cvar_t mod_collision_bih = {0, "mod_collision_bih", "1", "enables use of generated Bounding Interval Hierarchy tree instead of compiled bsp tree in collision code"};
cvar_t mod_recalculatenodeboxes = {0, "mod_recalculatenodeboxes", "1", "enables use of generated node bounding boxes based on BSP tree portal reconstruction, rather than the node boxes supplied by the map compiler"};
+cvar_t mod_jkbsp_nolightmaps = {CVAR_SAVE, "mod_jkbsp_nolightmaps", "0", "do not load lightmaps in JKBSP maps (to save video RAM, but be warned: it looks ugly)"};
static texture_t mod_q1bsp_texture_solid;
static texture_t mod_q1bsp_texture_sky;
static texture_t mod_q1bsp_texture_lava;
+ Cvar_RegisterVariable(&mod_jkbsp_nolightmaps);
// these games were made for older DP engines and are no longer
// maintained; use this hack to show their textures properly
if(gamemode == GAME_NEXUIZ)
Host_Error("Mod_IBSP_Load: unknown/unsupported version %i", i);
+// ~exidl: RBSP support
+static void Mod_JKBSP_LoadEntities(lump_t *l)
+ const char *data;
+ char key[128], value[MAX_INPUTLINE];
+ float v[3];
+ loadmodel->brushjk.num_lightgrid_cellsize[0] = 64;
+ loadmodel->brushjk.num_lightgrid_cellsize[1] = 64;
+ loadmodel->brushjk.num_lightgrid_cellsize[2] = 128;
+ if (!l->filelen)
+ return;
+ loadmodel->brush.entities = (char *)Mem_Alloc(loadmodel->mempool, l->filelen + 1);
+ memcpy(loadmodel->brush.entities, mod_base + l->fileofs, l->filelen);
+ loadmodel->brush.entities[l->filelen] = 0;
+ data = loadmodel->brush.entities;
+ // some Q3 maps override the lightgrid_cellsize with a worldspawn key
+ // VorteX: q3map2 FS-R generates tangentspace deluxemaps for q3bsp and sets 'deluxeMaps' key
+ loadmodel->brushjk.deluxemapping = false;
+ if (data && COM_ParseToken_Simple(&data, false, false, true) && com_token[0] == '{')
+ {
+ while (1)
+ {
+ if (!COM_ParseToken_Simple(&data, false, false, true))
+ break; // error
+ if (com_token[0] == '}')
+ break; // end of worldspawn
+ if (com_token[0] == '_')
+ strlcpy(key, com_token + 1, sizeof(key));
+ else
+ strlcpy(key, com_token, sizeof(key));
+ while (key[strlen(key)-1] == ' ') // remove trailing spaces
+ key[strlen(key)-1] = 0;
+ if (!COM_ParseToken_Simple(&data, false, false, true))
+ break; // error
+ strlcpy(value, com_token, sizeof(value));
+ if (!strcasecmp("gridsize", key)) // this one is case insensitive to 100% match q3map2
+ {
+#if _MSC_VER >= 1400
+#define sscanf sscanf_s
+#if 0
+ if (sscanf(value, "%f %f %f", &v[0], &v[1], &v[2]) == 3 && v[0] != 0 && v[1] != 0 && v[2] != 0)
+ VectorCopy(v, loadmodel->brushjk.num_lightgrid_cellsize);
+ VectorSet(v, 64, 64, 128);
+ if(sscanf(value, "%f %f %f", &v[0], &v[1], &v[2]) != 3)
+ Con_Printf("Mod_JKBSP_LoadEntities: funny gridsize \"%s\" in %s, interpreting as \"%f %f %f\" to match q3map2's parsing\n", value, loadmodel->name, v[0], v[1], v[2]);
+ if (v[0] != 0 && v[1] != 0 && v[2] != 0)
+ VectorCopy(v, loadmodel->brushjk.num_lightgrid_cellsize);
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp("deluxeMaps", key))
+ {
+ if (!strcmp(com_token, "1"))
+ {
+ loadmodel->brushjk.deluxemapping = true;
+ loadmodel->brushjk.deluxemapping_modelspace = true;
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(com_token, "2"))
+ {
+ loadmodel->brushjk.deluxemapping = true;
+ loadmodel->brushjk.deluxemapping_modelspace = false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+static void Mod_JKBSP_LoadTextures(lump_t *l)
+ jkdtexture_t *in;
+ texture_t *out;
+ int i, count;
+ in = (jkdtexture_t *)(mod_base + l->fileofs);
+ if (l->filelen % sizeof(*in))
+ Host_Error("Mod_JKBSP_LoadTextures: funny lump size in %s", loadmodel->name);
+ count = l->filelen / sizeof(*in);
+ out = (texture_t *)Mem_Alloc(loadmodel->mempool, count * sizeof(*out));
+ loadmodel->data_textures = out;
+ loadmodel->num_textures = count;
+ loadmodel->num_texturesperskin = loadmodel->num_textures;
+ for (i = 0;i < count;i++)
+ {
+ strlcpy (out[i].name, in[i].name, sizeof (out[i].name));
+ out[i].surfaceflags = LittleLong(in[i].surfaceflags);
+ out[i].supercontents = Mod_Q3BSP_SuperContentsFromNativeContents(loadmodel, LittleLong(in[i].contents));
+ Mod_LoadTextureFromQ3Shader(out + i, out[i].name, true, true, TEXF_MIPMAP | TEXF_ISWORLD | TEXF_PICMIP | TEXF_COMPRESS);
+ // restore the surfaceflags and supercontents
+ out[i].surfaceflags = LittleLong(in[i].surfaceflags);
+ out[i].supercontents = Mod_Q3BSP_SuperContentsFromNativeContents(loadmodel, LittleLong(in[i].contents));
+ }
+static void Mod_JKBSP_LoadPlanes(lump_t *l)
+ jkdplane_t *in;
+ mplane_t *out;
+ int i, count;
+ in = (jkdplane_t *)(mod_base + l->fileofs);
+ if (l->filelen % sizeof(*in))
+ Host_Error("Mod_JKBSP_LoadPlanes: funny lump size in %s", loadmodel->name);
+ count = l->filelen / sizeof(*in);
+ out = (mplane_t *)Mem_Alloc(loadmodel->mempool, count * sizeof(*out));
+ loadmodel->brush.data_planes = out;
+ loadmodel->brush.num_planes = count;
+ for (i = 0;i < count;i++, in++, out++)
+ {
+ out->normal[0] = LittleFloat(in->normal[0]);
+ out->normal[1] = LittleFloat(in->normal[1]);
+ out->normal[2] = LittleFloat(in->normal[2]);
+ out->dist = LittleFloat(in->dist);
+ PlaneClassify(out);
+ }
+static void Mod_JKBSP_LoadBrushSides(lump_t *l)
+ jkdbrushside_t *in;
+ q3mbrushside_t *out;
+ int i, n, count;
+ in = (jkdbrushside_t *)(mod_base + l->fileofs);
+ if (l->filelen % sizeof(*in))
+ Host_Error("Mod_JKBSP_LoadBrushSides: funny lump size in %s",loadmodel->name);
+ count = l->filelen / sizeof(*in);
+ out = (q3mbrushside_t *)Mem_Alloc(loadmodel->mempool, count * sizeof(*out));
+ loadmodel->brush.data_brushsides = out;
+ loadmodel->brush.num_brushsides = count;
+ for (i = 0;i < count;i++, in++, out++)
+ {
+ n = LittleLong(in->planeindex);
+ if (n < 0 || n >= loadmodel->brush.num_planes)
+ Host_Error("Mod_JKBSP_LoadBrushSides: invalid planeindex %i (%i planes)", n, loadmodel->brush.num_planes);
+ out->plane = loadmodel->brush.data_planes + n;
+ n = LittleLong(in->textureindex);
+ if (n < 0 || n >= loadmodel->num_textures)
+ Host_Error("Mod_JKBSP_LoadBrushSides: invalid textureindex %i (%i textures)", n, loadmodel->num_textures);
+ out->texture = loadmodel->data_textures + n;
+ }
+static void Mod_JKBSP_LoadBrushes(lump_t *l)
+ jkdbrush_t *in;
+ q3mbrush_t *out;
+ int i, j, n, c, count, maxplanes, q3surfaceflags;
+ colplanef_t *planes;
+ in = (jkdbrush_t *)(mod_base + l->fileofs);
+ if (l->filelen % sizeof(*in))
+ Host_Error("Mod_JKBSP_LoadBrushes: funny lump size in %s",loadmodel->name);
+ count = l->filelen / sizeof(*in);
+ out = (q3mbrush_t *)Mem_Alloc(loadmodel->mempool, count * sizeof(*out));
+ loadmodel->brush.data_brushes = out;
+ loadmodel->brush.num_brushes = count;
+ maxplanes = 0;
+ planes = NULL;
+ for (i = 0;i < count;i++, in++, out++)
+ {
+ n = LittleLong(in->firstbrushside);
+ c = LittleLong(in->numbrushsides);
+ if (n < 0 || n + c > loadmodel->brush.num_brushsides)
+ Host_Error("Mod_JKBSP_LoadBrushes: invalid brushside range %i : %i (%i brushsides)", n, n + c, loadmodel->brush.num_brushsides);
+ out->firstbrushside = loadmodel->brush.data_brushsides + n;
+ out->numbrushsides = c;
+ n = LittleLong(in->textureindex);
+ if (n < 0 || n >= loadmodel->num_textures)
+ Host_Error("Mod_JKBSP_LoadBrushes: invalid textureindex %i (%i textures)", n, loadmodel->num_textures);
+ out->texture = loadmodel->data_textures + n;
+ // make a list of mplane_t structs to construct a colbrush from
+ if (maxplanes < out->numbrushsides)
+ {
+ maxplanes = out->numbrushsides;
+ if (planes)
+ Mem_Free(planes);
+ planes = (colplanef_t *)Mem_Alloc(tempmempool, sizeof(colplanef_t) * maxplanes);
+ }
+ q3surfaceflags = 0;
+ for (j = 0;j < out->numbrushsides;j++)
+ {
+ VectorCopy(out->firstbrushside[j].plane->normal, planes[j].normal);
+ planes[j].dist = out->firstbrushside[j].plane->dist;
+ planes[j].q3surfaceflags = out->firstbrushside[j].texture->surfaceflags;
+ planes[j].texture = out->firstbrushside[j].texture;
+ q3surfaceflags |= planes[j].q3surfaceflags;
+ }
+ // make the colbrush from the planes
+ out->colbrushf = Collision_NewBrushFromPlanes(loadmodel->mempool, out->numbrushsides, planes, out->texture->supercontents, q3surfaceflags, out->texture, true);
+ // this whole loop can take a while (e.g. on redstarrepublic4)
+ CL_KeepaliveMessage(false);
+ }
+ if (planes)
+ Mem_Free(planes);
+static void Mod_JKBSP_LoadEffects(lump_t *l)
+ jkdeffect_t *in;
+ q3deffect_t *out;
+ int i, n, count;
+ in = (jkdeffect_t *)(mod_base + l->fileofs);
+ if (l->filelen % sizeof(*in))
+ Host_Error("Mod_JKBSP_LoadEffects: funny lump size in %s",loadmodel->name);
+ count = l->filelen / sizeof(*in);
+ out = (q3deffect_t *)Mem_Alloc(loadmodel->mempool, count * sizeof(*out));
+ loadmodel->brushjk.data_effects = out;
+ loadmodel->brushjk.num_effects = count;
+ for (i = 0;i < count;i++, in++, out++)
+ {
+ strlcpy (out->shadername, in->shadername, sizeof (out->shadername));
+ n = LittleLong(in->brushindex);
+ if (n >= loadmodel->brush.num_brushes)
+ {
+ Con_Printf("Mod_JKBSP_LoadEffects: invalid brushindex %i (%i brushes), setting to -1\n", n, loadmodel->brush.num_brushes);
+ n = -1;
+ }
+ out->brushindex = n;
+ out->unknown = LittleLong(in->unknown);
+ }
+static void Mod_JKBSP_LoadVertices(lump_t *l)
+ jkdvertex_t *in;
+ int i, j, count;
+ in = (jkdvertex_t *)(mod_base + l->fileofs);
+ if (l->filelen % sizeof(*in))
+ Host_Error("Mod_JKBSP_LoadVertices: funny lump size in %s", loadmodel->name);
+ loadmodel->brushjk.num_vertices = count = l->filelen / sizeof(*in);
+ loadmodel->brushjk.data_vertex3f = (float *)Mem_Alloc(loadmodel->mempool, count * (sizeof(float) * (3 + 3 + 2)));
+ loadmodel->brushjk.data_normal3f = loadmodel->brushjk.data_vertex3f + count * 3;
+ loadmodel->brushjk.data_texcoordtexture2f = loadmodel->brushjk.data_normal3f + count * 3;
+ loadmodel->brushjk.data_texcoordlightmap2f = (float **)Mem_Alloc(loadmodel->mempool, MAX_LIGHTMAPS);
+ loadmodel->brushjk.data_texcoordlightmap2f[0] = (float *)Mem_Alloc(loadmodel->mempool, count * sizeof(float) * 2);
+ loadmodel->brushjk.data_texcoordlightmap2f[1] = (float *)Mem_Alloc(loadmodel->mempool, count * sizeof(float) * 2);
+ loadmodel->brushjk.data_texcoordlightmap2f[2] = (float *)Mem_Alloc(loadmodel->mempool, count * sizeof(float) * 2);
+ loadmodel->brushjk.data_texcoordlightmap2f[3] = (float *)Mem_Alloc(loadmodel->mempool, count * sizeof(float) * 2);
+ loadmodel->brushjk.data_color4f = (float **)Mem_Alloc(loadmodel->mempool, MAX_LIGHTMAPS);
+ loadmodel->brushjk.data_color4f[0] = (float *)Mem_Alloc(loadmodel->mempool, count * sizeof(float) * 4);
+ loadmodel->brushjk.data_color4f[1] = (float *)Mem_Alloc(loadmodel->mempool, count * sizeof(float) * 4);
+ loadmodel->brushjk.data_color4f[2] = (float *)Mem_Alloc(loadmodel->mempool, count * sizeof(float) * 4);
+ loadmodel->brushjk.data_color4f[3] = (float *)Mem_Alloc(loadmodel->mempool, count * sizeof(float) * 4);
+ for (i = 0; i < count; i++, in++)
+ {
+ loadmodel->brushjk.data_vertex3f[i * 3 + 0] = LittleFloat(in->origin3f[0]);
+ loadmodel->brushjk.data_vertex3f[i * 3 + 1] = LittleFloat(in->origin3f[1]);
+ loadmodel->brushjk.data_vertex3f[i * 3 + 2] = LittleFloat(in->origin3f[2]);
+ loadmodel->brushjk.data_normal3f[i * 3 + 0] = LittleFloat(in->normal3f[0]);
+ loadmodel->brushjk.data_normal3f[i * 3 + 1] = LittleFloat(in->normal3f[1]);
+ loadmodel->brushjk.data_normal3f[i * 3 + 2] = LittleFloat(in->normal3f[2]);
+ loadmodel->brushjk.data_texcoordtexture2f[i * 2 + 0] = LittleFloat(in->texcoord2f[0]);
+ loadmodel->brushjk.data_texcoordtexture2f[i * 2 + 1] = LittleFloat(in->texcoord2f[1]);
+ for (j = 0; j < MAX_LIGHTMAPS; j++)
+ {
+ loadmodel->brushjk.data_texcoordlightmap2f[j][i * 2 + 0] = LittleFloat(in->lightmap2f[j][0]);
+ loadmodel->brushjk.data_texcoordlightmap2f[j][i * 2 + 1] = LittleFloat(in->lightmap2f[j][1]);
+ }
+ // svector/tvector are calculated later in face loading
+ if(mod_q3bsp_sRGBlightmaps.integer)
+ {
+ // if lightmaps are sRGB, vertex colors are sRGB too, so we need to linearize them
+ // note: when this is in use, lightmap color 128 is no longer neutral, but "sRGB half power" is
+ // working like this may be odd, but matches q3map2 -gamma 2.2
+ if(vid_sRGB.integer && vid_sRGB_fallback.integer && !vid.sRGB3D)
+ {
+ for (j = 0; j < MAX_LIGHTMAPS; j++)
+ {
+ loadmodel->brushjk.data_color4f[j][i * 4 + 0] = in->color4ub[j][0] * (1.0f / 255.0f);
+ loadmodel->brushjk.data_color4f[j][i * 4 + 1] = in->color4ub[j][1] * (1.0f / 255.0f);
+ loadmodel->brushjk.data_color4f[j][i * 4 + 2] = in->color4ub[j][2] * (1.0f / 255.0f);
+ }
+ // we fix the brightness consistently via lightmapscale
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (j = 0; j < MAX_LIGHTMAPS; j++)
+ {
+ loadmodel->brushjk.data_color4f[j][i * 4 + 0] = Image_LinearFloatFromsRGB(in->color4ub[j][0]);
+ loadmodel->brushjk.data_color4f[j][i * 4 + 1] = Image_LinearFloatFromsRGB(in->color4ub[j][1]);
+ loadmodel->brushjk.data_color4f[j][i * 4 + 2] = Image_LinearFloatFromsRGB(in->color4ub[j][2]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(vid_sRGB.integer && vid_sRGB_fallback.integer && !vid.sRGB3D)
+ {
+ for (j = 0; j < MAX_LIGHTMAPS; j++)
+ {
+ loadmodel->brushjk.data_color4f[j][i * 4 + 0] = Image_sRGBFloatFromLinear_Lightmap(in->color4ub[j][0]);
+ loadmodel->brushjk.data_color4f[j][i * 4 + 1] = Image_sRGBFloatFromLinear_Lightmap(in->color4ub[j][1]);
+ loadmodel->brushjk.data_color4f[j][i * 4 + 2] = Image_sRGBFloatFromLinear_Lightmap(in->color4ub[j][2]);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (j = 0; j < MAX_LIGHTMAPS; j++)
+ {
+ loadmodel->brushjk.data_color4f[j][i * 4 + 0] = in->color4ub[j][0] * (1.0f / 255.0f);
+ loadmodel->brushjk.data_color4f[j][i * 4 + 1] = in->color4ub[j][1] * (1.0f / 255.0f);
+ loadmodel->brushjk.data_color4f[j][i * 4 + 2] = in->color4ub[j][2] * (1.0f / 255.0f);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (j = 0; j < MAX_LIGHTMAPS; j++)
+ loadmodel->brushjk.data_color4f[j][i * 4 + 3] = in->color4ub[j][3] * (1.0f / 255.0f);
+ if(in->color4ub[0][0] != 255 || in->color4ub[0][1] != 255 || in->color4ub[0][2] != 255)
+ loadmodel->lit = true; // ~exidl: have to do lit[4] instead ?
+ }
+static void Mod_JKBSP_LoadTriangles(lump_t *l)
+ int *in;
+ int *out;
+ int i, count;
+ in = (int *)(mod_base + l->fileofs);
+ if (l->filelen % sizeof(int[3]))
+ Host_Error("Mod_JKBSP_LoadTriangles: funny lump size in %s",loadmodel->name);
+ count = l->filelen / sizeof(*in);
+ if(!loadmodel->brushjk.num_vertices)
+ {
+ if (count)
+ Con_Printf("Mod_JKBSP_LoadTriangles: %s has triangles but no vertexes, broken compiler, ignoring problem\n", loadmodel->name);
+ loadmodel->brushjk.num_triangles = 0;
+ return;
+ }
+ out = (int *)Mem_Alloc(loadmodel->mempool, count * sizeof(*out));
+ loadmodel->brushjk.num_triangles = count / 3;
+ loadmodel->brushjk.data_element3i = out;
+ for (i = 0;i < count;i++, in++, out++)
+ {
+ *out = LittleLong(*in);
+ if (*out < 0 || *out >= loadmodel->brushjk.num_vertices)
+ {
+ Con_Printf("Mod_JKBSP_LoadTriangles: invalid vertexindex %i (%i vertices), setting to 0\n", *out, loadmodel->brushjk.num_vertices);
+ *out = 0;
+ }
+ }
+static void Mod_JKBSP_LoadLightmaps(lump_t *l, lump_t *faceslump)
+ jkdlightmap_t *input_pointer;
+ int i;
+ int j;
+ int k;
+ int count;
+ int powerx;
+ int powery;
+ int powerxy;
+ int powerdxy;
+ int endlightmap;
+ int mergegoal;
+ int lightmapindex;
+ int realcount;
+ int realindex;
+ int mergedwidth;
+ int mergedheight;
+ int mergedcolumns;
+ int mergedrows;
+ int mergedrowsxcolumns;
+ int size;
+ int bytesperpixel;
+ int rgbmap[3];
+ unsigned char *c;
+ unsigned char *mergedpixels;
+ unsigned char *mergeddeluxepixels;
+ unsigned char *mergebuf;
+ char mapname[MAX_QPATH];
+ qboolean external;
+ unsigned char *inpixels[10000]; // max count q3map2 can output (it uses 4 digits)
+ char vabuf[1024];
+ // defaults for q3bsp
+ size = 128;
+ bytesperpixel = 3;
+ rgbmap[0] = 2;
+ rgbmap[1] = 1;
+ rgbmap[2] = 0;
+ external = false;
+ loadmodel->brushjk.lightmapsize = 128;
+ if (cls.state == ca_dedicated)
+ return;
+ if(mod_q3bsp_nolightmaps.integer)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ else if(l->filelen)
+ {
+ // prefer internal LMs for compatibility (a BSP contains no info on whether external LMs exist)
+ if (developer_loading.integer)
+ Con_Printf("Using internal lightmaps\n");
+ input_pointer = (jkdlightmap_t *)(mod_base + l->fileofs);
+ if (l->filelen % sizeof(*input_pointer))
+ Host_Error("Mod_JKBSP_LoadLightmaps: funny lump size in %s",loadmodel->name);
+ count = l->filelen / sizeof(*input_pointer);
+ for(i = 0; i < count; ++i)
+ inpixels[i] = input_pointer[i].rgb;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // no internal lightmaps
+ // try external lightmaps
+ if (developer_loading.integer)
+ Con_Printf("Using external lightmaps\n");
+ FS_StripExtension(loadmodel->name, mapname, sizeof(mapname));
+ inpixels[0] = loadimagepixelsbgra(va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "%s/lm_%04d", mapname, 0), false, false, false, NULL);
+ if(!inpixels[0])
+ return;
+ // using EXTERNAL lightmaps instead
+ if(image_width != (int) CeilPowerOf2(image_width) || image_width != image_height)
+ {
+ Mem_Free(inpixels[0]);
+ Host_Error("Mod_JKBSP_LoadLightmaps: invalid external lightmap size in %s",loadmodel->name);
+ }
+ size = image_width;
+ bytesperpixel = 4;
+ rgbmap[0] = 0;
+ rgbmap[1] = 1;
+ rgbmap[2] = 2;
+ external = true;
+ for(count = 1; ; ++count)
+ {
+ inpixels[count] = loadimagepixelsbgra(va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "%s/lm_%04d", mapname, count), false, false, false, NULL);
+ if(!inpixels[count])
+ break; // we got all of them
+ if(image_width != size || image_height != size)
+ {
+ Mem_Free(inpixels[count]);
+ inpixels[count] = NULL;
+ Con_Printf("Mod_JKBSP_LoadLightmaps: mismatched lightmap size in %s - external lightmap %s/lm_%04d does not match earlier ones\n", loadmodel->name, mapname, count);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ loadmodel->brushjk.lightmapsize = size;
+ loadmodel->brushjk.num_originallightmaps = count;
+ // now check the surfaces to see if any of them index an odd numbered
+ // lightmap, if so this is not a deluxemapped bsp file
+ //
+ // also check what lightmaps are actually used, because q3map2 sometimes
+ // (always?) makes an unused one at the end, which
+ // q3map2 sometimes (or always?) makes a second blank lightmap for no
+ // reason when only one lightmap is used, which can throw off the
+ // deluxemapping detection method, so check 2-lightmap bsp's specifically
+ // to see if the second lightmap is blank, if so it is not deluxemapped.
+ // VorteX: autodetect only if previous attempt to find "deluxeMaps" key
+ // in Mod_JKBSP_LoadEntities was failed
+ if (!loadmodel->brushjk.deluxemapping)
+ {
+ loadmodel->brushjk.deluxemapping = !(count & 1);
+ loadmodel->brushjk.deluxemapping_modelspace = true;
+ endlightmap = 0;
+ if (loadmodel->brushjk.deluxemapping)
+ {
+ int facecount = faceslump->filelen / sizeof(jkdface_t);
+ jkdface_t *faces = (jkdface_t *)(mod_base + faceslump->fileofs);
+ for (i = 0;i < facecount;i++)
+ {
+ j = LittleLong(faces[i].lightmapindex);
+ if (j >= 0)
+ {
+ endlightmap = max(endlightmap, j + 1);
+ if ((j & 1) || j + 1 >= count)
+ {
+ loadmodel->brushjk.deluxemapping = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // q3map2 sometimes (or always?) makes a second blank lightmap for no
+ // reason when only one lightmap is used, which can throw off the
+ // deluxemapping detection method, so check 2-lightmap bsp's specifically
+ // to see if the second lightmap is blank, if so it is not deluxemapped.
+ //
+ // further research has shown q3map2 sometimes creates a deluxemap and two
+ // blank lightmaps, which must be handled properly as well
+ if (endlightmap == 1 && count > 1)
+ {
+ c = inpixels[1];
+ for (i = 0;i < size*size;i++)
+ {
+ if (c[bytesperpixel*i + rgbmap[0]])
+ break;
+ if (c[bytesperpixel*i + rgbmap[1]])
+ break;
+ if (c[bytesperpixel*i + rgbmap[2]])
+ break;
+ }
+ if (i == size*size)
+ {
+ // all pixels in the unused lightmap were black...
+ loadmodel->brushjk.deluxemapping = false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Con_DPrintf("%s is %sdeluxemapped\n", loadmodel->name, loadmodel->brushjk.deluxemapping ? "" : "not ");
+ // figure out what the most reasonable merge power is within limits
+ // find the appropriate NxN dimensions to merge to, to avoid wasted space
+ realcount = count >> (int)loadmodel->brushjk.deluxemapping;
+ // figure out how big the merged texture has to be
+ mergegoal = 128<<bound(0, mod_q3bsp_lightmapmergepower.integer, 6);
+ mergegoal = bound(size, mergegoal, (int)vid.maxtexturesize_2d);
+ while (mergegoal > size && mergegoal * mergegoal / 4 >= size * size * realcount)
+ mergegoal /= 2;
+ mergedwidth = mergegoal;
+ mergedheight = mergegoal;
+ // choose non-square size (2x1 aspect) if only half the space is used;
+ // this really only happens when the entire set fits in one texture, if
+ // there are multiple textures, we don't worry about shrinking the last
+ // one to fit, because the driver prefers the same texture size on
+ // consecutive draw calls...
+ if (mergedwidth * mergedheight / 2 >= size*size*realcount)
+ mergedheight /= 2;
+ loadmodel->brushjk.num_lightmapmergedwidthpower = 0;
+ loadmodel->brushjk.num_lightmapmergedheightpower = 0;
+ while (mergedwidth > size<<loadmodel->brushjk.num_lightmapmergedwidthpower)
+ loadmodel->brushjk.num_lightmapmergedwidthpower++;
+ while (mergedheight > size<<loadmodel->brushjk.num_lightmapmergedheightpower)
+ loadmodel->brushjk.num_lightmapmergedheightpower++;
+ loadmodel->brushjk.num_lightmapmergedwidthheightdeluxepower = loadmodel->brushjk.num_lightmapmergedwidthpower + loadmodel->brushjk.num_lightmapmergedheightpower + (loadmodel->brushjk.deluxemapping ? 1 : 0);
+ powerx = loadmodel->brushjk.num_lightmapmergedwidthpower;
+ powery = loadmodel->brushjk.num_lightmapmergedheightpower;
+ powerxy = powerx+powery;
+ powerdxy = loadmodel->brushjk.deluxemapping + powerxy;
+ mergedcolumns = 1 << powerx;
+ mergedrows = 1 << powery;
+ mergedrowsxcolumns = 1 << powerxy;
+ loadmodel->brushjk.num_mergedlightmaps = (realcount + (1 << powerxy) - 1) >> powerxy;
+ loadmodel->brushjk.data_lightmaps = (rtexture_t **)Mem_Alloc(loadmodel->mempool, loadmodel->brushjk.num_mergedlightmaps * sizeof(rtexture_t *));
+ if (loadmodel->brushjk.deluxemapping)
+ loadmodel->brushjk.data_deluxemaps = (rtexture_t **)Mem_Alloc(loadmodel->mempool, loadmodel->brushjk.num_mergedlightmaps * sizeof(rtexture_t *));
+ // allocate a texture pool if we need it
+ if (loadmodel->texturepool == NULL && cls.state != ca_dedicated)
+ loadmodel->texturepool = R_AllocTexturePool();
+ mergedpixels = (unsigned char *) Mem_Alloc(tempmempool, mergedwidth * mergedheight * 4);
+ mergeddeluxepixels = loadmodel->brushjk.deluxemapping ? (unsigned char *) Mem_Alloc(tempmempool, mergedwidth * mergedheight * 4) : NULL;
+ for (i = 0;i < count;i++)
+ {
+ // figure out which merged lightmap texture this fits into
+ realindex = i >> (int)loadmodel->brushjk.deluxemapping;
+ lightmapindex = i >> powerdxy;
+ // choose the destination address
+ mergebuf = (loadmodel->brushjk.deluxemapping && (i & 1)) ? mergeddeluxepixels : mergedpixels;
+ mergebuf += 4 * (realindex & (mergedcolumns-1))*size + 4 * ((realindex >> powerx) & (mergedrows-1))*mergedwidth*size;
+ if ((i & 1) == 0 || !loadmodel->brushjk.deluxemapping)
+ Con_DPrintf("copying original lightmap %i (%ix%i) to %i (at %i,%i)\n", i, size, size, lightmapindex, (realindex & (mergedcolumns-1))*size, ((realindex >> powerx) & (mergedrows-1))*size);
+ // convert pixels from RGB or BGRA while copying them into the destination rectangle
+ for (j = 0;j < size;j++)
+ for (k = 0;k < size;k++)
+ {
+ mergebuf[(j*mergedwidth+k)*4+0] = inpixels[i][(j*size+k)*bytesperpixel+rgbmap[0]];
+ mergebuf[(j*mergedwidth+k)*4+1] = inpixels[i][(j*size+k)*bytesperpixel+rgbmap[1]];
+ mergebuf[(j*mergedwidth+k)*4+2] = inpixels[i][(j*size+k)*bytesperpixel+rgbmap[2]];
+ mergebuf[(j*mergedwidth+k)*4+3] = 255;
+ }
+ // upload texture if this was the last tile being written to the texture
+ if (((realindex + 1) & (mergedrowsxcolumns - 1)) == 0 || (realindex + 1) == realcount)
+ {
+ if (loadmodel->brushjk.deluxemapping && (i & 1))
+ loadmodel->brushjk.data_deluxemaps[lightmapindex] = R_LoadTexture2D(loadmodel->texturepool, va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "deluxemap%04i", lightmapindex), mergedwidth, mergedheight, mergeddeluxepixels, TEXTYPE_BGRA, TEXF_FORCELINEAR | (gl_texturecompression_q3bspdeluxemaps.integer ? TEXF_COMPRESS : 0), -1, NULL);
+ else
+ {
+ if(mod_q3bsp_sRGBlightmaps.integer)
+ {
+ textype_t t;
+ if(vid_sRGB.integer && vid_sRGB_fallback.integer && !vid.sRGB3D)
+ {
+ t = TEXTYPE_BGRA; // in stupid fallback mode, we upload lightmaps in sRGB form and just fix their brightness
+ // we fix the brightness consistently via lightmapscale
+ }
+ else
+ t = TEXTYPE_SRGB_BGRA; // normally, we upload lightmaps in sRGB form (possibly downconverted to linear)
+ loadmodel->brushjk.data_lightmaps [lightmapindex] = R_LoadTexture2D(loadmodel->texturepool, va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "lightmap%04i", lightmapindex), mergedwidth, mergedheight, mergedpixels, t, TEXF_FORCELINEAR | (gl_texturecompression_q3bsplightmaps.integer ? TEXF_COMPRESS : 0), -1, NULL);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(vid_sRGB.integer && vid_sRGB_fallback.integer && !vid.sRGB3D)
+ Image_MakesRGBColorsFromLinear_Lightmap(mergedpixels, mergedpixels, mergedwidth * mergedheight);
+ loadmodel->brushjk.data_lightmaps [lightmapindex] = R_LoadTexture2D(loadmodel->texturepool, va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "lightmap%04i", lightmapindex), mergedwidth, mergedheight, mergedpixels, TEXTYPE_BGRA, TEXF_FORCELINEAR | (gl_texturecompression_q3bsplightmaps.integer ? TEXF_COMPRESS : 0), -1, NULL);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (mergeddeluxepixels)
+ Mem_Free(mergeddeluxepixels);
+ Mem_Free(mergedpixels);
+ if(external)
+ {
+ for(i = 0; i < count; ++i)
+ Mem_Free(inpixels[i]);
+ }
+static void Mod_JKBSP_BuildBBoxes(const int *element3i, int num_triangles, const float *vertex3f, float **collisionbbox6f, int *collisionstride, int stride)
+ int j, k, cnt, tri;
+ float *mins, *maxs;
+ const float *vert;
+ *collisionstride = stride;
+ if(stride > 0)
+ {
+ cnt = (num_triangles + stride - 1) / stride;
+ *collisionbbox6f = (float *) Mem_Alloc(loadmodel->mempool, sizeof(float[6]) * cnt);
+ for(j = 0; j < cnt; ++j)
+ {
+ mins = &((*collisionbbox6f)[6 * j + 0]);
+ maxs = &((*collisionbbox6f)[6 * j + 3]);
+ for(k = 0; k < stride; ++k)
+ {
+ tri = j * stride + k;
+ if(tri >= num_triangles)
+ break;
+ vert = &(vertex3f[element3i[3 * tri + 0] * 3]);
+ if(!k || vert[0] < mins[0]) mins[0] = vert[0];
+ if(!k || vert[1] < mins[1]) mins[1] = vert[1];
+ if(!k || vert[2] < mins[2]) mins[2] = vert[2];
+ if(!k || vert[0] > maxs[0]) maxs[0] = vert[0];
+ if(!k || vert[1] > maxs[1]) maxs[1] = vert[1];
+ if(!k || vert[2] > maxs[2]) maxs[2] = vert[2];
+ vert = &(vertex3f[element3i[3 * tri + 1] * 3]);
+ if(vert[0] < mins[0]) mins[0] = vert[0];
+ if(vert[1] < mins[1]) mins[1] = vert[1];
+ if(vert[2] < mins[2]) mins[2] = vert[2];
+ if(vert[0] > maxs[0]) maxs[0] = vert[0];
+ if(vert[1] > maxs[1]) maxs[1] = vert[1];
+ if(vert[2] > maxs[2]) maxs[2] = vert[2];
+ vert = &(vertex3f[element3i[3 * tri + 2] * 3]);
+ if(vert[0] < mins[0]) mins[0] = vert[0];
+ if(vert[1] < mins[1]) mins[1] = vert[1];
+ if(vert[2] < mins[2]) mins[2] = vert[2];
+ if(vert[0] > maxs[0]) maxs[0] = vert[0];
+ if(vert[1] > maxs[1]) maxs[1] = vert[1];
+ if(vert[2] > maxs[2]) maxs[2] = vert[2];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ *collisionbbox6f = NULL;
+static void Mod_JKBSP_LoadFaces(lump_t *l)
+ jkdface_t *in, *oldin;
+ msurface_t *out, *oldout;
+ int i, oldi, j, n, count, invalidelements, patchsize[2], finalwidth, finalheight, xtess, ytess, finalvertices, finaltriangles, firstvertex, firstelement, type, oldnumtriangles, oldnumtriangles2, meshvertices, meshtriangles, collisionvertices, collisiontriangles, numvertices, numtriangles, cxtess, cytess;
+ float lightmaptcbase[2], lightmaptcscale[2];
+ //int *originalelement3i;
+ //int *originalneighbor3i;
+ float *originalvertex3f;
+ //float *originalsvector3f;
+ //float *originaltvector3f;
+ float *originalnormal3f;
+ float *originalcolor4f;
+ float *originaltexcoordtexture2f;
+ float *originaltexcoordlightmap2f;
+ float *surfacecollisionvertex3f;
+ int *surfacecollisionelement3i;
+ float *v;
+ patchtess_t *patchtess = NULL;
+ int patchtesscount = 0;
+ qboolean again;
+ in = (jkdface_t *)(mod_base + l->fileofs);
+ if (l->filelen % sizeof(*in))
+ Host_Error("Mod_JKBSP_LoadFaces: funny lump size in %s",loadmodel->name);
+ count = l->filelen / sizeof(*in);
+ out = (msurface_t *)Mem_Alloc(loadmodel->mempool, count * sizeof(*out));
+ loadmodel->data_surfaces = out;
+ loadmodel->num_surfaces = count;
+ if(count > 0)
+ patchtess = (patchtess_t*) Mem_Alloc(tempmempool, count * sizeof(*patchtess));
+ i = 0;
+ oldi = i;
+ oldin = in;
+ oldout = out;
+ meshvertices = 0;
+ meshtriangles = 0;
+ for (;i < count;i++, in++, out++)
+ {
+ // check face type first
+ type = LittleLong(in->type);
+ if (type != Q3FACETYPE_FLAT
+ && type != Q3FACETYPE_PATCH
+ && type != Q3FACETYPE_MESH
+ && type != Q3FACETYPE_FLARE)
+ {
+ Con_DPrintf("Mod_JKBSP_LoadFaces: face #%i: unknown face type %i\n", i, type);
+ continue;
+ }
+ n = LittleLong(in->textureindex);
+ if (n < 0 || n >= loadmodel->num_textures)
+ {
+ Con_DPrintf("Mod_JKBSP_LoadFaces: face #%i: invalid textureindex %i (%i textures)\n", i, n, loadmodel->num_textures);
+ continue;
+ }
+ out->texture = loadmodel->data_textures + n;
+ n = LittleLong(in->effectindex);
+ if (n < -1 || n >= loadmodel->brushjk.num_effects)
+ {
+ if (developer_extra.integer)
+ Con_DPrintf("Mod_JKBSP_LoadFaces: face #%i (texture \"%s\"): invalid effectindex %i (%i effects)\n", i, out->texture->name, n, loadmodel->brushjk.num_effects);
+ n = -1;
+ }
+ if (n == -1)
+ out->effect = NULL;
+ else
+ out->effect = loadmodel->brushjk.data_effects + n;
+ if (cls.state != ca_dedicated)
+ {
+ out->lightmaptexture = NULL;
+ out->deluxemaptexture = r_texture_blanknormalmap;
+ n = LittleLong(in->lightmapindex);
+ if (n < 0)
+ n = -1;
+ else if (n >= loadmodel->brushjk.num_originallightmaps)
+ {
+ if(loadmodel->brushjk.num_originallightmaps != 0)
+ Con_Printf("Mod_JKBSP_LoadFaces: face #%i (texture \"%s\"): invalid lightmapindex %i (%i lightmaps)\n", i, out->texture->name, n, loadmodel->brushjk.num_originallightmaps);
+ n = -1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ out->lightmaptexture = loadmodel->brushjk.data_lightmaps[n >> loadmodel->brushjk.num_lightmapmergedwidthheightdeluxepower];
+ if (loadmodel->brushjk.deluxemapping)
+ out->deluxemaptexture = loadmodel->brushjk.data_deluxemaps[n >> loadmodel->brushjk.num_lightmapmergedwidthheightdeluxepower];
+ loadmodel->lit = true;
+ }
+ }
+ firstvertex = LittleLong(in->firstvertex);
+ numvertices = LittleLong(in->numvertices);
+ firstelement = LittleLong(in->firstelement);
+ numtriangles = LittleLong(in->numelements) / 3;
+ if (numtriangles * 3 != LittleLong(in->numelements))
+ {
+ Con_Printf("Mod_JKBSP_LoadFaces: face #%i (texture \"%s\"): numelements %i is not a multiple of 3\n", i, out->texture->name, LittleLong(in->numelements));
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (firstvertex < 0 || firstvertex + numvertices > loadmodel->brushjk.num_vertices)
+ {
+ Con_Printf("Mod_JKBSP_LoadFaces: face #%i (texture \"%s\"): invalid vertex range %i : %i (%i vertices)\n", i, out->texture->name, firstvertex, firstvertex + numvertices, loadmodel->brushjk.num_vertices);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (firstelement < 0 || firstelement + numtriangles * 3 > loadmodel->brushjk.num_triangles * 3)
+ {
+ Con_Printf("Mod_JKBSP_LoadFaces: face #%i (texture \"%s\"): invalid element range %i : %i (%i elements)\n", i, out->texture->name, firstelement, firstelement + numtriangles * 3, loadmodel->brushjk.num_triangles * 3);
+ continue;
+ }
+ switch(type)
+ {
+ // no processing necessary
+ break;
+ patchsize[0] = LittleLong(in->specific.patch.patchsize[0]);
+ patchsize[1] = LittleLong(in->specific.patch.patchsize[1]);
+ if (numvertices != (patchsize[0] * patchsize[1]) || patchsize[0] < 3 || patchsize[1] < 3 || !(patchsize[0] & 1) || !(patchsize[1] & 1) || patchsize[0] * patchsize[1] >= min(r_subdivisions_maxvertices.integer, r_subdivisions_collision_maxvertices.integer))
+ {
+ Con_Printf("Mod_JKBSP_LoadFaces: face #%i (texture \"%s\"): invalid patchsize %ix%i\n", i, out->texture->name, patchsize[0], patchsize[1]);
+ continue;
+ }
+ originalvertex3f = loadmodel->brushjk.data_vertex3f + firstvertex * 3;
+ // convert patch to Q3FACETYPE_MESH
+ xtess = Q3PatchTesselationOnX(patchsize[0], patchsize[1], 3, originalvertex3f, r_subdivisions_tolerance.value);
+ ytess = Q3PatchTesselationOnY(patchsize[0], patchsize[1], 3, originalvertex3f, r_subdivisions_tolerance.value);
+ // bound to user settings
+ xtess = bound(r_subdivisions_mintess.integer, xtess, r_subdivisions_maxtess.integer);
+ ytess = bound(r_subdivisions_mintess.integer, ytess, r_subdivisions_maxtess.integer);
+ // bound to sanity settings
+ xtess = bound(0, xtess, 1024);
+ ytess = bound(0, ytess, 1024);
+ // lower quality collision patches! Same procedure as before, but different cvars
+ // convert patch to Q3FACETYPE_MESH
+ cxtess = Q3PatchTesselationOnX(patchsize[0], patchsize[1], 3, originalvertex3f, r_subdivisions_collision_tolerance.value);
+ cytess = Q3PatchTesselationOnY(patchsize[0], patchsize[1], 3, originalvertex3f, r_subdivisions_collision_tolerance.value);
+ // bound to user settings
+ cxtess = bound(r_subdivisions_collision_mintess.integer, cxtess, r_subdivisions_collision_maxtess.integer);
+ cytess = bound(r_subdivisions_collision_mintess.integer, cytess, r_subdivisions_collision_maxtess.integer);
+ // bound to sanity settings
+ cxtess = bound(0, cxtess, 1024);
+ cytess = bound(0, cytess, 1024);
+ // store it for the LOD grouping step
+ patchtess[patchtesscount].info.xsize = patchsize[0];
+ patchtess[patchtesscount].info.ysize = patchsize[1];
+ patchtess[patchtesscount].info.lods[PATCH_LOD_VISUAL].xtess = xtess;
+ patchtess[patchtesscount].info.lods[PATCH_LOD_VISUAL].ytess = ytess;
+ patchtess[patchtesscount].info.lods[PATCH_LOD_COLLISION].xtess = cxtess;
+ patchtess[patchtesscount].info.lods[PATCH_LOD_COLLISION].ytess = cytess;
+ patchtess[patchtesscount].surface_id = i;
+ patchtess[patchtesscount].lodgroup[0] = LittleFloat(in->specific.patch.mins[0]);
+ patchtess[patchtesscount].lodgroup[1] = LittleFloat(in->specific.patch.mins[1]);
+ patchtess[patchtesscount].lodgroup[2] = LittleFloat(in->specific.patch.mins[2]);
+ patchtess[patchtesscount].lodgroup[3] = LittleFloat(in->specific.patch.maxs[0]);
+ patchtess[patchtesscount].lodgroup[4] = LittleFloat(in->specific.patch.maxs[1]);
+ patchtess[patchtesscount].lodgroup[5] = LittleFloat(in->specific.patch.maxs[2]);
+ patchtess[patchtesscount].originalvertex3f = originalvertex3f;
+ ++patchtesscount;
+ break;
+ if (developer_extra.integer)
+ Con_DPrintf("Mod_JKBSP_LoadFaces: face #%i (texture \"%s\"): Q3FACETYPE_FLARE not supported (yet)\n", i, out->texture->name);
+ // don't render it
+ continue;
+ }
+ out->num_vertices = numvertices;
+ out->num_triangles = numtriangles;
+ meshvertices += out->num_vertices;
+ meshtriangles += out->num_triangles;
+ }
+ // Fix patches tesselations so that they make no seams
+ do
+ {
+ again = false;
+ for(i = 0; i < patchtesscount; ++i)
+ {
+ for(j = i+1; j < patchtesscount; ++j)
+ {
+ if (!PATCHTESS_SAME_LODGROUP(patchtess[i], patchtess[j]))
+ continue;
+ if (Q3PatchAdjustTesselation(3, &patchtess[i].info, patchtess[i].originalvertex3f, &patchtess[j].info, patchtess[j].originalvertex3f) )
+ again = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ while (again);
+ // Calculate resulting number of triangles
+ collisionvertices = 0;
+ collisiontriangles = 0;
+ for(i = 0; i < patchtesscount; ++i)
+ {
+ finalwidth = Q3PatchDimForTess(patchtess[i].info.xsize, patchtess[i].info.lods[PATCH_LOD_VISUAL].xtess);
+ finalheight = Q3PatchDimForTess(patchtess[i].info.ysize,patchtess[i].info.lods[PATCH_LOD_VISUAL].ytess);
+ numvertices = finalwidth * finalheight;
+ numtriangles = (finalwidth - 1) * (finalheight - 1) * 2;
+ oldout[patchtess[i].surface_id].num_vertices = numvertices;
+ oldout[patchtess[i].surface_id].num_triangles = numtriangles;
+ meshvertices += oldout[patchtess[i].surface_id].num_vertices;
+ meshtriangles += oldout[patchtess[i].surface_id].num_triangles;
+ finalwidth = Q3PatchDimForTess(patchtess[i].info.xsize, patchtess[i].info.lods[PATCH_LOD_COLLISION].xtess);
+ finalheight = Q3PatchDimForTess(patchtess[i].info.ysize,patchtess[i].info.lods[PATCH_LOD_COLLISION].ytess);
+ numvertices = finalwidth * finalheight;
+ numtriangles = (finalwidth - 1) * (finalheight - 1) * 2;
+ oldout[patchtess[i].surface_id].num_collisionvertices = numvertices;
+ oldout[patchtess[i].surface_id].num_collisiontriangles = numtriangles;
+ collisionvertices += oldout[patchtess[i].surface_id].num_collisionvertices;
+ collisiontriangles += oldout[patchtess[i].surface_id].num_collisiontriangles;
+ }
+ i = oldi;
+ in = oldin;
+ out = oldout;
+ Mod_AllocSurfMesh(loadmodel->mempool, meshvertices, meshtriangles, false, true, false);
+ if (collisiontriangles)
+ {
+ loadmodel->brush.data_collisionvertex3f = (float *)Mem_Alloc(loadmodel->mempool, collisionvertices * sizeof(float[3]));
+ loadmodel->brush.data_collisionelement3i = (int *)Mem_Alloc(loadmodel->mempool, collisiontriangles * sizeof(int[3]));
+ }
+ meshvertices = 0;
+ meshtriangles = 0;
+ collisionvertices = 0;
+ collisiontriangles = 0;
+ for (;i < count && meshvertices + out->num_vertices <= loadmodel->surfmesh.num_vertices;i++, in++, out++)
+ {
+ if (out->num_vertices < 3 || out->num_triangles < 1)
+ continue;
+ type = LittleLong(in->type);
+ firstvertex = LittleLong(in->firstvertex);
+ firstelement = LittleLong(in->firstelement);
+ out->num_firstvertex = meshvertices;
+ out->num_firsttriangle = meshtriangles;
+ out->num_firstcollisiontriangle = collisiontriangles;
+ switch(type)
+ {
+ // no processing necessary, except for lightmap merging
+ for (j = 0;j < out->num_vertices;j++)
+ {
+ (loadmodel->surfmesh.data_vertex3f + 3 * out->num_firstvertex)[j * 3 + 0] = loadmodel->brushjk.data_vertex3f[(firstvertex + j) * 3 + 0];
+ (loadmodel->surfmesh.data_vertex3f + 3 * out->num_firstvertex)[j * 3 + 1] = loadmodel->brushjk.data_vertex3f[(firstvertex + j) * 3 + 1];
+ (loadmodel->surfmesh.data_vertex3f + 3 * out->num_firstvertex)[j * 3 + 2] = loadmodel->brushjk.data_vertex3f[(firstvertex + j) * 3 + 2];
+ (loadmodel->surfmesh.data_normal3f + 3 * out->num_firstvertex)[j * 3 + 0] = loadmodel->brushjk.data_normal3f[(firstvertex + j) * 3 + 0];
+ (loadmodel->surfmesh.data_normal3f + 3 * out->num_firstvertex)[j * 3 + 1] = loadmodel->brushjk.data_normal3f[(firstvertex + j) * 3 + 1];
+ (loadmodel->surfmesh.data_normal3f + 3 * out->num_firstvertex)[j * 3 + 2] = loadmodel->brushjk.data_normal3f[(firstvertex + j) * 3 + 2];
+ (loadmodel->surfmesh.data_texcoordtexture2f + 2 * out->num_firstvertex)[j * 2 + 0] = loadmodel->brushjk.data_texcoordtexture2f[(firstvertex + j) * 2 + 0];
+ (loadmodel->surfmesh.data_texcoordtexture2f + 2 * out->num_firstvertex)[j * 2 + 1] = loadmodel->brushjk.data_texcoordtexture2f[(firstvertex + j) * 2 + 1];
+ // ~exidl: TODO, multi-lightmapped mesh surfaces
+ //for (g = 0; g < MAX_LIGHTMAPS; g++)
+ //{
+ (loadmodel->surfmesh.data_texcoordlightmap2f + 2 * out->num_firstvertex)[j * 2 + 0] = loadmodel->brushjk.data_texcoordlightmap2f[0][(firstvertex + j) * 2 + 0];
+ (loadmodel->surfmesh.data_texcoordlightmap2f + 2 * out->num_firstvertex)[j * 2 + 1] = loadmodel->brushjk.data_texcoordlightmap2f[0][(firstvertex + j) * 2 + 1];
+ (loadmodel->surfmesh.data_lightmapcolor4f + 4 * out->num_firstvertex)[j * 4 + 0] = loadmodel->brushjk.data_color4f[0][(firstvertex + j) * 4 + 0];
+ (loadmodel->surfmesh.data_lightmapcolor4f + 4 * out->num_firstvertex)[j * 4 + 1] = loadmodel->brushjk.data_color4f[0][(firstvertex + j) * 4 + 1];
+ (loadmodel->surfmesh.data_lightmapcolor4f + 4 * out->num_firstvertex)[j * 4 + 2] = loadmodel->brushjk.data_color4f[0][(firstvertex + j) * 4 + 2];
+ (loadmodel->surfmesh.data_lightmapcolor4f + 4 * out->num_firstvertex)[j * 4 + 3] = loadmodel->brushjk.data_color4f[0][(firstvertex + j) * 4 + 3];
+ //}
+ }
+ for (j = 0;j < out->num_triangles*3;j++)
+ (loadmodel->surfmesh.data_element3i + 3 * out->num_firsttriangle)[j] = loadmodel->brushjk.data_element3i[firstelement + j] + out->num_firstvertex;
+ break;
+ patchsize[0] = LittleLong(in->specific.patch.patchsize[0]);
+ patchsize[1] = LittleLong(in->specific.patch.patchsize[1]);
+ originalvertex3f = loadmodel->brushjk.data_vertex3f + firstvertex * 3;
+ originalnormal3f = loadmodel->brushjk.data_normal3f + firstvertex * 3;
+ originaltexcoordtexture2f = loadmodel->brushjk.data_texcoordtexture2f + firstvertex * 2;
+ // ~exidl: TODO, multi-lightmapped mesh surfaces
+ originaltexcoordlightmap2f = loadmodel->brushjk.data_texcoordlightmap2f[0] + firstvertex * 2;
+ originalcolor4f = loadmodel->brushjk.data_color4f[0] + firstvertex * 4;
+ xtess = ytess = cxtess = cytess = -1;
+ for(j = 0; j < patchtesscount; ++j)
+ if(patchtess[j].surface_id == i)
+ {
+ xtess = patchtess[j].info.lods[PATCH_LOD_VISUAL].xtess;
+ ytess = patchtess[j].info.lods[PATCH_LOD_VISUAL].ytess;
+ cxtess = patchtess[j].info.lods[PATCH_LOD_COLLISION].xtess;
+ cytess = patchtess[j].info.lods[PATCH_LOD_COLLISION].ytess;
+ break;
+ }
+ if(xtess == -1)
+ {
+ Con_Printf("ERROR: patch %d isn't preprocessed?!?\n", i);
+ xtess = ytess = cxtess = cytess = 0;
+ }
+ finalwidth = Q3PatchDimForTess(patchsize[0],xtess); //((patchsize[0] - 1) * xtess) + 1;
+ finalheight = Q3PatchDimForTess(patchsize[1],ytess); //((patchsize[1] - 1) * ytess) + 1;
+ finalvertices = finalwidth * finalheight;
+ oldnumtriangles = finaltriangles = (finalwidth - 1) * (finalheight - 1) * 2;
+ // generate geometry
+ // (note: normals are skipped because they get recalculated)
+ Q3PatchTesselateFloat(3, sizeof(float[3]), (loadmodel->surfmesh.data_vertex3f + 3 * out->num_firstvertex), patchsize[0], patchsize[1], sizeof(float[3]), originalvertex3f, xtess, ytess);
+ Q3PatchTesselateFloat(3, sizeof(float[3]), (loadmodel->surfmesh.data_normal3f + 3 * out->num_firstvertex), patchsize[0], patchsize[1], sizeof(float[3]), originalnormal3f, xtess, ytess);
+ Q3PatchTesselateFloat(2, sizeof(float[2]), (loadmodel->surfmesh.data_texcoordtexture2f + 2 * out->num_firstvertex), patchsize[0], patchsize[1], sizeof(float[2]), originaltexcoordtexture2f, xtess, ytess);
+ Q3PatchTesselateFloat(2, sizeof(float[2]), (loadmodel->surfmesh.data_texcoordlightmap2f + 2 * out->num_firstvertex), patchsize[0], patchsize[1], sizeof(float[2]), originaltexcoordlightmap2f, xtess, ytess);
+ Q3PatchTesselateFloat(4, sizeof(float[4]), (loadmodel->surfmesh.data_lightmapcolor4f + 4 * out->num_firstvertex), patchsize[0], patchsize[1], sizeof(float[4]), originalcolor4f, xtess, ytess);
+ Q3PatchTriangleElements((loadmodel->surfmesh.data_element3i + 3 * out->num_firsttriangle), finalwidth, finalheight, out->num_firstvertex);
+ out->num_triangles = Mod_RemoveDegenerateTriangles(out->num_triangles, (loadmodel->surfmesh.data_element3i + 3 * out->num_firsttriangle), (loadmodel->surfmesh.data_element3i + 3 * out->num_firsttriangle), loadmodel->surfmesh.data_vertex3f);
+ if (developer_extra.integer)
+ {
+ if (out->num_triangles < finaltriangles)
+ Con_DPrintf("Mod_JKBSP_LoadFaces: %ix%i curve subdivided to %i vertices / %i triangles, %i degenerate triangles removed (leaving %i)\n", patchsize[0], patchsize[1], out->num_vertices, finaltriangles, finaltriangles - out->num_triangles, out->num_triangles);
+ else
+ Con_DPrintf("Mod_JKBSP_LoadFaces: %ix%i curve subdivided to %i vertices / %i triangles\n", patchsize[0], patchsize[1], out->num_vertices, out->num_triangles);
+ }
+ // q3map does not put in collision brushes for curves... ugh
+ // build the lower quality collision geometry
+ finalwidth = Q3PatchDimForTess(patchsize[0],cxtess); //((patchsize[0] - 1) * cxtess) + 1;
+ finalheight = Q3PatchDimForTess(patchsize[1],cytess); //((patchsize[1] - 1) * cytess) + 1;
+ finalvertices = finalwidth * finalheight;
+ oldnumtriangles2 = finaltriangles = (finalwidth - 1) * (finalheight - 1) * 2;
+ // legacy collision geometry implementation
+ out->deprecatedq3data_collisionvertex3f = (float *)Mem_Alloc(loadmodel->mempool, sizeof(float[3]) * finalvertices);
+ out->deprecatedq3data_collisionelement3i = (int *)Mem_Alloc(loadmodel->mempool, sizeof(int[3]) * finaltriangles);
+ out->num_collisionvertices = finalvertices;
+ out->num_collisiontriangles = finaltriangles;
+ Q3PatchTesselateFloat(3, sizeof(float[3]), out->deprecatedq3data_collisionvertex3f, patchsize[0], patchsize[1], sizeof(float[3]), originalvertex3f, cxtess, cytess);
+ Q3PatchTriangleElements(out->deprecatedq3data_collisionelement3i, finalwidth, finalheight, 0);
+ //Mod_SnapVertices(3, out->num_vertices, (loadmodel->surfmesh.data_vertex3f + 3 * out->num_firstvertex), 0.25);
+ Mod_SnapVertices(3, finalvertices, out->deprecatedq3data_collisionvertex3f, 1);
+ out->num_collisiontriangles = Mod_RemoveDegenerateTriangles(finaltriangles, out->deprecatedq3data_collisionelement3i, out->deprecatedq3data_collisionelement3i, out->deprecatedq3data_collisionvertex3f);
+ // now optimize the collision mesh by finding triangle bboxes...
+ Mod_JKBSP_BuildBBoxes(out->deprecatedq3data_collisionelement3i, out->num_collisiontriangles, out->deprecatedq3data_collisionvertex3f, &out->deprecatedq3data_collisionbbox6f, &out->deprecatedq3num_collisionbboxstride, mod_q3bsp_curves_collisions_stride.integer);
+ Mod_JKBSP_BuildBBoxes(loadmodel->surfmesh.data_element3i + 3 * out->num_firsttriangle, out->num_triangles, loadmodel->surfmesh.data_vertex3f, &out->deprecatedq3data_bbox6f, &out->deprecatedq3num_bboxstride, mod_q3bsp_curves_stride.integer);
+ // store collision geometry for BIH collision tree
+ surfacecollisionvertex3f = loadmodel->brush.data_collisionvertex3f + collisionvertices * 3;
+ surfacecollisionelement3i = loadmodel->brush.data_collisionelement3i + collisiontriangles * 3;
+ Q3PatchTesselateFloat(3, sizeof(float[3]), surfacecollisionvertex3f, patchsize[0], patchsize[1], sizeof(float[3]), originalvertex3f, cxtess, cytess);
+ Q3PatchTriangleElements(surfacecollisionelement3i, finalwidth, finalheight, collisionvertices);
+ Mod_SnapVertices(3, finalvertices, surfacecollisionvertex3f, 1);
+#if 1
+ // remove this once the legacy code is removed
+ {
+ int nc = out->num_collisiontriangles;
+ out->num_collisiontriangles = Mod_RemoveDegenerateTriangles(finaltriangles, surfacecollisionelement3i, surfacecollisionelement3i, loadmodel->brush.data_collisionvertex3f);
+#if 1
+ if(nc != out->num_collisiontriangles)
+ {
+ Con_Printf("number of collision triangles differs between BIH and BSP. FAIL.\n");
+ }
+ }
+ if (developer_extra.integer)
+ Con_DPrintf("Mod_JKBSP_LoadFaces: %ix%i curve became %i:%i vertices / %i:%i triangles (%i:%i degenerate)\n", patchsize[0], patchsize[1], out->num_vertices, out->num_collisionvertices, oldnumtriangles, oldnumtriangles2, oldnumtriangles - out->num_triangles, oldnumtriangles2 - out->num_collisiontriangles);
+ collisionvertices += finalvertices;
+ collisiontriangles += out->num_collisiontriangles;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ meshvertices += out->num_vertices;
+ meshtriangles += out->num_triangles;
+ for (j = 0, invalidelements = 0;j < out->num_triangles * 3;j++)
+ if ((loadmodel->surfmesh.data_element3i + 3 * out->num_firsttriangle)[j] < out->num_firstvertex || (loadmodel->surfmesh.data_element3i + 3 * out->num_firsttriangle)[j] >= out->num_firstvertex + out->num_vertices)
+ invalidelements++;
+ if (invalidelements)
+ {
+ Con_Printf("Mod_JKBSP_LoadFaces: Warning: face #%i has %i invalid elements, type = %i, texture->name = \"%s\", texture->surfaceflags = %i, firstvertex = %i, numvertices = %i, firstelement = %i, numelements = %i, elements list:\n", i, invalidelements, type, out->texture->name, out->texture->surfaceflags, firstvertex, out->num_vertices, firstelement, out->num_triangles * 3);
+ for (j = 0;j < out->num_triangles * 3;j++)
+ {
+ Con_Printf(" %i", (loadmodel->surfmesh.data_element3i + 3 * out->num_firsttriangle)[j] - out->num_firstvertex);
+ if ((loadmodel->surfmesh.data_element3i + 3 * out->num_firsttriangle)[j] < out->num_firstvertex || (loadmodel->surfmesh.data_element3i + 3 * out->num_firsttriangle)[j] >= out->num_firstvertex + out->num_vertices)
+ (loadmodel->surfmesh.data_element3i + 3 * out->num_firsttriangle)[j] = out->num_firstvertex;
+ }
+ Con_Print("\n");
+ }
+ // calculate a bounding box
+ VectorClear(out->mins);
+ VectorClear(out->maxs);
+ if (out->num_vertices)
+ {
+ if (cls.state != ca_dedicated && out->lightmaptexture)
+ {
+ // figure out which part of the merged lightmap this fits into
+ int lightmapindex = LittleLong(in->lightmapindex) >> (loadmodel->brushjk.deluxemapping ? 1 : 0);
+ int mergewidth = R_TextureWidth(out->lightmaptexture) / loadmodel->brushjk.lightmapsize;
+ int mergeheight = R_TextureHeight(out->lightmaptexture) / loadmodel->brushjk.lightmapsize;
+ lightmapindex &= mergewidth * mergeheight - 1;
+ lightmaptcscale[0] = 1.0f / mergewidth;
+ lightmaptcscale[1] = 1.0f / mergeheight;
+ lightmaptcbase[0] = (lightmapindex % mergewidth) * lightmaptcscale[0];
+ lightmaptcbase[1] = (lightmapindex / mergewidth) * lightmaptcscale[1];
+ // modify the lightmap texcoords to match this region of the merged lightmap
+ for (j = 0, v = loadmodel->surfmesh.data_texcoordlightmap2f + 2 * out->num_firstvertex;j < out->num_vertices;j++, v += 2)
+ {
+ v[0] = v[0] * lightmaptcscale[0] + lightmaptcbase[0];
+ v[1] = v[1] * lightmaptcscale[1] + lightmaptcbase[1];
+ }
+ }
+ VectorCopy((loadmodel->surfmesh.data_vertex3f + 3 * out->num_firstvertex), out->mins);
+ VectorCopy((loadmodel->surfmesh.data_vertex3f + 3 * out->num_firstvertex), out->maxs);
+ for (j = 1, v = (loadmodel->surfmesh.data_vertex3f + 3 * out->num_firstvertex) + 3;j < out->num_vertices;j++, v += 3)
+ {
+ out->mins[0] = min(out->mins[0], v[0]);
+ out->maxs[0] = max(out->maxs[0], v[0]);
+ out->mins[1] = min(out->mins[1], v[1]);
+ out->maxs[1] = max(out->maxs[1], v[1]);
+ out->mins[2] = min(out->mins[2], v[2]);
+ out->maxs[2] = max(out->maxs[2], v[2]);
+ }
+ out->mins[0] -= 1.0f;
+ out->mins[1] -= 1.0f;
+ out->mins[2] -= 1.0f;
+ out->maxs[0] += 1.0f;
+ out->maxs[1] += 1.0f;
+ out->maxs[2] += 1.0f;
+ }
+ // set lightmap styles for consistency with q1bsp
+ //out->lightmapinfo->styles[0] = 0;
+ //out->lightmapinfo->styles[1] = 255;
+ //out->lightmapinfo->styles[2] = 255;
+ //out->lightmapinfo->styles[3] = 255;
+ }
+ i = oldi;
+ out = oldout;
+ for (;i < count;i++, out++)
+ {
+ if(out->num_vertices && out->num_triangles)
+ continue;
+ if(out->num_vertices == 0)
+ {
+ Con_Printf("Mod_JKBSP_LoadFaces: surface %d (texture %s) has no vertices, ignoring\n", i, out->texture ? out->texture->name : "(none)");
+ if(out->num_triangles == 0)
+ Con_Printf("Mod_JKBSP_LoadFaces: surface %d (texture %s) has no triangles, ignoring\n", i, out->texture ? out->texture->name : "(none)");
+ }
+ else if(out->num_triangles == 0)
+ Con_Printf("Mod_JKBSP_LoadFaces: surface %d (texture %s, near %f %f %f) has no triangles, ignoring\n", i, out->texture ? out->texture->name : "(none)",
+ (loadmodel->surfmesh.data_vertex3f + 3 * out->num_firstvertex)[0 * 3 + 0],
+ (loadmodel->surfmesh.data_vertex3f + 3 * out->num_firstvertex)[1 * 3 + 0],
+ (loadmodel->surfmesh.data_vertex3f + 3 * out->num_firstvertex)[2 * 3 + 0]);
+ }
+ // for per pixel lighting
+ Mod_BuildTextureVectorsFromNormals(0, loadmodel->surfmesh.num_vertices, loadmodel->surfmesh.num_triangles, loadmodel->surfmesh.data_vertex3f, loadmodel->surfmesh.data_texcoordtexture2f, loadmodel->surfmesh.data_normal3f, loadmodel->surfmesh.data_element3i, loadmodel->surfmesh.data_svector3f, loadmodel->surfmesh.data_tvector3f, r_smoothnormals_areaweighting.integer != 0);
+ // generate ushort elements array if possible
+ if (loadmodel->surfmesh.data_element3s)
+ for (i = 0;i < loadmodel->surfmesh.num_triangles*3;i++)
+ loadmodel->surfmesh.data_element3s[i] = loadmodel->surfmesh.data_element3i[i];
+ // free the no longer needed vertex data
+ loadmodel->brushjk.num_vertices = 0;
+ if (loadmodel->brushjk.data_vertex3f)
+ Mem_Free(loadmodel->brushjk.data_vertex3f);
+ loadmodel->brushjk.data_vertex3f = NULL;
+ loadmodel->brushjk.data_normal3f = NULL;
+ loadmodel->brushjk.data_texcoordtexture2f = NULL;
+ loadmodel->brushjk.data_texcoordlightmap2f = NULL;
+ loadmodel->brushjk.data_color4f = NULL;
+ // free the no longer needed triangle data
+ loadmodel->brushjk.num_triangles = 0;
+ if (loadmodel->brushjk.data_element3i)
+ Mem_Free(loadmodel->brushjk.data_element3i);
+ loadmodel->brushjk.data_element3i = NULL;
+ if(patchtess)
+ Mem_Free(patchtess);
+static void Mod_JKBSP_LoadModels(lump_t *l)
+ jkdmodel_t *in;
+ jkdmodel_t *out;
+ int i, j, n, c, count;
+ in = (jkdmodel_t *)(mod_base + l->fileofs);
+ if (l->filelen % sizeof(*in))
+ Host_Error("Mod_JKBSP_LoadModels: funny lump size in %s",loadmodel->name);
+ count = l->filelen / sizeof(*in);
+ out = (jkdmodel_t *)Mem_Alloc(loadmodel->mempool, count * sizeof(*out));
+ loadmodel->brushjk.data_models = out;
+ loadmodel->brushjk.num_models = count;
+ for (i = 0;i < count;i++, in++, out++)
+ {
+ for (j = 0;j < 3;j++)
+ {
+ out->mins[j] = LittleFloat(in->mins[j]);
+ out->maxs[j] = LittleFloat(in->maxs[j]);
+ }
+ n = LittleLong(in->firstface);
+ c = LittleLong(in->numfaces);
+ if (n < 0 || n + c > loadmodel->num_surfaces)
+ Host_Error("Mod_JKBSP_LoadModels: invalid face range %i : %i (%i faces)", n, n + c, loadmodel->num_surfaces);
+ out->firstface = n;
+ out->numfaces = c;
+ n = LittleLong(in->firstbrush);
+ c = LittleLong(in->numbrushes);
+ if (n < 0 || n + c > loadmodel->brush.num_brushes)
+ Host_Error("Mod_JKBSP_LoadModels: invalid brush range %i : %i (%i brushes)", n, n + c, loadmodel->brush.num_brushes);
+ out->firstbrush = n;
+ out->numbrushes = c;
+ }
+static void Mod_JKBSP_LoadLeafBrushes(lump_t *l)
+ int *in;
+ int *out;
+ int i, n, count;
+ in = (int *)(mod_base + l->fileofs);
+ if (l->filelen % sizeof(*in))
+ Host_Error("Mod_JKBSP_LoadLeafBrushes: funny lump size in %s",loadmodel->name);
+ count = l->filelen / sizeof(*in);
+ out = (int *)Mem_Alloc(loadmodel->mempool, count * sizeof(*out));
+ loadmodel->brush.data_leafbrushes = out;
+ loadmodel->brush.num_leafbrushes = count;
+ for (i = 0;i < count;i++, in++, out++)
+ {
+ n = LittleLong(*in);
+ if (n < 0 || n >= loadmodel->brush.num_brushes)
+ Host_Error("Mod_JKBSP_LoadLeafBrushes: invalid brush index %i (%i brushes)", n, loadmodel->brush.num_brushes);
+ *out = n;
+ }
+static void Mod_JKBSP_LoadLeafFaces(lump_t *l)
+ int *in;
+ int *out;
+ int i, n, count;
+ in = (int *)(mod_base + l->fileofs);
+ if (l->filelen % sizeof(*in))
+ Host_Error("Mod_JKBSP_LoadLeafFaces: funny lump size in %s",loadmodel->name);
+ count = l->filelen / sizeof(*in);
+ out = (int *)Mem_Alloc(loadmodel->mempool, count * sizeof(*out));
+ loadmodel->brush.data_leafsurfaces = out;
+ loadmodel->brush.num_leafsurfaces = count;
+ for (i = 0;i < count;i++, in++, out++)
+ {
+ n = LittleLong(*in);
+ if (n < 0 || n >= loadmodel->num_surfaces)
+ Host_Error("Mod_JKBSP_LoadLeafFaces: invalid face index %i (%i faces)", n, loadmodel->num_surfaces);
+ *out = n;
+ }
+static void Mod_JKBSP_LoadLeafs(lump_t *l)
+ jkdleaf_t *in;
+ mleaf_t *out;
+ int i, j, n, c, count;
+ in = (jkdleaf_t *)(mod_base + l->fileofs);
+ if (l->filelen % sizeof(*in))
+ Host_Error("Mod_JKBSP_LoadLeafs: funny lump size in %s",loadmodel->name);
+ count = l->filelen / sizeof(*in);
+ out = (mleaf_t *)Mem_Alloc(loadmodel->mempool, count * sizeof(*out));
+ loadmodel->brush.data_leafs = out;
+ loadmodel->brush.num_leafs = count;
+ for (i = 0;i < count;i++, in++, out++)
+ {
+ out->parent = NULL;
+ out->plane = NULL;
+ out->clusterindex = LittleLong(in->clusterindex);
+ out->areaindex = LittleLong(in->areaindex);
+ for (j = 0;j < 3;j++)
+ {
+ // yes the mins/maxs are ints
+ out->mins[j] = LittleLong(in->mins[j]) - 1;
+ out->maxs[j] = LittleLong(in->maxs[j]) + 1;
+ }
+ n = LittleLong(in->firstleafface);
+ c = LittleLong(in->numleaffaces);
+ if (n < 0 || n + c > loadmodel->brush.num_leafsurfaces)
+ Host_Error("Mod_JKBSP_LoadLeafs: invalid leafsurface range %i : %i (%i leafsurfaces)", n, n + c, loadmodel->brush.num_leafsurfaces);
+ out->firstleafsurface = loadmodel->brush.data_leafsurfaces + n;
+ out->numleafsurfaces = c;
+ n = LittleLong(in->firstleafbrush);
+ c = LittleLong(in->numleafbrushes);
+ if (n < 0 || n + c > loadmodel->brush.num_leafbrushes)
+ Host_Error("Mod_JKBSP_LoadLeafs: invalid leafbrush range %i : %i (%i leafbrushes)", n, n + c, loadmodel->brush.num_leafbrushes);
+ out->firstleafbrush = loadmodel->brush.data_leafbrushes + n;
+ out->numleafbrushes = c;
+ }
+static void Mod_JKBSP_LoadNodes(lump_t *l)
+ jkdnode_t *in;
+ mnode_t *out;
+ int i, j, n, count;
+ in = (jkdnode_t *)(mod_base + l->fileofs);
+ if (l->filelen % sizeof(*in))
+ Host_Error("Mod_JKBSP_LoadNodes: funny lump size in %s",loadmodel->name);
+ count = l->filelen / sizeof(*in);
+ if (count == 0)
+ Host_Error("Mod_JKBSP_LoadNodes: missing BSP tree in %s",loadmodel->name);
+ out = (mnode_t *)Mem_Alloc(loadmodel->mempool, count * sizeof(*out));
+ loadmodel->brush.data_nodes = out;
+ loadmodel->brush.num_nodes = count;
+ for (i = 0;i < count;i++, in++, out++)
+ {
+ out->parent = NULL;
+ n = LittleLong(in->planeindex);
+ if (n < 0 || n >= loadmodel->brush.num_planes)
+ Host_Error("Mod_JKBSP_LoadNodes: invalid planeindex %i (%i planes)", n, loadmodel->brush.num_planes);
+ out->plane = loadmodel->brush.data_planes + n;
+ for (j = 0;j < 2;j++)
+ {
+ n = LittleLong(in->childrenindex[j]);
+ if (n >= 0)
+ {
+ if (n >= loadmodel->brush.num_nodes)
+ Host_Error("Mod_JKBSP_LoadNodes: invalid child node index %i (%i nodes)", n, loadmodel->brush.num_nodes);
+ out->children[j] = loadmodel->brush.data_nodes + n;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ n = -1 - n;
+ if (n >= loadmodel->brush.num_leafs)
+ Host_Error("Mod_JKBSP_LoadNodes: invalid child leaf index %i (%i leafs)", n, loadmodel->brush.num_leafs);
+ out->children[j] = (mnode_t *)(loadmodel->brush.data_leafs + n);
+ }
+ }
+ for (j = 0;j < 3;j++)
+ {
+ // yes the mins/maxs are ints
+ out->mins[j] = LittleLong(in->mins[j]) - 1;
+ out->maxs[j] = LittleLong(in->maxs[j]) + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ // set the parent pointers
+ Mod_Q1BSP_LoadNodes_RecursiveSetParent(loadmodel->brush.data_nodes, NULL);
+static void Mod_JKBSP_LoadLightGrid(lump_t *l)
+ jkdlightgrid_t *in;
+ jkdlightgrid_t *out;
+ int count;
+ int i;
+ in = (jkdlightgrid_t *)(mod_base + l->fileofs);
+ if (l->filelen % sizeof(*in))
+ Host_Error("Mod_JKBSP_LoadLightGrid: funny lump size in %s",loadmodel->name);
+ loadmodel->brushjk.num_lightgrid_scale[0] = 1.0f / loadmodel->brushjk.num_lightgrid_cellsize[0];
+ loadmodel->brushjk.num_lightgrid_scale[1] = 1.0f / loadmodel->brushjk.num_lightgrid_cellsize[1];
+ loadmodel->brushjk.num_lightgrid_scale[2] = 1.0f / loadmodel->brushjk.num_lightgrid_cellsize[2];
+ loadmodel->brushjk.num_lightgrid_imins[0] = (int)ceil(loadmodel->brushjk.data_models->mins[0] * loadmodel->brushjk.num_lightgrid_scale[0]);
+ loadmodel->brushjk.num_lightgrid_imins[1] = (int)ceil(loadmodel->brushjk.data_models->mins[1] * loadmodel->brushjk.num_lightgrid_scale[1]);
+ loadmodel->brushjk.num_lightgrid_imins[2] = (int)ceil(loadmodel->brushjk.data_models->mins[2] * loadmodel->brushjk.num_lightgrid_scale[2]);
+ loadmodel->brushjk.num_lightgrid_imaxs[0] = (int)floor(loadmodel->brushjk.data_models->maxs[0] * loadmodel->brushjk.num_lightgrid_scale[0]);
+ loadmodel->brushjk.num_lightgrid_imaxs[1] = (int)floor(loadmodel->brushjk.data_models->maxs[1] * loadmodel->brushjk.num_lightgrid_scale[1]);
+ loadmodel->brushjk.num_lightgrid_imaxs[2] = (int)floor(loadmodel->brushjk.data_models->maxs[2] * loadmodel->brushjk.num_lightgrid_scale[2]);
+ loadmodel->brushjk.num_lightgrid_isize[0] = loadmodel->brushjk.num_lightgrid_imaxs[0] - loadmodel->brushjk.num_lightgrid_imins[0] + 1;
+ loadmodel->brushjk.num_lightgrid_isize[1] = loadmodel->brushjk.num_lightgrid_imaxs[1] - loadmodel->brushjk.num_lightgrid_imins[1] + 1;
+ loadmodel->brushjk.num_lightgrid_isize[2] = loadmodel->brushjk.num_lightgrid_imaxs[2] - loadmodel->brushjk.num_lightgrid_imins[2] + 1;
+ count = loadmodel->brushjk.num_lightgrid_isize[0] * loadmodel->brushjk.num_lightgrid_isize[1] * loadmodel->brushjk.num_lightgrid_isize[2];
+ Matrix4x4_CreateScale3(&loadmodel->brushjk.num_lightgrid_indexfromworld, loadmodel->brushjk.num_lightgrid_scale[0], loadmodel->brushjk.num_lightgrid_scale[1], loadmodel->brushjk.num_lightgrid_scale[2]);
+ Matrix4x4_ConcatTranslate(&loadmodel->brushjk.num_lightgrid_indexfromworld, -loadmodel->brushjk.num_lightgrid_imins[0] * loadmodel->brushjk.num_lightgrid_cellsize[0], -loadmodel->brushjk.num_lightgrid_imins[1] * loadmodel->brushjk.num_lightgrid_cellsize[1], -loadmodel->brushjk.num_lightgrid_imins[2] * loadmodel->brushjk.num_lightgrid_cellsize[2]);
+ // if lump is empty there is nothing to load, we can deal with that in the LightPoint code
+ if (l->filelen)
+ {
+ if (l->filelen < count * (int)sizeof(*in))
+ {
+ Con_Printf("Mod_JKBSP_LoadLightGrid: invalid lightgrid lump size %i bytes, should be %i bytes (%ix%ix%i)", l->filelen, (int)(count * sizeof(*in)), loadmodel->brushjk.num_lightgrid_isize[0], loadmodel->brushjk.num_lightgrid_isize[1], loadmodel->brushjk.num_lightgrid_isize[2]);
+ return; // ignore the grid if we cannot understand it
+ }
+ if (l->filelen != count * (int)sizeof(*in))
+ Con_Printf("Mod_JKBSP_LoadLightGrid: Warning: calculated lightgrid size %i bytes does not match lump size %i\n", (int)(count * sizeof(*in)), l->filelen);
+ out = (jkdlightgrid_t *)Mem_Alloc(loadmodel->mempool, count * sizeof(*out));
+ loadmodel->brushjk.data_lightgrid = out;
+ loadmodel->brushjk.num_lightgrid = count;
+ // no swapping or validation necessary
+ memcpy(out, in, count * (int)sizeof(*out));
+ if(mod_q3bsp_sRGBlightmaps.integer)
+ {
+ if(vid_sRGB.integer && vid_sRGB_fallback.integer && !vid.sRGB3D)
+ {
+ // we fix the brightness consistently via lightmapscale
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ int j;
+ for(i = 0; i < count; ++i)
+ {
+ for (j = 0; j < MAX_LIGHTMAPS; j++)
+ {
+ out[i].ambientrgb[j][0] = floor(Image_LinearFloatFromsRGB(out[i].ambientrgb[j][0]) * 255.0f + 0.5f);
+ out[i].ambientrgb[j][1] = floor(Image_LinearFloatFromsRGB(out[i].ambientrgb[j][1]) * 255.0f + 0.5f);
+ out[i].ambientrgb[j][2] = floor(Image_LinearFloatFromsRGB(out[i].ambientrgb[j][2]) * 255.0f + 0.5f);
+ out[i].diffusergb[j][0] = floor(Image_LinearFloatFromsRGB(out[i].diffusergb[j][0]) * 255.0f + 0.5f);
+ out[i].diffusergb[j][1] = floor(Image_LinearFloatFromsRGB(out[i].diffusergb[j][1]) * 255.0f + 0.5f);
+ out[i].diffusergb[j][2] = floor(Image_LinearFloatFromsRGB(out[i].diffusergb[j][2]) * 255.0f + 0.5f);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(vid_sRGB.integer && vid_sRGB_fallback.integer && !vid.sRGB3D)
+ {
+ int j;
+ for(i = 0; i < count; ++i)
+ {
+ for (j = 0; j < MAX_LIGHTMAPS; j++)
+ {
+ out[i].ambientrgb[j][0] = floor(Image_sRGBFloatFromLinear_Lightmap(out[i].ambientrgb[j][0]) * 255.0f + 0.5f);
+ out[i].ambientrgb[j][1] = floor(Image_sRGBFloatFromLinear_Lightmap(out[i].ambientrgb[j][1]) * 255.0f + 0.5f);
+ out[i].ambientrgb[j][2] = floor(Image_sRGBFloatFromLinear_Lightmap(out[i].ambientrgb[j][2]) * 255.0f + 0.5f);
+ out[i].diffusergb[j][0] = floor(Image_sRGBFloatFromLinear_Lightmap(out[i].diffusergb[j][0]) * 255.0f + 0.5f);
+ out[i].diffusergb[j][1] = floor(Image_sRGBFloatFromLinear_Lightmap(out[i].diffusergb[j][1]) * 255.0f + 0.5f);
+ out[i].diffusergb[j][2] = floor(Image_sRGBFloatFromLinear_Lightmap(out[i].diffusergb[j][2]) * 255.0f + 0.5f);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // all is good
+ }
+ }
+ }
+static void Mod_JKBSP_LoadPVS(lump_t *l)
+ jkdpvs_t *in;
+ int totalchains;
+ if (l->filelen == 0)
+ {
+ int i;
+ // unvised maps often have cluster indices even without pvs, so check
+ // leafs to find real number of clusters
+ loadmodel->brush.num_pvsclusters = 1;
+ for (i = 0;i < loadmodel->brush.num_leafs;i++)
+ loadmodel->brush.num_pvsclusters = max(loadmodel->brush.num_pvsclusters, loadmodel->brush.data_leafs[i].clusterindex + 1);
+ // create clusters
+ loadmodel->brush.num_pvsclusterbytes = (loadmodel->brush.num_pvsclusters + 7) / 8;
+ totalchains = loadmodel->brush.num_pvsclusterbytes * loadmodel->brush.num_pvsclusters;
+ loadmodel->brush.data_pvsclusters = (unsigned char *)Mem_Alloc(loadmodel->mempool, totalchains);
+ memset(loadmodel->brush.data_pvsclusters, 0xFF, totalchains);
+ return;
+ }
+ in = (jkdpvs_t *)(mod_base + l->fileofs);
+ if (l->filelen < 9)
+ Host_Error("Mod_JKBSP_LoadPVS: funny lump size in %s",loadmodel->name);
+ loadmodel->brush.num_pvsclusters = LittleLong(in->numclusters);
+ loadmodel->brush.num_pvsclusterbytes = LittleLong(in->chainlength);
+ if (loadmodel->brush.num_pvsclusterbytes < ((loadmodel->brush.num_pvsclusters + 7) / 8))
+ Host_Error("Mod_JKBSP_LoadPVS: (chainlength = %i) < ((numclusters = %i) + 7) / 8", loadmodel->brush.num_pvsclusterbytes, loadmodel->brush.num_pvsclusters);
+ totalchains = loadmodel->brush.num_pvsclusterbytes * loadmodel->brush.num_pvsclusters;
+ if (l->filelen < totalchains + (int)sizeof(*in))
+ Host_Error("Mod_JKBSP_LoadPVS: lump too small ((numclusters = %i) * (chainlength = %i) + sizeof(jkdpvs_t) == %i bytes, lump is %i bytes)", loadmodel->brush.num_pvsclusters, loadmodel->brush.num_pvsclusterbytes, (int)(totalchains + sizeof(*in)), l->filelen);
+ loadmodel->brush.data_pvsclusters = (unsigned char *)Mem_Alloc(loadmodel->mempool, totalchains);
+ memcpy(loadmodel->brush.data_pvsclusters, (unsigned char *)(in + 1), totalchains);
+static void Mod_JKBSP_LightPoint(dp_model_t *model, const vec3_t p, vec3_t ambientcolor, vec3_t diffusecolor, vec3_t diffusenormal)
+ int i, j, g, k, index[3];
+ float transformed[3], blend1, blend2, blend, stylescale = 1;
+ jkdlightgrid_t *a, *s;
+ // scale lighting by lightstyle[0] so that darkmode in dpmod works properly
+ switch(vid.renderpath)
+ {
+ case RENDERPATH_D3D10:
+ case RENDERPATH_D3D11:
+ // LordHavoc: FIXME: is this true?
+ stylescale = 1; // added while render
+ break;
+ stylescale = r_refdef.scene.rtlightstylevalue[0];
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!model->brushjk.num_lightgrid)
+ {
+ ambientcolor[0] = stylescale;
+ ambientcolor[1] = stylescale;
+ ambientcolor[2] = stylescale;
+ return;
+ }
+ Matrix4x4_Transform(&model->brushjk.num_lightgrid_indexfromworld, p, transformed);
+ //Matrix4x4_Print(&model->brushjk.num_lightgrid_indexfromworld);
+ //Con_Printf("%f %f %f transformed %f %f %f clamped ", p[0], p[1], p[2], transformed[0], transformed[1], transformed[2]);
+ transformed[0] = bound(0, transformed[0], model->brushjk.num_lightgrid_isize[0] - 1);
+ transformed[1] = bound(0, transformed[1], model->brushjk.num_lightgrid_isize[1] - 1);
+ transformed[2] = bound(0, transformed[2], model->brushjk.num_lightgrid_isize[2] - 1);
+ index[0] = (int)floor(transformed[0]);
+ index[1] = (int)floor(transformed[1]);
+ index[2] = (int)floor(transformed[2]);
+ //Con_Printf("%f %f %f index %i %i %i:\n", transformed[0], transformed[1], transformed[2], index[0], index[1], index[2]);
+ // now lerp the values
+ VectorClear(diffusenormal);
+ a = &model->brushjk.data_lightgrid[(index[2] * model->brushjk.num_lightgrid_isize[1] + index[1]) * model->brushjk.num_lightgrid_isize[0] + index[0]];
+ for (k = 0;k < 2;k++)
+ {
+ blend1 = (k ? (transformed[2] - index[2]) : (1 - (transformed[2] - index[2])));
+ if (blend1 < 0.001f || index[2] + k >= model->brushjk.num_lightgrid_isize[2])
+ continue;
+ for (j = 0;j < 2;j++)
+ {
+ blend2 = blend1 * (j ? (transformed[1] - index[1]) : (1 - (transformed[1] - index[1])));
+ if (blend2 < 0.001f || index[1] + j >= model->brushjk.num_lightgrid_isize[1])
+ continue;
+ for (i = 0;i < 2;i++)
+ {
+ blend = blend2 * (i ? (transformed[0] - index[0]) : (1 - (transformed[0] - index[0]))) * stylescale;
+ if (blend < 0.001f || index[0] + i >= model->brushjk.num_lightgrid_isize[0])
+ continue;
+ s = a + (k * model->brushjk.num_lightgrid_isize[1] + j) * model->brushjk.num_lightgrid_isize[0] + i;
+ for (g = 0; g < MAX_LIGHTMAPS; g++)
+ {
+ VectorMA(ambientcolor, blend * (1.0f / 128.0f), s->ambientrgb[g], ambientcolor);
+ VectorMA(diffusecolor, blend * (1.0f / 128.0f), s->diffusergb[g], diffusecolor);
+ }
+ // this uses the mod_md3_sin table because the values are
+ // already in the 0-255 range, the 64+ bias fetches a cosine
+ // instead of a sine value
+ diffusenormal[0] += blend * (mod_md3_sin[64 + s->diffuseyaw] * mod_md3_sin[s->diffusepitch]);
+ diffusenormal[1] += blend * (mod_md3_sin[ s->diffuseyaw] * mod_md3_sin[s->diffusepitch]);
+ diffusenormal[2] += blend * (mod_md3_sin[64 + s->diffusepitch]);
+ //Con_Printf("blend %f: ambient %i %i %i, diffuse %i %i %i, diffusepitch %i diffuseyaw %i (%f %f, normal %f %f %f)\n", blend, s->ambientrgb[0], s->ambientrgb[1], s->ambientrgb[2], s->diffusergb[0], s->diffusergb[1], s->diffusergb[2], s->diffusepitch, s->diffuseyaw, pitch, yaw, (cos(yaw) * cospitch), (sin(yaw) * cospitch), (-sin(pitch)));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // normalize the light direction before turning
+ VectorNormalize(diffusenormal);
+ //Con_Printf("result: ambient %f %f %f diffuse %f %f %f diffusenormal %f %f %f\n", ambientcolor[0], ambientcolor[1], ambientcolor[2], diffusecolor[0], diffusecolor[1], diffusecolor[2], diffusenormal[0], diffusenormal[1], diffusenormal[2]);
+static int Mod_JKBSP_TraceLineOfSight_RecursiveNodeCheck(mnode_t *node, double p1[3], double p2[3])
+ double t1, t2;
+ double midf, mid[3];
+ int ret, side;
+ // check for empty
+ while (node->plane)
+ {
+ // find the point distances
+ mplane_t *plane = node->plane;
+ if (plane->type < 3)
+ {
+ t1 = p1[plane->type] - plane->dist;
+ t2 = p2[plane->type] - plane->dist;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ t1 = DotProduct (plane->normal, p1) - plane->dist;
+ t2 = DotProduct (plane->normal, p2) - plane->dist;
+ }
+ if (t1 < 0)
+ {
+ if (t2 < 0)
+ {
+ node = node->children[1];
+ continue;
+ }
+ side = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (t2 >= 0)
+ {
+ node = node->children[0];
+ continue;
+ }
+ side = 0;
+ }
+ midf = t1 / (t1 - t2);
+ VectorLerp(p1, midf, p2, mid);
+ // recurse both sides, front side first
+ // return 2 if empty is followed by solid (hit something)
+ // do not return 2 if both are solid or both empty,
+ // or if start is solid and end is empty
+ // as these degenerate cases usually indicate the eye is in solid and
+ // should see the target point anyway
+ ret = Mod_JKBSP_TraceLineOfSight_RecursiveNodeCheck(node->children[side ], p1, mid);
+ if (ret != 0)
+ return ret;
+ ret = Mod_JKBSP_TraceLineOfSight_RecursiveNodeCheck(node->children[side ^ 1], mid, p2);
+ if (ret != 1)
+ return ret;
+ return 2;
+ }
+ return ((mleaf_t *)node)->clusterindex < 0;
+static qboolean Mod_JKBSP_TraceLineOfSight(struct model_s *model, const vec3_t start, const vec3_t end)
+ if (model->brush.submodel || mod_q3bsp_tracelineofsight_brushes.integer)
+ {
+ trace_t trace;
+ model->TraceLine(model, NULL, NULL, &trace, start, end, SUPERCONTENTS_VISBLOCKERMASK);
+ return trace.fraction == 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ double tracestart[3], traceend[3];
+ VectorCopy(start, tracestart);
+ VectorCopy(end, traceend);
+ return !Mod_JKBSP_TraceLineOfSight_RecursiveNodeCheck(model->brush.data_nodes, tracestart, traceend);
+ }
+static void Mod_JKBSP_TracePoint_RecursiveBSPNode(trace_t *trace, dp_model_t *model, mnode_t *node, const vec3_t point, int markframe)
+ int i;
+ mleaf_t *leaf;
+ colbrushf_t *brush;
+ // find which leaf the point is in
+ while (node->plane)
+ node = node->children[(node->plane->type < 3 ? point[node->plane->type] : DotProduct(point, node->plane->normal)) < node->plane->dist];
+ // point trace the brushes
+ leaf = (mleaf_t *)node;
+ for (i = 0;i < leaf->numleafbrushes;i++)
+ {
+ brush = model->brush.data_brushes[leaf->firstleafbrush[i]].colbrushf;
+ if (brush && brush->markframe != markframe && BoxesOverlap(point, point, brush->mins, brush->maxs))
+ {
+ brush->markframe = markframe;
+ Collision_TracePointBrushFloat(trace, point, brush);
+ }
+ }
+ // can't do point traces on curves (they have no thickness)
+static void Mod_JKBSP_TraceLine_RecursiveBSPNode(trace_t *trace, dp_model_t *model, mnode_t *node, const vec3_t start, const vec3_t end, vec_t startfrac, vec_t endfrac, const vec3_t linestart, const vec3_t lineend, int markframe, const vec3_t segmentmins, const vec3_t segmentmaxs)
+ int i, startside, endside;
+ float dist1, dist2, midfrac, mid[3], nodesegmentmins[3], nodesegmentmaxs[3];
+ mleaf_t *leaf;
+ msurface_t *surface;
+ mplane_t *plane;
+ colbrushf_t *brush;
+ // walk the tree until we hit a leaf, recursing for any split cases
+ while (node->plane)
+ {
+#if 0
+ if (!BoxesOverlap(segmentmins, segmentmaxs, node->mins, node->maxs))
+ return;
+ Mod_JKBSP_TraceLine_RecursiveBSPNode(trace, model, node->children[0], start, end, startfrac, endfrac, linestart, lineend, markframe, segmentmins, segmentmaxs);
+ node = node->children[1];
+ // abort if this part of the bsp tree can not be hit by this trace
+// if (!(node->combinedsupercontents & trace->hitsupercontentsmask))
+// return;
+ plane = node->plane;
+ // axial planes are much more common than non-axial, so an optimized
+ // axial case pays off here
+ if (plane->type < 3)
+ {
+ dist1 = start[plane->type] - plane->dist;
+ dist2 = end[plane->type] - plane->dist;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dist1 = DotProduct(start, plane->normal) - plane->dist;
+ dist2 = DotProduct(end, plane->normal) - plane->dist;
+ }
+ startside = dist1 < 0;
+ endside = dist2 < 0;
+ if (startside == endside)
+ {
+ // most of the time the line fragment is on one side of the plane
+ node = node->children[startside];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // line crosses node plane, split the line
+ dist1 = PlaneDiff(linestart, plane);
+ dist2 = PlaneDiff(lineend, plane);
+ midfrac = dist1 / (dist1 - dist2);
+ VectorLerp(linestart, midfrac, lineend, mid);
+ // take the near side first
+ Mod_JKBSP_TraceLine_RecursiveBSPNode(trace, model, node->children[startside], start, mid, startfrac, midfrac, linestart, lineend, markframe, segmentmins, segmentmaxs);
+ // if we found an impact on the front side, don't waste time
+ // exploring the far side
+ if (midfrac <= trace->realfraction)
+ Mod_JKBSP_TraceLine_RecursiveBSPNode(trace, model, node->children[endside], mid, end, midfrac, endfrac, linestart, lineend, markframe, segmentmins, segmentmaxs);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // abort if this part of the bsp tree can not be hit by this trace
+// if (!(node->combinedsupercontents & trace->hitsupercontentsmask))
+// return;
+ // hit a leaf
+ nodesegmentmins[0] = min(start[0], end[0]) - 1;
+ nodesegmentmins[1] = min(start[1], end[1]) - 1;
+ nodesegmentmins[2] = min(start[2], end[2]) - 1;
+ nodesegmentmaxs[0] = max(start[0], end[0]) + 1;
+ nodesegmentmaxs[1] = max(start[1], end[1]) + 1;
+ nodesegmentmaxs[2] = max(start[2], end[2]) + 1;
+ // line trace the brushes
+ leaf = (mleaf_t *)node;
+#if 0
+ if (!BoxesOverlap(segmentmins, segmentmaxs, leaf->mins, leaf->maxs))
+ return;
+ for (i = 0;i < leaf->numleafbrushes;i++)
+ {
+ brush = model->brush.data_brushes[leaf->firstleafbrush[i]].colbrushf;
+ if (brush && brush->markframe != markframe && BoxesOverlap(nodesegmentmins, nodesegmentmaxs, brush->mins, brush->maxs))
+ {
+ brush->markframe = markframe;
+ Collision_TraceLineBrushFloat(trace, linestart, lineend, brush, brush);
+ }
+ }
+ // can't do point traces on curves (they have no thickness)
+ if (leaf->containscollisionsurfaces && mod_q3bsp_curves_collisions.integer && !VectorCompare(start, end))
+ {
+ // line trace the curves
+ for (i = 0;i < leaf->numleafsurfaces;i++)
+ {
+ surface = model->data_surfaces + leaf->firstleafsurface[i];
+ if (surface->num_collisiontriangles && surface->deprecatedq3collisionmarkframe != markframe && BoxesOverlap(nodesegmentmins, nodesegmentmaxs, surface->mins, surface->maxs))
+ {
+ surface->deprecatedq3collisionmarkframe = markframe;
+ Collision_TraceLineTriangleMeshFloat(trace, linestart, lineend, surface->num_collisiontriangles, surface->deprecatedq3data_collisionelement3i, surface->deprecatedq3data_collisionvertex3f, surface->deprecatedq3num_collisionbboxstride, surface->deprecatedq3data_collisionbbox6f, surface->texture->supercontents, surface->texture->surfaceflags, surface->texture, segmentmins, segmentmaxs);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+static void Mod_JKBSP_TraceBrush_RecursiveBSPNode(trace_t *trace, dp_model_t *model, mnode_t *node, const colbrushf_t *thisbrush_start, const colbrushf_t *thisbrush_end, int markframe, const vec3_t segmentmins, const vec3_t segmentmaxs)
+ int i;
+ int sides;
+ mleaf_t *leaf;
+ colbrushf_t *brush;
+ msurface_t *surface;
+ mplane_t *plane;
+ float nodesegmentmins[3], nodesegmentmaxs[3];
+ // walk the tree until we hit a leaf, recursing for any split cases
+ while (node->plane)
+ {
+#if 0
+ if (!BoxesOverlap(segmentmins, segmentmaxs, node->mins, node->maxs))
+ return;
+ Mod_JKBSP_TraceBrush_RecursiveBSPNode(trace, model, node->children[0], thisbrush_start, thisbrush_end, markframe, segmentmins, segmentmaxs);
+ node = node->children[1];
+ // abort if this part of the bsp tree can not be hit by this trace
+// if (!(node->combinedsupercontents & trace->hitsupercontentsmask))
+// return;
+ plane = node->plane;
+ // axial planes are much more common than non-axial, so an optimized
+ // axial case pays off here
+ if (plane->type < 3)
+ {
+ // this is an axial plane, compare bounding box directly to it and
+ // recurse sides accordingly
+ // recurse down node sides
+ // use an inlined axial BoxOnPlaneSide to slightly reduce overhead
+ //sides = BoxOnPlaneSide(nodesegmentmins, nodesegmentmaxs, plane);
+ //sides = ((segmentmaxs[plane->type] >= plane->dist) | ((segmentmins[plane->type] < plane->dist) << 1));
+ sides = ((segmentmaxs[plane->type] >= plane->dist) + ((segmentmins[plane->type] < plane->dist) * 2));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // this is a non-axial plane, so check if the start and end boxes
+ // are both on one side of the plane to handle 'diagonal' cases
+ sides = BoxOnPlaneSide(thisbrush_start->mins, thisbrush_start->maxs, plane) | BoxOnPlaneSide(thisbrush_end->mins, thisbrush_end->maxs, plane);
+ }
+ if (sides == 3)
+ {
+ // segment crosses plane
+ Mod_JKBSP_TraceBrush_RecursiveBSPNode(trace, model, node->children[0], thisbrush_start, thisbrush_end, markframe, segmentmins, segmentmaxs);
+ sides = 2;
+ }
+ // if sides == 0 then the trace itself is bogus (Not A Number values),
+ // in this case we simply pretend the trace hit nothing
+ if (sides == 0)
+ return; // ERROR: NAN bounding box!
+ // take whichever side the segment box is on
+ node = node->children[sides - 1];
+ }
+ // abort if this part of the bsp tree can not be hit by this trace
+// if (!(node->combinedsupercontents & trace->hitsupercontentsmask))
+// return;
+ nodesegmentmins[0] = max(segmentmins[0], node->mins[0] - 1);
+ nodesegmentmins[1] = max(segmentmins[1], node->mins[1] - 1);
+ nodesegmentmins[2] = max(segmentmins[2], node->mins[2] - 1);
+ nodesegmentmaxs[0] = min(segmentmaxs[0], node->maxs[0] + 1);
+ nodesegmentmaxs[1] = min(segmentmaxs[1], node->maxs[1] + 1);
+ nodesegmentmaxs[2] = min(segmentmaxs[2], node->maxs[2] + 1);
+ // hit a leaf
+ leaf = (mleaf_t *)node;
+#if 0
+ if (!BoxesOverlap(segmentmins, segmentmaxs, leaf->mins, leaf->maxs))
+ return;
+ for (i = 0;i < leaf->numleafbrushes;i++)
+ {
+ brush = model->brush.data_brushes[leaf->firstleafbrush[i]].colbrushf;
+ if (brush && brush->markframe != markframe && BoxesOverlap(nodesegmentmins, nodesegmentmaxs, brush->mins, brush->maxs))
+ {
+ brush->markframe = markframe;
+ Collision_TraceBrushBrushFloat(trace, thisbrush_start, thisbrush_end, brush, brush);
+ }
+ }
+ if (leaf->containscollisionsurfaces && mod_q3bsp_curves_collisions.integer)
+ {
+ for (i = 0;i < leaf->numleafsurfaces;i++)
+ {
+ surface = model->data_surfaces + leaf->firstleafsurface[i];
+ if (surface->num_collisiontriangles && surface->deprecatedq3collisionmarkframe != markframe && BoxesOverlap(nodesegmentmins, nodesegmentmaxs, surface->mins, surface->maxs))
+ {
+ surface->deprecatedq3collisionmarkframe = markframe;
+ Collision_TraceBrushTriangleMeshFloat(trace, thisbrush_start, thisbrush_end, surface->num_collisiontriangles, surface->deprecatedq3data_collisionelement3i, surface->deprecatedq3data_collisionvertex3f, surface->deprecatedq3num_collisionbboxstride, surface->deprecatedq3data_collisionbbox6f, surface->texture->supercontents, surface->texture->surfaceflags, surface->texture, segmentmins, segmentmaxs);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+static void Mod_JKBSP_TracePoint(dp_model_t *model, const frameblend_t *frameblend, const skeleton_t *skeleton, trace_t *trace, const vec3_t start, int hitsupercontentsmask)
+ int i;
+ q3mbrush_t *brush;
+ memset(trace, 0, sizeof(*trace));
+ trace->fraction = 1;
+ trace->realfraction = 1;
+ trace->hitsupercontentsmask = hitsupercontentsmask;
+ if (mod_collision_bih.integer)
+ Mod_CollisionBIH_TracePoint(model, frameblend, skeleton, trace, start, hitsupercontentsmask);
+ else if (model->brush.submodel)
+ {
+ for (i = 0, brush = model->brush.data_brushes + model->firstmodelbrush;i < model->nummodelbrushes;i++, brush++)
+ if (brush->colbrushf)
+ Collision_TracePointBrushFloat(trace, start, brush->colbrushf);
+ }
+ else
+ Mod_JKBSP_TracePoint_RecursiveBSPNode(trace, model, model->brush.data_nodes, start, ++markframe);
+static void Mod_JKBSP_TraceLine(dp_model_t *model, const frameblend_t *frameblend, const skeleton_t *skeleton, trace_t *trace, const vec3_t start, const vec3_t end, int hitsupercontentsmask)
+ int i;
+ float segmentmins[3], segmentmaxs[3];
+ msurface_t *surface;
+ q3mbrush_t *brush;
+ if (VectorCompare(start, end))
+ {
+ Mod_JKBSP_TracePoint(model, frameblend, skeleton, trace, start, hitsupercontentsmask);
+ return;
+ }
+ memset(trace, 0, sizeof(*trace));
+ trace->fraction = 1;
+ trace->realfraction = 1;
+ trace->hitsupercontentsmask = hitsupercontentsmask;
+ segmentmins[0] = min(start[0], end[0]) - 1;
+ segmentmins[1] = min(start[1], end[1]) - 1;
+ segmentmins[2] = min(start[2], end[2]) - 1;
+ segmentmaxs[0] = max(start[0], end[0]) + 1;
+ segmentmaxs[1] = max(start[1], end[1]) + 1;
+ segmentmaxs[2] = max(start[2], end[2]) + 1;
+ if (mod_collision_bih.integer)
+ Mod_CollisionBIH_TraceLine(model, frameblend, skeleton, trace, start, end, hitsupercontentsmask);
+ else if (model->brush.submodel)
+ {
+ for (i = 0, brush = model->brush.data_brushes + model->firstmodelbrush;i < model->nummodelbrushes;i++, brush++)
+ if (brush->colbrushf && BoxesOverlap(segmentmins, segmentmaxs, brush->colbrushf->mins, brush->colbrushf->maxs))
+ Collision_TraceLineBrushFloat(trace, start, end, brush->colbrushf, brush->colbrushf);
+ if (mod_q3bsp_curves_collisions.integer)
+ for (i = 0, surface = model->data_surfaces + model->firstmodelsurface;i < model->nummodelsurfaces;i++, surface++)
+ if (surface->num_collisiontriangles && BoxesOverlap(segmentmins, segmentmaxs, surface->mins, surface->maxs))
+ Collision_TraceLineTriangleMeshFloat(trace, start, end, surface->num_collisiontriangles, surface->deprecatedq3data_collisionelement3i, surface->deprecatedq3data_collisionvertex3f, surface->deprecatedq3num_collisionbboxstride, surface->deprecatedq3data_collisionbbox6f, surface->texture->supercontents, surface->texture->surfaceflags, surface->texture, segmentmins, segmentmaxs);
+ }
+ else
+ Mod_JKBSP_TraceLine_RecursiveBSPNode(trace, model, model->brush.data_nodes, start, end, 0, 1, start, end, ++markframe, segmentmins, segmentmaxs);
+static void Mod_JKBSP_TraceBrush(dp_model_t *model, const frameblend_t *frameblend, const skeleton_t *skeleton, trace_t *trace, colbrushf_t *start, colbrushf_t *end, int hitsupercontentsmask)
+ float segmentmins[3], segmentmaxs[3];
+ int i;
+ msurface_t *surface;
+ q3mbrush_t *brush;
+ if (mod_q3bsp_optimizedtraceline.integer && VectorCompare(start->mins, start->maxs) && VectorCompare(end->mins, end->maxs))
+ {
+ if (VectorCompare(start->mins, end->mins))
+ Mod_JKBSP_TracePoint(model, frameblend, skeleton, trace, start->mins, hitsupercontentsmask);
+ else
+ Mod_JKBSP_TraceLine(model, frameblend, skeleton, trace, start->mins, end->mins, hitsupercontentsmask);
+ return;
+ }
+ // box trace, performed as brush trace
+ memset(trace, 0, sizeof(*trace));
+ trace->fraction = 1;
+ trace->realfraction = 1;
+ trace->hitsupercontentsmask = hitsupercontentsmask;
+ segmentmins[0] = min(start->mins[0], end->mins[0]);
+ segmentmins[1] = min(start->mins[1], end->mins[1]);
+ segmentmins[2] = min(start->mins[2], end->mins[2]);
+ segmentmaxs[0] = max(start->maxs[0], end->maxs[0]);
+ segmentmaxs[1] = max(start->maxs[1], end->maxs[1]);
+ segmentmaxs[2] = max(start->maxs[2], end->maxs[2]);
+ if (mod_collision_bih.integer)
+ Mod_CollisionBIH_TraceBrush(model, frameblend, skeleton, trace, start, end, hitsupercontentsmask);
+ else if (model->brush.submodel)
+ {
+ for (i = 0, brush = model->brush.data_brushes + model->firstmodelbrush;i < model->nummodelbrushes;i++, brush++)
+ if (brush->colbrushf && BoxesOverlap(segmentmins, segmentmaxs, brush->colbrushf->mins, brush->colbrushf->maxs))
+ Collision_TraceBrushBrushFloat(trace, start, end, brush->colbrushf, brush->colbrushf);
+ if (mod_q3bsp_curves_collisions.integer)
+ for (i = 0, surface = model->data_surfaces + model->firstmodelsurface;i < model->nummodelsurfaces;i++, surface++)
+ if (surface->num_collisiontriangles && BoxesOverlap(segmentmins, segmentmaxs, surface->mins, surface->maxs))
+ Collision_TraceBrushTriangleMeshFloat(trace, start, end, surface->num_collisiontriangles, surface->deprecatedq3data_collisionelement3i, surface->deprecatedq3data_collisionvertex3f, surface->deprecatedq3num_collisionbboxstride, surface->deprecatedq3data_collisionbbox6f, surface->texture->supercontents, surface->texture->surfaceflags, surface->texture, segmentmins, segmentmaxs);
+ }
+ else
+ Mod_JKBSP_TraceBrush_RecursiveBSPNode(trace, model, model->brush.data_nodes, start, end, ++markframe, segmentmins, segmentmaxs);
+static void Mod_JKBSP_TraceBox(dp_model_t *model, const frameblend_t *frameblend, const skeleton_t *skeleton, trace_t *trace, const vec3_t start, const vec3_t boxmins, const vec3_t boxmaxs, const vec3_t end, int hitsupercontentsmask)
+ colboxbrushf_t thisbrush_start, thisbrush_end;
+ vec3_t boxstartmins, boxstartmaxs, boxendmins, boxendmaxs;
+ // box trace, performed as brush trace
+ VectorAdd(start, boxmins, boxstartmins);
+ VectorAdd(start, boxmaxs, boxstartmaxs);
+ VectorAdd(end, boxmins, boxendmins);
+ VectorAdd(end, boxmaxs, boxendmaxs);
+ Collision_BrushForBox(&thisbrush_start, boxstartmins, boxstartmaxs, 0, 0, NULL);
+ Collision_BrushForBox(&thisbrush_end, boxendmins, boxendmaxs, 0, 0, NULL);
+ Mod_JKBSP_TraceBrush(model, frameblend, skeleton, trace, &thisbrush_start.brush, &thisbrush_end.brush, hitsupercontentsmask);
+static int Mod_JKBSP_PointSuperContents(struct model_s *model, int frame, const vec3_t point)
+ int i;
+ int supercontents = 0;
+ q3mbrush_t *brush;
+ if (mod_collision_bih.integer)
+ {
+ supercontents = Mod_CollisionBIH_PointSuperContents(model, frame, point);
+ }
+ // test if the point is inside each brush
+ else if (model->brush.submodel)
+ {
+ // submodels are effectively one leaf
+ for (i = 0, brush = model->brush.data_brushes + model->firstmodelbrush;i < model->nummodelbrushes;i++, brush++)
+ if (brush->colbrushf && Collision_PointInsideBrushFloat(point, brush->colbrushf))
+ supercontents |= brush->colbrushf->supercontents;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ mnode_t *node = model->brush.data_nodes;
+ mleaf_t *leaf;
+ // find which leaf the point is in
+ while (node->plane)
+ node = node->children[(node->plane->type < 3 ? point[node->plane->type] : DotProduct(point, node->plane->normal)) < node->plane->dist];
+ leaf = (mleaf_t *)node;
+ // now check the brushes in the leaf
+ for (i = 0;i < leaf->numleafbrushes;i++)
+ {
+ brush = model->brush.data_brushes + leaf->firstleafbrush[i];
+ if (brush->colbrushf && Collision_PointInsideBrushFloat(point, brush->colbrushf))
+ supercontents |= brush->colbrushf->supercontents;
+ }
+ }
+ return supercontents;
+static void Mod_JKBSP_RecursiveFindNumLeafs(mnode_t *node)
+ int numleafs;
+ while (node->plane)
+ {
+ Mod_JKBSP_RecursiveFindNumLeafs(node->children[0]);
+ node = node->children[1];
+ }
+ numleafs = ((mleaf_t *)node - loadmodel->brush.data_leafs) + 1;
+ if (loadmodel->brush.num_leafs < numleafs)
+ loadmodel->brush.num_leafs = numleafs;
+static void Mod_JKBSP_Load(dp_model_t *mod, void *buffer, void *bufferend)
+ int i, j, lumps;
+ jkdheader_t *header;
+ float corner[3], yawradius, modelradius;
+ mod->modeldatatypestring = "JKBSP";
+ mod->type = mod_brushjk;
+ mod->numframes = 2; // although alternate textures are not supported it is annoying to complain about no such frame 1
+ mod->numskins = 1;
+ header = (jkdheader_t *)buffer;
+ if((char *) bufferend < (char *) buffer + sizeof(jkdheader_t))
+ Host_Error("Mod_JKBSP_Load: %s is smaller than its header", mod->name);
+ i = LittleLong(header->version);
+ if (i != JKBSPVERSION)
+ Host_Error("Mod_JKBSP_Load: %s has wrong version number (%i, should be %i)", mod->name, i, JKBSPVERSION);
+ mod->soundfromcenter = true;
+ mod->TraceBox = Mod_JKBSP_TraceBox;
+ mod->TraceBrush = Mod_JKBSP_TraceBrush;
+ mod->TraceLine = Mod_JKBSP_TraceLine;
+ mod->TracePoint = Mod_JKBSP_TracePoint;
+ mod->PointSuperContents = Mod_JKBSP_PointSuperContents;
+ mod->TraceLineAgainstSurfaces = Mod_CollisionBIH_TraceLine;
+ mod->brush.TraceLineOfSight = Mod_JKBSP_TraceLineOfSight;
+ mod->brush.SuperContentsFromNativeContents = Mod_Q3BSP_SuperContentsFromNativeContents;
+ mod->brush.NativeContentsFromSuperContents = Mod_Q3BSP_NativeContentsFromSuperContents;
+ mod->brush.GetPVS = Mod_Q1BSP_GetPVS;
+ mod->brush.FatPVS = Mod_Q1BSP_FatPVS;
+ mod->brush.BoxTouchingPVS = Mod_Q1BSP_BoxTouchingPVS;
+ mod->brush.BoxTouchingLeafPVS = Mod_Q1BSP_BoxTouchingLeafPVS;
+ mod->brush.BoxTouchingVisibleLeafs = Mod_Q1BSP_BoxTouchingVisibleLeafs;
+ mod->brush.FindBoxClusters = Mod_Q1BSP_FindBoxClusters;
+ mod->brush.LightPoint = Mod_JKBSP_LightPoint;
+ mod->brush.FindNonSolidLocation = Mod_Q1BSP_FindNonSolidLocation;
+ mod->brush.AmbientSoundLevelsForPoint = NULL;
+ mod->brush.RoundUpToHullSize = NULL;
+ mod->brush.PointInLeaf = Mod_Q1BSP_PointInLeaf;
+ mod->Draw = R_Q1BSP_Draw;
+ mod->DrawDepth = R_Q1BSP_DrawDepth;
+ mod->DrawDebug = R_Q1BSP_DrawDebug;
+ mod->DrawPrepass = R_Q1BSP_DrawPrepass;
+ mod->GetLightInfo = R_Q1BSP_GetLightInfo;
+ mod->CompileShadowMap = R_Q1BSP_CompileShadowMap;
+ mod->DrawShadowMap = R_Q1BSP_DrawShadowMap;
+ mod->CompileShadowVolume = R_Q1BSP_CompileShadowVolume;
+ mod->DrawShadowVolume = R_Q1BSP_DrawShadowVolume;
+ mod->DrawLight = R_Q1BSP_DrawLight;
+ mod_base = (unsigned char *)header;
+ // swap all the lumps
+ header->ident = LittleLong(header->ident);
+ header->version = LittleLong(header->version);
+ for (i = 0;i < lumps;i++)
+ {
+ j = (header->lumps[i].fileofs = LittleLong(header->lumps[i].fileofs));
+ if((char *) bufferend < (char *) buffer + j)
+ Host_Error("Mod_JKBSP_Load: %s has a lump that starts outside the file!", mod->name);
+ j += (header->lumps[i].filelen = LittleLong(header->lumps[i].filelen));
+ if((char *) bufferend < (char *) buffer + j)
+ Host_Error("Mod_JKBSP_Load: %s has a lump that ends outside the file!", mod->name);
+ }
+ /*
+ * NO, do NOT clear them!
+ * they contain actual data referenced by other stuff.
+ * Instead, before using the advertisements lump, check header->versio
+ * again!
+ * Sorry, but otherwise it breaks memory of the first lump.
+ for (i = lumps;i < Q3HEADER_LUMPS_MAX;i++)
+ {
+ header->lumps[i].fileofs = 0;
+ header->lumps[i].filelen = 0;
+ }
+ */
+ mod->brush.qw_md4sum = 0;
+ mod->brush.qw_md4sum2 = 0;
+ for (i = 0;i < lumps;i++)
+ {
+ continue;
+ mod->brush.qw_md4sum ^= Com_BlockChecksum(mod_base + header->lumps[i].fileofs, header->lumps[i].filelen);
+ if (i == JKLUMP_PVS || i == JKLUMP_LEAFS || i == JKLUMP_NODES)
+ continue;
+ mod->brush.qw_md4sum2 ^= Com_BlockChecksum(mod_base + header->lumps[i].fileofs, header->lumps[i].filelen);
+ // all this checksumming can take a while, so let's send keepalives here too
+ CL_KeepaliveMessage(false);
+ }
+ Mod_JKBSP_LoadEntities(&header->lumps[JKLUMP_ENTITIES]);
+ Mod_JKBSP_LoadTextures(&header->lumps[JKLUMP_TEXTURES]);
+ Mod_JKBSP_LoadPlanes(&header->lumps[JKLUMP_PLANES]);
+ Mod_JKBSP_LoadBrushSides(&header->lumps[JKLUMP_BRUSHSIDES]);
+ Mod_JKBSP_LoadBrushes(&header->lumps[JKLUMP_BRUSHES]);
+ Mod_JKBSP_LoadEffects(&header->lumps[JKLUMP_EFFECTS]);
+ Mod_JKBSP_LoadVertices(&header->lumps[JKLUMP_VERTICES]);
+ Mod_JKBSP_LoadTriangles(&header->lumps[JKLUMP_TRIANGLES]);
+ Mod_JKBSP_LoadLightmaps(&header->lumps[JKLUMP_LIGHTMAPS], &header->lumps[JKLUMP_FACES]);
+ Mod_JKBSP_LoadFaces(&header->lumps[JKLUMP_FACES]);
+ Mod_JKBSP_LoadModels(&header->lumps[JKLUMP_MODELS]);
+ Mod_JKBSP_LoadLeafBrushes(&header->lumps[JKLUMP_LEAFBRUSHES]);
+ Mod_JKBSP_LoadLeafFaces(&header->lumps[JKLUMP_LEAFFACES]);
+ Mod_JKBSP_LoadLeafs(&header->lumps[JKLUMP_LEAFS]);
+ Mod_JKBSP_LoadNodes(&header->lumps[JKLUMP_NODES]);
+ Mod_JKBSP_LoadLightGrid(&header->lumps[JKLUMP_LIGHTGRID]);
+ Mod_JKBSP_LoadPVS(&header->lumps[JKLUMP_PVS]);
+ loadmodel->brush.numsubmodels = loadmodel->brushjk.num_models;
+ // the MakePortals code works fine on the q3bsp data as well
+ if (mod_bsp_portalize.integer)
+ Mod_Q1BSP_MakePortals();
+ // FIXME: shader alpha should replace r_wateralpha support in q3bsp
+ loadmodel->brush.supportwateralpha = true;
+ // make a single combined shadow mesh to allow optimized shadow volume creation
+ Mod_Q1BSP_CreateShadowMesh(loadmodel);
+ loadmodel->brush.num_leafs = 0;
+ Mod_JKBSP_RecursiveFindNumLeafs(loadmodel->brush.data_nodes);
+ if (loadmodel->brush.numsubmodels)
+ loadmodel->brush.submodels = (dp_model_t **)Mem_Alloc(loadmodel->mempool, loadmodel->brush.numsubmodels * sizeof(dp_model_t *));
+ mod = loadmodel;
+ for (i = 0;i < loadmodel->brush.numsubmodels;i++)
+ {
+ if (i > 0)
+ {
+ char name[10];
+ // duplicate the basic information
+ dpsnprintf(name, sizeof(name), "*%i", i);
+ mod = Mod_FindName(name, loadmodel->name);
+ // copy the base model to this one
+ *mod = *loadmodel;
+ // rename the clone back to its proper name
+ strlcpy(mod->name, name, sizeof(mod->name));
+ mod->brush.parentmodel = loadmodel;
+ // textures and memory belong to the main model
+ mod->texturepool = NULL;
+ mod->mempool = NULL;
+ mod->brush.GetPVS = NULL;
+ mod->brush.FatPVS = NULL;
+ mod->brush.BoxTouchingPVS = NULL;
+ mod->brush.BoxTouchingLeafPVS = NULL;
+ mod->brush.BoxTouchingVisibleLeafs = NULL;
+ mod->brush.FindBoxClusters = NULL;
+ mod->brush.LightPoint = NULL;
+ mod->brush.AmbientSoundLevelsForPoint = NULL;
+ }
+ mod->brush.submodel = i;
+ if (loadmodel->brush.submodels)
+ loadmodel->brush.submodels[i] = mod;
+ // make the model surface list (used by shadowing/lighting)
+ mod->firstmodelsurface = mod->brushjk.data_models[i].firstface;
+ mod->nummodelsurfaces = mod->brushjk.data_models[i].numfaces;
+ mod->firstmodelbrush = mod->brushjk.data_models[i].firstbrush;
+ mod->nummodelbrushes = mod->brushjk.data_models[i].numbrushes;
+ mod->sortedmodelsurfaces = (int *)Mem_Alloc(loadmodel->mempool, mod->nummodelsurfaces * sizeof(*mod->sortedmodelsurfaces));
+ Mod_MakeSortedSurfaces(mod);
+ VectorCopy(mod->brushjk.data_models[i].mins, mod->normalmins);
+ VectorCopy(mod->brushjk.data_models[i].maxs, mod->normalmaxs);
+ // enlarge the bounding box to enclose all geometry of this model,
+ // because q3map2 sometimes lies (mostly to affect the lightgrid),
+ // which can in turn mess up the farclip (as well as culling when
+ // outside the level - an unimportant concern)
+ //printf("Editing model %d... BEFORE re-bounding: %f %f %f - %f %f %f\n", i, mod->normalmins[0], mod->normalmins[1], mod->normalmins[2], mod->normalmaxs[0], mod->normalmaxs[1], mod->normalmaxs[2]);
+ for (j = 0;j < mod->nummodelsurfaces;j++)
+ {
+ const msurface_t *surface = mod->data_surfaces + j + mod->firstmodelsurface;
+ const float *v = mod->surfmesh.data_vertex3f + 3 * surface->num_firstvertex;
+ int k;
+ if (!surface->num_vertices)
+ continue;
+ for (k = 0;k < surface->num_vertices;k++, v += 3)
+ {
+ mod->normalmins[0] = min(mod->normalmins[0], v[0]);
+ mod->normalmins[1] = min(mod->normalmins[1], v[1]);
+ mod->normalmins[2] = min(mod->normalmins[2], v[2]);
+ mod->normalmaxs[0] = max(mod->normalmaxs[0], v[0]);
+ mod->normalmaxs[1] = max(mod->normalmaxs[1], v[1]);
+ mod->normalmaxs[2] = max(mod->normalmaxs[2], v[2]);
+ }
+ }
+ //printf("Editing model %d... AFTER re-bounding: %f %f %f - %f %f %f\n", i, mod->normalmins[0], mod->normalmins[1], mod->normalmins[2], mod->normalmaxs[0], mod->normalmaxs[1], mod->normalmaxs[2]);
+ corner[0] = max(fabs(mod->normalmins[0]), fabs(mod->normalmaxs[0]));
+ corner[1] = max(fabs(mod->normalmins[1]), fabs(mod->normalmaxs[1]));
+ corner[2] = max(fabs(mod->normalmins[2]), fabs(mod->normalmaxs[2]));
+ modelradius = sqrt(corner[0]*corner[0]+corner[1]*corner[1]+corner[2]*corner[2]);
+ yawradius = sqrt(corner[0]*corner[0]+corner[1]*corner[1]);
+ mod->rotatedmins[0] = mod->rotatedmins[1] = mod->rotatedmins[2] = -modelradius;
+ mod->rotatedmaxs[0] = mod->rotatedmaxs[1] = mod->rotatedmaxs[2] = modelradius;
+ mod->yawmaxs[0] = mod->yawmaxs[1] = yawradius;
+ mod->yawmins[0] = mod->yawmins[1] = -yawradius;
+ mod->yawmins[2] = mod->normalmins[2];
+ mod->yawmaxs[2] = mod->normalmaxs[2];
+ mod->radius = modelradius;
+ mod->radius2 = modelradius * modelradius;
+ // this gets altered below if sky or water is used
+ mod->DrawSky = NULL;
+ mod->DrawAddWaterPlanes = NULL;
+ for (j = 0;j < mod->nummodelsurfaces;j++)
+ if (mod->data_surfaces[j + mod->firstmodelsurface].texture->basematerialflags & MATERIALFLAG_SKY)
+ break;
+ if (j < mod->nummodelsurfaces)
+ mod->DrawSky = R_Q1BSP_DrawSky;
+ for (j = 0;j < mod->nummodelsurfaces;j++)
+ if (mod->data_surfaces[j + mod->firstmodelsurface].texture->basematerialflags & (MATERIALFLAG_WATERSHADER | MATERIALFLAG_REFRACTION | MATERIALFLAG_REFLECTION | MATERIALFLAG_CAMERA))
+ break;
+ if (j < mod->nummodelsurfaces)
+ mod->DrawAddWaterPlanes = R_Q1BSP_DrawAddWaterPlanes;
+ Mod_MakeCollisionBIH(mod, false, &mod->collision_bih);
+ Mod_MakeCollisionBIH(mod, true, &mod->render_bih);
+ // generate VBOs and other shared data before cloning submodels
+ if (i == 0)
+ Mod_BuildVBOs();
+ }
+ if (mod_q3bsp_sRGBlightmaps.integer)
+ {
+ if (vid_sRGB.integer && vid_sRGB_fallback.integer && !vid.sRGB3D)
+ {
+ // actually we do in sRGB fallback with sRGB lightmaps: Image_sRGBFloatFromLinear_Lightmap(Image_LinearFloatFromsRGBFloat(x))
+ // neutral point is at Image_sRGBFloatFromLinearFloat(0.5)
+ // so we need to map Image_sRGBFloatFromLinearFloat(0.5) to 0.5
+ // factor is 0.5 / Image_sRGBFloatFromLinearFloat(0.5)
+ //loadmodel->lightmapscale *= 0.679942f; // fixes neutral level
+ }
+ else // if this is NOT set, regular rendering looks right by this requirement anyway
+ {
+ /*
+ // we want color 1 to do the same as without sRGB
+ // so, we want to map 1 to Image_LinearFloatFromsRGBFloat(2) instead of to 2
+ loadmodel->lightmapscale *= 2.476923f; // fixes max level
+ */
+ // neutral level 0.5 gets uploaded as sRGB and becomes Image_LinearFloatFromsRGBFloat(0.5)
+ // we need to undo that
+ loadmodel->lightmapscale *= 2.336f; // fixes neutral level
+ }
+ }
+ Con_DPrintf("Stats for q3bsp model \"%s\": %i faces, %i nodes, %i leafs, %i clusters, %i clusterportals, mesh: %i vertices, %i triangles, %i surfaces\n", loadmodel->name, loadmodel->num_surfaces, loadmodel->brush.num_nodes, loadmodel->brush.num_leafs, mod->brush.num_pvsclusters, loadmodel->brush.num_portals, loadmodel->surfmesh.num_vertices, loadmodel->surfmesh.num_triangles, loadmodel->num_surfaces);
+void Mod_RBSP_Load(dp_model_t *mod, void *buffer, void *bufferend)
+ int i = LittleLong(((int *)buffer)[1]);
+ if (i == JKBSPVERSION)
+ Mod_JKBSP_Load(mod, buffer, bufferend);
+ else
+ Host_Error("Mod_RBSP_Load: unknown/unsupported version %i", i);
void Mod_MAP_Load(dp_model_t *mod, void *buffer, void *bufferend)
Host_Error("Mod_MAP_Load: not yet implemented");