float stale_red_flags, stale_blue_flags;
entity tmp_entity;
+ entity ctf_staleflaglist; // reset the list, we need to build the list each time this function runs
// build list of stale flags
for(tmp_entity = ctf_worldflaglist; tmp_entity; tmp_entity = tmp_entity.ctf_worldflagnext)
+ if(tmp_entity.ctf_status != FLAG_BASE)
if(time >= tmp_entity.ctf_pickuptime + autocvar_g_ctf_flagcarrier_waypointforenemy_stalemate)
tmp_entity.ctf_staleflagnext = ctf_staleflaglist; // link flag into staleflaglist
+ if(stale_red_flags && stale_blue_flags)
+ ctf_stalemate = TRUE;
+ else if(!stale_red_flags && !stale_blue_flags)
+ ctf_stalemate = FALSE;
// if sufficient stalemate, then set up the waypointsprite and announce the stalemate if necessary
- if(stale_red_flags && stale_blue_flags)
+ if(ctf_stalemate)
for(tmp_entity = ctf_staleflaglist; tmp_entity; tmp_entity = tmp_entity.ctf_staleflagnext)
- if not(tmp_entity.owner.wps_enemyflagcarrier)
+ if((tmp_entity.owner) && (!tmp_entity.owner.wps_enemyflagcarrier))
WaypointSprite_Spawn("enemyflagcarrier", 0, 0, tmp_entity.owner, FLAG_WAYPOINT_OFFSET, world, tmp_entity.team, tmp_entity.owner, wps_enemyflagcarrier, TRUE, RADARICON_FLAG, WPCOLOR_ENEMYFC(tmp_entity.owner.team));
entity player = self;
- if((time > player.throw_antispam) && !player.speedrunning && (!player.vehicle || autocvar_g_ctf_allow_vehicle_touch))
+ if((time > player.throw_antispam) && (player.deadflag == DEAD_NO) && !player.speedrunning && (!player.vehicle || autocvar_g_ctf_allow_vehicle_touch))
// pass the flag to a team mate
// list of flags on the map
entity ctf_worldflaglist;
.entity ctf_worldflagnext;
-entity ctf_staleflaglist;
.entity ctf_staleflagnext;
// waypoint sprites
// flag properties
#define ctf_spawnorigin dropped_origin
+float ctf_stalemate; // indicates that a stalemate is active
float ctf_captimerecord; // record time for capturing the flag
.float ctf_pickuptime;
.float ctf_droptime;
.float ctf_captureshielded; // set to 1 if the player is too bad to be allowed to capture
float ctf_captureshield_min_negscore; // punish at -20 points
float ctf_captureshield_max_ratio; // punish at most 30% of each team
-float ctf_captureshield_force; // push force of the shield
\ No newline at end of file
+float ctf_captureshield_force; // push force of the shield