#include "model_zymotic.h"
+// all md3 ints, floats, and shorts, are little endian, and thus need to be
+// passed through LittleLong/LittleFloat/LittleShort to avoid breaking on
+// bigendian machines (Macs for example)
+#define MD3VERSION 15
+#define MD3NAME 64
+#define MD3FRAMENAME 16
+// the origin is at 1/16th scale
+// the pitch and yaw are encoded as 8 bits each
+typedef struct md3vertex_s
+ short origin[3], normalpitchyaw;
+// one per frame
+typedef struct md3frameinfo_s
+ float mins[3];
+ float maxs[3];
+ float origin[3];
+ float radius;
+ char name[MD3FRAMENAME];
+// one per tag per frame
+typedef struct md3tag_s
+ char name[MD3NAME];
+ float origin[3];
+ float rotationmatrix[9];
+// one per shader per mesh
+typedef struct md3shader_s
+ char name[MD3NAME];
+ // engine field (yes this empty int does exist in the file)
+ int shadernum;
+// one per mesh per model
+// note that the lump_ offsets in this struct are relative to the beginning
+// of the mesh struct
+// to find the next mesh in the file, you must go to lump_end, which puts you
+// at the beginning of the next mesh
+// the comments after each field are example values from 4 models I examined
+typedef struct md3mesh_s
+ char identifier[4]; // "IDP3"
+ char name[MD3NAME];
+ int num_unknown1; // 0 0 0 0
+ int num_frames; // 1 9 1 138
+ int num_shaders; // 1 1 1 1
+ int num_vertices; // 68 275 346 42
+ int num_triangles; // 96 324 324 55
+ int lump_elements; // 108 108 108 176
+ int lump_shaders; // 1260 3996 3996 108
+ int lump_texcoords; // 1328 4064 4064 836
+ int lump_framevertices; // 1872 6264 6832 1172
+ int lump_end; // 2416 26064 9600 47540
+// this struct is at the beginning of the md3 file
+// note that the lump_ offsets in this struct are relative to the beginning
+// of the header struct (which is the beginning of the file)
+// the comments after each field are example values from 4 models I examined
+typedef struct md3modelheader_s
+ char identifier[4]; // "IDP3"
+ int version; // 15 15 15 15
+ char name[MD3NAME]; // "eyes" "v_axe" "armor" "models/players/brandon/brandon.md3"
+ int unknown1; // 0 0 0 0
+ int num_frames; // 1 9 1 138
+ int num_tags; // 0 0 3 0
+ int num_meshes; // 1 1 1 3
+ int unknown2; // 0 0 0 0
+ int lump_frameinfo; // 108 108 108 108
+ int lump_tags; // 164 612 164 7836
+ int lump_meshes; // 164 612 164 54204
+ int lump_end; // 2580 26676 9764 219904