- if [ -n "$AUDIT_ALPHACHANNELS" ] && [ -n "$ss_map" ]; then
- getstats "../$ss_map.tga" || getstats "../$ss_map.png" || getstats "../$ss_map.jpg"
- case "$ss_blendfunc" in
- *src_alpha*|*blend*)
- # texture must have alpha
- if [ x"$ss_alphagen" = x"none" -a $min -eq 255 ]; then
- echo "(EE) $parsing_shader uses alpha-less texture $ss_map with blendfunc $ss_blendfunc and alphagen $ss_alphagen"; seterror
- fi
- ;;
- add|"gl_one gl_one")
- # texture must not have alpha (engine bug)
- if [ x"$ss_alphagen" != x"none" -o $min -lt 255 ]; then
- echo "(EE) $parsing_shader uses alpha-using texture $ss_map with blendfunc $ss_blendfunc and alphagen $ss_alphagen"; seterror
- fi
- ;;
- *)
- case "$ss_alphafunc" in
- g*)
- # texture must have alpha
- if [ x"$ss_alphagen" = x"none" -a $min -eq 255 ]; then
- echo "(EE) $parsing_shader uses alpha-less texture $ss_map with alphafunc $ss_alphafunc and alphagen $ss_alphagen"; seterror
- fi
- ;;
- *)
- # texture should not have alpha (no bug if not)
- case "$ss_alphagen" in
- none)
- if [ $min -lt 255 ]; then
- echo "(WW) $parsing_shader uses alpha-using texture $ss_map with blendfunc $ss_blendfunc and alphafunc $ss_alphafunc and alphagen $ss_alphagen"
- fi
- ;;
- *)
- # alphagen is set, but blendfunc has no use for it
- echo "(EE) $parsing_shader uses alpha-using texture $ss_map with blendfunc $ss_blendfunc and alphafunc $ss_alphafunc and alphagen $ss_alphagen"; seterror
- ;;
- esac
- ;;
- esac
- ;;
- esac
+ if [ -n "$ss_map" ]; then
+ if [ -z "$maintexture" ]; then
+ maintexture=$ss_map
+ mainblendfunc=$ss_blendfunc
+ mainalphafunc=$ss_alphafunc
+ mainalphagen=$ss_alphagen
+ elif [ x"$ss_alphagen" = x"vertex" ] && ! $textureblending; then
+ case "$mainblendfunc:$mainalphafunc:$ss_blendfunc:$ss_alphafunc" in
+ none:none:"gl_src_alpha gl_one_minus_src_alpha":none) textureblending=true ;;
+ none:none:filter:none) textureblending=true ;;
+ none:none:none:g*) textureblending=true ;;
+ "gl_one gl_zero":none:filter:none) textureblending=true ;;
+ "gl_one gl_zero":none:none:g*) textureblending=true ;;
+ *)
+ echo "(EE) texture blending requires first stage to have no blendfunc/alphatest, and requires second stage to be blendfunc filter"; seterror
+ ;;
+ esac
+ else
+ echo "(EE) multistage shader without alphagen vertex, or using more than 2 stages, is not supported by DarkPlaces"; seterror
+ fi
use_texture "$parsing_shader" "$parsing_shader" shader
+ textureblending=false
+ maintexture=
while read L A1 Aother; do
case "`echo "$L" | tr A-Z a-z`" in
+ if [ -n "$AUDIT_ALPHACHANNELS" ] && [ -n "$maintexture" ] && ! $textureblending; then
+ getstats "../$maintexture.tga" || getstats "../$maintexture.png" || getstats "../$maintexture.jpg"
+ case "$mainblendfunc" in
+ *src_alpha*|*blend*)
+ # texture must have alpha
+ if [ x"$mainalphagen" = x"none" -a $min -eq 255 ]; then
+ echo "(EE) $parsing_shader uses alpha-less texture $maintexture with blendfunc $mainblendfunc and alphagen $mainalphagen"; seterror
+ fi
+ ;;
+ add|"gl_one gl_one")
+ # texture must not have alpha (engine bug)
+ if [ x"$mainalphagen" != x"none" -o $min -lt 255 ]; then
+ echo "(EE) $parsing_shader uses alpha-using texture $maintexture with blendfunc $mainblendfunc and alphagen $mainalphagen"; seterror
+ fi
+ ;;
+ *)
+ case "$mainalphafunc" in
+ g*)
+ # texture must have alpha
+ if [ x"$mainalphagen" = x"none" -a $min -eq 255 ]; then
+ echo "(EE) $parsing_shader uses alpha-less texture $maintexture with alphafunc $mainalphafunc and alphagen $mainalphagen"; seterror
+ fi
+ ;;
+ *)
+ # texture should not have alpha (no bug if not)
+ case "$mainalphagen" in
+ none)
+ if [ $min -lt 255 ]; then
+ echo "(WW) $parsing_shader uses alpha-using texture $maintexture with blendfunc $mainblendfunc and alphafunc $mainalphafunc and alphagen $mainalphagen"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ *)
+ # alphagen is set, but blendfunc has no use for it
+ echo "(EE) $parsing_shader uses alpha-using texture $maintexture with blendfunc $mainblendfunc and alphafunc $mainalphafunc and alphagen $mainalphagen"; seterror
+ ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ esac
+ fi