float FONT_USER = 8; // add to this the index, like FONT_USER+3 = user3. At least 8 of them are supported.
me.TD(me, 1, 4, makeXonoticTextLabel(0, _("Panel background defaults:")));
me.TD(me, 1, 1.4, e = makeXonoticTextLabel(0, _("Background:")));
- me.TD(me, 1, 2.6, e = makeXonoticTextSlider(strzone(strcat("hud_panel_bg"))));
+ me.TD(me, 1, 2.6, e = makeXonoticTextSlider("hud_panel_bg"));
e.addValue(e, _("Disable"), "0");
e.addValue(e, "border_default", "border_default"); // this is a file name!
void replace_bind(string from, string to)
float n, j, k;
- n = tokenize(findkeysforcommand(from)); // uses '...' strings
+ n = tokenize(findkeysforcommand(from, 0)); // uses '...' strings
for(j = 0; j < n; ++j)
k = stof(argv(j));
if(func == "")
- n = tokenize(findkeysforcommand(func)); // uses '...' strings
+ n = tokenize(findkeysforcommand(func, 0)); // uses '...' strings
nvalid = 0;
for(j = 0; j < n; ++j)
if(func == "")
- n = tokenize(findkeysforcommand(func)); // uses '...' strings
+ n = tokenize(findkeysforcommand(func, 0)); // uses '...' strings
for(j = 0; j < n; ++j)
k = stof(argv(j));
draw_Text(me.realUpperMargin * eY + extraMargin * eX, s, me.realFontSize, theColor, theAlpha, 0);
if(func != "")
- n = tokenize(findkeysforcommand(func)); // uses '...' strings
+ n = tokenize(findkeysforcommand(func, 0)); // uses '...' strings
s = "";
for(j = 0; j < n; ++j)
if(f < 1)
c = c * f; // ensures that c_x <= r_x and c_y <= r_y
- minfactor = min(1, 640 / c_x); // can be > 1 only if c_x is <640
- maxfactor = max3(1, r_x / c_x, r_y / c_y); // can be < 1 only if r_x < c_x and r_y < c_y
+ minfactor = min(1, 640 / c_x); // can be > 1 only if c_x is <640
+ maxfactor = max(1, r_x / c_x, r_y / c_y); // can be < 1 only if r_x < c_x and r_y < c_y
dprint("min factor: ", ftos(minfactor), "\n");
dprint("max factor: ", ftos(maxfactor), "\n");