if (skinframe)
tx->skinframes[0] = skinframe;
- if (tx->name[0] == '*')
- {
- // LordHavoc: some turbulent textures should not be affected by wateralpha
- if (!strncmp(tx->name, "*glassmirror", 12)) // Tenebrae
- {
- // replace the texture with transparent black
- tx->skinframes[0] = R_SkinFrame_LoadInternalBGRA(tx->name, TEXF_MIPMAP | TEXF_ALPHA, zerotrans, 1, 1, false);
- }
- }
+ // LordHavoc: some Tenebrae textures get replaced by black
+ if (!strncmp(tx->name, "*glassmirror", 12)) // Tenebrae
+ tx->skinframes[0] = R_SkinFrame_LoadInternalBGRA(tx->name, TEXF_MIPMAP | TEXF_ALPHA, zerotrans, 1, 1, false);
else if (!strncmp(tx->name, "mirror", 6)) // Tenebrae
- {
- // replace the texture with black
tx->skinframes[0] = R_SkinFrame_LoadInternalBGRA(tx->name, 0, zeroopaque, 1, 1, false);
- }
tx->basematerialflags = MATERIALFLAG_WALL;